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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 47

      SELECT org_id
      FROM ozf_funds_all_b
      WHERE fund_id = p_actbudget_id;
Line: 109

          SELECT   parent_src_id, parent_currency, SUM (amount) total_amount
              FROM (SELECT   a1.parent_source_id parent_src_id, a1.parent_src_curr parent_currency
                            ,NVL (SUM (a1.parent_src_apprvd_amt), 0) amount
                        FROM ozf_act_budgets a1
                       WHERE a1.act_budget_used_by_id = p_budget_used_by_id
                         AND a1.arc_act_budget_used_by = p_budget_used_by_type
                         AND a1.status_code = 'APPROVED'
                         AND a1.transfer_type <> 'UTILIZED'
                    GROUP BY a1.parent_source_id, a1.parent_src_curr
                    SELECT   a2.parent_source_id parent_src_id, a2.parent_src_curr parent_currency
                            ,-NVL (SUM (a2.parent_src_apprvd_amt), 0) amount
                        FROM ozf_act_budgets a2
                       WHERE a2.budget_source_id = p_budget_used_by_id
                         AND a2.budget_source_type = p_budget_used_by_type
                         AND a2.status_code = 'APPROVED'
                    GROUP BY a2.parent_source_id, a2.parent_src_curr)
          GROUP BY parent_src_id, parent_currency
          ORDER BY parent_src_id;
Line: 131

         SELECT   parent_src_id
                 ,SUM (amount) total_amount
             FROM (SELECT   a1.fund_id parent_src_id
                           ,a1.currency_code parent_currency
                           ,NVL (SUM (a1.amount), 0) amount
                       FROM ozf_funds_utilized_all_vl a1
                      WHERE a1.component_id = p_budget_used_by_id
                        AND a1.component_type = p_budget_used_by_type

--                        AND a1.status_code = 'APPROVED' -- only approved record are present here
                        AND a1.utilization_type IN ('TRANSFER', 'REQUEST')
                   GROUP BY a1.fund_id, a1.currency_code
                   SELECT   a2.fund_id parent_src_id
                           ,a2.currency_code parent_currency
                           ,-NVL (SUM (a2.amount), 0) amount
                       FROM ozf_funds_utilized_all_vl a2
                      WHERE a2.plan_id = p_budget_used_by_id
                        AND a2.plan_type = p_budget_used_by_type
                        AND a2.utilization_type IN ('TRANSFER', 'REQUEST', 'UTILIZED')

--                        AND a2.status_code = 'APPROVED' -- -- only approved record are present here
                   GROUP BY a2.fund_id, a2.currency_code)
         GROUP BY parent_src_id, parent_currency
         ORDER BY parent_src_id;
Line: 165

         SELECT activity_budget_id
           FROM ozf_act_budgets
          WHERE act_budget_used_by_id = p_used_by_id
            AND arc_act_budget_used_by = p_used_by_type

--            AND parent_source_id = p_parent_src_id
            AND transfer_type = 'UTILIZED';
Line: 344

               ozf_actbudgets_pvt.update_act_budgets (
                  p_api_version=> l_api_version
                 ,x_return_status=> l_return_status
                 ,x_msg_count=> x_msg_count
                 ,x_msg_data=> x_msg_data
                 ,p_act_budgets_rec=> l_act_budgets_rec
Line: 453

        SELECT fund_id parent_source
               ,fund_currency parent_curr
               ,NVL(committed_amt,0)-NVL(utilized_amt,0) total_amount
               ,NVL(univ_curr_committed_amt,0)-NVL(univ_curr_utilized_amt,0) total_acctd_amount
        FROM ozf_object_fund_summary
        WHERE object_id =p_budget_source_id
        AND object_type = p_budget_source_type;
Line: 463

