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2 /* $Header: IGCOUGLS.pls 120.8.12000000.4 2007/10/24 06:52:08 smannava ship $ */
3 /*#
4  * Contract Commitment Operations API allows the user to update, create,
5  * obtain, and link contract commitments from an external source.
6  * @rep:scope public
7  * @rep:product IGI
8  * @rep:lifecycle active
9  * @rep:displayname Contract Commitment Operations API
10  * @rep:ihelp igi/@iopenapiappx#iopenapiappx  Contract Commitment Open API, Oracle Public Sector International Help
11  * @rep:compatibility S
13  */
14 -- Definition of the CC Header record for CC OPEN API process
16 TYPE cc_header_rec_type IS RECORD (org_id                 igc_cc_headers.org_id%TYPE,
17                                    cc_type                igc_cc_headers.cc_type%TYPE,
18                                    cc_ref_num             igc_cc_headers.cc_ref_num%TYPE,
19                                    cc_num                 igc_cc_headers.cc_num%TYPE,
20                                    parent_header_id       igc_cc_headers.parent_header_id%TYPE,
21                                    vendor_id              igc_cc_headers.vendor_id%TYPE,
22                                    vendor_site_id         igc_cc_headers.vendor_site_id%TYPE,
23 				   vendor_contact_id      igc_cc_headers.vendor_contact_id%TYPE,
24                                    term_id                igc_cc_headers.term_id%TYPE,
25                                    location_id            igc_cc_headers.location_id%TYPE,
26                                    set_of_books_id        igc_cc_headers.set_of_books_id%TYPE,
27                                    cc_desc                igc_cc_headers.cc_desc%TYPE,
28                                    cc_start_date          igc_cc_headers.cc_start_date%TYPE,
29                                    cc_end_date            igc_cc_headers.cc_end_date%TYPE,
30                                    cc_owner_user_id       igc_cc_headers.cc_owner_user_id%TYPE,
31                                    cc_preparer_user_id    igc_cc_headers.cc_preparer_user_id%TYPE,
32                                    currency_code          igc_cc_headers.currency_code%TYPE,
33                                    conversion_type        igc_cc_headers.conversion_type%TYPE,
34                                    conversion_date        igc_cc_headers.conversion_date%TYPE,
35                                    conversion_rate        igc_cc_headers.conversion_rate%TYPE,
36                                    last_update_date       igc_cc_headers.last_update_date%TYPE,
37                                    last_updated_by        igc_cc_headers.last_updated_by%TYPE,
38                                    last_update_login      igc_cc_headers.last_update_login%TYPE,
39                                    created_by             igc_cc_headers.created_by%TYPE,
40                                    creation_date          igc_cc_headers.creation_date%TYPE,
41                                    context                igc_cc_headers.context%TYPE,
42                                    attribute1             igc_cc_headers.attribute1%TYPE,
43                                    attribute2             igc_cc_headers.attribute2%TYPE,
44                                    attribute3             igc_cc_headers.attribute3%TYPE,
45                                    attribute4             igc_cc_headers.attribute4%TYPE,
46                                    attribute5             igc_cc_headers.attribute5%TYPE,
47                                    attribute6             igc_cc_headers.attribute6%TYPE,
48                                    attribute7             igc_cc_headers.attribute7%TYPE,
49                                    attribute8             igc_cc_headers.attribute8%TYPE,
50                                    attribute9             igc_cc_headers.attribute9%TYPE,
51                                    attribute10            igc_cc_headers.attribute10%TYPE,
52                                    attribute11            igc_cc_headers.attribute11%TYPE,
53                                    attribute12            igc_cc_headers.attribute12%TYPE,
54                                    attribute13            igc_cc_headers.attribute13%TYPE,
55                                    attribute14            igc_cc_headers.attribute14%TYPE,
56                                    attribute15            igc_cc_headers.attribute15%TYPE,
57                                    cc_guarantee_flag      igc_cc_headers.cc_guarantee_flag%TYPE
58                                   );
60 -- Main program which selects all the records from Header PL-SQL table
61 -- and calls other programs for processing
62 /*#
63  * This API selects all records from the Header PL-SQL table
64  * and calls other programs for processing.
