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2 /* $Header: OEXUACKS.pls 120.3.12020000.2 2013/01/21 05:29:04 kadiraju ship $ */
4 G_PKG_NAME         VARCHAR2(30) := 'OE_Update_Ack_Util';
8 TYPE T_V240      IS TABLE OF VARCHAR(240);
10 TYPE T_V30       IS TABLE OF VARCHAR(30);
11 TYPE T_V40       IS TABLE OF VARCHAR(40);
12 TYPE T_V80       IS TABLE OF VARCHAR(80);
13 TYPE T_V330      IS TABLE OF VARCHAR(330);
16 TYPE T_V50       IS TABLE OF VARCHAR(50);
17 TYPE T_V150      IS TABLE OF VARCHAR(150);
18 TYPE T_V1000     IS TABLE OF VARCHAR(1000);
19 TYPE T_V2000     IS TABLE OF VARCHAR(2000);
20 TYPE T_V360      IS TABLE OF VARCHAR(360);
22 TYPE Line_Rec_Type IS RECORD
23 (line_id                          T_NUM      := T_NUM(),
24  header_id                        T_NUM      := T_NUM(),
25  ship_to_org_id                   T_NUM      := T_NUM(),
26  invoice_to_org_id                T_NUM      := T_NUM(),
27  invoice_to_contact_id            T_NUM      := T_NUM(),
28  ship_from_org_id                 T_NUM      := T_NUM(),
29  agreement_id                     T_NUM      := T_NUM(),
30  price_list_id                    T_NUM      := T_NUM(),
31  arrival_set_id                   T_NUM      := T_NUM(),
32  accounting_rule_id               T_NUM      := T_NUM(),
33  fulfillment_set_id               T_NUM      := T_NUM(),
34  inventory_item_id                T_NUM      := T_NUM(),
35  invoice_set_id                   T_NUM      := T_NUM(),
36  invoicing_rule_id                T_NUM      := T_NUM(),
37  line_type_id                     T_NUM      := T_NUM(),
38  order_source_id                  T_NUM      := T_NUM(),
39  payment_term_id                  T_NUM      := T_NUM(),
40  project_id                       T_NUM      := T_NUM(),
41  salesrep_id                      T_NUM      := T_NUM(),
42  ship_set_id                      T_NUM      := T_NUM(),
43  ship_to_contact_id               T_NUM      := T_NUM(),
44  task_id                          T_NUM      := T_NUM(),
45  ship_to_address1                 T_V240     := T_V240(),
46  ship_to_address2                 T_V240     := T_V240(),
47  ship_to_address3                 T_V240     := T_V240(),
48  ship_to_address4                 T_V240     := T_V240(),
49  ship_to_country                  T_V60      := T_V60(),
50  ship_to_state                    T_V60      := T_V60(),
51  ship_to_postal_code              T_V60      := T_V60(),
52  ship_to_city                     T_V60      := T_V60(),
53  ship_to_org                      T_V240     := T_V240(),
54  ship_from_address_1              T_V240     := T_V240(),
55  ship_from_address_2              T_V240     := T_V240(),
56  ship_from_address_3              T_V240     := T_V240(),
57  ship_from_city                   T_V60      := T_V60(),
58  ship_from_postal_code            T_V60      := T_V60(),
59  ship_from_country                T_V60      := T_V60(),
60  ship_from_org                    T_V240     := T_V240(),
61  invoice_to_org                   T_V240     := T_V240(),
62  invoice_city                     T_V60      := T_V60(),
63  invoice_to_address1              T_V240     := T_V240(),
64  invoice_to_address2              T_V240     := T_V240(),
65  invoice_to_address3              T_V240     := T_V240(),
66  invoice_to_address4              T_V240     := T_V240(),
67  invoice_to_state                 T_V60      := T_V60(),
68  invoice_to_postal_code           T_V60      := T_V60(),
69  invoice_address_code             T_V40      := T_V40(),
70  invoice_to_country               T_V60      := T_V60(),
71  agreement                        T_V240     := T_V240(),
72  price_list                       T_V240     := T_V240(),
73  arrival_set_name                 T_V30      := T_V30(),
74  accounting_rule                  T_V30      := T_V30(),
75  fob_point                        T_V240     := T_V240(),