             SELECT   parent_source
                 ,SUM (amount) total_amount
                 ,SUM(acctd_amount) total_acctd_amount
             FROM (SELECT   a1.fund_id parent_source
                           ,a1.currency_code parent_curr
                           ,SUM(NVL(a1.amount, 0)) amount
                           ,SUM(NVL(a1.acctd_amount,0)) acctd_amount
                       FROM ozf_funds_utilized_all_b a1
                       WHERE a1.component_id = p_budget_source_id
                       AND a1.component_type = p_budget_source_type
                        AND a1.utilization_type NOT IN
                                               ('ADJUSTMENT', 'ACCRUAL', 'UTILIZED', 'SALES_ACCRUAL', 'CHARGEBACK')
                   GROUP BY a1.fund_id, a1.currency_code
                   SELECT   a2.fund_id parent_source
                           ,a2.currency_code parent_curr
                           ,-SUM(NVL(a2.amount, 0)) amount,
                                          -SUM(NVL(a2.acctd_amount,0)) acctd_amount
                       FROM ozf_funds_utilized_all_b a2
                      WHERE a2.plan_id = p_budget_source_id
                        AND a2.plan_type =p_budget_source_type
                   GROUP BY a2.fund_id, a2.currency_code)
         GROUP BY parent_source, parent_curr
         ORDER BY parent_source;
Line: 490

           SELECT SUM(NVL(univ_curr_committed_amt,0) - NVL(univ_curr_utilized_amt,0))
           FROM ozf_object_fund_summary
           WHERE object_id =p_budget_source_id
           AND object_type = p_budget_source_type;
Line: 496

                SELECT   SUM(acctd_amount) total_acctd_amount
                FROM (SELECT   SUM(NVL(a1.acctd_amount,0)) acctd_amount
                              FROM ozf_funds_utilized_all_b a1
                              WHERE a1.component_id = p_budget_source_id
                             AND a1.component_type =p_budget_source_type
                             AND a1.utilization_type NOT IN
                                               ('ADJUSTMENT', 'ACCRUAL', 'UTILIZED', 'SALES_ACCRUAL', 'CHARGEBACK')
                            SELECT -SUM(NVL(a2.acctd_amount,0)) acctd_amount
                            FROM ozf_funds_utilized_all_b a2
                            WHERE a2.plan_id = p_budget_source_id
                            AND a2.plan_type = p_budget_source_type);
Line: 511

      p_updated_amount      NUMBER                    := 0;
Line: 809

         SELECT org_id
           FROM hz_cust_site_uses_all
          WHERE site_use_id = p_site_use_id;
Line: 816

         SELECT offer_type
           FROM ozf_offers
          WHERE qp_list_header_id = p_offer_id;
Line: 823

         SELECT fund_type
           FROM ozf_funds_all_b
          WHERE fund_id = p_ofr_fund_id;
Line: 829

         SELECT NVL(accrual_flag,'N')
           FROM oe_price_adjustments
          WHERE price_Adjustment_id = p_price_Adjustment_id;
Line: 835

        SELECT fund_id , currency_code_tc, accrual_basis
        FROM ozf_funds_all_b
        WHERE plan_id = p_plan_id;
Line: 842

        SELECT sites.cust_account_id, uses.bill_to_site_use_id
           FROM hz_cust_acct_sites_all sites, hz_cust_site_uses_all uses
           WHERE uses.site_use_id = p_site_use_id
             AND sites.cust_acct_site_id = uses.cust_acct_site_id;
Line: 848

        select max(cust_account_id) from hz_cust_accounts
        where party_id = p_party_id
        and status= 'A';
Line: 854

      SELECT 'X' FROM ozf_act_budgets
      WHERE act_budget_used_by_id = p_offer_id
      AND budget_source_id = p_fund_id
      AND status_code ='APPROVED'
      AND transfer_type = 'REQUEST';
Line: 863

       SELECT exchange_rate_type
       FROM   ozf_sys_parameters_all
       WHERE  org_id = p_org_id;
Line: 1572

         SELECT status_code
           FROM ozf_offers
          WHERE qp_list_header_id = p_qp_list_header_id;
Line: 1584

         SELECT SUM (line_lumpsum_qty)
           FROM ams_act_products
          WHERE arc_act_product_used_by = 'OFFR'
            AND act_product_used_by_id = p_qp_list_header_id;
Line: 1592

