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2 /* $Header: cnsrprcb.pls 120.1.12020000.2 2012/07/25 09:38:25 scannane ship $ */
4 --Date      Name          Description
5 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------+
6 --12-FEB-95 P Cook
7 --24-JUL-95 P Cook	Split up the insert a little more to maintain perf.
8 --28-JUL-95 P Cook	Removed statment to insert/delete records when
9 --			the quota type was changed from/to revenue
10 --04-AUG-95 P Cook	Added insert of mandatory QUARTER_TO_DATE column
11 --
12 --08-SEP-99 S Kumar     Modified this package with the date effectivity
13 --                      Modified the cn_periods to cn_period_statuses
14 --                      Added start date, end_date parameters.
15 -- Procedure Name
16 --
17 -- Purpose
18 --  Remove revenue class records
19 --
20 -- When the procedure is called		  	        Passed Parameters
22 -- 1. Once for each deleted srp plan assignment. 	x_srp_plan_assign_id
24 -- 2. Once for each srp_plan_assign referencing the 	x_srp_plan_assign_id
25 --	comp plan of a deleted cn_quota_assign.		x_quota_id
27 -- 3. Once for each deleted cn_quota_rule.		x_quota_id
28 --							x_revenue_class_id
30 -- 4. Once for each quota whose type has been		x_quota_id
31 --    changed to manual or draw.
33 -- 5. The quota's date range changed			x_quota_id
34 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------+
35 -- Delete_Record
36 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------+
37 PROCEDURE Delete_Record( x_srp_plan_assign_id NUMBER
38 			 ,x_quota_id	      NUMBER
39 			 ,x_revenue_class_id  NUMBER
40 			 ,x_start_period_id   NUMBER
41 			 ,x_end_period_id     NUMBER
42 			 ,x_start_date        DATE := NULL
43 			 ,x_end_date          DATE := NULL ) IS
46    IF x_srp_plan_assign_id IS NOT NULL THEN
47       IF x_quota_id IS NOT NULL THEN
48 	 -- deleting a plan's quota assignment or quota rule
49 	 DELETE FROM cn_srp_per_quota_rc_all
50            WHERE quota_id 	    = x_quota_id
51 	   AND srp_plan_assign_id = x_srp_plan_assign_id
52 	   ;
53        ELSE
54 	 IF x_start_date  IS NULL THEN
55 	    -- deleting an entire srp_plan_assign or changing the date range
56 	    DELETE FROM cn_srp_per_quota_rc_all
57 	      WHERE  srp_plan_assign_id = x_srp_plan_assign_id
58 	      ;
59 	  ELSE
60            -- Delete the specific periods
61 	    DELETE FROM cn_srp_per_quota_rc_all
62 	      WHERE  srp_plan_assign_id = x_srp_plan_assign_id
63               AND EXISTS ( select 1 from cn_period_statuses p
64 			   WHERE  p.start_date >= Nvl(x_start_date,p.start_date)
65 			   AND  p.end_date  <= Nvl(x_end_date  ,p.end_date)
66 			   AND cn_srp_per_quota_rc_all.org_id    = p.org_id
67 			   AND cn_srp_per_quota_rc_all.period_id = p.period_id
68                           AND ( ( p.start_date <> p.end_date)
69                                OR (p.start_date = p.end_date AND p.start_date > TRUNC(x_start_date)) ) -- Fix for bug 13583329
70 );
71 	 END IF; -- start_date is null
72       END IF; -- quota_id is not null
73     ELSE
75       IF x_quota_id IS NOT NULL THEN
77 	 IF x_revenue_class_id IS NOT NULL THEN
79 	    -- Deleting a quota rule
80 	    -- OR the quota type changed to one that doesn not support
81 	    -- revenue classes
83 	    DELETE FROM cn_srp_per_quota_rc_all
84               WHERE quota_id 	     = x_quota_id
85 	      AND revenue_class_id = x_revenue_class_id;
87           ELSE
88 	    -- The quota's date range changed and we've deleted all period
89 	    -- quotas in preparation for insert of the new period quota range
90 	    -- OR the quota type was changed to one that does not support
91 	    -- revenue classes
93 	    -- Modified from cn_periods to cn_period_statuses
94 	    -- Modified the the start_period_id, end_period_id to
95 	    -- start date and end date
96 	    DELETE FROM cn_srp_per_quota_rc_all
97               WHERE quota_id = x_quota_id
98               AND EXISTS ( select 1 from cn_period_statuses p
99 			   WHERE  p.start_date >= Nvl(x_start_date,p.start_date)
100 			   AND  p.end_date  <= Nvl(x_end_date  ,p.end_date)
101 			   AND cn_srp_per_quota_rc_all.period_id = p.period_id
102 			   AND cn_srp_per_quota_rc_all.org_id    = p.org_id
103                            AND ( ( p.start_date <> p.end_date)
104                                 OR (p.start_date = p.end_date AND p.start_date > TRUNC(x_start_date)) ) -- Fix for bug 13583329
105 );
107 	 END IF; -- revenue_class_id is not null
108       END IF; -- quota_id is not null
109    END IF; -- srp_plan_assign_id is not null
111 END Delete_Record;
113 --
114 -- Procedure Name
115 --
116 -- Purpose
117 --  Insert quota rule for each rep using the quota in a period,
118 --  The period restrictions have already been applied when creating
119 --  cn_srp_period_quotas.