76  freight_terms                    T_V80      := T_V80(),
77  fulfillment_set_name             T_V30      := T_V30(),
78  inventory_item                   T_V240     := T_V240(),
79  invoice_set_name                 T_V30      := T_V30(),
80  invoicing_rule                   T_V30      := T_V30(),
81  line_type                        T_V30      := T_V30(),
82  payment_term                     T_V30      := T_V30(),
83  project                          T_V30      := T_V30(),
84  salesrep                         T_V240     := T_V240(),
85  ship_set_name                    T_V30      := T_V30(),
86  ship_to_contact                  T_V330     := T_V330(),
87  ship_to_contact_first_name       T_V150     := T_V150(),
88  ship_to_contact_last_name        T_V150     := T_V150(),
89  shipping_method                  T_V80      := T_V80(),
90  fob_point_code                   T_V30      := T_V30(),
91  freight_terms_code               T_V30      := T_V30(),
92  shipping_method_code             T_V30      := T_V30(),
93  tax_code                         T_V30      := T_V30(),
94  tax_point_code                   T_V30      := T_V30(),
95  tax_exempt_reason_code           T_V30      := T_V30(),
96  task                             T_V30      := T_V30(),
97  first_ack_code                   T_V3       := T_V3(),
98  accounting_rule_duration         T_NUM      := T_NUM(),
99  actual_arrival_date              T_DATE     := T_DATE(),
100  actual_shipment_date             T_DATE     := T_DATE(),
101  ato_line_id                      T_NUM      := T_NUM(),
102  authorized_to_ship_flag          T_V1       := T_V1(),
103  booked_flag                      T_V1       := T_V1(),
104  cancelled_flag                   T_V1       := T_V1(),
105  cancelled_quantity               T_NUM      := T_NUM(),
106  change_sequence                  T_V50      := T_V50(),
107  component_code                   T_V1000    := T_V1000(),
108  component_number                 T_NUM      := T_NUM(),
109  component_sequence_id            T_NUM      := T_NUM(),
110  config_display_sequence          T_NUM      := T_NUM(),
111  configuration_id                 T_NUM      := T_NUM(),
112  top_model_line_id                T_NUM      := T_NUM(),
113  created_by                       T_NUM      := T_NUM(),
114  creation_date                    T_DATE     := T_DATE(),
115  cust_model_serial_number         T_V50      := T_V50(),
116  cust_po_number                   T_V50      := T_V50(),
117  cust_production_seq_num          T_V50      := T_V50(),
118  customer_dock_code               T_V50      := T_V50(),
119  ordered_item                     T_V50      := T_V50(),
120  ordered_item_id                  T_NUM      := T_NUM(), /* Bug # 4761560 */
121  customer_job                     T_V50      := T_V50(),
122  customer_production_line         T_V50      := T_V50(),
123  customer_trx_line_id             T_NUM      := T_NUM(),
124  deliver_to_contact_id            T_NUM      := T_NUM(),
125  deliver_to_org_id                T_NUM      := T_NUM(),
126  delivery_lead_time               T_NUM      := T_NUM(),
127  demand_bucket_type_code          T_V30      := T_V30(),
128  demand_class_code                T_V30      := T_V30(),
129  dep_plan_required_flag           T_V1       := T_V1(),
130  earliest_acceptable_date         T_DATE     := T_DATE(),
131  explosion_date                   T_DATE     := T_DATE(),
132  freight_carrier_code             T_V30      := T_V30(),
133  fulfilled_quantity               T_NUM      := T_NUM(),
134  item_revision                    T_V3       := T_V3(),
135  item_identifier_type             T_V30      := T_V30(),
136  context                          T_V30      := T_V30(),
137  first_ack_date                   T_DATE     := T_DATE(),
138  last_ack_code                    T_V30      := T_V30(),
139  last_ack_date                    T_DATE     := T_DATE(),