         SELECT SUM(NVL(plan_curr_committed_amt,0))
         FROM ozf_object_fund_summary
         WHERE object_id =p_offer_id
         AND object_type = 'OFFR';
Line: 1598

         SELECT SUM(DECODE(transfer_type,'REQUEST', NVL(approved_amount,0),NVL(0-approved_original_amount,0)))
         FROM ozf_act_budgets
         WHERE status_code = 'APPROVED'
         AND ((arc_act_budget_used_by = 'OFFR' AND act_budget_used_by_id = l_id and transfer_type ='REQUEST')
              OR (budget_source_type = 'OFFR' AND budget_source_id = l_id and transfer_type ='TRANSFER'));
Line: 1604

         /* SELECT SUM(DECODE(transfer_type,'REQUEST', NVL(approved_amount,0),NVL(0-approved_original_amount,0)))
           FROM ozf_act_budgets
          WHERE arc_act_budget_used_by = 'OFFR'
            AND act_budget_used_by_id = l_id;
Line: 1791

         SELECT activity_budget_id, object_version_number, approved_amount
         FROM ozf_act_budgets
         WHERE act_budget_used_by_id = p_used_by_id
         AND arc_act_budget_used_by = p_used_by_type
         AND transfer_type = 'UTILIZED';
Line: 1797

         SELECT nvl(transaction_currency_code,fund_request_curr_code) offer_currency_code
         FROM   ozf_offers
         WHERE  qp_list_header_id = p_offer_id;
Line: 1801

         SELECT exchange_rate_type
         FROM   ozf_sys_parameters_all
         WHERE  org_id = p_org_id;
Line: 1834

      WHERE ACTIVITY_BUDGET_ID = p_act_budget_id;
Line: 1953

         /* Bug#9614703 update to ozf_funds_all_tl table was happening during creation of act_budget
             records. So we need to send p_use_fund_staging_tables flag and px_ozf_act_budgets_tbl rec
             in this flow as well. Hence used the overloaded procedure.
         ozf_actbudgets_pvt.create_act_budgets (
            p_api_version=> l_api_version,
            p_init_msg_list           => Fnd_Api.G_FALSE,
            p_commit                  => Fnd_Api.G_FALSE,
            p_validation_level        => Fnd_Api.G_VALID_LEVEL_FULL,
            x_return_status=> x_return_status,
            x_msg_count=> x_msg_count,
            x_msg_data=> x_msg_data,
            p_act_budgets_rec=> l_act_budgets_rec,
            p_act_util_rec            => l_act_util_rec,
            p_approval_flag           => fnd_api.g_true,     -- auto approved
            x_act_budget_id=> l_act_budget_id,
            x_utilized_amount => x_utilized_amount,     -- yzhao: 06/21/2004 added for chargeback
            p_resale_batch_id         => l_act_util_rec.reference_id,
            p_batch_type             =>    p_batch_type,
            p_use_fund_staging_tables => p_use_fund_staging_tables,
            px_ozf_act_budgets_tbl => px_ozf_act_budgets_tbl,
            px_ozf_funds_old_rectype   =>      px_ozf_funds_old_rectype,
            px_ozf_funds_new_tbl     =>      px_ozf_funds_new_tbl,
            x_utilization_id          => x_utilization_id  --nirprasa - added for Bug 9383565
Line: 2071

         ozf_actbudgets_pvt.update_act_budgets (
            p_api_version=> l_api_version,
            x_return_status=> x_return_status,
            x_msg_count=> x_msg_count,
            x_msg_data=> x_msg_data,
            p_act_budgets_rec=> l_act_budgets_rec,
            p_child_approval_flag    => 'N'             ,
            p_act_util_rec => l_act_util_rec,
            x_utilized_amount => x_utilized_amount     -- yzhao: 06/21/2004 added for chargeback
Line: 2091

