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APPS.PAY_CA_T4_MAG dependencies on FND_NUMBER

Line 432: ||lpad(fnd_number.canonical_to_number(trim(to_char(l_data, '999'))),3,0)

428: --new datatype('Y') is added for bug 3891966
429: ELSIF p_datatype = 'Y' then
430: hr_utility.trace('In convert_2_xml');
431: l_output := '<' || trim(p_tag) || ' xml:space="preserve" >'
432: ||lpad(fnd_number.canonical_to_number(trim(to_char(l_data, '999'))),3,0)
433: ||' '||' '||' '||' '||' '
434: ||' '||' '||' '||' '||' '
435: ||' '||' '||' '||' '||' '
436: ||' '||' '||' '||' '||' '

Line 678: l_amt := fnd_number.canonical_to_number(get_dbitem_value_new(p_assignment_action_id,t_dbi(i),p_jusrisdiction));

674: hr_utility.trace('p_fail = '||p_fail);
676: for i in 1..t_dbi.COUNT
677: loop
678: l_amt := fnd_number.canonical_to_number(get_dbitem_value_new(p_assignment_action_id,t_dbi(i),p_jusrisdiction));
679: if (p_fail <> 'Y') and (l_amt >0) then
680: if(i=22) then -- changed 19 to 23 by rgottipa for bug 1009760
681: -- changed 23 to 22 for bug 10244185
682: --added lpad and ceil functions for dispalying code 73 in three digit format