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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 72

  **Appends to a message  the name of the object anf the operation (insert, update ,delete)
  ( p_object	    IN	VARCHAR2,
    p_operation 	IN	VARCHAR2 ) IS

      fnd_message.set_name('IEX', 'IEX_FAILED_OPERATION');
Line: 111

          x_cas_rec.PROGRAM_UPDATE_DATE    := p_cas_rec.PROGRAM_UPDATE_DATE;
Line: 130

          x_cas_rec.LAST_UPDATED_BY           := p_cas_rec.LAST_UPDATED_BY ;
Line: 131

          x_cas_rec.LAST_UPDATE_DATE          :=  p_cas_rec.LAST_UPDATE_DATE;
Line: 132

          x_cas_rec.LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN         := p_cas_rec.LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN;
Line: 156

          x_case_object_rec.PROGRAM_UPDATE_DATE    := p_attribute_rec.PROGRAM_UPDATE_DATE;
Line: 175

          x_case_object_rec.LAST_UPDATED_BY        := p_attribute_rec.LAST_UPDATED_BY ;
Line: 176

          x_case_object_rec.LAST_UPDATE_DATE       := p_attribute_rec.LAST_UPDATE_DATE;
Line: 177

          x_case_object_rec.LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN      := p_attribute_rec.LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN;
Line: 198

          x_case_def_rec.PROGRAM_UPDATE_DATE    := p_attribute_rec.PROGRAM_UPDATE_DATE;
Line: 217

          x_case_def_rec.LAST_UPDATED_BY        := p_attribute_rec.LAST_UPDATED_BY ;
Line: 218

          x_case_def_rec.LAST_UPDATE_DATE       := p_attribute_rec.LAST_UPDATE_DATE;
Line: 219

          x_case_def_rec.LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN      := p_attribute_rec.LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN;
Line: 237

       Select column_name,column_value,table_name
       From   iex_case_definitions
       where  cas_id =p_cas_id
         	    and active_flag ='Y';
Line: 264

       select * from iex_cases_all_b
       where  cas_id =p_cas_id
         	    and active_flag ='Y';
Line: 269

       select comments from iex_cases_tl
       where  cas_id =p_cas_id and
       userenv('LANG') in (LANGUAGE, SOURCE_LANG)
       and active_flag ='Y';
Line: 294

          x_cas_rec.PROGRAM_UPDATE_DATE     := get_cas_rec.PROGRAM_UPDATE_DATE;
Line: 421

    Select del.delinquency_id
    from iex_delinquencies del,
         iex_writeoffs wrioff
    where del.case_id           = p_caseid
    and   wrioff.delinquency_id = del.delinquency_id

--Start of BUG 4408860
-- For Bug 4408860
--jsanju 06/05/05
-- we shpudl npot be looking for status ='CLOSE'
--since from iex.h, we do not have case delinquencies and
-- and the old delinquencies with case id has been update to status ='CLOSE'
    --and   del.status            <> 'CURRENT';
Line: 439

    Select del.delinquency_id
    from iex_delinquencies del,
         iex_bankruptcies bank
    where del.case_id           = p_caseid
    and   bank.delinquency_id   = del.delinquency_id
--Start of BUG 4408860
-- For Bug 4408860
--jsanju 06/05/05
-- we shpudl npot be looking for status ='CLOSE'
--since from iex.h, we do not have case delinquencies and
-- and the old delinquencies with case id has been update to status ='CLOSE'
    --and   del.status            <> 'CURRENT';
Line: 455

    Select del.delinquency_id
    from iex_delinquencies del,
         iex_repossessions repo
    where del.case_id           = p_caseid
    and   repo.delinquency_id   = del.delinquency_id
--Start of BUG 4408860
-- For Bug 4408860
--jsanju 06/05/05
-- we shpudl npot be looking for status ='CLOSE'
--since from iex.h, we do not have case delinquencies and
-- and the old delinquencies with case id has been update to status ='CLOSE'
    --and   del.status            <> 'CURRENT';
Line: 471