         ozf_actbudgets_pvt.update_act_budgets (
            p_api_version=> l_api_version,
            x_return_status=> x_return_status,
            x_msg_count=> x_msg_count,
            x_msg_data=> x_msg_data,
            p_old_act_budgets_rec => l_old_act_budgets_rec,
            p_act_budgets_rec=> l_act_budgets_rec,
            p_parent_process_flag=> fnd_api.g_false,
            p_parent_process_key=> fnd_api.g_miss_char,
            p_parent_context=> fnd_api.g_miss_char,
            p_parent_approval_flag=> fnd_api.g_false,
            p_continue_flow=> fnd_api.g_false,
            p_child_approval_flag    => 'N',
            p_requestor_owner_flag   => 'N',
            p_act_util_rec => l_act_util_rec,
            x_utilized_amount => x_utilized_amount,
	    p_batch_type	     =>    p_batch_type,
            p_use_fund_staging_tables => p_use_fund_staging_tables,
            px_ozf_act_budgets_tbl => px_ozf_act_budgets_tbl,
            px_ozf_funds_old_rectype    =>      px_ozf_funds_old_rectype,
            px_ozf_funds_new_tbl     =>      px_ozf_funds_new_tbl,  -- For TPA Parallel Execution ERBug#9614703
            x_utilization_id          => x_utilization_id  --nirprasa - added for Bug 9383565
Line: 2117

         ozf_utility_pvt.debug_message(l_full_name||' : '||'update act budget retrun status'||x_return_status);
Line: 2352

         SELECT qp.start_date_active, NVL(qp.currency_code, ofs.fund_request_curr_code) currency_code,
                NVL(ofs.account_closed_flag,'N'),ofs.qualifier_id, ofs.qualifier_type,ofs.owner_id,ofs.custom_setup_id,
         FROM qp_list_headers_b qp,ozf_offers ofs
         WHERE qp.list_header_id = p_offer_id
         AND qp.list_header_id = ofs.qp_list_header_id;
Line: 2361

         SELECT activity_product_id,DECODE (level_type_code, 'PRODUCT', inventory_item_id, category_id) product_id
         FROM ams_act_products
         WHERE act_product_used_by_id = p_offer_id
         AND arc_act_product_used_by = 'OFFR';
Line: 2370

         SELECT NVL(plan_curr_committed_amt,0) approved_amount
                ,fund_currency currency_code
         FROM ozf_object_fund_summary
         WHERE object_id =p_offer_id
         AND object_type = 'OFFR';
Line: 2378

         SELECT SUM (approved_amount) approved_amount, fund_id, currency_code
         FROM (
               SELECT NVL(plan_curr_amount,0) approved_amount, fund_id, currency_code
               FROM ozf_funds_utilized_all_b
               WHERE utilization_type = 'REQUEST'
               AND component_type = 'OFFR'
               AND component_id = p_offer_id
               UNION ALL
               SELECT NVL(-plan_curr_amount,0) approved_amount, fund_id, currency_code
               FROM ozf_funds_utilized_all_b
               WHERE utilization_type = 'TRANSFER'
               AND plan_type = 'OFFR'
               AND plan_id = p_offer_id
              ) GROUP BY fund_id, currency_code;
Line: 2395

         SELECT SUM(NVL(DECODE(utilization_type, 'REQUEST',util.plan_curr_amount,-util.plan_curr_amount),0)) approved_amount,
         FROM ozf_funds_utilized_all_b util
         WHERE util.utilization_type IN ('REQUEST','TRANSFER')
         AND DECODE(util.utilization_type,'REQUEST', util.component_type,util.plan_type) = 'OFFR'
         AND DECODE(util.utilization_type,'REQUEST', util.component_id,util.plan_id) = p_offer_id
         GROUP BY util.fund_id,util.currency_code;
Line: 2407

        SELECT SUM(NVL(plan_curr_committed_amt,0))
        FROM ozf_object_fund_summary
        WHERE object_id =p_offer_id
        AND object_type = 'OFFR';
Line: 2412

         SELECT SUM (approved_amount)
         FROM (SELECT NVL(plan_curr_amount,0) approved_amount
               FROM ozf_funds_utilized_all_b
               WHERE utilization_type = 'REQUEST'
                 AND component_type = 'OFFR'
                 AND component_id = p_offer_id
               UNION ALL
               SELECT NVL(-plan_curr_amount,0) approved_amount
               FROM ozf_funds_utilized_all_b
               WHERE utilization_type = 'TRANSFER'
                 AND plan_type = 'OFFR'
                 AND plan_id = p_offer_id);
Line: 2426

