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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 73

   08-DEC-2000  M.Mukherjee 115.21     added business group in the select
                                       queries, otherwise it will fetch
                                       duplicate data.
   08-DEC-2000  M.Mukherjee 115.22     changed comments double dash to
                                       otherwise adchkdrv will fail
   08-DEC-2000  VPandya     115.23,26  Trying to solve PI on driver
                                       says to replace dashes
   12-DEC-2000  MMukherjee  115.27     Added parameter l_has_been_paid to
                                       avoid archiving 0 salary records.
   13-DEC-2000  MMukherjee  115.28     Stopped assignment action creation
                                       if the employee has not been paid
                                       anything in that year, even though
                                       there is payroll run.
   29-DEC-2000 P.Ganguly    115.29     Added a check if Taxable Benefits
                                       for Federal is present then subtract
				       it from the gross earnings.
   08-NOV-2001 VPandya      115.30     Added QPP Basic Exemption, QPP Exempt
                                       Earnings. Archiving RL1 NonBox Footnotes
                                       in pay_action_information table.
   10-NOV-2001 vpandya      115.31     Added set veify off at top as per GSCC.
   12-NOV-2001 vpandya      115.32     Added dbdrv line.
   27-DEC-2001 vpandya      115.33     Archiving new DBI
   08-Jan-2002 vpandya      115.34     Archiving new DBI
   02-Jul-2002 vpandya      115.36     Commented out below clause while getting
                                       max-assignment action id query
                                       AND pac1.assignment_id  = l_asgid
   01-Aug-2002 vpandya      115.37     Indention of archive_data and not include
                                       status indian(BOXR) in to Gross Earnings
   10-Aug-2002 mmukherj     115.38     Bugfix for #2458533. The cursor
                                       employer_info has been changed so that
                                       it checks the business_group_id.
   16-Aug-2002 vpandya      115.39     Bugfix for 2192914:archiving termination
                                       Archiving transmitter name instead of
                                       transmitter org id in DBI
   21-Aug-2002 vpandya      115.40     Bugfix for 2449408:archiving DBI
                                       Changed cursor employer_info, added
                                       column org_information19 for Archiving
                                       Accounting Resource Language, also given
                                       alias to all information columns.
   06-Oct-2002 vpandya      115.41     Changed archiver to archive Box-O
   08-Oct-2002 vpandya      115.43     Initializing variables l_footnote_amount
                                       and l_footnote_amount_ue to avoid
                                       duplicate archiving of footnotes.
   22-Oct-2002 vpandya      115.44     Bug 2681250: changed cursor c_get_addr
                                       of eoy_archive_data. If country is CA
                                       take data from region_1 to get province
                                       code and if it is US take data from
                                       region_2 to get state code.
   02-DEC-2002  vpandya     115.45     Added nocopy with out parameter
                                       as per GSCC.
   06-DEC-2002  vpandya     115.46     Bug 2698320,RL1 BOX-O codes RA to RZ
                                       should be excluded from BOX A on the RL1.
                                       Done using ln_boxo_exclude_from_boxa.
   11-DEC-2002  vpandya     115.47     Bug 2698320,not excluding Box-O amount of
                                       T4A/RL1 GRE from Box-A. Put this cond.
                                       getting balance in ln_balance_value first
                                       and summing up after for the same balance
                                       for different GREs.
   27-AUG-2003 ssouresr     115.49     If the balance 'RL1 No Gross Earnings' is
                                       non zero then archiving takes place even
                                       if Gross Earnings is zero.
                                       Also the balance 'RL1 Non Taxable Earnings'
                                       is deducted from Gross Earnings.
   18-Sep-2003  vpandya     115.50     Archiving dates in canonical format
                                       (YYYY/MM/DD HH:MI:SS) using
                                       instead of using to_char with default
                                       format to fix gscc date conversion error.
   21-OCT-2003 ssouresr     115.51     Added RL1 Amendment Archiving logic
                                       in eoy_archive_data procedure. Also
                                       added new local function
                                       compare_archive_data used for RL1
                                       Amendment Archiver.
                                       The organization_id of the Prov Reporting
                                       Est will now be used instead of the QIN
  04-NOV-2003 ssouresr      115.52     Converted the pre printed form number
                                       select to a cursor as more than one
                                       record can be returned
  10-NOV-2003 ssouresr      115.53     Archiving pre printed form number both
                                       for RL1 and RL1 Amendment. This will