140  last_update_date                 T_DATE     := T_DATE(),
141  last_update_login                T_NUM      := T_NUM(),
142  last_updated_by                  T_NUM      := T_NUM(),
143  latest_acceptable_date           T_DATE     := T_DATE(),
144  line_category_code               T_V30      := T_V30(),
145  line_number                      T_NUM      := T_NUM(),
146  link_to_line_id                  T_NUM      := T_NUM(),
147  model_group_number               T_NUM      := T_NUM(),
148  open_flag                        T_V1       := T_V1(),
149  operation_code                   T_V30      := T_V30(),
150  option_flag                      T_V1       := T_V1(),
151  option_number                    T_NUM      := T_NUM(),
152  order_quantity_uom               T_V3       := T_V3(),
153  ordered_quantity                 T_NUM      := T_NUM(),
154  org_id                           T_NUM      := T_NUM(),
155  orig_sys_document_ref            T_V50      := T_V50(),
156  orig_sys_line_ref                T_V50      := T_V50(),
157  orig_sys_shipment_ref            T_V50      := T_V50(),
158  over_ship_reason_code            T_V30      := T_V30(),
159  over_ship_resolved_flag          T_V1       := T_V1(),
160  pricing_date                     T_DATE     := T_DATE(),
161  pricing_quantity                 T_NUM      := T_NUM(),
162  pricing_quantity_uom             T_V3       := T_V3(),
163  program_application_id           T_NUM      := T_NUM(),
164  program_id                       T_NUM      := T_NUM(),
165  program_update_date              T_DATE     := T_DATE(),
166  promise_date                     T_DATE     := T_DATE(),
167  reference_header_id              T_NUM      := T_NUM(),
168  reference_line_id                T_NUM      := T_NUM(),
169  reference_type                   T_V30      := T_V30(),
170  request_date                     T_DATE     := T_DATE(),
171  request_id                       T_NUM      := T_NUM(),
172  reserved_quantity                T_NUM      := T_NUM(),
173  return_reason_code               T_V30      := T_V30(),
174  rla_schedule_type_code           T_V30      := T_V30(),
175  schedule_arrival_date            T_DATE     := T_DATE(),
176  schedule_ship_date               T_DATE     := T_DATE(),
177  schedule_status_code             T_V30      := T_V30(),
178  ship_model_complete_flag         T_V1       := T_V1(),
179  ship_tolerance_above             T_NUM      := T_NUM(),
180  ship_tolerance_below             T_NUM      := T_NUM(),
181  shipment_number                  T_NUM      := T_NUM(),
182  shipment_priority_code           T_V30      := T_V30(),
183  shipped_quantity                 T_NUM      := T_NUM(),
184  SHIPPING_QUANTITY                T_NUM      := T_NUM(),
185  SHIPPING_QUANTITY_UOM            T_V3       := T_V3(),
186  SOLD_TO_ORG_ID                   T_NUM      := T_NUM(),
187  SORT_ORDER                       T_V2000    := T_V2000(),
188  SOURCE_DOCUMENT_ID               T_NUM      := T_NUM(),
189  SOURCE_DOCUMENT_LINE_ID          T_NUM      := T_NUM(),
190  SOURCE_DOCUMENT_TYPE_ID          T_NUM      := T_NUM(),
191  SOURCE_TYPE_CODE                 T_V30      := T_V30(),
192  SPLIT_FROM_LINE_ID               T_NUM      := T_NUM(),
193  TAX_DATE                         T_DATE     := T_DATE(),
194  TAX_EXEMPT_FLAG                  T_V1       := T_V1(),
195  TAX_EXEMPT_NUMBER                T_V80      := T_V80(),
196  TAX_RATE                         T_NUM      := T_NUM(),
197  TAX_VALUE                        T_NUM      := T_NUM(),
198  UNIT_LIST_PRICE                  T_NUM      := T_NUM(),
199  UNIT_SELLING_PRICE               T_NUM      := T_NUM(),
200  VEH_CUS_ITEM_CUM_KEY_ID          T_NUM      := T_NUM(),
201  VISIBLE_DEMAND_FLAG              T_V1       := T_V1(),
202  split_from_line_ref              T_V50      := T_V50(),
203  split_from_shipment_ref          T_V50      := T_V50(),
204  SHIP_TO_EDI_LOCATION_CODE        T_V40      := T_V40(),
