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Line 812: per_assignments_f asg -- Added to remove NMV as per bug 4774108

808: select paa.assignment_action_id,pay_in_tax_utils.get_period_number(ppa.payroll_id,ppa.date_earned),ppa.date_earned
809: bulk collect into l_assact_tbl,l_month_number_tbl,l_eff_date_tbl
810: from pay_payroll_Actions ppa,
811: pay_assignment_Actions paa,
812: per_assignments_f asg -- Added to remove NMV as per bug 4774108
813: where ppa.payroll_Action_id = paa.payroll_Action_id
814: and paa.assignment_id = p_assignment_id
815: and paa.assignment_id = asg.assignment_id-- Added to remove NMV as per bug 4774108
816: and asg.business_group_id = FND_PROFILE.VALUE('PER_BUSINESS_GROUP_ID')

Line 1218: FROM per_assignments_f ASSIGN,

1215: -- Get the termination date of the employee
1216: SELECT SERVICE.actual_termination_date
1217: INTO l_terminate_date
1218: FROM per_assignments_f ASSIGN,
1219: per_periods_of_service SERVICE
1220: WHERE p_effective_date BETWEEN ASSIGN.effective_start_date AND ASSIGN.effective_end_date
1221: AND ASSIGN.assignment_id = l_assignment_id
1222: AND SERVICE.period_of_Service_id = ASSIGN.period_of_service_id;

Line 1226: FROM per_Assignments_f paa,-- Modified this for 4774108 to remove NMV

1222: AND SERVICE.period_of_Service_id = ASSIGN.period_of_service_id;
1224: SELECT nvl(pps.actual_termination_date,paa.effective_end_Date),payroll_id
1225: INTO l_asg_end_date,l_payroll_id
1226: FROM per_Assignments_f paa,-- Modified this for 4774108 to remove NMV
1227: per_periods_of_Service pps
1228: WHERE paa.assignment_id = l_assignment_id
1229: AND paa.period_of_service_id =pps.period_of_service_id
1230: AND paa.effective_end_date = ( SELECT MAX (b.effective_end_date)

Line 2099: FROM per_assignments_f asg

2095: CURSOR csr_asg_details
2096: IS
2097: SELECT asg.business_group_id
2098: ,asg.payroll_id
2099: FROM per_assignments_f asg
2100: WHERE asg.assignment_id = p_assignment_id
2101: AND asg.primary_flag = 'Y'
2102: AND p_effective_date BETWEEN asg.effective_start_date
2103: AND asg.effective_end_date ;

Line 3155: FROM per_assignments_f paf

3151: IS
3152: SELECT hsc.segment2
3153: ,hsc.segment3
3154: ,hsc.segment4
3155: FROM per_assignments_f paf
3156: ,hr_soft_coding_keyflex hsc
3157: WHERE paf.assignment_id = p_assignment_id
3158: AND paf.soft_coding_keyflex_id = hsc.soft_coding_keyflex_id
3159: AND paf.business_group_id = p_business_group_id

Line 4387: FROM per_assignments_f paf,

4383: AND paa.source_action_id IS NULL;
4385: CURSOR csr_cyclic_gre(p_start_date DATE,p_pre_le_end_date DATE) IS
4386: SELECT 1
4387: FROM per_assignments_f paf,
4388: hr_soft_coding_keyflex scl
4389: WHERE paf.assignment_id = p_assignment_id
4390: AND scl.segment1 = TO_CHAR(p_tax_unit_id)