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Line 1654: ,jai_cmn_taxes_all jtc

1650: abs(SUM(NVL(jrec.DEBIT_AMOUNT,0))-SUM(NVL(jrec.CREDIT_AMOUNT,0))) service_tax_amount--Add by Xiao for POT Phase III, reg bug#12895841.
1651: --Added by Chong.Lei for POT code port end
1652: from JAI_AR_TRX_LINES jrctl
1653: ,JAI_AR_TRX_TAX_LINES jrcttl
1654: ,jai_cmn_taxes_all jtc
1655: --Added by Chong.Lei for POT code port begin
1656: , jai_rgm_trx_records jrec --Add by Xiao for POT Phase III, reg bug#12895841.
1657: , jai_rgm_trx_refs jref --Add by Xiao for POT Phase III, reg bug#12895841.
1658: --Added by Chong.Lei for POT code port end

Line 1711: , jai_cmn_taxes_all jtc

1707: cursor c_get_so_line_srvtyp (cp_line_id JAI_OM_OE_SO_LINES.line_id%type ) is
1708: select service_type_code, sum(jstl.tax_amount) service_tax_amount
1709: from JAI_OM_OE_SO_LINES jsl
1710: , JAI_OM_OE_SO_TAXES jstl
1711: , jai_cmn_taxes_all jtc
1712: where jsl.line_id = cp_line_id
1713: and jsl.line_id = jstl.line_id
1714: and jstl.tax_id = jtc.tax_id
1715: AND nvl(jtc.reverse_charge_flag,'N') = 'N' --Added by Qiong for reverse charge bug#16001407

Line 1728: , JAI_CMN_TAXES_ALL jtc

1724: is
1725: select service_type_code, sum(jrtl.tax_amount) service_tax_amount
1726: from JAI_OM_OE_RMA_LINES jrl
1727: , JAI_OM_OE_RMA_TAXES jrtl
1728: , JAI_CMN_TAXES_ALL jtc
1729: where jrl.rma_line_id = cp_line_id
1730: and jrl.rma_line_id = jrtl.rma_line_id
1731: and jrtl.tax_id = jtc.tax_id
1732: AND nvl(jtc.reverse_charge_flag,'N') = 'N' --Added by Qiong for reverse charge bug#16001407

Line 1743: , jai_cmn_taxes_all jtc

1739: cursor c_get_pa_inv_line_tax (cp_line_id jai_cmn_document_taxes.source_doc_line_id%type )
1740: is
1741: select sum(tax_amt) service_tax_amount
1742: from jai_cmn_document_taxes jcdt
1743: , jai_cmn_taxes_all jtc
1744: where jcdt.source_doc_line_id = cp_line_id
1745: and jcdt.source_doc_type = jai_constants.PA_DRAFT_INVOICE
1746: and jcdt.tax_id = jtc.tax_id
1747: AND nvl(jtc.reverse_charge_flag,'N') = 'N' --Added by Qiong for reverse charge bug#16001407

Line 1837: jai_cmn_taxes_all jcta

1833: CURSOR c_get_standalone_inv_line_tax (cp_invoice_id jai_cmn_document_taxes.source_doc_id%type, cp_line_id jai_cmn_document_taxes.source_doc_line_id%type) IS
1834: Select service_type_code,sum(jcdt.tax_amt)
1835: from jai_ap_invoice_lines jasl,
1836: jai_cmn_document_taxes jcdt,
1837: jai_cmn_taxes_all jcta
1838: where source_doc_line_id = cp_line_id
1839: AND jcdt.source_doc_id = cp_invoice_id
1840: AND jasl.invoice_id = jcdt.source_doc_id
1841: and jasl.invoice_line_number = jcdt.source_doc_line_id