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Line 307: ben_oipl_f oipl

303: cursor c_abr6 is
304: select abr.acty_base_rt_id, abr.cmbn_ptip_opt_id
305: from ben_acty_base_rt_f abr,
306: ben_optip_f otp,
307: ben_oipl_f oipl
308: where abr.acty_base_rt_stat_cd = 'A'
309: and abr.rt_usg_cd in ('FLXCR')
310: and abr.cmbn_ptip_opt_id = otp.cmbn_ptip_opt_id
311: and otp.ptip_id = l_ptip_id

Line 433: ben_oipl_f oipl

429: /* bug 1285336
430: cursor c_bpp6 is
431: select bpp.bnft_prvdr_pool_id, bpp.cmbn_ptip_opt_id
432: from ben_bnft_prvdr_pool_f bpp,ben_cmbn_ptip_opt_f cpt, ben_opt_f opt,
433: ben_oipl_f oipl
434: where oipl.oipl_id = l_oipl_id
435: and opt.opt_id = oipl.opt_id
436: and cpt.ptip_id = l_ptip_id
437: and opt.cmbn_ptip_opt_id = cpt.cmbn_ptip_opt_id

Line 462: ben_oipl_f oipl

458: bpp.cmbn_ptip_opt_id
459: from ben_bnft_prvdr_pool_f bpp,
460: ben_cmbn_ptip_opt_f cpt,
461: ben_optip_f otp,
462: ben_oipl_f oipl
463: where oipl.oipl_id = l_oipl_id
464: and otp.opt_id = oipl.opt_id
465: and otp.ptip_id = l_ptip_id
466: and otp.cmbn_ptip_opt_id = cpt.cmbn_ptip_opt_id