65  * @param p_api_version API Version
66  * @rep:paraminfo {@rep:required}
67  * @param p_init_msg_list TRUE should be passed if the Message List is to be
68  * initialized
69  * @param p_commit If it is set to TRUE it commits work
70  * @param p_validation_level To determine which validation steps should be executed
71  * and which steps should be skipped. Defaults to FULL Validation
72  * @param p_cc_header_rec Contract Commitment Header Record
73  * @rep:paraminfo {@rep:required}
74  * @param x_return_status Reports the API overall return status as Success, Error or
75  * Unexpected
76  * @param x_msg_count Number of messages in the API message list
77  * @param x_msg_data The message in an encoded format
78  * @rep:scope public
79  * @rep:lifecycle active
80  * @rep:displayname Create Contract Commitment
81  * @rep:ihelp igi/@copenapitblx#copenapitblx  Create API Parameters
82  * @rep:compatibility S
83  */
85    p_api_version         IN   NUMBER,
86    p_init_msg_list       IN   VARCHAR2,
87    p_commit              IN   VARCHAR2,
88    p_validation_level    IN   NUMBER,
89    p_cc_header_rec       IN   CC_HEADER_REC_TYPE,
90    x_return_status      OUT NOCOPY   VARCHAR2,
91    x_msg_count          OUT NOCOPY   NUMBER,
92    x_msg_data           OUT NOCOPY   VARCHAR2
93 );
95 -- To perform commitment action from an external system on a particular contract commitment.
97 /*#
98  * This API updates standard and release contract commitment types in an external system and
99  * updates the control status of the associated contract commitment.
100  * @param p_api_version API Version
101  * @rep:paraminfo {@rep:required}
102  * @param p_init_msg_list TRUE should be passed if the Message List is to be
103  * initialized
104  * @param p_commit If it is set to TRUE it commits work
105  * @param p_validation_level To determine which validation steps should be executed
106  * and which steps should be skipped. Defaults to FULL Validation
107  * @param p_cc_num Contract Number
108  * @rep:paraminfo {@rep:required}
109  * @param p_set_of_books_id Set Of Books Id
110  * @rep:paraminfo {@rep:required}
111  * @param p_org_id Organization Id
112  * @rep:paraminfo {@rep:required}
113  * @param p_action_code Valid Actions are Close(CL), On Hold(OH), Open(OP) and Release
114  * Hold(RH)
115  * @rep:paraminfo {@rep:required}
116  * @param p_last_updated_by Last Updated User of Headers
117  * @rep:paraminfo {@rep:required}
118  * @param p_last_update_login Last Updated Login Of Headers
119  * @rep:paraminfo {@rep:required}
120  * @param x_return_status Reports the API overall return status as Success, Error or
121  * Unexpected
122  * @param x_msg_count Number of messages in the API message list
123  * @param x_msg_data The message in an encoded format
124  * @rep:scope public
125  * @rep:lifecycle active
126  * @rep:displayname Update Contract Commitment
127  * @rep:ihelp igi/@copenapiupdtparx#copenapiupdtparx  Update API Parameters
128  * @rep:compatibility S
129  */
130 PROCEDURE  CC_Update_Control_Status_API (
131    p_api_version         IN   NUMBER,
132    p_init_msg_list       IN   VARCHAR2 ,
133    p_commit              IN   VARCHAR2,
134    p_validation_level    IN   NUMBER,
135    p_cc_num              IN   igc_cc_headers.cc_num%TYPE,
136    p_set_of_books_id     IN   igc_cc_headers.set_of_books_id%TYPE,
137    p_org_id              IN   igc_cc_headers.org_id%TYPE,
138    p_action_code	 IN   fnd_lookups.lookup_code%TYPE,
139    p_last_updated_by     IN   igc_cc_headers.last_updated_by%TYPE,
140    p_last_update_login   IN   igc_cc_headers.last_update_login%TYPE,
141    x_return_status      OUT NOCOPY   VARCHAR2,
142    x_msg_count          OUT NOCOPY   NUMBER,
143    x_msg_data           OUT NOCOPY   VARCHAR2
144 );
146 -- Checks if a contract corresponding to the contract reference number exists in
147 -- Oracle Contract Commitment.
149 /*#
150  * This API retrieves the external reference number associated with a contract commitment in Contract Commitment.
151  * If the API returns the external reference number, it can be modified. If an external reference number does not exist,
152  * users can enter one.