205  Service_Txn_Reason_Code          T_V30      := T_V30(),
206  Service_Txn_Comments             T_V2000    := T_V2000(),
207  Service_Duration                 T_NUM      := T_NUM(),
208  Service_Start_Date               T_DATE     := T_DATE(),
209  Service_End_Date                 T_DATE     := T_DATE(),
210  Service_Coterminate_Flag         T_V1       := T_V1(),
211  Service_Number                   T_NUM      := T_NUM(),
212  Service_Period                   T_V3       := T_V3(),
213  Service_Reference_Type_Code      T_V30      := T_V30(),
214  service_Reference_Line_Id        T_NUM      := T_NUM(),
215  Service_Reference_System_Id      T_NUM      := T_NUM(),
216  Credit_Invoice_Line_Id           T_NUM      := T_NUM(),
217  Bill_to_Edi_Location_Code        T_V40      := T_V40(),
218  ship_from_edi_location_code      T_V40      := T_V40(),
219  SHIP_FROM_ADDRESS_ID             T_NUM      := T_NUM(),
220  SHIP_TO_ADDRESS_ID               T_NUM      := T_NUM(),
221  SHIP_TO_ADDRESS_CODE             T_V240     := T_V240(),
222  service_reference_line           T_V50      := T_V50(),
223  service_reference_order          T_V50      := T_V50(),
224  service_reference_system         T_V50      := T_V50(),
225  customer_line_number             T_V50      := T_V50(),
226  user_item_description            T_V2000    := T_V2000(),
227  acknowledgment_type              T_V30      := T_V30(),
228  blanket_number                   T_NUM      := T_NUM(),
229  blanket_line_number              T_NUM      := T_NUM(),
230  original_inventory_item_id       T_NUM      := T_NUM(),
231  original_ordered_item_id         T_NUM      := T_NUM(),
232  original_ordered_item            T_V2000    := T_V2000(),
233  original_item_identifier_type    T_V30      := T_V30(),
234  item_relationship_type           T_NUM      := T_NUM(),
235  attribute1                       T_V240     := T_V240(),
236  attribute10                      T_V240     := T_V240(),
237  attribute11                      T_V240     := T_V240(),
238  attribute12                      T_V240     := T_V240(),
239  attribute13                      T_V240     := T_V240(),
240  attribute14                      T_V240     := T_V240(),
241  attribute15                      T_V240     := T_V240(),
242  attribute16                      T_V240     := T_V240(),
243  attribute17                      T_V240     := T_V240(),
244  attribute18                      T_V240     := T_V240(),
245  attribute19                      T_V240     := T_V240(),
246  attribute2                       T_V240     := T_V240(),
247  attribute20                      T_V240     := T_V240(),
248  attribute3                       T_V240     := T_V240(),
252  attribute7                       T_V240     := T_V240(),
249  attribute4                       T_V240     := T_V240(),
250  attribute5                       T_V240     := T_V240(),
251  attribute6                       T_V240     := T_V240(),
253  attribute8                       T_V240     := T_V240(),
254  attribute9                       T_V240     := T_V240(),
255  global_attribute1                T_V240     := T_V240(),
256  global_attribute10               T_V240     := T_V240(),
257  global_attribute11               T_V240     := T_V240(),
258  global_attribute12               T_V240     := T_V240(),
259  global_attribute13               T_V240     := T_V240(),
260  global_attribute14               T_V240     := T_V240(),
261  global_attribute15               T_V240     := T_V240(),
262  global_attribute16               T_V240     := T_V240(),
263  global_attribute17               T_V240     := T_V240(),
264  global_attribute18               T_V240     := T_V240(),
265  global_attribute19               T_V240     := T_V240(),
266  global_attribute2                T_V240     := T_V240(),
267  global_attribute20               T_V240     := T_V240(),