121 --  Period quotas are created for manual and draw qupta types purely for
122 --  internal use, the user does not have access to them.
123 --  We cannot create period quota rev class records for them because
124 --  thee two quota types do not have any revenue classes
126 --  We do not attempt to explode any of the rolled up rev classes.
127 --  The table does not currently support rev class explosion.
128 --
129 -- Notes						  Parameters
131 --   1 Called once for each new srp plan assignment.    x_srp_plan_assign_id
133 --   2 Called once for each srp plan assignment that    x_srp_plan_assign_id
134 --     references the comp plan id on a new comp        x_quota_id
135 --     plan quota assignment
136 --     The quota_id restriction ensures only the newly
137 --     assigned quota is inserted.
139 --   3 Called once for each new quota rule		  x_quota_id
140 --							  x_revenue_class_id
142 --   4. Called once when the quota date range is changed x_quota_id
144 -- Notes
145 --  Using revenue_class_id instead of quota_rule_id as
146 --  revenue class/quota_id is unique.
147 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------+
148 -- Insert Record
149 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------+
150 PROCEDURE insert_record( x_srp_plan_assign_id NUMBER
151 			 ,x_quota_id	      NUMBER
152 			 ,x_revenue_class_id  NUMBER
153 			 ,x_start_period_id   NUMBER
154 			 ,x_end_period_id     NUMBER
155 			 ,x_start_date        DATE
156 			 ,x_end_date          DATE ) IS
160      IF (    x_srp_plan_assign_id   IS NULL
161 	     AND x_quota_id 	    IS NOT NULL
162 	     AND x_revenue_class_id IS NOT NULL ) THEN
164 	-- New quota rule inserted
165 	-- Insert one record for each srp_period_quota record that references
166 	-- the quota that has been assigned the new quota rule
167 	-- Note the new revenue_class in the select statement.
169         -- clku, fixed for performance bug 2321076
171 	INSERT INTO cn_srp_per_quota_rc_all
172 	  ( srp_per_quota_rc_id
173 	    ,srp_period_quota_id
174 	    ,srp_plan_assign_id
175 	    ,salesrep_id
176 	    ,period_id
177 	    ,quota_id
178 	    ,revenue_class_id
179 	    ,target_amount
180 	    ,year_to_date
181 	    ,period_to_date
182 	    ,quarter_to_date
183 	    ,creation_date
184 	    ,created_by
185 	    ,last_updated_by
186 	    ,last_update_date
187 	    ,last_update_login
188 	    ,org_id)
189 	  SELECT
190 	  cn_srp_per_quota_rc_s.nextval
191 	  ,pq.srp_period_quota_id
192 	  ,pq.srp_plan_assign_id
193 	  ,pq.salesrep_id
194 	  ,pq.period_id
195 	  ,pq.quota_id
196 	  ,x_revenue_class_id
197 	  ,0 -- target amount
198 	  ,0 -- ytd
199 	  ,0 -- ptd
200           ,0 -- qtd
201 	  ,Sysdate
202 	  ,fnd_global.user_id
203 	  ,fnd_global.user_id
204 	  ,Sysdate
205 	  ,fnd_global.login_id
206 	  ,pq.org_id
207 	  FROM  cn_srp_period_quotas_all pq -- periods that rep/plan uses quota
208 	  ,cn_quotas_all		     q
209 	  WHERE pq.quota_id = x_quota_id
210 	  AND q.quota_id    = pq.quota_id
211 	  AND q.quota_type_code IN ('FORMULA','EXTERNAL')
213 	  AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT 'srp_period_quota_rc already exists'
214 			  FROM cn_srp_per_quota_rc_all spqr
215 			  WHERE spqr.srp_period_quota_id = pq.srp_period_quota_id
