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Line 321: nvl(party_site_id, hz_party_sites_s.nextval),

317: (
318: pid, pos, posr,
319: psos, psosr,
320: int_row_id, action_flag,
321: nvl(party_site_id, hz_party_sites_s.nextval),
322: error_flag, party_action_flag,
323: old_psosr, overwrite_osr_flag,
325: primary_flag

Line 339: ( 'HZ_PARTY_SITES',

336: BATCH_ID,
338: ) values
339: ( 'HZ_PARTY_SITES',
340: overwrite_osr_flag,
341: old_psosr,
342: psosr,
343: nvl(party_site_id, hz_party_sites_s.nextval),

Line 343: nvl(party_site_id, hz_party_sites_s.nextval),

339: ( 'HZ_PARTY_SITES',
340: overwrite_osr_flag,
341: old_psosr,
342: psosr,
343: nvl(party_site_id, hz_party_sites_s.nextval),
344: P_BATCH_ID, pid
345: )
346: select /*+ leading(ps_int_w_psosr) use_nl(psosr_mosr,hz_ps) index(hz_ps, hz_party_sites_n4) */
347: ps_int_w_psosr.pid, ps_int_w_psosr.pos, ps_int_w_psosr.posr,

Line 346: select /*+ leading(ps_int_w_psosr) use_nl(psosr_mosr,hz_ps) index(hz_ps, hz_party_sites_n4) */

342: psosr,
343: nvl(party_site_id, hz_party_sites_s.nextval),
344: P_BATCH_ID, pid
345: )
346: select /*+ leading(ps_int_w_psosr) use_nl(psosr_mosr,hz_ps) index(hz_ps, hz_party_sites_n4) */
347: ps_int_w_psosr.pid, ps_int_w_psosr.pos, ps_int_w_psosr.posr,
348: ps_int_w_psosr.psos, ps_int_w_psosr.psosr,
349: ps_int_w_psosr.int_row_id,
350: nvl2(psosr_mosr.owner_table_id,decode(ps_int_w_psosr.owning_pty_chg_flag,'Y','I','U'),'I') action_flag,

Line 352: --nvl(psosr_mosr.owner_table_id, hz_party_sites_s.nextval) party_site_id,

348: ps_int_w_psosr.psos, ps_int_w_psosr.psosr,
349: ps_int_w_psosr.int_row_id,
350: nvl2(psosr_mosr.owner_table_id,decode(ps_int_w_psosr.owning_pty_chg_flag,'Y','I','U'),'I') action_flag,
351: nvl2(ps_int_w_psosr.owning_pty_chg_flag,null,psosr_mosr.owner_table_id) party_site_id,
352: --nvl(psosr_mosr.owner_table_id, hz_party_sites_s.nextval) party_site_id,
353: --psosr_mosr.owner_table_id party_site_id, -- Bug6082657
354: DECODE (ps_int_w_psosr.ps_int_pid, NULL, nvl2(nullif(psosr_mosr.party_id, ps_int_w_psosr.pid), 2, null),
355: NVL2(p.party_id, NULL, 3) ) error_flag,
356: ps_int_w_psosr.party_action_flag,

Line 367: hz_party_sites hz_ps,

363: ps_int_w_psosr.primary_flag
364: desc nulls last),
365: 1, 'Y', null)) primary_flag
366: from hz_orig_sys_references psosr_mosr,
367: hz_party_sites hz_ps,
368: (
369: select /*+ no_merge leading(ps_int) index_asc(ps_int) use_hash(psg) use_nl(mosr) */
370: ps_int.rowid int_row_id,
371: -- note osr_change.entity_id must come before mosr

Line 419: and psosr_mosr.owner_table_name (+) = 'HZ_PARTY_SITES'

415: hz_parties p
416: where ps_int_w_psosr.psos = psosr_mosr.orig_system (+)
417: and ps_int_w_psosr.final_psosr =
418: psosr_mosr.orig_system_reference (+)
419: and psosr_mosr.owner_table_name (+) = 'HZ_PARTY_SITES'
420: and psosr_mosr.status (+) = 'A'
421: and ps_int_w_psosr.pid = hz_ps.party_id (+)
422: and 'Y' = hz_ps.identifying_address_flag (+)
423: and 'A' = hz_ps.status (+)

Line 452: nvl(party_site_id, hz_party_sites_s.nextval),

448: (
449: pid, pos, posr,
450: psos, psosr,
451: int_row_id, action_flag,
452: nvl(party_site_id, hz_party_sites_s.nextval),
453: error_flag, party_action_flag,
454: old_psosr, overwrite_osr_flag,
456: primary_flag

Line 469: ( 'HZ_PARTY_SITES',

468: ) values
469: ( 'HZ_PARTY_SITES',
470: overwrite_osr_flag,
471: old_psosr,
472: psosr,
473: nvl(party_site_id, hz_party_sites_s.nextval),

