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Line 1090: -- Columns needed by BEN_CWB_PERSON_GROUPS

1086: ,p_acty_base_rt_id => l_cwb_acty_base_rt_id
1087: ,p_elig_flag => null -- 9999 it should come from g_curr_epe_rec
1088: ,p_inelig_rsn_cd => null -- 9999 it should come from g_curr_epe_rec
1089: --
1090: -- Columns needed by BEN_CWB_PERSON_GROUPS
1091: --
1092: ,p_due_dt => null
1093: ,p_access_cd => null -- passed inside the poppulate_cwb_rates
1094: ,p_elig_per_elctbl_chc_id => p_elig_per_elctbl_chc_id

Line 2551: -- Columns needed by BEN_CWB_PERSON_GROUPS

2547: ,p_opt_id => l_currepe_row.opt_id
2548: ,p_assignment_id => NVL(l_asg_row.assignment_id,l_asg_benass_row.assignment_id)
2549: ,p_elig_flag => null -- 9999 it should come from g_curr_epe_rec
2550: ,p_inelig_rsn_cd => null -- 9999 it should come from g_curr_epe_rec --
2551: -- Columns needed by BEN_CWB_PERSON_GROUPS
2552: --
2553: ,p_due_dt => null
2554: ,p_access_cd => null -- passed inside the poppulate_cwb_rates
2555: ,p_elig_per_elctbl_chc_id => l_elig_per_elctbl_chc_id