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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 24

               31/05/04 sukhanna  Removing the covering select clause in the
                                  cursor definiton of get_notification_list & get_name
	       23/06/04 rasinha   Bug# 3691192 FP M Changes
	                          Added three procedures namely CLOSE_CI_ACTION,KEEP_OPEN and CANCEL_NOTIF_AND_ABORT_WF.
				  CLOSE_CI_ACTION and KEEP_OPEN are called from the PAWFCIAC workflow funtions.
				  CLOSE_CI_ACTION closes an Action without signing it off,
				  KEEP_OPEN keeps the action open and registers any comment given by the user and
				  CANCEL_NOTIF_AND_ABORT_WF cancels any open notification for an action and also aborts the workflow.
				  Also added some item attributes in the workflow PAWFCIAC.
	       30-07-04 rasinha   Modified the file for Bug# 3802238.Captured the Sign-off flag value from workflow Notification
	                          and updated the ci action in CI_CLOSE_ACTION_PROCEDURE.
               18-08-04 mumohan   Bug#3838957: Added the condition to exclude the end dated users in the cursor
	                          get_notification_list, is_user_valid and get_name.
	       27/08/04 sanantha  Bug 3787169. call the api modify_wf_clob_content
				  before passing the clob to workflow
               24-09-04 rasinha   Bug 3877985. Modified the file update the who columns in the procedure
	                          CLOSE_CI_ACTION and KEEP_OPEN with action assignee and not by fnd_global.user_id.
               01-12-04 sukhanna  Bug 3974641. Replacing PA_CI_CI_REVIEW_LAYOUT AK region name with the xml file name CiCiReviewPG.
	       10-Dec-04 rasinha  Bug 4049901. Modified the procedure to set the role_display_name for
			          Action Assignee notification to the full name of the action assignee.
               03-Aug-05 raluthra Bug 4527617. Replaced the usage of fnd_user.
                                  customer_id with fnd_user.person_party_id
                                  for R12 ATG Mandate.
	       10-Aug-05 rasinha  Bug# 4527911:
	                          1)Added the procedure close_notification to close an open action notification.
				  2)Modified the KEEP_OPEN procedure to avoid adding comments if it is already being done.
				  3)Modifed the procedure CANCEL_NOTIF_AND_ABORT_WF to find out open notification for an action
				    and canel the notification. This is called when an action is cancelled.
	       08-Sep-05 raluthra Bug 4565156. Added code for Manual NOCOPY Changes
                                  for usage of same variable for In and Out parameter.
               01-Feb-06 vgottimu Bug 4923945. Changed the cursor cur_ci_status_n_owner  query,
                                  pa_ci_list_v is replaced with the base table pa_control_items and
                                  included  table  hz_parties to get the owner name.
	       26-Apr-07 vvjoshi  Bug#5962401:Modified set_workflow_attributes procedure to set expiration date for adhoc role.
       	       25-Jun-07 rballamu Bug#6053648:Modified change_status_approved to initialize the application context.
	       17-8-09 anuragar Bug 8566495 Changes for E&C enchancement.
               25-9-09 anuragar Bug 8942843 Passing attributes pertaining to PAWFCISC only
	       01-12-2009 anuragar Bug 8855304: Forward port for Bug#8673347 : Passes email_address to createAdhocRole.
									changes tagged by 8673347
               23-Nov-10 chajha Bug 9689141: Added code to set the Owner for 'PA Issue and Change Workflow' items.
               27-DEc-10 chajha Bug 9682267: Modified the code so that the action will not get closed when sign off is
		   requested and the owner doesn't sign's off.
               13-Jan-11 SPOKANAT Bug 10269493: Changed expiration date for adhoc roles to sysdate+15
               24 MAY 2011 NISINHA Bug#12553990 Added join on language
	01 JUN 2011 SVMOHAMM Bug#12553936 Added new attribures to workflow
	14 JUN 2011 SVMOHAMM Bug#12588071 Modified the logic not to populate attribute for action close.
	29 JUN 2011 SVMOHAMM Bug#12703270 Added the logic to bypass the TASK_NAME setting for actions.
	27 Aug 2011 SVMOHAMM Bug#12859815 Added the logic to avoid duplicate FYI closed notifications for action close.
	28 Aug 2011 SVMOHAMM Bug#12860002 populated ACTION_CLOSURE_COMMENT workflow attribute.
	27 Oct 2011 JJKUMAR  Bug#12839389 Added the logic in procedure CLOSE_CI_ACTION that if a user closes
									  an action that has sign-off required = Y, but they do not sign off then...
									  a) the action should stay open
									  b) the parent control item should not have a reduced number of actions
									  c) a closed notification should not be sent (as the action is not closed).
									  d) Closure comments should bot be added
	21-Mar-2012 SVMOHAMM Bug#13683760 Added changes for approval process modification.

