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1 PACKAGE gl_period_status_sync_pub AUTHID CURRENT_USER AS
2 /* $Header: glpssyss.pls 120.2.12010000.1 2009/12/16 11:57:14 sommukhe noship $ */
3 /*================================================================================|
4 | FILENAME                                                                   	  |
5 |    glpssyss.pls                                                           	  |
6 |                                                                            	  |
7 | PACKAGE NAME                                                               	  |
8 |    GL_PERIOD_STATUS_SYNC_PUB                                                    |
9 |                                                                            	  |
10 | DESCRIPTION                                                                	  |
11 |     This is a GL Period Synchronization which is used to Open a GL period for   |
12 |     Primary and its Secondary and Reporting Ledgers with in a gieven date range.|
13 |     Also this Program used to close the period which is beyond the date range	  |
14 |     if the periods already opened.						  |
15 |     										  |
16 |     In case of any error in any stage of the program will stop the process. And |
17 |     error will be notified to AIA through business event.			  |
18 |     										  |
19 |     Existing concurrent Program used to change the Period statuses.		  |
20 |										  |
21 |     This is a package Body        						  |
22 |									     	  |
23 | 										  |
24 | SUB PROGRAMS									  |
25 | ------------									  |
26 | PROCEDURE period_status_sync							  |
27 | 										  |
28 | PARAMETER DESCRIPTION							     	  |
29 | ---------------------								  |
30 | p_ledger_short_name	IN 	short_name from gl_ledgers table. 		  |
31 | p_start_date          IN   	start_date of the period from gl_period_statuses  |
32 | p_end_date		IN 	end_date of the period from gl_period_statuses	  |
33 | errbuf	       OUT      Default out parameter to capture error message    |
34 | retcode   	       OUT      Default out parameter to capture error code       |
35 |										  |
36 | HISTORY                                                                    	  |
37 | -------   									  |
38 | 25-JUN-08  KARTHIK M P  Created 			             	          |
39 +=================================================================================*/
43 PROCEDURE period_status_sync
44 ( errbuf 	     	OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
45   retcode		OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
46   x_return_status	OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
47   p_ledger_Short_name   IN VARCHAR2,
48   p_start_date   	IN DATE,
49   p_end_date	 	IN DATE
50 );
52 END gl_period_status_sync_pub;