        SELECT SUM(DECODE(utilization_type,'REQUEST',plan_curr_amount,'TRANSFER',-plan_curr_amount))
        FROM ozf_funds_utilized_all_b
        WHERE utilization_type IN ('REQUEST','TRANSFER')
        AND DECODE(utilization_type,'REQUEST', component_type,plan_type) = 'OFFR'
        AND DECODE(utilization_type,'REQUEST', component_id,plan_id) = p_offer_id;
Line: 2434

        SELECT NVL(SUM(plan_curr_amount),0)
        FROM ozf_funds_utilized_all_b
        WHERE plan_id = p_offer_id
        AND  plan_type = 'OFFR'
        AND  utilization_type ='ACCRUAL';
Line: 2441

        SELECT request_header_id
        FROM ozf_request_headers_all_b
        WHERE offer_id =p_offer_id;
Line: 2447

        select max(cust_account_id) from hz_cust_accounts
        where party_id = p_party_id
        and status= 'A';
Line: 2454

        SELECT exchange_rate_type
        FROM   ozf_sys_parameters_all
        WHERE  org_id = p_org_id;
Line: 2778

         SELECT qp.start_date_active,qp.end_date_active, NVL(qp.currency_code, ofs.fund_request_curr_code) currency_code,
                ofs.custom_setup_id,NVL(ofs.account_closed_flag,'N'),ofs.qualifier_id, ofs.qualifier_type,
         FROM qp_list_headers_b qp,ozf_offers ofs
         WHERE qp.list_header_id = p_offer_id
         AND qp.list_header_id = ofs.qp_list_header_id;
Line: 2787

         SELECT offer_amount
         FROM ozf_offers
         WHERE qp_list_header_id = p_offer_id;
Line: 2794

         SELECT DECODE (level_type_code, 'PRODUCT', inventory_item_id, category_id) product_id
               ,SUM(line_lumpsum_qty) amount, level_type_code
         FROM ams_act_products
         WHERE act_product_used_by_id = p_offer_id
         AND arc_act_product_used_by = 'OFFR'
         GROUP BY inventory_item_id,level_type_code,category_id; -- added by feliu to fix bug 4861647
Line: 2803

         SELECT SUM (line_lumpsum_qty) total_quantity
         FROM ams_act_products
         WHERE act_product_used_by_id = p_offer_id
         AND arc_act_product_used_by = 'OFFR';
Line: 2811

         SELECT NVL(plan_curr_committed_amt,0) approved_amount
                ,fund_currency currency_code
         FROM ozf_object_fund_summary
         WHERE object_id =p_offer_id
         AND object_type = 'OFFR';
Line: 2820

         SELECT SUM (approved_amount) approved_amount, fund_id, currency_code
         FROM (
               SELECT NVL(plan_curr_amount,0) approved_amount, fund_id, currency_code
               FROM ozf_funds_utilized_all_b
               WHERE utilization_type = 'REQUEST'
               AND component_type = 'OFFR'
               AND component_id = p_offer_id
               UNION ALL
               SELECT NVL(-plan_curr_amount,0) approved_amount, fund_id, currency_code
               FROM ozf_funds_utilized_all_b
               WHERE utilization_type = 'TRANSFER'
               AND plan_type = 'OFFR'
               AND plan_id = p_offer_id
              ) GROUP BY fund_id, currency_code;
Line: 2837

         SELECT SUM(NVL(DECODE(utilization_type, 'REQUEST',util.plan_curr_amount,-util.plan_curr_amount),0)) approved_amount,
         FROM ozf_funds_utilized_all_b util
         WHERE util.utilization_type IN ('REQUEST','TRANSFER')
         AND DECODE(util.utilization_type,'REQUEST', util.component_type,util.plan_type) = 'OFFR'
         AND DECODE(util.utilization_type,'REQUEST', util.component_id,util.plan_id) = p_offer_id
         GROUP BY util.fund_id,util.currency_code;
Line: 2849

