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Line 7996: l_container_rec wsh_container_grp.changedattributetabtype;

7992: l_net_weight NUMBER;
7993: l_deliv_det_id NUMBER;
7994: l_container_name wsh_delivery_details.container_name%TYPE;
7995: l_container_flag wsh_delivery_details.container_flag%TYPE;
7996: l_container_rec wsh_container_grp.changedattributetabtype;
7997: -- added for bug 2529382
7998: l_status_code VARCHAR2(2);
7999: l_container_new_name VARCHAR2(30);
8000: --Bug number:2701925:

Line 8076: 2. Replace API call to wsh_container_grp.update_container

8072: /* Release 12(K): LPN Synchronization
8073: 1. Uniqueness constraint on WDD.container_name is removed
8074: So it is not required to append characters to the LPNs
8075: to get a new containers name
8076: 2. Replace API call to wsh_container_grp.update_container
8077: with new API call WSH_WMS_LPN_GRP.Create_Update_Containers
8078: */
8079: /*
8080: IF (l_debug = 1) THEN

Line 8147: Replace the call to wsh_container_grp.create_containers

8143: --If the LPN does not exist in in wsh_delivery_details, create a new container
8144: IF l_count = 0 THEN
8146: /* Release 12 (K): LPN Synchronization
8147: Replace the call to wsh_container_grp.create_containers
8148: with new API call to WSH_WMS_LPN_GRP.Create_Update_Containers
8150: The pre-R12 code was doing in two steps, create_container then update_container
8151: With the new API call, it replaces both previous API calls */

Line 8604: -- Replaced call to wsh_container_grp.container_actions

8600: CLOSE lpn_childs;
8602: IF l_wsh_lpn_id_tbl.COUNT > 0 THEN
8603: -- Relase 12: LPN SyncUp
8604: -- Replaced call to wsh_container_grp.container_actions
8605: -- with new API call WSH_WMS_LPN_GRP.Delivery_Detail_Action
8606: l_wsh_action_prms.caller := 'WMS';
8607: l_wsh_action_prms.action_code := p_action_code;
8608: l_wsh_action_prms.lpn_rec.organization_id := p_organization_id;

Line 8634: --debug('WSH_Container_Grp.Container_Actions returns an exec. error','Pack_Lpns);

8630: x_action_out_rec => l_wsh_action_out_rec
8631: );
8633: IF (x_return_status IN(fnd_api.g_ret_sts_error)) THEN
8634: --debug('WSH_Container_Grp.Container_Actions returns an exec. error','Pack_Lpns);
8635: IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
8636: DEBUG('Exec. error in packing' || SUBSTR(SQLERRM, 1, 240) || ' ret st:' || x_return_status, 'Container_Nesting');
8637: END IF;

Line 8641: --debug('WSH_Container_Grp.Container_Actions returns an unexp. error','Pack_Lpns);

8637: END IF;
8639: RAISE fnd_api.g_exc_error;
8640: ELSIF(x_return_status = fnd_api.g_ret_sts_unexp_error) THEN
8641: --debug('WSH_Container_Grp.Container_Actions returns an unexp. error','Pack_Lpns);
8642: IF (l_debug = 1) THEN
8643: DEBUG('Unexp. error in packing', 'Container_Nesting');
8644: END IF;

Line 8689: wsh_container_grp.container_actions

8685: END;
8687: IF l_delivery_planned_flag NOT IN ('Y','F') THEN
8688: DEBUG('Delivery not planned. Just unassign the outer LPN lines','Container_Nesting');
8689: wsh_container_grp.container_actions
8690: (p_api_version => 1.0,
8691: p_init_msg_list => G_TRUE,
8692: p_commit => G_FALSE,
8693: p_validation_level => fnd_api.g_valid_level_full,

Line 8706: debug('wsh_container_grp.container_actions returned ' ||

8703: IF x_return_status IN (G_RET_STS_ERROR,G_RET_STS_UNEXP_ERROR)
8704: THEN
8705: debug('Unassign from delivery failed' , 'Container_Nesting');
8706: debug('wsh_container_grp.container_actions returned ' ||
8707: x_return_status,'Container_Nesting');
8708: RAISE fnd_api.g_exc_unexpected_error;
8709: END IF;
8710: ELSE

Line 8774: wsh_container_grp.container_actions

8770: RAISE fnd_api.g_exc_unexpected_error;
8771: END IF;
8773: DEBUG('Unassign the lines from delivery','Container_Nesting');
8774: wsh_container_grp.container_actions
8775: (p_api_version => 1.0,
8776: p_init_msg_list => G_TRUE,
8777: p_commit => G_FALSE,
8778: p_validation_level => fnd_api.g_valid_level_full,