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Line 154: | ap_invoice_distributions_all.accounting_date instead of

150: lv_payment varchar2(1) := 'N';
151: /*end-ETDS FVU3.1 11896260*/
152: /* Bug#5131075(5193852). Added by Lakshmi Gopalsami
153: | Changed the source of ld_accounting_date to refer to
154: | ap_invoice_distributions_all.accounting_date instead of
155: | gl_date on headers.
156: */
157: CURSOR get_dist_gl_date(cp_invoice_id IN ap_invoices_all.invoice_id%TYPE) IS
158: SELECT accounting_date

Line 159: FROM ap_invoice_distributions_all

155: | gl_date on headers.
156: */
157: CURSOR get_dist_gl_date(cp_invoice_id IN ap_invoices_all.invoice_id%TYPE) IS
158: SELECT accounting_date
159: FROM ap_invoice_distributions_all
160: WHERE invoice_id = cp_invoice_id
161: AND distribution_line_number = 1;
162: -- Only one distribution will be created for TDS invoices and so
163: -- hard coded the distribution line number to 1.

Line 240: lv_open_period ap_invoice_distributions_all.period_name%type;

236: ln_out_pay_curr_inv_amount number;
238: ld_accounting_date date; --File.Sql.35 Cbabu := sysdate;
239: ld_out_accounting_date date; --Added by Chong for ZX investigation 20120816
240: lv_open_period ap_invoice_distributions_all.period_name%type;
242: lv_invoice_to_tds_num ap_invoices_all.invoice_num%type;
243: lv_invoice_to_vendor_num ap_invoices_all.invoice_num%type;
244: ln_threshold_trx_id NUMBER;