Line: 120

		SELECT MAX(item_key)
		  FROM pa_wf_processes
		  WHERE item_type = p_item_type
		  AND description = p_process_name
		  AND entity_key2 = p_ci_id
		  AND entity_key1 = l_project_id
		  AND  wf_type_code  = 'Control Item';
Line: 130

		  SELECT project_id
		    FROM pa_control_items
		    WHERE ci_id = p_ci_id;
Line: 139

	   SELECT pa_workflow_itemkey_s.nextval
	     INTO l_item_key
	     from dual;
Line: 208

	     -- insert into pa_wf_process table

	   --debug_msg_s1 ('after workflow 1: isnertwf processes' || p_item_type);
Line: 222

                      (p_wf_type_code           => 'Control Item'
                       ,p_item_type              => p_item_type
                       ,p_item_key               => l_item_key
                       ,p_entity_key1            => l_project_id
                       ,p_entity_key2            => p_ci_id
                       ,p_description            => p_process_name
                       ,p_err_code               => l_err_code
                       ,p_err_stage              => l_err_stage
                       ,p_err_stack              => l_err_stack
Line: 389

		SELECT ps.project_status_code FROM pa_ci_statuses_v pc,pa_project_statuses ps, pa_control_items ci
			where ci.ci_id = p_ci_id and ci.ci_type_id = pc.ci_type_id
			and ps.project_status_code=pc.project_status_code
			and ps.project_system_status_code =pc.project_system_status_code
			and ps.project_system_status_code = 'CI_WORKING' and rownum = 1;
Line: 396

           SELECT wf_failure_status_code
              FROM pa_project_statuses ps,
                   pa_control_items ci
              WHERE ci.ci_id = p_ci_id
                and ci.status_code = ps.project_status_code
                and ps.status_type = 'CONTROL_ITEM'
                and ps.workflow_item_type = p_item_type
                and ps.enable_wf_flag = 'Y'
                and ps.wf_failure_status_code is NOT NULL;
Line: 540

           SELECT wf_success_status_code
              FROM pa_project_statuses ps,
        	   pa_control_items ci
              WHERE ci.ci_id = p_ci_id
		and ci.status_code = ps.project_status_code
		and ps.status_type = 'CONTROL_ITEM'
		and ps.workflow_item_type = p_item_type
		and ps.enable_wf_flag = 'Y'
		and ps.wf_success_status_code is NOT NULL;
Line: 552

            select user_id
            from fnd_user
            where user_name = p_user_name;
Line: 560

		SELECT ps.project_status_code FROM pa_ci_statuses_v pc,pa_project_statuses ps, pa_control_items ci
			where ci.ci_id = p_ci_id and ci.ci_type_id = pc.ci_type_id
			and ps.project_status_code=pc.project_status_code
			and ps.project_system_status_code =pc.project_system_status_code
			and ps.project_system_status_code = 'CI_WORKING' and rownum = 1;
Line: 716

			     SELECT user_name
			       FROM fnd_user
			       WHERE user_id = FND_GLOBAL.user_id;
Line: 779

		SELECT status_code
		  FROM pa_control_items
		  WHERE ci_id = l_ci_id;
Line: 860

			   SELECT user_id FROM
			     WHERE user_name = l_forward_to
			     and trunc(sysdate) between start_date and nvl(end_date, sysdate); /* Bug#3838957  */
Line: 868

			  --   select party_name from
		     select hp.party_name
		     from fnd_user fu,
		     hz_parties hp
		     where fu.user_name = l_forward_to --fnd_global.user_id
		     and fu.employee_id is null
		     and fu.person_party_id = hp.party_id -- Bug 4527617. Replaced customer_id with person_party_id.
		     and trunc(sysdate) between fu.start_date and nvl(fu.end_date, sysdate) /* Bug#3838957  */
		     select hp.party_name
		     from fnd_user fu,
		     hz_parties hp
		     where fu.user_name = l_forward_to--fnd_global.user_id
		     and fu.employee_id is not null
		     and trunc(sysdate) between fu.start_date and nvl(fu.end_date, sysdate) /* Bug#3838957  */
		     and 'PER:' || fu.employee_id = hp.orig_system_reference;
Line: 1016

