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1 PACKAGE BODY  adx_prf_pkg AS
2  /* $Header: ADXPRFB.pls 120.7 2011/09/22 08:31:41 sbandla ship $ */
5 --
6 -- PRINTLN (Internal)
7 --   Print messages as needed
8 -- IN
9 --    msg
10 --
11 procedure PRINTLN(msg in varchar2) is
12 begin
13      dbms_output.put_line(msg);
14 end;
16 --
17 -- set_profile
18 --   Set Profile options via AutoConfig
19 -- IN
20 --   p_application_id
21 --   p_profile_option_name
22 --   p_level_id
23 --   p_level_value
24 --   p_profile_value
25 --   p_level_value_app_id
26 --   p_context_name
27 --   p_update_only
28 --   p_insert_only
29 --   p_level_value2
30 --
31 PROCEDURE set_profile(p_application_id      in number,
32                       p_profile_option_name in varchar2,
33                       p_level_id            in number,
34                       p_level_value         in number,
35                       p_profile_value       in varchar2,
36                       p_level_value_app_id  in number,
37                       p_context_name        in varchar2,
38                       p_update_only         in boolean default FALSE,
39                       p_insert_only         in boolean default FALSE,
40                       p_level_value2        in varchar2 default NULL)
41 IS
42     old_pv_rec fnd_profile_option_values%rowtype;
43     level_value_app_id_temp number;
44     level_name varchar2(30);
45     update_flag varchar2(1);
46     insert_flag varchar2(1);
47     ret_value boolean;
50      begin
51       if (p_level_value2 is NULL) then
52         select *
53         into   old_pv_rec
54         from   fnd_profile_option_values
55         where  (application_id, profile_option_id) in (
56           select application_id, profile_option_id
57           from   fnd_profile_options
58           where  application_id = p_application_id
59           and    profile_option_name = p_profile_option_name)
60           and    level_id = p_level_id;
61       else
62         select *
63         into   old_pv_rec
64         from   fnd_profile_option_values
65         where  (application_id, profile_option_id) in (
66           select application_id, profile_option_id
67           from   fnd_profile_options
68           where  application_id = p_application_id
69           and    profile_option_name = p_profile_option_name)
70           and    level_id = p_level_id
71           and    level_value = p_level_value
72           and    level_value2 = p_level_value2;
73       end if;
74      exception
75         when no_data_found then null;
76      end;
78      declare
79          tablename varchar2(100);
80      begin
81          select tname into tablename from tab where tname ='ADX_PRE_AUTOCONFIG' and tabtype in ('TABLE', 'SYNONYM');
82      exception WHEN NO_DATA_FOUND THEN
83           execute immediate 'create table APPLSYS.ADX_PRE_AUTOCONFIG (
84              application_id           number,
85              profile_option_name      varchar2(100),
86              level_id                 number,
87              level_value              number,
88              profile_value            varchar2(300),
89              level_value_app_id       number,
90              context_name             varchar2(100),
91              update_only              varchar2(1),
92              insert_only              varchar2(1),
93              level_value2             varchar2(100)
94           )';
96           execute immediate 'create synonym ADX_PRE_AUTOCONFIG for APPLSYS.ADX_PRE_AUTOCONFIG';
97      end;
99      level_value_app_id_temp := p_level_value_app_id;
100      if level_value_app_id_temp = '' then
101         level_value_app_id_temp := NULL;
102      end if;
104      -- convert parameters to type expected by FND API
105      if (p_level_id  = 10001) then
106          level_name := 'SITE';
107      elsif (p_level_id = 10002) then
108          level_name := 'APPL';
109      elsif (p_level_id = 10003) then
110          level_name := 'RESP';
111      elsif (p_level_id = 10004) then
112          level_name := 'USER';
113      elsif (p_level_id = 10005) then
114          level_name := 'SERVER';
115      elsif (p_level_id = 10006) then
116          level_name := 'ORG';
117      elsif (p_level_id = 10007) then
118          level_name := 'SERVRESP';
119      end if;
121      -- Setting update_only and insert_only based on the values passed
122      if (p_insert_only = FALSE) then
123        insert_flag := 'F';
124        if (p_update_only = FALSE)then
125          update_flag := 'F';
126        else
127          update_flag := 'T';
128        end if;
129      else
130        insert_flag := 'T';
131        if (p_update_only = FALSE) then
132          update_flag := 'F';
133        else
134          update_flag := 'T';
135        end if;
136      end if;
138      --
139      -- Update the ADX_PRE_AUTOCONFIG table for rollback
140      -- purposes.