    Select del.delinquency_id
    from iex_delinquencies del,
         iex_litigations litg
    where del.case_id           = p_caseid
    and   litg.delinquency_id   = del.delinquency_id
--Start of BUG 4408860
-- For Bug 4408860
--jsanju 06/05/05
-- we shpudl npot be looking for status ='CLOSE'
--since from iex.h, we do not have case delinquencies and
-- and the old delinquencies with case id has been update to status ='CLOSE'
    --and   del.status            <> 'CURRENT';
Line: 551

           select iex_cases_all_b_s.nextval
           into itemkey
           from dual;
Line: 623

  vstr1          VARCHAR2(100) := 'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ' ;
Line: 714

 l_case_sql VARCHAR2(2000):= ' and exists (select null from iex_cases_all_b ICAS where ICAS.cas_id = a.cas_id'||
                             ' and ICAS.case_state='||'''OPEN''' ||
                             ' and ICAS.active_flag='||'''Y''' ||' ) ';
Line: 719

 vstr1           VARCHAR2 (2000):= ' select a.cas_id  from ';
Line: 729

 l_first_sql VARCHAR2 (2000):=' select a.cas_id  from '||
                              ' iex_case_definitions a '||
                              ' where a.column_name ='   ||''''|| l_column_name  || ''''||
                              ' and  a.column_value ='    ||''''|| l_column_value || ''''||
                              ' and a.active_flag='||'''Y''';
Line: 738

  v_sql_str1     VARCHAR2(100) := ' and exists ( select null from ';
Line: 810

         l_sql := l_sql  ||   ' and exists ( select null from '||
                              ' iex_case_definitions ' || l_table_alias  ||
                              ' where column_name ='   ||''''|| l_column_name  || ''''||
                              ' and column_value ='    ||''''|| l_column_value || ''''||
                              ' and '||l_table_alias   ||'.cas_id= ' ||'a.cas_id'||
                              ' and '||l_table_alias   ||'.active_flag='||'''Y''' ;
Line: 880

** Updates the status of a case. Also create a new case and updates the case objects to the new case
**  if specified ( the p_copy_objects parameter should be equal to 'Y')
** Required Parameters are
** a) p_Cas_id     --> Cas Id
** Optional Parameters
** a) p_copy_objects   --> default is 'N'. If 'Y' then create new case and copy all the case objects to
**                         the new case. If Value is 'N',then do not copy the case objects.
** p_close_date      -->Closing date of the case.
          P_Api_Version_Number         IN  NUMBER,
          P_Init_Msg_List              IN  VARCHAR2   ,
          P_Commit                     IN  VARCHAR2  ,
          P_validation_level           IN  NUMBER     ,
          P_cas_id                     IN NUMBER,
          p_close_date                 IN DATE,
          p_copy_objects               IN VARCHAR2,
          p_cas_Rec                    IN cas_Rec_Type,
          X_Return_Status              OUT NOCOPY  VARCHAR2,
          X_Msg_Count                  OUT NOCOPY  NUMBER,
          X_Msg_Data                   OUT NOCOPY  VARCHAR2
          ) IS

l_api_name                CONSTANT VARCHAR2(30) := 'CloseCase';
Line: 930

       select object_version_number,
       from iex_case_objects
       where  cas_id =p_cas_id
	  and active_flag ='Y';
Line: 999

                  SELECT cas_id,object_version_number
                  INTO l_cas_id,l_object_version_number
                  FROM iex_cases_all_b
                  WHERE cas_id      = p_cas_id
                  AND   case_state  = 'OPEN'
	             and active_flag ='Y';
Line: 1037

      iex_debug_pub.logMessage('CloseCase: ' || 'Before Calling  Update  PVT');
Line: 1039

                        (P_Api_Version_Number         =>l_api_version_number,
                         P_Init_Msg_List              =>FND_API.G_FALSE,
                         P_Commit                     =>FND_API.G_FALSE,
                         p_validation_level           =>P_validation_level,
                         P_cas_Rec                    =>l_cas_Rec,
                         X_Return_Status              =>l_return_status,
                         X_Msg_Count                  =>l_msg_count,
                         X_Msg_Data                   =>l_msg_data,
                         xo_object_version_number     =>l_object_version_number);
Line: 1051

       iex_debug_pub.logMessage('CloseCase: ' || 'After Calling update case  PVT and Status =>'||l_return_status);
Line: 1056

                 p_operation  =>  'UPDATE' );
Line: 1134

                         p_operation  =>  'INSERT' );
Line: 1174

                                p_operation  =>  'INSERT' );
Line: 1188

                      IEX_DEBUG_PUB.LogMessage ('CloseCase: ' || ' the case object ID updated is =>'
                                             ||cas_obj_rec.case_object_id ||' and  new cas ID is '||
                                               l_cas_new_id||' and old case id is => '||l_cas_id );
Line: 1201

                       iex_debug_pub.logMessage('CloseCase: ' || 'Before Calling update Case Object PVT');
Line: 1203