/*		SELECT pprv.report_content FROM
		  pa_progress_report_vers pprv
		  pprv.version_id  = document_id
		    AND pprv.object_type = 'PA_PROJECTS'*/
		    where object_Type     = 'PA_CONTROL_ITEMS'
		    and pk1_value         = document_id;
Line: 1163

SELECT  project_id
  FROM  pa_control_items
  WHERE ci_id = c_ci_id;
Line: 1219

     SELECT pa_workflow_itemkey_s.nextval
	  INTO l_item_key
	  from dual;
Line: 1269

                   (p_wf_type_code            => l_wf_type_code
                    ,p_item_type              => p_item_type
                    ,p_item_key               => l_item_key
                    ,p_entity_key1            => l_entity_key1
                    ,p_entity_key2            => l_entity_key2
                    ,p_description            => p_process_name
                    ,p_err_code               => l_err_code
                    ,p_err_stage              => l_err_stage
                    ,p_err_stack              => l_err_stack
Line: 1425

l_last_updated                  pa_ci_actions_v.last_update_date%TYPE;
Line: 1441

     pct.name ci_type_name,
     pct.short_name ci_type_sn,
	 pci.description description,
	 pci.creation_date creation_date,
     pcc.class_code classification,
     pci.record_version_number record_version_number,
     pl.meaning ci_type_class,
     FROM pa_control_items pci,
          pa_ci_types_tl pct,
          pa_ci_types_b pcb,
          pa_lookups pl,
          pa_class_codes pcc
     WHERE ci_id = p_ci_id
     and pci.ci_type_id = pct.ci_type_id
     and pl.lookup_code = pcb.ci_type_class_code
     AND pcb.ci_type_id = pct.ci_type_id
     and pl.lookup_type = 'PA_CI_TYPE_CLASSES'
     AND pct.language = userenv('lang') /*Bug#12553990*/
     AND pcc.class_code_id = pci.classification_code_id;
Line: 1472

     FROM pa_project_lists_v
     WHERE project_id = l_project_id;
Line: 1482

  select ci_action_number,
	 sign_off_required_flag_meaning--FP.M.IB1 Sanity
  from pa_ci_actions_v
  where ci_action_id = c_action_id;
Line: 1504

  select pci.status_code,
  from pa_control_items pci,
       pa_project_statuses pps,
       hz_parties hzp
  where pci.ci_id = p_ci_id AND
        pci.status_code=pps.project_status_code AND
        hzp.party_id = pci.owner_id;
Line: 1525

     select fu.user_name, hp.party_name, hp.email_address
     from fnd_user fu,
          hz_parties hp
          fu.person_party_id = hp.party_id -- Bug 4527617. Replaced customer_id with person_party_id.
          and hp.party_id = c_owner_id
	  and trunc(sysdate) between fu.start_date and nvl(fu.end_date, sysdate) /* Bug#3838957  */
     select fu.user_name, hp.party_name, hp.email_address
          fnd_user fu,
          hz_parties hp,
          per_all_people_f papf
          fu.employee_id = Substr(hp.orig_system_reference, 5, Length(hp.orig_system_reference))
          AND 'PER:' = Substr(hp.orig_system_reference,1,4)
          and hp.party_id = c_owner_id
          and trunc(sysdate) between papf.EFFECTIVE_START_DATE and Nvl(papf.effective_end_date, Sysdate + 1)
	  and trunc(sysdate) between fu.start_date and nvl(fu.end_date, sysdate)  /* Bug#3838957  */
          and papf.person_id = fu.employee_id;
Line: 1550

     pa_lookups lkp
     lkp.lookup_type = c_lookup_type
     and lkp.lookup_code = c_lookup_code;
Line: 1561

select comment_text
from pa_ci_comments
where ci_comment_id =
(select max(ci_comment_id) from pa_ci_comments where ci_id = c_ci_id and type_code = 'CHANGE_OWNER');
Line: 1569