                                       ensure that the function
                                       compare_archive_data compares the
                                       correct data.
  12-NOV-2003 ssouresr      115.54     Modified the function
                                       compare_archive_data so that if the
                                       number of archived items to be compared
                                       is different then the amendment flag is
                                       set to Y without checking all the
                                       individual data records.
  21-FEB-2004 pganguly     115.55      Fixed bug# 3459723. Changed the cursor
                                       c_get_asg_id so that it picks
                                       assignment of type 'E' only.
  02-APR-2004 ssattini     115.56      11510 Changes to fix bug#3356533.
                                       Added new cursor c_get_max_asg_act_id
                                       in action_creation procedure. Modified
                                       cursor c_all_gres_for_person and added
                                       two new cursors c_get_max_asgactid_jd,
                                       c_get_max_asgactid in eoy_archive_data
  23-APR-2004 ssouresr     115.57      Modified the cursor cur_non_box_mesg to
                                       stop returning duplicate nonbox footnotes
  06-JUN-2004 ssattini     115.60      Modified the cursors
                                       c_get_max_asgactid_jd and
                                       c_get_max_asgactid to get max asgact_id
                                       based on person_id. Bug fix bug#3638928.
  05-AUG-2004 ssouresr     115.61      Footnote codes for BoxQ can now be
                                       archived Also added check to make sure
                                       an appropriate error message is written
                                       to the log if no transmitter has been
                                       specified for the PRE. Bug#3353450.
  05-AUG-2004 ssattini     115.62      Modified the cursor cur_non_box_mesg
                                       to archive the balance adjustments
                                       for Non-Box footnotes. Fix bug#3641353.
  10-AUG-2004 ssouresr     115.63      Added the negative balance flag bug#3311402
                                       Also modified the non box footnote logic
                                       so that the amounts for identical footnote
                                       codes are summed up bug#3641308
  01-SEP-2004 ssouresr     115.64      BoxO can now have a negative balance
                                       Bug 3863016, previously negative values
                                       for this box were being ignored
  02-SEP-2004 ssouresr     115.65      Changed to use the function get_parameter
                                       to retrieve PRE_ORGANIZATION_ID
  04-OCT-2004 ssouresr     115.66      The negative balance flag is archived as Y
                                       when either a box or nonbox footnote is negative
  05-NOV-2004 ssouresr     115.67      RL1 No Gross Earnings needs to be retrieved
                                       across GREs
  08-NOV-2004 ssouresr     115.68      All footnotes were reviewed.
                                       BOXL and BOXO RW do not require any footnotes.
                                       BOXO RX and BOX RY are not valid anymore. Also
                                       BOXR has been changed to only have footnote
                                       code 14 (Income from an office or employment)
  17-NOV-2004 ssouresr     115.70      BoxO Code is now archived correctly
  18-NOV-2004 ssouresr     115.71      Added BOXO_RR to list of balances to archive
  19-NOV-2004 ssouresr     115.72      Footnotes for Gross Earnings(BOXA) are now archived
                                       and archiving of BOXO_RZ has been removed
  28-NOV-2004 ssouresr     115.73      Modified the cursor c_footnote_info to only return
                                       RL1 footnotes, was previously returning RL2 footnotes
                                       as well.
  28-NOV-2004 ssouresr     115.74      Added date range to the latest assignment action cursor
  29-NOV-2004 ssouresr     115.75      RL1 footnotes should be archived with Jurisdiction QC
  30-NOV-2004 ssouresr     115.76      Archiving CAEOY_QPP_REDUCED_SUBJECT_PER_JD_YTD for BoxG
  02-FEB-2005 ssouresr     115.77      NonBox Footnotes with a value of 0 are not archived
  04-MAR-2005 ssouresr     115.78      The archiver uses a new NonBox Footnote Element which
                                       has a Jurisdiction input value from the beginning of 2006
  26-APR-2005 ssouresr     115.79      The archiver will now recognize amendments made
                                       only to non box footnotes
  05-AUG-2005 saurgupt     115.80      Bug 4517693: Added Address_line3 for RL1 archiver.
  08-AUG-2005 mmukherj     115.81          The procedure eoy_archinit has been
                                            modified to set the minimum chunk
                                            no, which is required to re archive
                                            the data while retrying the Archiver
                                            in the payroll action level.
                                            Bugfix: #4525642
  31-AUG-2005 ssouresr     115.82      New RL1 Nonbox footnote for Taxable Benefits without pay
  27-SEP-2005 ssouresr     115.83      Corrected footnote condition in the function
  10-NOV-2005 ssouresr     115.84      Added Footnote for BOXO RN