Line 473: nvl(party_site_id, hz_party_sites_s.nextval),

469: ( 'HZ_PARTY_SITES',
470: overwrite_osr_flag,
471: old_psosr,
472: psosr,
473: nvl(party_site_id, hz_party_sites_s.nextval),
474: P_BATCH_ID, pid
475: )
476: select /*+ leading(ps_int_w_psosr) use_nl(psosr_mosr,hz_ps) index(hz_ps, hz_party_sites_n4) */
477: ps_int_w_psosr.pid, ps_int_w_psosr.pos, ps_int_w_psosr.posr,

Line 476: select /*+ leading(ps_int_w_psosr) use_nl(psosr_mosr,hz_ps) index(hz_ps, hz_party_sites_n4) */

472: psosr,
473: nvl(party_site_id, hz_party_sites_s.nextval),
474: P_BATCH_ID, pid
475: )
476: select /*+ leading(ps_int_w_psosr) use_nl(psosr_mosr,hz_ps) index(hz_ps, hz_party_sites_n4) */
477: ps_int_w_psosr.pid, ps_int_w_psosr.pos, ps_int_w_psosr.posr,
478: ps_int_w_psosr.psos, ps_int_w_psosr.psosr,
479: ps_int_w_psosr.int_row_id,
480: nvl2(psosr_mosr.owner_table_id,decode(ps_int_w_psosr.owning_pty_chg_flag,'Y','I','U'),'I') action_flag,

Line 482: --nvl(psosr_mosr.owner_table_id, hz_party_sites_s.nextval) party_site_id,

478: ps_int_w_psosr.psos, ps_int_w_psosr.psosr,
479: ps_int_w_psosr.int_row_id,
480: nvl2(psosr_mosr.owner_table_id,decode(ps_int_w_psosr.owning_pty_chg_flag,'Y','I','U'),'I') action_flag,
481: nvl2(ps_int_w_psosr.owning_pty_chg_flag,null,psosr_mosr.owner_table_id) party_site_id,
482: --nvl(psosr_mosr.owner_table_id, hz_party_sites_s.nextval) party_site_id,
483: --psosr_mosr.owner_table_id party_site_id, -- Bug6082657
484: DECODE (ps_int_w_psosr.ps_int_pid, NULL, nvl2(nullif(psosr_mosr.party_id, ps_int_w_psosr.pid), 2, null),
485: NVL2(p.party_id, NULL, 3) ) error_flag,
486: ps_int_w_psosr.party_action_flag,

Line 497: hz_party_sites hz_ps,

493: ps_int_w_psosr.primary_flag
494: desc nulls last),
495: 1, 'Y', null)) primary_flag
496: from hz_orig_sys_references psosr_mosr,
497: hz_party_sites hz_ps,
498: (
499: select /*+ no_merge leading(ps_int) index_asc(ps_int) use_hash(psg) use_nl(mosr) */
500: ps_int.rowid int_row_id,
501: -- note osr_change.entity_id must come before mosr

Line 549: and psosr_mosr.owner_table_name (+) = 'HZ_PARTY_SITES'

545: hz_parties p
546: where ps_int_w_psosr.psos = psosr_mosr.orig_system (+)
547: and ps_int_w_psosr.final_psosr =
548: psosr_mosr.orig_system_reference (+)
549: and psosr_mosr.owner_table_name (+) = 'HZ_PARTY_SITES'
550: and psosr_mosr.status (+) = 'A'
551: and ps_int_w_psosr.pid = hz_ps.party_id (+)
552: and 'Y' = hz_ps.identifying_address_flag (+)
553: and 'A' = hz_ps.status (+)

Line 661: and addr_osr_ch_tbl.entity_name (+) = 'HZ_PARTY_SITES'

657: ) cpi_cosr
658: where cpi_cosr.new_losr = asg.site_orig_system_reference (+)
659: and cpi_cosr.los = asg.site_orig_system (+)
660: and cpi_cosr.batch_id = asg.batch_id (+)
661: and addr_osr_ch_tbl.entity_name (+) = 'HZ_PARTY_SITES'
662: and addr_osr_ch_tbl.batch_id (+) = P_BATCH_ID
663: and addr_osr_ch_tbl.NEW_ORIG_SYSTEM_REFERENCE (+) = cpi_cosr.new_losr
664: and addr_osr_ch_tbl.party_id (+) = cpi_cosr.pid /* Bug 5383200 */
665: and asg.batch_mode_flag (+) = P_BATCH_MODE_FLAG

Line 675: and ps_mosr.owner_table_name (+) = 'HZ_PARTY_SITES'