141      --
142      declare
143        str varchar2(700);
144        countrow number;
145      begin
146        -- If the value is to be set at the SITE level
147        if (p_level_value2 is NULL) then
148          str := 'select count(*)
149                  from ADX_PRE_AUTOCONFIG where
150                  application_id=:1 and
151                  profile_option_name=:2 and
152                  level_id=:3  and
153                  level_value=:4 and
154                  context_name=:5 and
155                  update_only= :6 and
156                  insert_only= :7';
157          execute immediate str INTO countrow
158                using p_application_id, p_profile_option_name, p_level_id,
159                      p_level_value, p_context_name,update_flag,insert_flag;
161          if (countrow>0) then -- update table since row already exist
162             str := 'update ADX_PRE_AUTOCONFIG set
163                     profile_value=:1 where
164                     application_id=:2 and profile_option_name=:3 and
165                     level_id=:4 and level_value=:5 and
166                     context_name=:6 and update_only=:7 and
167                     insert_only=:8';
168             execute immediate str
169                   using old_pv_rec.profile_option_value, p_application_id,
170                         p_profile_option_name, p_level_id, p_level_value,
171                         p_context_name, update_flag, insert_flag;
173          else  -- insert new row into table since one does not exist yet
174             str:='insert into ADX_PRE_AUTOCONFIG
175                   (application_id, profile_option_name,
176                    level_id,level_value,profile_value,
177                    level_value_app_id,context_name,
178                    update_only,insert_only)
179                   values(:1, :2, :3, :4, :5, :6, :7, :8, :9)';
180             execute immediate str
181                   using p_application_id, p_profile_option_name, p_level_id,
182                         p_level_value, old_pv_rec.profile_option_value,
183                         level_value_app_id_temp, p_context_name, update_flag,
184                         insert_flag;
185          end if;
187          -- Call FND API to update/insert the profile option value in the
188          -- fnd_profile_option_values table
189          -- Note that for setting profiles at the SITE level
190          -- the last 3 parameters defined in the SAVE api are not required.
192          ret_value := FND_PROFILE.SAVE(p_profile_option_name,
193                                        p_profile_value,
194                                        level_name);
195        else
196          str:= 'select count(*)
197                 from ADX_PRE_AUTOCONFIG where
198                 application_id=:1 and
199                 profile_option_name=:2 and
200                 level_id=:3  and
201                 level_value=:4 and
202                 level_value_app_id=:5 and
203                 context_name=:6 and
204                 update_only= :7 and
205                 insert_only= :8 and
206                 level_value2= :9';
207          execute immediate str INTO countrow
208                using p_application_id, p_profile_option_name, p_level_id,
209                      p_level_value, level_value_app_id_temp, p_context_name,
210                      update_flag,insert_flag, p_level_value2;
212          if (countrow>0) then -- update table since row already exist
213             str := 'update ADX_PRE_AUTOCONFIG set
214                     profile_value=:1 where
215                     application_id=:2 and profile_option_name=:3 and
216                     level_id=:4 and level_value=:5 and
217                     level_value_app_id=:6 and
218                     context_name=:7 and update_only=:8 and
219                     insert_only=:9 and  level_value2=:10';
220             execute immediate str
221                   using old_pv_rec.profile_option_value, p_application_id,
222                         p_profile_option_name, p_level_id, p_level_value,
223                         level_value_app_id_temp, p_context_name, update_flag,
224                         insert_flag, p_level_value2;
226          else -- insert new row into table since one does not exist yet
227            str:='insert into ADX_PRE_AUTOCONFIG
228                  values(:1, :2, :3, :4, :5, :6, :7, :8, :9, :10)';
229            execute immediate str
230                  using p_application_id, p_profile_option_name, p_level_id,
231                        p_level_value, old_pv_rec.profile_option_value,
232                        level_value_app_id_temp, p_context_name, update_flag,
233                        insert_flag, p_level_value2;
234          end if;
236          -- Call FND API to update/insert the profile option value in the
237          -- fnd_profile_option_values table
239          ret_value := FND_PROFILE.SAVE(p_profile_option_name,
240                                        p_profile_value,
241                                        level_name,
242                                        p_level_value,
243                                        p_level_value_app_id,
244                                        p_level_value2);
245        end if;
247      end; -- of begin block
249      if ret_value = TRUE then
250         println('       ');
251         println('[ ' || p_profile_option_name || ' ]');
252         println(' Application Id : '||p_application_id);
253         println(' Profile Value  : '||p_profile_value);
254         println(' Level Name: '||level_name);
255         println(' INFO           : Updated/created profile option value.');
256         println('.       ');
257      else
258         println('       ');
259         println('[ ' || p_profile_option_name || ' ]');
260         println(' Application Id : '||p_application_id);
261         println(' Profile Value  : '||p_profile_value);
262         println(' Level Name  : '||level_name);
263         println(' INFO           : Error updating/creating profile option value.');
264            println('.       ');
265      end if;
267 END; -- set_profile()
270 END adx_prf_pkg;