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Line 242: The users must be present in the fnd_user table.

238: < Added this procedure as part of Bug #: 2810150 >
239: PROCEDURE NAME: get_diff_in_user_list
241: Given a two lists of users, this procedure gives the difference of the two lists.
242: The users must be present in the fnd_user table.
243: Referenced by : locate_notifier
244: parameters :
245: Input:
246: p_super_set : A string having the list of user names

Line 267: l_user_name FND_USER.USER_NAME%type;

263: IS
264: l_refcur g_refcur;
265: l_name_list VARCHAR2(2000);
266: l_count NUMBER;
267: l_user_name FND_USER.USER_NAME%type;
268: l_progress VARCHAR2(255);
269: BEGIN
270: l_count := 0;
271: OPEN l_refcur FOR 'select distinct fu.user_name

Line 273: from fnd_user fu

269: BEGIN
270: l_count := 0;
271: OPEN l_refcur FOR 'select distinct fu.user_name
273: from fnd_user fu
275: where fu.user_name in ('|| p_super_set || ')
277: and fu.user_name not in (' || p_subset || ')';

Line 337: l_user_name fnd_user.user_name%TYPE;

333: l_offset PLS_INTEGER;
334: l_length PLS_INTEGER;
335: l_start PLS_INTEGER;
336: l_end PLS_INTEGER;
337: l_user_name fnd_user.user_name%TYPE;
338: l_count PLS_INTEGER;
339: CURSOR l_cur
340: IS
341: SELECT role_name

Line 475: from fnd_user fu, fnd_user_resp_groups furg

471: l_count := 0;
472: l_f := '''' || 'F' || '''';
473: OPEN l_refcur FOR 'select distinct fu.user_name
475: from fnd_user fu, fnd_user_resp_groups furg
477: where fu.user_id = furg.user_id
479: and furg.responsibility_id in

Line 1164: from fnd_user

1160: */
1161: BEGIN
1162: select user_id
1163: into emp_user_id
1164: from fnd_user
1165: where employee_id = x_agent_id
1166: and rownum = 1
1167: and sysdate < nvl(end_date, sysdate + 1);

Line 4506: l_approver_user_name fnd_user.user_name%TYPE;

4502: l_numerator_rate NUMBER;
4503: l_approval_currency VARCHAR2(30);
4504: l_amount_disp VARCHAR2(60);
4505: l_amount_approval_currency NUMBER;
4506: l_approver_user_name fnd_user.user_name%TYPE;
4507: l_user_id fnd_user.user_id%TYPE;
4508: l_progress VARCHAR2(200);
4509: l_no_rate_msg VARCHAR2(200);
4510: BEGIN

Line 4507: l_user_id fnd_user.user_id%TYPE;

4503: l_approval_currency VARCHAR2(30);
4504: l_amount_disp VARCHAR2(60);
4505: l_amount_approval_currency NUMBER;
4506: l_approver_user_name fnd_user.user_name%TYPE;
4507: l_user_id fnd_user.user_id%TYPE;
4508: l_progress VARCHAR2(200);
4509: l_no_rate_msg VARCHAR2(200);
4510: BEGIN
4511: SELECT default_rate_type INTO l_rate_type FROM po_system_parameters;

Line 4522: FROM fnd_user

4518: l_approver_user_name := PO_WF_UTIL_PKG.GetItemAttrText(itemtype=>itemtype, itemkey=>itemkey, aname=>'APPROVER_USER_NAME');
4519: IF (l_approver_user_name IS NOT NULL) THEN
4520: SELECT user_id
4521: INTO l_user_id
4522: FROM fnd_user
4523: WHERE user_name = l_approver_user_name;
4525: l_progress := 'getReqAmountInfo:' || l_user_id;
4526: IF (g_po_wf_debug = 'Y') THEN

Line 7785: l_rspndr_usr_name fnd_user.user_name%TYPE := '';

7781: l_Last_Updated_By PO_ACCEPTANCES.last_updated_by%TYPE;
7782: l_acc_po_header_id PO_HEADERS_ALL.po_header_id%TYPE;
7783: l_acceptance_id PO_ACCEPTANCES.acceptance_id%TYPE;
7784: -- End of Bug 2850566
7785: l_rspndr_usr_name fnd_user.user_name%TYPE := '';
7786: l_accepting_party VARCHAR2(1);
7787: BEGIN
7788: -- Bug 2850566
7789: -- Commented out the select statement as it is handled in the PO_ACCEPTANCES rowhandler

Line 7838: FROM fnd_user

7834: l_rspndr_usr_name := wf_engine.GetItemAttrText ( itemtype => itemtype, itemkey => itemkey, aname => 'SUPPLIER_USER_NAME');
7835: BEGIN
7836: SELECT user_id
7837: INTO l_Last_Updated_By
7838: FROM fnd_user
7839: WHERE user_name = upper(l_rspndr_usr_name);
7841: l_accepting_party := 'S';

Line 8460: l_cat_admin_user_name FND_USER.USER_NAME%type;

8456: IS
8457: l_progress VARCHAR2(200);
8458: l_doc_id NUMBER;
8459: l_doc_type PO_HEADERS_ALL.TYPE_LOOKUP_CODE%type;
8460: l_cat_admin_user_name FND_USER.USER_NAME%type;
8461: BEGIN
8462: l_progress := '100';
8463: IF (g_po_wf_debug = 'Y') THEN
8464: PO_WF_DEBUG_PKG.insert_debug(p_item_type,p_item_key,l_progress);

Line 8528: l_user_name FND_USER.USER_NAME%type;

8524: p_doc_id IN NUMBER,
8525: p_doc_type IN VARCHAR2)
8526: IS
8527: l_progress VARCHAR2(255);
8528: l_user_name FND_USER.USER_NAME%type;
8529: l_lock_owner_role PO_HEADERS_ALL.lock_owner_role%type;
8530: l_lock_owner_user_id PO_HEADERS_ALL.lock_owner_user_id%type;
8531: BEGIN
8532: l_progress := 'PO_REQAPPROVAL_INIT1.set_catalog_admin_user_name: 100' || 'Document Id='|| TO_CHAR(p_doc_id) || 'Document Type='|| p_doc_type;

Line 8560: FROM fnd_user

8556: -- The performer attribute holds the user name, get the user name
8557: -- associated with the user id
8558: SELECT user_name
8559: INTO l_user_name
8560: FROM fnd_user
8561: WHERE user_id = l_lock_owner_user_id;
8563: l_progress := 'PO_REQAPPROVAL_INIT1.set_catalog_admin_user_name: 155' || 'UserName='|| l_user_name;
8564: IF (g_po_wf_debug = 'Y') THEN