                             P_Api_Version_Number         =>l_api_version_number,
                             P_Init_Msg_List              =>FND_API.G_FALSE,
                             P_Commit                     =>FND_API.G_FALSE,
                             p_validation_level           =>P_validation_level,
                             P_case_object_Rec            =>l_case_object_Rec,
                             X_Return_Status              =>l_return_status,
                             X_Msg_Count                  =>l_msg_count,
                             X_Msg_Data                   =>l_msg_data,
                             xo_object_version_number     =>l_object_version_number);
Line: 1215

                       iex_debug_pub.logMessage('CloseCase: ' || 'After Calling update Case Object PVT and Status =>'||l_return_status);
Line: 1220

                                     p_operation  =>  'INSERT' );
Line: 1347

where id=p_contract_id;
Line: 1469

                  SELECT cas_id INTO l_cas_id
                  FROM iex_cases_all_b
                  WHERE cas_id      = p_cas_id
                  AND   case_state = 'OPEN'
 	              and active_flag ='Y';
Line: 1625

                                     p_operation  =>  'INSERT' );
Line: 1732

                                     p_operation  =>  'INSERT' );
Line: 1770

                                     p_operation  =>  'INSERT' );
Line: 1808

                                        p_operation  =>  'INSERT' );
Line: 1894

** Delete the contracts from iex_case_objects
** It first checks if a case exists, else creates
** a new case with the given case definition. Also checks if the case definition
** elements passed are valid or not.The logic is as follows
** 1. Checks validity of Case Definition
** 2.Gets Case Id for the given Valid Case Definition
** 3.Create Case if case does not exists with the valid case definition
** 4.Creates Case Object
** Rescore both the cases and creates/updates the delinquencies.
Optional Parameters
** p_cas_rec --> populate other attributes of a case, like attributes 1-15, concurrent program fields
PROCEDURE ReassignCaseObjects(
          P_Api_Version_Number         IN   NUMBER,
          P_Init_Msg_List              IN   VARCHAR2    ,
          P_Commit                     IN   VARCHAR2    ,
          P_validation_level           IN   NUMBER     ,
          P_case_definition_tbl        IN   CASE_DEFINITION_TBL_TYPE
          P_cas_id                     IN NUMBER        ,
          P_case_number                IN VARCHAR2      ,
          P_case_comments              IN VARCHAR2      ,
          P_case_established_date      IN DATE          ,
          P_org_id                     IN NUMBER        ,
          P_object_code                IN VARCHAR2      ,
          P_party_id                   IN NUMBER,
          P_object_id                  IN NUMBER,
          p_cas_rec                    IN    CAS_Rec_Type  ,
          X_case_object_id             OUT  NOCOPY  NUMBER,
          X_Return_Status              OUT  NOCOPY  VARCHAR2,
          X_Msg_Count                  OUT  NOCOPY  NUMBER,
          X_Msg_Data                   OUT  NOCOPY  VARCHAR2

          ) IS

l_api_name                CONSTANT VARCHAR2(30) := 'ReassignCaseObjects';
Line: 1961

Select user_name
from jtf_rs_resource_extns a,
     iex_Cases_all_b b
where b.cas_id =p_old_case_id
      and a.resource_id =  nvl(b.access_resource_id,
Line: 1970

Select contract_number
from   okc_k_headers_b
where id =p_contract_id;
Line: 2095