        SELECT SUM(NVL(plan_curr_committed_amt,0))
        FROM ozf_object_fund_summary
        WHERE object_id =p_offer_id
        AND object_type = 'OFFR';
Line: 2854

         SELECT SUM (approved_amount)
         FROM (SELECT NVL(plan_curr_amount,0) approved_amount
               FROM ozf_funds_utilized_all_b
               WHERE utilization_type = 'REQUEST'
                 AND component_type = 'OFFR'
                 AND component_id = p_offer_id
               UNION ALL
               SELECT NVL(-plan_curr_amount,0) approved_amount
               FROM ozf_funds_utilized_all_b
               WHERE utilization_type = 'TRANSFER'
                 AND plan_type = 'OFFR'
                 AND plan_id = p_offer_id);
Line: 2868

        SELECT SUM(DECODE(utilization_type,'REQUEST',plan_curr_amount,'TRANSFER',-plan_curr_amount))
        FROM ozf_funds_utilized_all_b
        WHERE utilization_type IN ('REQUEST','TRANSFER')
        AND DECODE(utilization_type,'REQUEST', component_type,plan_type) = 'OFFR'
        AND DECODE(utilization_type,'REQUEST', component_id,plan_id) = p_offer_id;
Line: 2876

        SELECT NVL(SUM(plan_curr_amount),0), MAX(creation_date)
        FROM ozf_funds_utilized_all_b
        WHERE plan_id = p_offer_id
        AND  plan_type = 'OFFR'
        AND  utilization_type ='ACCRUAL';
Line: 2884

        SELECT SUM(util.plan_curr_amount)
        FROM ozf_funds_utilized_all_b util
        WHERE util.component_id = p_offer_id
        AND util.component_type = 'OFFR'
        AND util.utilization_type ='ACCRUAL'
        --AND product_id =p_product_id
        AND fund_id = p_fund_id;
Line: 2893

        SELECT attr_available_flag
        FROM   ams_custom_setup_attr
        WHERE  custom_setup_id = p_custom_setup_id
        AND    object_attribute = 'SCPO';
Line: 2900

        SELECT exchange_rate_type
        FROM   ozf_sys_parameters_all
        WHERE  org_id = p_org_id;
Line: 3259

         l_offer_data := DBMS_XMLGEN.getXml('SELECT ''OFFR'' AccrualType,
						    util.utilization_id UtilizationId,
						    util.plan_id PromotionId,
						    util.fund_id FundId,
						    NVL(map.xref_line_id_value,line.activity_product_id) DiscountLineId,
						    util.product_id ProductId,
						    util.cust_account_id CustomerId,
						    util.plan_curr_amount AccrualAmount,
						    ''0'' ShippedQuantity,
						    util.plan_curr_amount Revenue
					     FROM   ozf_funds_utilized_all_b util, ams_act_products line,
						    ozf_xref_map map
					     WHERE  util.product_id = line.inventory_item_id
					       AND  util.plan_type = ''OFFR''
					       AND  util.plan_id = line.act_product_used_by_id
					       AND  line.arc_act_product_used_by = ''OFFR''
					       AND  util.gl_posted_flag = ''Y''
					       AND  line.activity_product_id = map.list_line_id(+)
					       AND  line.act_product_used_by_id = ' || p_offer_id, 0);
Line: 3373

         SELECT custom_setup_id
         FROM ozf_offers
         WHERE qp_list_header_id = p_offer_id;
Line: 3563

         SELECT DECODE (level_type_code, 'PRODUCT', inventory_item_id, category_id) product_id
               ,level_type_code,scan_value, quantity
         FROM ams_act_products
         WHERE activity_product_Id = p_product_activity_id;
Line: 3570

         SELECT nvl(transaction_currency_code,fund_request_curr_code),NVL(source_from_parent,'N'),qualifier_id
         FROM ozf_offers
         WHERE qp_list_header_id = p_qp_list_header_id;
Line: 3578