  07-FEB-2006 ssouresr     115.85      Modified range cursor and main action creation
                                       query to remove the table hr_soft_coding_keyflex
  13-Apr-2006 ssmukher     115.86      Modified the sqlstr statement in eoy_range_cursor
                                       procedure for Bug #5120627 fix
  07-Aug-2006 ydevi        115.87 5096509 Archiver archives two PPIP EE Withheld
                                          and PPIP EE Taxable into database itens
					                                and CAEOY_PPIP_EE_TAXABLE_PER_JD_YTD
  18-AUG-2006 meshah       115.88 5202869 For performance reason changed the
                                          query to remove per_people_f and
                                          also disabled some indexes. With this
                                          change the cost of the query
                                          increases however now the path taken
                                          is now more correct. Cursor
                                          c_eoy_qbin has been changed.
  28-AUG-2006  meshah      115.89 5495704 the way indexes were disabled has
                                          been changed from using +0 to ||
  16-Nov-2006  ydevi       115.90 5159150 archiving RL1_BOXV and RL1_BOXW
                                          into db item CAEOY_RL1_BOXV_PER_JD_YTD
					                                and CAEOY_RL1_BOXW_PER_JD_YTD
  21-Dec-2006  ssmukher    115.91 5706335 Archiving BoxI value into DBI
  05-Feb-2007  meshah      115.92 5768390 Removed the if condition that would
                                          not populate boxA when the GRE type
                                          is T4A/RL1
  21-Aug-2007  amigarg     115.93 5558604 Added date track and enabled flag
  					                              condtion in c_footnote_info
  21-Sep-2007  amigarg     115.95 6440125 added date track condition in employee
  10-Jan-2008  sapalani    115.96 6525899 Added check to not to archive the
					                                RL1_BOXO_AMOUNT_RW balance from 2007
  13-Nov-2008  sapalani    115.97 7555410 Added check to not to archive the
					                                RL1_BOXO_AMOUNT_RF balance from 2008.
                                          Added code to archive balance
                                          RL1_BOXO_AMOUNT_RX starting from 2008.
  25-Nov-2008  sapalani    115.98 7555410 Modified cursor cur_non_box_mesg to
                                          pick only active footnotes.
  25-Mar-2009  sapalani	  115.100 8366352 Added new cursor c_non_box_lookup to
                                          fetch and archive only active non box
                                          footnotes. Removed this logic from
                                          cursor cur_non_box_mesg.
  10-Apr-2009  sapalani   115.101 6768167 Added function gen_rl1_pdf_seq to
                                          generate sequence number for RL1 PDF.
                                          The generated sequence numeber is
                                          archived in eoy_archive_data.
  08-May-2009  sapalani   115.102 8500723 Added function getnext_seq_num to
                                          calculate check digit for PDF sequence.
                                          In function gen_rl1_pdf_seq added call
                                          to ff_archive_api.create_archive_item.
                                          This archives CAEOY_RL1_PDF_SEQ_NUMBER
                                          when PDF is run for a period and
                                          archive item doesn't exist in that
  17-Aug-2009 sapalani    115.103 8732218 In function gen_rl1_pdf_seq, replaced
                                          call to ff_archive_api.update_archive
                                          _item with direct update statement.
  09-Sep-2009 sapalani    115.104 6853279 Added order by clause to cursor
  24-Nov-2009 sneelapa    115.105 9135372 Modified eoy_archive_data procedure to
                                          archive data for BOX O new codes.
  07-Dec-2009 sneelapa    115.106 9177694 Modified IF Condition to END of
                                          c_non_box_lookup CURSOR LOOP.
  18-Dec-2009 aneghosh    115.107 9215185 Modified cursor c_get_emp_rl1box_data
                                          to ignore 'CAEOY_RL1_PDF_SEQ_NUMBER'
                                          while comparing the data across two
                                          archivers to set 'CAEOY_RL1_AMENDMENT_FLAG'.
  22-Feb-2010 sneelapa    115.109 9184985 Obsoleted 115.108 version, as issue was found
                                          during QA testing.  Modified current package
                                          with 115.107 as base.
                                          Modified eoy_archive_data procedure.
                                          Modified cursor cur_non_box_mesg
                                          Added run_paa.assignment_id = arch_paa.assignment_id
                                          condition for improving performance.
  22-Feb-2010 sneelapa    115.110 9184985 Modified eoy_archive_data procedure.
                                          Modified cursor cur_non_box_mesg
                                          Added cp_start_date parameter and modified WHERE
                                          conditions to use this date and avoid TO_CHAR function.
                                          TO_CHAR function was hindering the performance.
  12-Jan-2011 sneelapa    115.111 11065493 Modified cursor cur_non_box_mesg to
                                          consider Reversal of Quickpay/Payroll Runs.

