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Line 120: from per_assignments_f asg,

116: return date is
117: cursor cur_egd is
118: select effective_start_date,
119: gdf.segment2 grade
120: from per_assignments_f asg,
121: per_grades grd,
122: per_grade_definitions gdf
123: where grd.grade_id (+) = asg.grade_id
124: and asg.assignment_id = p_asg_id

Line 225: from per_assignments_f asg,

221: asg.job_id JOB_ID,
222: asg.business_group_id BUSINESS_GROUP_ID,
223: asg.organization_id ORGANIZATION_ID,
224: asg.effective_start_date EFFECTIVE_START_DATE
225: from per_assignments_f asg,
226: per_people_f per,
227: per_person_types ppt
228: where per.person_id = asg.person_id
229: and asg.primary_flag = 'Y'

Line 879: from per_assignments_f asg

875: select position_id,organization_id,business_group_id
876: from hr_positions_f pos
877: where not exists
878: ( select 1
879: from per_assignments_f asg
880: where asg.position_id = pos.position_id
881: and asg.assignment_type <> 'B'
882: and p_effective_date between asg.effective_start_date
883: and asg.effective_end_date )