268  global_attribute3                T_V240     := T_V240(),
269  global_attribute4                T_V240     := T_V240(),
270  global_attribute5                T_V240     := T_V240(),
271  global_attribute6                T_V240     := T_V240(),
272  global_attribute7                T_V240     := T_V240(),
273  global_attribute8                T_V240     := T_V240(),
274  global_attribute9                T_V240     := T_V240(),
275  global_attribute_category        T_V30      := T_V30(),
276  industry_attribute1           T_V240  := T_V240(),
277  industry_attribute10          T_V240  := T_V240(),
278  industry_attribute11          T_V240  := T_V240(),
279  industry_attribute12          T_V240  := T_V240(),
280  industry_attribute13          T_V240  := T_V240(),
281  industry_attribute14          T_V240  := T_V240(),
282  industry_attribute15          T_V240  := T_V240(),
283  industry_attribute16          T_V240  := T_V240(),
284  industry_attribute17          T_V240  := T_V240(),
285  industry_attribute18          T_V240  := T_V240(),
286  industry_attribute19          T_V240  := T_V240(),
287  industry_attribute20          T_V240  := T_V240(),
288  industry_attribute21          T_V240  := T_V240(),
289  industry_attribute22          T_V240  := T_V240(),
290  industry_attribute23          T_V240  := T_V240(),
291  industry_attribute24          T_V240  := T_V240(),
292  industry_attribute25          T_V240  := T_V240(),
293  industry_attribute26          T_V240  := T_V240(),
294  industry_attribute27          T_V240  := T_V240(),
295  industry_attribute28          T_V240  := T_V240(),
296  industry_attribute29          T_V240  := T_V240(),
297  industry_attribute30          T_V240  := T_V240(),
298  industry_attribute2           T_V240  := T_V240(),
299  industry_attribute3           T_V240  := T_V240(),
300  industry_attribute4           T_V240  := T_V240(),
301  industry_attribute5           T_V240  := T_V240(),
302  industry_attribute6           T_V240  := T_V240(),
303  industry_attribute7           T_V240  := T_V240(),
304  industry_attribute8           T_V240  := T_V240(),
305  industry_attribute9           T_V240  := T_V240(),
306  industry_context              T_V30   := T_V30(),
307  TP_CONTEXT                    T_V30   := T_V30(),
308  TP_ATTRIBUTE1                 T_V240  := T_V240(),
309  TP_ATTRIBUTE2                 T_V240  := T_V240(),
310  TP_ATTRIBUTE3                 T_V240  := T_V240(),
311  TP_ATTRIBUTE4                 T_V240  := T_V240(),
312  TP_ATTRIBUTE5                 T_V240  := T_V240(),
313  TP_ATTRIBUTE6                 T_V240  := T_V240(),
314  TP_ATTRIBUTE7                 T_V240  := T_V240(),
315  TP_ATTRIBUTE8                 T_V240  := T_V240(),
316  TP_ATTRIBUTE9                 T_V240  := T_V240(),
317  TP_ATTRIBUTE10                T_V240  := T_V240(),
318  TP_ATTRIBUTE11                T_V240  := T_V240(),
319  TP_ATTRIBUTE12                T_V240  := T_V240(),
320  TP_ATTRIBUTE13                T_V240  := T_V240(),
321  TP_ATTRIBUTE14                T_V240  := T_V240(),
322  TP_ATTRIBUTE15                T_V240  := T_V240(),
323  pricing_attribute1            T_V240  := T_V240(),
324  pricing_attribute10           T_V240  := T_V240(),
325  pricing_attribute2            T_V240  := T_V240(),
326  pricing_attribute3            T_V240  := T_V240(),
327  pricing_attribute4            T_V240  := T_V240(),
328  pricing_attribute5            T_V240  := T_V240(),
329  pricing_attribute6            T_V240  := T_V240(),
330  pricing_attribute7            T_V240  := T_V240(),
331  pricing_attribute8            T_V240  := T_V240(),
332  pricing_attribute9            T_V240  := T_V240(),
333  pricing_context               T_V240  := T_V240(),
334  return_attribute1             T_V240  := T_V240(),
335  return_attribute10            T_V240  := T_V240(),
336  return_attribute11            T_V240  := T_V240(),