	           select  PA_UTILS.get_party_id(created_by) party_id
	           from pa_ci_actions
	           start with ci_action_id = c_action_id
               connect by prior source_ci_action_id = ci_action_id;
Line: 1578

    select full_name,email_address
    from per_all_people_f
    where party_id= p_party_id
    and sysdate between nvl(effective_start_date,sysdate) and nvl(effective_end_date,sysdate)
    and rownum=1;
Line: 1587

        select ppe.name,
        from pa_proj_elements ppe,
             pa_control_items ci
                 ppe.proj_element_id = ci.object_id
             and ppe.project_id      = ci.project_id
			 and ci.object_type      = 'PA_TASKS'
             and ci_id               = p_ci_id  ;
Line: 1599

    select user_name
    from fnd_user
    where customer_id = p_cus_id;
Line: 1865

					     l_sign_off_req_meaning;  --FP.M.IB1 Sanity
Line: 1927

                                        , 'LAST_UPDATE_DATE'
                                        , l_last_updated);
Line: 2227

    select rowid
    from pa_ci_actions
    where ci_action_id = p_ci_action_id
    and record_version_number = p_record_version_number
    for update;
Line: 2234

    select ci_id, type_code, assigned_to, date_required,
    sign_off_required_flag, source_ci_action_id, created_by, creation_date
    from pa_ci_actions
    where ci_action_id = p_ci_action_id;
Line: 2269

    select record_version_number
    from pa_control_items
    where ci_id = l_ci_id;
Line: 2275

    select user_id
    from fnd_user
    where person_party_id = p_party_id
    and   sysdate between trunc(start_date) and nvl(trunc(end_date),sysdate)
    and rownum = 1;
Line: 2282

    SELECT status_code into l_action_status_code
    	    from pa_ci_actions
    	    where ci_action_id = l_ci_action_id;
Line: 2377

	--Fetching the fnd user_id for the action asignee to update who columns
	OPEN get_fnd_usr( l_assign_party_id);
Line: 2381

            P_CI_ACTION_ID => l_ci_action_id,
            P_CI_ID => l_ci_id,
            P_STATUS_CODE => l_action_status_code,
            P_TYPE_CODE => l_type_code,
            P_ASSIGNED_TO => l_assigned_to,
            P_DATE_REQUIRED => l_date_required,
            P_SIGN_OFF_REQUIRED_FLAG => l_sign_off_required_flag,
            P_DATE_CLOSED => sysdate,
            P_SIGN_OFF_FLAG => l_user_sign_off,
            P_SOURCE_CI_ACTION_ID => l_source_ci_action_id,
            P_LAST_UPDATED_BY => l_fnd_usr_id,   --Modified for bug# 3877985
            P_CREATED_BY => l_created_by,
            P_CREATION_DATE => l_creation_date,
            P_LAST_UPDATE_DATE => sysdate,
            P_LAST_UPDATE_LOGIN => l_fnd_usr_id, --Modified for bug# 3877985
            P_RECORD_VERSION_NUMBER => l_record_version_number);
Line: 2417

                p_last_updated_by => l_fnd_usr_id,   --Added for bug# 3877985
                p_last_update_login => l_fnd_usr_id, --Added for bug# 3877985
                x_return_status => l_return_status,
                x_msg_count => l_msg_count,
                x_msg_data => l_msg_data
Line: 2430

                 p_api_version  =>  1.0,
                 p_init_msg_list => fnd_api.g_true,
                 p_commit => FND_API.g_false,
                 p_validate_only => FND_API.g_true,
                 p_max_msg_count => FND_API.g_miss_num,
                 p_ci_id =>l_CI_ID,
       		 p_num_of_actions => -1,
		 p_record_version_number =>l_ci_record_version_number,
		 x_num_of_actions => l_num_of_actions,
                 x_return_status => l_return_status,
                 x_msg_count => l_msg_count,
                 x_msg_data => l_msg_data,
                 p_last_updated_by => l_fnd_usr_id,  --Added for bug# 3877985
                 p_last_update_login => l_fnd_usr_id --Added for bug# 3877985
Line: 2495

    select ci_id, type_code, assigned_to, date_required,
    sign_off_required_flag, source_ci_action_id, created_by, creation_date
    from pa_ci_actions
    where ci_action_id = p_ci_action_id;
Line: 2502

    select user_id
    from fnd_user
    where person_party_id = p_party_id
    and   sysdate between trunc(start_date) and nvl(trunc(end_date),sysdate)
    and rownum = 1;
Line: 2509

    cursor is_comment_inserted_cur(p_ci_action_id NUMBER) IS
    select 1
    from pa_ci_comments
    where ci_action_id = p_ci_action_id
    and  type_code='UNSOLICITED';
Line: 2545

    select record_version_number
    from pa_control_items
    where ci_id = l_ci_id;
Line: 2600