         SELECT SUM(NVL(plan_curr_committed_amt,0) - NVL(plan_curr_utilized_amt,0))
         from ozf_object_fund_summary
         WHERE object_type = 'OFFR'
         AND object_id = p_qp_list_header_id;
Line: 3585

         SELECT act_offer_used_by_id
         FROM ozf_act_offers
         WHERE qp_list_header_id = p_qp_list_header_id
         AND arc_act_offer_used_by = 'CAMP';
Line: 3592

         SELECT  fund_id,plan_type,plan_id, currency_code
         FROM ozf_funds_utilized_all_b
         WHERE activity_product_Id = p_product_activity_id;
Line: 3599

         SELECT available_budget,fund_id,currency_code_tc
         FROM ozf_fund_details_v
         WHERE fund_id = p_fund_id;
Line: 3605

         SELECT (NVL(original_budget, 0) - NVL(holdback_amt, 0)
                 + NVL(transfered_in_amt, 0) - NVL(transfered_out_amt, 0)) available_budget,
         FROM ozf_funds_all_b
         WHERE fund_id = p_fund_id;
Line: 3614

        SELECT fund_id
               ,NVL(committed_amt,0)-NVL(utilized_amt,0) committed_amt
        FROM ozf_object_fund_summary
        WHERE object_id =p_qp_list_header_id
        AND object_type = 'OFFR';
Line: 3622

         SELECT   fund_id
                 ,SUM (amount) committed_amt
             FROM (SELECT   a1.fund_id fund_id
                           ,a1.currency_code fund_currency
                           ,NVL (SUM (a1.amount), 0) amount
                       FROM ozf_funds_utilized_all_b a1
                      WHERE a1.component_id = p_qp_list_header_id
                        AND a1.component_type = 'OFFR'
                        AND a1.utilization_type = 'REQUEST'
                   GROUP BY a1.fund_id, a1.currency_code
                   SELECT   a2.fund_id fund_id
                           ,a2.currency_code fund_currency
                           ,-NVL (SUM (a2.amount), 0) amount
                       FROM ozf_funds_utilized_all_b a2
                      WHERE a2.plan_id = p_qp_list_header_id
                        AND a2.plan_type = 'OFFR'
                   GROUP BY a2.fund_id, a2.currency_code)
         GROUP BY fund_id, fund_currency
         ORDER BY fund_id;
Line: 3953

   PROCEDURE update_budget_source(
      p_object_version_number IN       NUMBER
     ,p_budget_used_by_id     IN       NUMBER
     ,p_budget_used_by_type   IN       VARCHAR2
     ,p_from_parent           IN       VARCHAR2
     ,p_api_version           IN       NUMBER
     ,p_init_msg_list         IN       VARCHAR2 := fnd_api.g_false
     ,p_commit                IN       VARCHAR2 := fnd_api.g_false
     ,p_validation_level      IN       NUMBER := fnd_api.g_valid_level_full
     ,x_return_status         OUT NOCOPY      VARCHAR2
     ,x_msg_count             OUT NOCOPY      NUMBER
     ,x_msg_data              OUT NOCOPY      VARCHAR2
   ) IS
      l_api_version   CONSTANT NUMBER                                  := 1.0;
Line: 3967

      l_api_name      CONSTANT VARCHAR2 (50)                           := 'update_budget_source';
Line: 3976

      SAVEPOINT update_budget_source;
Line: 3992

         UPDATE ams_campaign_schedules_b
         SET source_from_parent = p_from_parent
             --,object_version_number =   p_object_version_number + 1
         WHERE schedule_id = p_budget_used_by_id;
Line: 4008

         UPDATE ams_event_offers_all_b
         SET source_from_parent = p_from_parent
         WHERE event_offer_id = p_budget_used_by_id;
Line: 4039

         ROLLBACK TO update_budget_source;
Line: 4047

         ROLLBACK TO update_budget_source;
Line: 4055

         ROLLBACK TO update_budget_source;
Line: 4067

   END update_budget_source;
Line: 4115

        SELECT req.request_header_id, req.currency_code,off.qualifier_id, req.submitted_by,off.org_id --approved_by
        FROM ozf_request_headers_all_b req, ozf_offers off
        WHERE req.offer_id =p_offer_id
        AND req.offer_id = off.qp_list_header_id;
Line: 4122

         select item_id, NVL(approved_amount,0),item_type from ozf_request_lines_all
         where request_header_id =p_request_header_id;
Line: 4128

