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Line 311: update ecx_external_retry set status= i_status,time_stamp = i_timestamp,error_id=i_error_no where retry_msgid=i_outmsgid;

307: ecx_utils.i_curr_errid := i_error_no;
308: end if;
309: /* Start of Bug #2167164 */
310: BEGIN
311: update ecx_external_retry set status= i_status,time_stamp = i_timestamp,error_id=i_error_no where retry_msgid=i_outmsgid;
312: If sql%notfound then
313: NULL;
314: end if;
315: END;

Line 337: -- original msgid. So, check if it exists in ecx_external_retry and get the original

333: End;
335: if cnt = 0 then
336: -- since the msgid is not in ecx_doclogs it is possible that this was a resend of the
337: -- original msgid. So, check if it exists in ecx_external_retry and get the original
338: -- msgid
339: begin
340: select msgid
341: into i_message_id

Line 342: from ecx_external_retry

338: -- msgid
339: begin
340: select msgid
341: into i_message_id
342: from ecx_external_retry
343: where retry_msgid = i_outmsgid;
344: exception
345: when no_data_found then
346: null;

Line 1393: insert into ecx_external_retry

1389: fetch c_ecx_errorno into i_error_no;
1390: close c_ecx_errorno;
1391: end if;
1393: insert into ecx_external_retry
1394: (
1395: retry_msgid,
1396: msgid,
1397: status,