216 			  AND spqr.srp_plan_assign_id = pq.srp_plan_assign_id
217 			  AND spqr.revenue_class_id    = x_revenue_class_id)
218 	  ;
220       ELSIF (    x_srp_plan_assign_id   IS NULL
221 		 AND x_quota_id 	IS NOT NULL
222 		 AND x_revenue_class_id IS NULL ) THEN
224 	-- Quota's period range changed and having just deleted all the
225 	-- period quotas and their rev class records we will now insert the
226 	-- records for the new range
228 	INSERT INTO cn_srp_per_quota_rc_all
229 	  ( srp_per_quota_rc_id
230 	    ,srp_period_quota_id
231 	    ,srp_plan_assign_id
232 	    ,salesrep_id
233 	    ,period_id
234 	    ,quota_id
235 	    ,revenue_class_id
236 	    ,target_amount
237 	    ,year_to_date
238 	    ,period_to_date
239 	    ,quarter_to_date
240 	    ,creation_date
241 	    ,created_by
242 	    ,last_updated_by
243 	    ,last_update_date
244 	    ,last_update_login
245 	    ,org_id)
246 	  SELECT
247 	  cn_srp_per_quota_rc_s.nextval
248 	  ,pq.srp_period_quota_id
249 	  ,pq.srp_plan_assign_id
250 	  ,pq.salesrep_id
251 	  ,pq.period_id
252 	  ,pq.quota_id
253 	  ,qr.revenue_class_id
254 	  ,0 -- target amount
255 	  ,0 -- ytd
256 	  ,0 -- ptd
257 	  ,0 -- qtd
258 	  ,Sysdate
259 	  ,fnd_global.user_id
260 	  ,fnd_global.user_id
261 	  ,Sysdate
262 	  ,fnd_global.login_id
263 	  ,pq.org_id
264 	  FROM  cn_srp_period_quotas_all pq -- periods that rep/plan uses quota
265 	  ,cn_quota_rules_all            qr
266 	  ,cn_quotas_all		 q
267 	  WHERE pq.quota_id		 = q.quota_id
268 	  AND qr.quota_id 	 	 = x_quota_id
269 	  AND q.quota_id		 = qr.quota_id
270           AND q.quota_type_code IN ('EXTERNAL','FORMULA')
272           AND exists (select 'x' from     cn_period_statuses_all p
273  		       where pq.period_id     = p.period_id
274 		         AND pq.org_id        = p.org_id
275                          AND p.period_status in ('O','F')
276                          AND p.start_date >= nvl(x_start_date, p.start_date)
277                          AND p.end_date   <= nvl(x_end_date,   p.end_date))
279 	      AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT 'srp_period_quota_rc already exists'
280 			      FROM cn_srp_per_quota_rc_all spqr
281 			      WHERE spqr.srp_period_quota_id = pq.srp_period_quota_id
282 			      AND spqr.srp_plan_assign_id = pq.srp_plan_assign_id
283 			      AND spqr.revenue_class_id    = qr.revenue_class_id)
284 	      ;
286       ELSIF (    x_srp_plan_assign_id   IS NOT NULL
287 		 AND x_quota_id 	IS NOT NULL
288 		 AND x_revenue_class_id IS NULL ) THEN
290 	-- A new cn_quota_assign has been created
292 	INSERT INTO cn_srp_per_quota_rc
293 	  ( srp_per_quota_rc_id
294 	    ,srp_period_quota_id
295 	    ,srp_plan_assign_id
296 	    ,salesrep_id
297 	    ,period_id
298 	    ,quota_id
299 	    ,revenue_class_id
300 	    ,target_amount
301 	    ,year_to_date
302 	    ,period_to_date
303 	    ,quarter_to_date
304 	    ,creation_date
305 	    ,created_by
306 	    ,last_updated_by
307 	    ,last_update_date
308 	    ,last_update_login
309 	    ,org_id)
310 	  SELECT
311 	  cn_srp_per_quota_rc_s.nextval
312 	  ,pq.srp_period_quota_id
313 	  ,pq.srp_plan_assign_id
314 	  ,pq.salesrep_id
315 	  ,pq.period_id
316 	  ,pq.quota_id
317 	  ,qr.revenue_class_id
318 	  ,0 -- target amount
319 	  ,0 -- ytd
320 	  ,0 -- ptd