                  SELECT cas_id INTO l_cas_id
                  FROM iex_cases_all_b
                  WHERE cas_id      = p_cas_id
                  AND   case_state = 'OPEN'
 	              and active_flag ='Y';
Line: 2128

            select a.cas_id ,b.contract_number
            into l_old_case_id,l_contract_number
            from iex_case_objects a, okc_k_headers_b b
            where a.object_id =p_object_id
            and b.id =a.object_id;
Line: 2164

      select case_object_id into l_case_object_id
      from iex_case_objects
      where object_id =p_object_id;
Line: 2168

          P_Api_Version_Number         =>l_api_version_number,
          P_Init_Msg_List              =>FND_API.G_TRUE,
          P_Commit                     =>FND_API.G_FALSE,
          p_validation_level           =>P_validation_level,
          P_case_object_ID             =>l_case_object_id,
          X_Return_Status              =>l_return_status,
          X_Msg_Count                  =>l_msg_count,
          X_Msg_Data                   =>l_msg_data);
Line: 2180

                         p_operation  =>  'DELETE' );
Line: 2316

                                     p_operation  =>  'INSERT' );
Line: 2418

                                     p_operation  =>  'INSERT' );
Line: 2456

                                     p_operation  =>  'INSERT' );
Line: 2494

                                        p_operation  =>  'INSERT' );
Line: 2625

/* Name   UpdateCase
**  api  : Current version 2.0
** Purpose To update a case. Change the status from delinquent to current when the case
** comes out NOCOPY of delinquency
          P_Api_Version_Number         IN   NUMBER,
          P_Init_Msg_List              IN   VARCHAR2     ,
          P_Commit                     IN   VARCHAR2    ,
          P_validation_level           IN   NUMBER       ,
          p_cas_rec                    IN    CAS_Rec_Type  ,
          X_Return_Status              OUT NOCOPY  VARCHAR2,
          X_Msg_Count                  OUT NOCOPY  NUMBER,
          X_Msg_Data                   OUT NOCOPY  VARCHAR2
          ) IS

l_api_name                CONSTANT VARCHAR2(30) := 'UpdateCase';
Line: 2657

        IEX_DEBUG_PUB.LogMessage ('UpdateCase: ' || '*********Start of Procedure => '||l_api_name||' *********');
Line: 2660

Line: 2680

        iex_debug_pub.logMessage('UpdateCase: ' || 'After Api compatability Check');
Line: 2704

         iex_debug_pub.logMessage('UpdateCase: ' || 'After FND_GLOBAL_USER Check');
Line: 2714

                  SELECT cas_id,object_version_number
                  INTO l_cas_id,l_object_version_number
                  FROM iex_cases_all_b
                  WHERE cas_id = p_cas_rec.cas_id
			   and active_flag ='Y';
Line: 2742

      iex_debug_pub.logMessage('UpdateCase: ' || 'After Item validation ');
Line: 2759

      iex_debug_pub.logMessage('UpdateCase: ' || 'Before Calling  Update  PVT');
Line: 2761

                        (P_Api_Version_Number         =>l_api_version_number,
                         P_Init_Msg_List              =>FND_API.G_FALSE,
                         P_Commit                     =>FND_API.G_FALSE,
                         p_validation_level           =>P_validation_level,
                         P_cas_Rec                    =>l_cas_Rec,
                         X_Return_Status              =>l_return_status,
                         X_Msg_Count                  =>l_msg_count,
                         X_Msg_Data                   =>l_msg_data,
                         xo_object_version_number     =>l_object_version_number);
Line: 2773

       iex_debug_pub.logMessage('UpdateCase: ' || 'After Calling update case  PVT and Status =>'||l_return_status);
Line: 2778

                    p_operation  =>  'UPDATE' );
Line: 2802

        IEX_DEBUG_PUB.LogMessage ('UpdateCase: ' || '*********End of Procedure => '||l_api_name||' *********');
Line: 2836

   END UpdateCase;
Line: 2975

                                     p_operation  =>  'INSERT' );
Line: 2980

                 ELSE -- if case contact insert = success
                     --if it is a primary contact
                     if P_case_contact_tbl(i).primary_flag = 'Y' THEN
                        l_assign := TRUE;
Line: 3034

                                                 p_operation  =>  'INSERT' );
Line: 3047

                 END IF; --checking return status of case contact insert
Line: 3105

      Select object_id  INTO x_ObjectID
      from iex_case_objects
      where object_id =P_ObjectID;