337  return_attribute12            T_V240  := T_V240(),
338  return_attribute13            T_V240  := T_V240(),
339  return_attribute14            T_V240  := T_V240(),
340  return_attribute15            T_V240  := T_V240(),
341  return_attribute2             T_V240  := T_V240(),
342  return_attribute3             T_V240  := T_V240(),
343  return_attribute4             T_V240  := T_V240(),
344  return_attribute5             T_V240  := T_V240(),
345  return_attribute6             T_V240  := T_V240(),
346  return_attribute7             T_V240  := T_V240(),
347  return_attribute8             T_V240  := T_V240(),
348  return_attribute9             T_V240  := T_V240(),
349  return_context                T_V30   := T_V30(),
350  error_flag                    T_V1    := T_V1(),
351  customer_shipment_number      T_V50   := T_V50(),
352  end_customer_id               T_NUM   := T_NUM(),
353  end_customer_contact_id       T_NUM   := T_NUM(),
354  end_customer_site_use_id      T_NUM   := T_NUM(),
355  ib_owner                      T_V60   := T_V60(),
356  ib_current_location           T_V60   := T_V60(),
357  ib_installed_at_location      T_V60   := T_V60(),
358  charge_periodicity_code       T_V3    := T_V3() ,
359  end_customer_name             T_V360  := T_V360(),
360  end_customer_number           T_V50   := T_V50(),
361  end_customer_contact          T_V360  := T_V360(),
362  end_customer_address1         T_V240  := T_V240(),
363  end_customer_address2         T_V240  := T_V240(),
364  end_customer_address3         T_V240  := T_V240(),
365  end_customer_address4         T_V240  := T_V240(),
366  end_customer_location         T_V240  := T_V240(),
367  end_customer_city             T_V60   := T_V60(),
368  end_customer_state            T_V60   := T_V60(),
369  end_customer_postal_code      T_V60   := T_V60(),
370  end_customer_country          T_V60   := T_V60()
371 --Sol_ord_er #16014165 start
375  SERVICE_BILL_OPTION_CODE		T_V240  := T_V240(),
377  SUBSCRIPTION_ENABLE_FLAG     	T_V1    := T_V1(),
379 --Sol_ord_er #16014165 end
380 );
383 PROCEDURE Update_Header_Ack_First(
384    p_header_id		IN  NUMBER
385   ,p_ack_code		IN  VARCHAR2
386 );
388 PROCEDURE Update_Header_Ack_Last(
389    p_header_id		IN  NUMBER
390   ,p_ack_code		IN  VARCHAR2
391 );
393 PROCEDURE Update_Line_Ack_First(
394    p_header_id          IN  NUMBER
395   ,p_line_id		IN  NUMBER
396   ,p_ack_code		IN  VARCHAR2
397 );
399 PROCEDURE Update_Line_Ack_Last(
400    p_header_id          IN  NUMBER
401   ,p_line_id		IN  NUMBER
402   ,p_ack_code		IN  VARCHAR2
403 );
405 Procedure Derive_Ack_Values
406  (p_itemtype      In      Varchar2,
407   p_itemkey       In      Varchar2,
408   p_actid         In      Number,
409   p_funcmode      In      Varchar2,
410   p_x_result      In Out Nocopy  Varchar2
411  );
413 Procedure Raise_Derive_Ack_Data_event
414  (p_transaction_type          In  Varchar2,
415   p_header_id                 In  Number,
416   p_org_id                    In  Number,
417   p_orig_sys_document_ref     In  Varchar2,
418   p_change_sequence           In  Varchar2,
419   p_sold_to_org_id            In  Number,
420   p_order_number              In  Number,
421   p_xml_msg_id                In  Number Default Null,
422   p_order_type_id             In  Number Default Null,
423   p_order_source_id           In  Number Default Null,
424   p_transaction_subtype       In  Varchar2 Default Null,
425   x_return_status             Out Nocopy Varchar2
426  );
428 Procedure Oe_Edi_Selector
429 ( p_itemtype   in     varchar2,
430   p_itemkey    in     varchar2,
431   p_actid      in     number,
432   p_funcmode   in     varchar2,
433   p_x_result   in out Nocopy varchar2
434 );
436 Procedure write_ack_data_values
437  (p_header_id           In   Number,
438   p_transaction_type    In   Varchar2,
439   x_return_status       Out Nocopy  Varchar2
440  );
443 END OE_Update_Ack_Util;