153  * @param p_api_version API Version
154  * @rep:paraminfo {@rep:required}
155  * @param p_init_msg_list TRUE should be passed if the Message List is to be
156  * initialized
157  * @param p_commit If it is set to TRUE it commits work
158  * @param p_validation_level To determine which validation steps should be executed
159  * and which steps should be skipped. Defaults to FULL Validation
160  * @param p_cc_num Contract Number
161  * @rep:paraminfo {@rep:required}
162  * @param p_org_id Organization Id
163  * @rep:paraminfo {@rep:required}
164  * @param p_set_of_books_id Set Of Books Id
165  * @rep:paraminfo {@rep:required}
166  * @param x_cc_header_id CC Header Id
167  * @param x_cc_ref_num Reference Number
168  * @param x_return_status Reports the API overall return status as Success, Error or
169  * Unexpected
170  * @param x_msg_count Number of messages in the API message list
171  * @param x_msg_data The message in an encoded format
172  * @rep:scope public
173  * @rep:lifecycle active
174  * @rep:displayname Check Duplicate Contract Commitment
175  * @rep:ihelp igi/@copenapiselpar#copenapiselpar  Select API Parameters
176  * @rep:compatibility S
177  */
179    p_api_version         IN   NUMBER,
180    p_init_msg_list       IN   VARCHAR2,
181    p_commit              IN   VARCHAR2,
182    p_validation_level    IN   NUMBER,
183    p_cc_num              IN   igc_cc_headers.cc_num%TYPE,
184    p_org_id              IN   igc_cc_headers.org_id%TYPE,
185    p_set_of_books_id     IN   igc_cc_headers.set_of_books_id%TYPE,
186    x_cc_header_id	OUT NOCOPY   igc_cc_headers.cc_header_id%TYPE,
187    x_cc_ref_num		OUT NOCOPY   igc_cc_headers.cc_ref_num%TYPE,
188    x_return_status      OUT NOCOPY   VARCHAR2,
189    x_msg_count          OUT NOCOPY   NUMBER,
190    x_msg_data           OUT NOCOPY   VARCHAR2
191 );
193 -- Links a contract from an external system with a contract in oracle contract commitment.
195 /*#
196  * This API links a contract commitment with an external contract. It is used when a contract commitment
197  * exists in Contract Commitment and users want to link it to a contract in an external system.
198  * @param p_api_version API Version
199  * @rep:paraminfo {@rep:required}
200  * @param p_init_msg_list TRUE should be passed if the Message List is to be
201  * initialized
202  * @param p_commit If it is set to TRUE it commits work
203  * @param p_validation_level To determine which validation steps should be executed
204  * and which steps should be skipped. Defaults to FULL Validation
205  * @param p_cc_ref_num Contract Reference Number
206  * @rep:paraminfo {@rep:required}
207  * @param p_org_id Organization Id
208  * @rep:paraminfo {@rep:required}
209  * @param p_set_of_books_id Set Of Books Id
210  * @rep:paraminfo {@rep:required}
211  * @param p_cc_num Contract Number
212  * @rep:paraminfo {@rep:required}
213  * @param x_return_status Reports the API overall return status as Success, Error or
214  * Unexpected
215  * @param x_msg_count Number of messages in the API message list
216  * @param x_msg_data The message in an encoded format
217  * @rep:scope public
218  * @rep:lifecycle active
219  * @rep:displayname Link Contract Commitment
220  * @rep:ihelp igi/@copenapilnkpar#copenapilnkpar  Link API Parameters
221  * @rep:compatibility S
222  */
224    p_api_version         IN   NUMBER,
225    p_init_msg_list       IN   VARCHAR2,
226    p_commit              IN   VARCHAR2,
227    p_validation_level    IN   NUMBER,
228    p_cc_ref_num		 IN   igc_cc_headers.cc_ref_num%TYPE,
229    p_org_id              IN   igc_cc_headers.org_id%TYPE,
230    p_set_of_books_id     IN   igc_cc_headers.set_of_books_id%TYPE,
231    p_cc_num              IN   igc_cc_headers.cc_num%TYPE,
232    x_return_status      OUT NOCOPY   VARCHAR2,
233    x_msg_count          OUT NOCOPY   NUMBER,
234    x_msg_data           OUT NOCOPY   VARCHAR2
235 );
238 /* This API is introduced from r12 for MOAC uptake. It validates org_id and sets ORG context. This should be called once before starting of any of Create,Update,Select, Link processes  to intialize MOAC,validate ORG ID and to sets ORG Context */
239 PROCEDURE Set_Global_Info
240           (p_api_version_number  IN NUMBER,
241            p_responsibility_id   IN NUMBER,
242            p_user_id           IN NUMBER,
243            p_resp_appl_id      IN NUMBER,
244            p_operating_unit_id   IN NUMBER,
245            x_return_status      OUT NOCOPY   VARCHAR2,
246            x_msg_count          OUT NOCOPY   NUMBER,
247            x_msg_data           OUT NOCOPY   VARCHAR2
249 );
251 /* This function is used to determine and get valid operating unit where Contract Commitment is enabled.
252 -- Returns ORG_ID if valid and CC is enabled or retruns NULL if invalid or CC is not enabled */
254 ( p_org_id  hr_operating_units.organization_id%TYPE DEFAULT NULL , p_product_code VARCHAR2  )