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Line 4844: from (SELECT poei_information6, poei_information3, poei_information4, ROWNUM rn FROM per_position_extra_info

4841: -- Cursor changed for Bug 8912106
4842: cursor csr_valid_fte(p_position_id number, p_effective_date date) is
4843: select sum(poei_information6) fte
4844: from (SELECT poei_information6, poei_information3, poei_information4, ROWNUM rn FROM per_position_extra_info
4845: where position_id = p_position_id
4846: and information_type= 'PER_RESERVED') PEI
4847: where p_effective_date
4848: between fnd_date.canonical_to_date(poei_information3)

Line 4865: from per_position_extra_info

4861: and position_id = p_position_id
4862: union
4863: select start_date
4864: from (select fnd_date.canonical_to_date(poei_information3) start_date, ROWNUM rn -- bug 9387763
4865: from per_position_extra_info
4866: where position_id = p_position_id
4867: and information_type = 'PER_RESERVED') a
4868: where a.start_date between p_validation_start_date and p_validation_end_date;
4869: Begin

Line 5043: from per_position_extra_info

5039: l_api_updating boolean;
5041: cursor c_seasonal is
5042: select 'X'
5043: from per_position_extra_info
5044: where position_id = p_position_id
5045: and information_type = 'PER_SEASONAL';
5046: begin
5047: l_api_updating := hr_psf_shd.api_updating

Line 5082: from per_position_extra_info

5078: l_api_updating boolean;
5079: --
5080: cursor c_overlap is
5081: select 'X'
5082: from per_position_extra_info
5083: where position_id = p_position_id
5084: and information_type = 'PER_OVERLAP';
5085: begin
5086: if g_debug then

Line 5133: from per_position_extra_info

5129: l_position_family varchar2(100);
5130: l_chk boolean := false;
5131: cursor c1 is
5132: select poei_information3
5133: from per_position_extra_info
5134: where position_id = p_position_id
5135: and information_type = 'PER_FAMILY'
5136: and poei_information3 in ('ACADEMIC','FACULTY');
5137: begin

Line 5284: from per_position_extra_info

5280: fnd_date.canonical_to_date(poei_information3) effective_start_date,
5281: fnd_date.canonical_to_date(poei_information4) effective_end_date
5282: from (
5283: select poei_information3, poei_information4
5284: from per_position_extra_info
5285: where information_type = 'PER_OVERLAP'
5286: and position_id = p_position_id)
5287: where lp_asg_start_date
5288: between fnd_date.canonical_to_date(poei_information3)

Line 7539: from per_position_extra_info

7535: select '1'
7536: into l_exists
7537: from sys.dual
7538: where exists(select null
7539: from per_position_extra_info
7540: where position_id = p_position_id);
7541: exception when no_data_found then
7542: null;
7543: end;