671: and decode(cpi_cosr.old_posr, null, cpi_cosr.new_cosr,
672: cpi_cosr.old_posr || substr(cpi_cosr.new_cosr, instr(
673: cpi_cosr.new_cosr, '-'))) = cp_mosr.orig_system_reference (+)
674: and cpi_cosr.cos = cp_mosr.orig_system (+)
675: and ps_mosr.owner_table_name (+) = 'HZ_PARTY_SITES'
676: and ps_mosr.status (+) = 'A'
677: and cp_mosr.owner_table_name (+) = 'HZ_CONTACT_POINTS'
678: and cp_mosr.status (+) = 'A'
679: and hz_cpt_pri.owner_table_name (+) = 'HZ_PARTIES'

Line 774: and addr_osr_ch_tbl.entity_name (+) = 'HZ_PARTY_SITES'

770: ) cpi_cosr
771: where cpi_cosr.new_losr = asg.site_orig_system_reference (+)
772: and cpi_cosr.los = asg.site_orig_system (+)
773: and cpi_cosr.batch_id = asg.batch_id (+)
774: and addr_osr_ch_tbl.entity_name (+) = 'HZ_PARTY_SITES'
775: and addr_osr_ch_tbl.batch_id (+) = P_BATCH_ID
776: and addr_osr_ch_tbl.NEW_ORIG_SYSTEM_REFERENCE (+) = cpi_cosr.new_losr
777: and addr_osr_ch_tbl.party_id (+) = cpi_cosr.pid /* Bug 5383200 */
778: and asg.batch_mode_flag (+) = P_BATCH_MODE_FLAG

Line 788: and ps_mosr.owner_table_name (+) = 'HZ_PARTY_SITES'

784: and decode(cpi_cosr.old_posr, null, cpi_cosr.new_cosr,
785: cpi_cosr.old_posr || substr(cpi_cosr.new_cosr, instr(
786: cpi_cosr.new_cosr, '-'))) = cp_mosr.orig_system_reference (+)
787: and cpi_cosr.cos = cp_mosr.orig_system (+)
788: and ps_mosr.owner_table_name (+) = 'HZ_PARTY_SITES'
789: and ps_mosr.status (+) = 'A'
790: and cp_mosr.owner_table_name (+) = 'HZ_CONTACT_POINTS'
791: and cp_mosr.status (+) = 'A'
792: and hz_cpt_pri.owner_table_name (+) = 'HZ_PARTIES'

Line 2669: from hz_party_sites hz_ps,

2665: order by nvl2(hz_psuse.party_site_use_id, hz_psuse.primary_per_type,
2666: addruse_w_id.primary_flag) desc nulls last,
2667: hz_psuse.party_site_use_id nulls last), 1, decode((
2668: select count(*)
2669: from hz_party_sites hz_ps,
2670: hz_party_site_uses hz_ps_use
2671: where hz_ps.party_id = addruse_w_id.party_id
2672: and hz_ps.party_site_id = hz_ps_use.party_site_id
2673: and hz_ps_use.site_use_type = addruse_w_id.site_use_type

Line 2707: and addr_mosr.owner_table_name (+) = 'HZ_PARTY_SITES'

2703: and party_sg.action_flag(+)='I'
2704: and addruse_int.batch_id = addr_sg.batch_id(+)
2705: and addr_sg.batch_mode_flag(+)=P_BATCH_MODE_FLAG
2706: and addr_sg.action_flag(+)='I'
2707: and addr_mosr.owner_table_name (+) = 'HZ_PARTY_SITES'
2708: and addr_mosr.status (+) = 'A'
2709: and addruse_int.site_orig_system_reference = addr_mosr.orig_system_reference (+)
2710: and addruse_int.site_orig_system = addr_mosr.orig_system (+)
2711: and addruse_int.site_orig_system_reference = addr_sg.site_orig_system_reference (+)

Line 2750: from hz_party_sites hz_ps,

2746: order by nvl2(hz_psuse.party_site_use_id, hz_psuse.primary_per_type,
2747: addruse_w_id.primary_flag) desc nulls last,
2748: hz_psuse.party_site_use_id nulls last), 1, decode((
2749: select count(*)
2750: from hz_party_sites hz_ps,
2751: hz_party_site_uses hz_ps_use
2752: where hz_ps.party_id = addruse_w_id.party_id
2753: and hz_ps.party_site_id = hz_ps_use.party_site_id
2754: and hz_ps_use.site_use_type = addruse_w_id.site_use_type

Line 2788: and addr_mosr.owner_table_name (+) = 'HZ_PARTY_SITES'

2784: and party_sg.action_flag(+)='I'
2785: and addruse_int.batch_id = addr_sg.batch_id(+)
2786: and addr_sg.batch_mode_flag(+)=P_BATCH_MODE_FLAG
2787: and addr_sg.action_flag(+)='I'
2788: and addr_mosr.owner_table_name (+) = 'HZ_PARTY_SITES'
2789: and addr_mosr.status (+) = 'A'
2790: and addruse_int.site_orig_system_reference = addr_mosr.orig_system_reference (+)
2791: and addruse_int.site_orig_system = addr_mosr.orig_system (+)
2792: and addruse_int.site_orig_system_reference = addr_sg.site_orig_system_reference (+)