	--Fetching the fnd user_id for the action asignee to update who columns
	OPEN get_fnd_usr( l_assign_party_id);
Line: 2610

	 In case 2 the user comment will already be inserted in PA_CI_COMMENTS from the application, so no need to insert it again.
	 IF there is already a line in pa_ci_comments for the action with type_code UNSOLICITED it means that the comment is already

	OPEN is_comment_inserted_cur(l_ci_action_id);
Line: 2616

	FETCH is_comment_inserted_cur into l_num_var;
Line: 2617

	IF is_comment_inserted_cur%NOTFOUND THEN
	   CLOSE is_comment_inserted_cur;
Line: 2631

                p_last_updated_by => l_fnd_usr_id,    --Added for bug# 3877985
                p_last_update_login => l_fnd_usr_id,  --Added for bug# 3877985
		x_return_status => l_return_status,
                x_msg_count => l_msg_count,
                x_msg_data => l_msg_data
Line: 2645

	   CLOSE is_comment_inserted_cur;
Line: 2677

  select wfi.notification_id,
  from pa_wf_processes pwp,
       wf_item_activity_statuses_v wfi
  where pwp.entity_key2=p_action_id
  and pwp.item_type='PAWFCIAC'
  and wfi.item_type = pwp.item_type
  and wfi.item_key = pwp.item_key
  and wfi.activity_type_code='NOTICE'
  and wfi.activity_status_code='NOTIFIED';
Line: 2725

      that also is updated in the notification.
   2) If on take action page the Action is kept open then the notification is
      closed with result 'AAA_KEEP_OPEN'.If user provides a comment or sign-off
      then that also is updated in the notification.
   3) If on take action page the Action is reassigned then the notification is
      closed with result 'BBB_CLOSE'
PROCEDURE close_notification(
      p_item_type       in     VARCHAR2,
      p_item_key        in     VARCHAR2,
      p_nid             in     NUMBER,
      p_action          in     VARCHAR2,
      p_sign_off_flag   in     VARCHAR2,
      p_response        in     VARCHAR2,
      x_msg_count       OUT  NOCOPY  NUMBER    ,
      x_msg_data        OUT  NOCOPY  VARCHAR2  ,
      x_return_status   OUT  NOCOPY  VARCHAR2  )

l_sign_off_requested   VARCHAR2(1);
Line: 2790

        select ppe.element_number task_number,ppe.name task_name,ppe.description description,
pvsch.scheduled_start_date start_date,pvsch.scheduled_finish_date finish_date,
hz.party_name approver_name
from pa_proj_elements ppe,pa_proj_element_versions ppev,
pa_proj_elem_ver_schedule pvsch,fnd_user fu, hz_parties hz
where ppe.proj_element_id = ppev.proj_element_id
and pvsch.element_version_id = ppev.element_version_id
and ppe.task_approver_id=fu.user_id
and fu.person_party_id=hz.party_id
and ppe.proj_element_id in
Select distinct task_id from
          pa_resource_assignments pra where
          budget_version_id in (
           select budget_version_id from pa_budget_versions where ci_id =document_id)
        and exists (select 1
                  from pa_proj_elements ppe,
                       pa_proj_element_versions ppev,
                       pa_object_relationships por
                  where ppe.proj_element_id = pra.task_id
                  and ppe.project_id = pra.project_id
                  and ppe.link_task_flag = 'Y'
                  and ppe.type_id = 1
                  and ppev.proj_element_id = ppe.proj_element_id
                  and por.object_id_to1 = ppev.element_version_id
                  and por.object_type_to = 'PA_TASKS'
                  and por.relationship_type = 'S'
                  and ppev.financial_task_flag = 'Y')
        and not exists (select 1 from pa_tasks where task_id = pra.task_id and project_id = pra.project_id)