321 	  ,0 -- qtd
322 	  ,Sysdate
323 	  ,fnd_global.user_id
324 	  ,fnd_global.user_id
325 	  ,Sysdate
326 	  ,fnd_global.login_id
327 	  ,pq.org_id
328 	  FROM  cn_srp_period_quotas_all pq -- periods that rep/plan uses quota
329 	  ,cn_quota_rules_all            qr
330 	  ,cn_quotas_all		 q
331 	  WHERE pq.srp_plan_assign_id = x_srp_plan_assign_id
332 	  AND pq.quota_id	      = qr.quota_id
333 	  AND qr.quota_id 	      = q.quota_id
334 	  AND q.quota_id	      = x_quota_id
335 	  AND q.quota_type_code IN ('EXTERNAL','FORMULA')
337 	  AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT 'srp_period_quota_rc already exists'
338 			  FROM cn_srp_per_quota_rc_all spqr
339 			  WHERE spqr.srp_period_quota_id = pq.srp_period_quota_id
340 			  AND spqr.srp_plan_assign_id  = pq.srp_plan_assign_id
341 			  AND spqr.revenue_class_id    = qr.revenue_class_id)
342 	  ;
344       ELSIF (    x_srp_plan_assign_id   IS NOT NULL
345 		 AND x_quota_id         IS NULL
346 		 AND x_revenue_class_id IS NULL ) THEN
348 	-- New plan assignment or change in plan assigns date range
349 	-- only consider difference of the range
351 	-- modified the cn_periods to cn_period_statuses
352 	-- modified the start_period_id, end_period_id to
353 	-- start date end date
355 	INSERT INTO cn_srp_per_quota_rc
356 	  ( srp_per_quota_rc_id
357 	    ,srp_period_quota_id
358 	    ,srp_plan_assign_id
359 	    ,salesrep_id
360 	    ,period_id
361 	    ,quota_id
362 	    ,revenue_class_id
363 	    ,target_amount
364 	    ,year_to_date
365 	    ,period_to_date
366 	    ,quarter_to_date
367 	    ,creation_date
368 	    ,created_by
369 	    ,last_updated_by
370 	    ,last_update_date
371 	    ,last_update_login
372 	    ,org_id)
373 	  SELECT
374 	  cn_srp_per_quota_rc_s.nextval
375 	  ,pq.srp_period_quota_id
376 	  ,pq.srp_plan_assign_id
377 	  ,pq.salesrep_id
378 	  ,pq.period_id
379 	  ,pq.quota_id
380 	  ,qr.revenue_class_id
381 	  ,0 -- target amount
382 	  ,0 -- ytd
383 	  ,0 -- ptd
384 	  ,0 -- qtd
385 	  ,Sysdate
386 	  ,fnd_global.user_id
387 	  ,fnd_global.user_id
388 	  ,Sysdate
389 	  ,fnd_global.login_id
390 	  ,pq.org_id
391 	  FROM  cn_srp_period_quotas_all pq -- periods that rep/plan uses quota
392 	  ,cn_quota_rules_all            qr
393 	  ,cn_quotas_all	         q
394 	  WHERE pq.srp_plan_assign_id = x_srp_plan_assign_id
395 	  AND pq.quota_id	      = qr.quota_id
396 	  AND qr.quota_id	      = q.quota_id
397           AND q.quota_type_code IN ('EXTERNAL','FORMULA')
399 	  AND exists (select 'x' from     cn_period_statuses_all p
400                        where pq.period_id      = p.period_id
401 		         AND pq.org_id         = p.org_id
402 		         AND p.period_status in ('O','F')
403                          AND p.start_date >= nvl(x_start_date, p.start_date)
404                          AND p.end_date   <= nvl(x_end_date,   p.end_date))
406 	      AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT 'srp_period_quota_rc already exists'
407 			      FROM cn_srp_per_quota_rc_all spqr
408 			      WHERE spqr.srp_period_quota_id = pq.srp_period_quota_id
409 			      AND spqr.srp_plan_assign_id = pq.srp_plan_assign_id
410 			      AND spqr.revenue_class_id    = qr.revenue_class_id)
411 	      ;
412      END IF;
414 END insert_record;