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Line 537: pay_action_interlocks loc

533: and rpaa.assignment_id = p_assignment_id
534: and rpaa.action_sequence =
535: (select max(aa.action_sequence)
536: from pay_assignment_actions aa,
537: pay_action_interlocks loc
538: where loc.locked_action_id = aa.assignment_action_id
539: and loc.locking_action_id = paa.assignment_action_id);
540: begin
541: open asg_latest_pay;

Line 586: pay_action_interlocks loc

582: cursor get_run is
583: -- for prepayment action find the latest interlocked run
584: select assact.assignment_action_id
585: from pay_assignment_actions assact,
586: pay_action_interlocks loc
587: where loc.locking_action_id = p_assignment_action_id
588: and assact.assignment_action_id = loc.locked_action_id
589: order by assact.action_sequence desc ;

Line 596: pay_action_interlocks loc

592: -- for run action check if its been prepaid
593: select assact.assignment_action_id
594: from pay_assignment_actions assact,
595: pay_payroll_actions pact,
596: pay_action_interlocks loc
597: where loc.locked_action_id = p_assignment_action_id
598: and assact.assignment_action_id = loc.locking_action_id
599: and pact.payroll_action_id = assact.payroll_action_id
600: and pact.action_type in ('P','U','C') -- Bug No : 2177800

Line 675: from pay_action_interlocks

671: is
673: cursor run_ids is
674: select LOCKED_ACTION_ID
675: from pay_action_interlocks
676: where LOCKING_ACTION_ID = p_assignment_action_id
677: order by locked_action_id asc;
678: pre_pay number;
679: cur_run_id number;