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APPS.GMAUOM dependencies on GMAUOM

Line 1: package body gmaUom as

1: package body gmaUom as
2: /* $Header: gmauomvb.pls 115.2 2002/02/20 07:39:04 pkm ship $ */
4: /* This function will return true if uom_code passed to this function
5: exists as unit_of_measure in another row. */

Line 2: /* $Header: gmauomvb.pls 115.2 2002/02/20 07:39:04 pkm ship $ */

1: package body gmaUom as
2: /* $Header: gmauomvb.pls 115.2 2002/02/20 07:39:04 pkm ship $ */
4: /* This function will return true if uom_code passed to this function
5: exists as unit_of_measure in another row. */
6: function isUomCodeThere(

Line 55: end gmaUom;

51: when others then
52: return false;
53: end;
55: end gmaUom;