         SELECT NVL(plan_curr_committed_amt,0) approved_amount
                ,fund_currency currency_code
         FROM ozf_object_fund_summary
         WHERE object_id =p_offer_id
         AND object_type = 'OFFR';
Line: 4136

         SELECT SUM (approved_amount) approved_amount, fund_id, currency_code
         FROM (
               SELECT NVL(plan_curr_amount,0) approved_amount, fund_id, currency_code
               FROM ozf_funds_utilized_all_b
               WHERE utilization_type = 'REQUEST'
               AND component_type = 'OFFR'
               AND component_id = p_offer_id
               UNION ALL
               SELECT NVL(-plan_curr_amount,0) approved_amount, fund_id, currency_code
               FROM ozf_funds_utilized_all_b
               WHERE utilization_type = 'TRANSFER'
               AND plan_type = 'OFFR'
               AND plan_id = p_offer_id
              ) GROUP BY fund_id, currency_code;
Line: 4153

         SELECT SUM(NVL(DECODE(utilization_type, 'REQUEST',util.plan_curr_amount,-util.plan_curr_amount),0)) approved_amount,
         FROM ozf_funds_utilized_all_b util
         WHERE util.utilization_type IN ('REQUEST','TRANSFER')
         AND DECODE(util.utilization_type,'REQUEST', util.component_type,util.plan_type) = 'OFFR'
         AND DECODE(util.utilization_type,'REQUEST', util.component_id,util.plan_id) = p_offer_id
         GROUP BY util.fund_id,util.currency_code;
Line: 4165

        SELECT SUM(NVL(plan_curr_committed_amt,0))
        FROM ozf_object_fund_summary
        WHERE object_id =p_offer_id
        AND object_type = 'OFFR';
Line: 4171

         SELECT SUM (approved_amount)
         FROM (SELECT NVL(plan_curr_amount,0) approved_amount
               FROM ozf_funds_utilized_all_b
               WHERE utilization_type = 'REQUEST'
                 AND component_type = 'OFFR'
                 AND component_id = p_offer_id
               UNION ALL
               SELECT NVL(-plan_curr_amount,0) approved_amount
               FROM ozf_funds_utilized_all_b
               WHERE utilization_type = 'TRANSFER'
                 AND plan_type = 'OFFR'
                 AND plan_id = p_offer_id);
Line: 4186

        SELECT SUM(DECODE(utilization_type,'REQUEST',plan_curr_amount,'TRANSFER',-plan_curr_amount))
        FROM ozf_funds_utilized_all_b
        WHERE utilization_type IN ('REQUEST','TRANSFER')
        AND DECODE(utilization_type,'REQUEST', component_type,plan_type) = 'OFFR'
        AND DECODE(utilization_type,'REQUEST', component_id,plan_id) = p_offer_id;
Line: 4195

         SELECT exchange_rate_type
         FROM   ozf_sys_parameters_all
         WHERE  org_id = p_org_id;
Line: 4394

   PROCEDURE update_request_status (
      x_return_status     OUT NOCOPY      VARCHAR2,
      x_msg_count         OUT NOCOPY      NUMBER,
      x_msg_data          OUT NOCOPY      VARCHAR2,
      p_offer_is           IN    NUMBER
   ) IS
      CURSOR c_req_header_rec(p_offer_id IN NUMBER) IS
         SELECT request_header_id,object_version_number,status_code
         FROM ozf_request_headers_all_b
         WHERE offer_id = p_offer_id;
Line: 4409

      l_api_name                VARCHAR2 (60)         := 'update_request_status';
Line: 4425

         UPDATE ozf_request_headers_all_b
         SET status_code ='APPROVED',
             object_version_number = l_obj_ver_num + 1
         WHERE request_header_id = l_req_header_id;
Line: 4464

   END update_request_status;