  10-Feb-2011 sneelapa    115.112 11654691 Modified eoy_archive_data procedure to
                                          archive slip_number as 9 character
                                          if slip number is 12, lpad will be done
                                          with 7 ZEROs to make it 9 character.

  29-Aug-2011 sneelapa    115.113 10399514 Introduced new CURSOR c_eoy_qbin_range
                                          it will be called in place of
                                          c_eoy_qbin CURSOR, if RANGE_PERSON_ID
                                          is enabled.
 12-SEP-2011 rgottipa     115.114 11694701 Introduced new cursor c_get_rl1_pdf_slip
                                           It will be used to get Starting and
                                           Ending slip numbers.
  14-SEP-2011 rgottipa    115.115 11694701 Romoved the new cursor c_get_rl1_pdf_slip.
                                           Trying to fetch Starting and Ending slip
                                           numbers from hr_organization_information.
  19-SEP-2011 rgottipa   115.116 12996280  Handling no_data_found exception
                                           while capturing starting and ending
                                           slip numbers.
  08-Dec-2011 rgottipa    115.117 13360872 Changes done to support new database
  09-Dec-2011 rgottipa    115.118 13360872 Archiving 'Taxable benefit paid in kind'
                                           foot note from year 2011
  29-Dec-2011 rgottipa    115.120 13497300 Created new procedure
                                           eoy_archive_further_info to archive
                                           new further information balances
  07-May-2012 rgottipa    115.121 14030417 If CPP amount is negative then that
                                           Emp should report in error report.
  13-Sep-2012 sbachu      115.122 8895534  Added CAEOY_CPP_EE_WITHHELD_PER_YTD
                                           also as a criteria to set amendment flag.
  20-Nov-2012 sbachu      115.123 14701466 RL1 EI and RL1 PDF changes for 2012.
  28-Nov-2012 sbachu      115.124 15914635 G-2 SHOULD BE SUM OF ALL NON-QC
                                           PROVINCE VALUE OF T4 BOX 26
  28-Dec-2012 sbachu      115.125 15886329 CHANGE IN REPORTING OF QPP PENSIONABLE

  sqwl_range varchar2(4000);
Line: 379

     select to_number(UE.creator_id)
     from  ff_user_entities  UE,
           ff_database_items DI
     where  DI.user_name            = p_db_item_name
       and  UE.user_entity_id       = DI.user_entity_id
       and  Ue.creator_type         = 'B';
Line: 450

  /* Name    : get_selection_information
  Purpose    : Returns information used in the selection of people to be reported on.
  Arguments  :

  The following values are returned :

    p_period_start         - The start of the period over which to select
                             the people.
    p_period_end           - The end of the period over which to select
                             the people.
    p_defined_balance_id   - The balance which must be non zero for each
                             person to be included in the report.
    p_group_by_gre         - should the people be grouped by GRE.
    p_group_by_medicare    - Should the people ,be grouped by medicare
                             within GRE NB. this is not currently supported.
    p_tax_unit_context     - Should the TAX_UNIT_ID context be set up for
                             the testing of the balance.
    p_jurisdiction_context - Should the JURISDICTION_CODE context be set up
                             for the testing of the balance.

  Notes      : This routine provides a way of coding explicit rules for
               individual reports where they are different from the
               standard selection criteria for the report type ie. in
               NY state the selection of people in the 4th quarter is
               different from the first 3.

 procedure get_selection_information

  /* Identifies the type of report, the authority for which it is being run,
     and the period being reported. */
  p_report_type          varchar2,
  p_quarter_start        date,
  p_quarter_end          date,
  p_year_start           date,
  p_year_end             date,
  /* Information returned is used to control the selection of people to
     report on. */
  p_period_start         in out nocopy date,
  p_period_end           in out nocopy date,
  p_defined_balance_id   in out nocopy number,
  p_group_by_gre         in out nocopy boolean,
  p_group_by_medicare    in out nocopy boolean,
  p_tax_unit_context     in out nocopy boolean,
  p_jurisdiction_context in out nocopy boolean
 ) is


   /* Depending on the report being processed, derive all the information
      required to be able to select the people to report on. */

   if    p_report_type = 'RL1'  then

     /* Default settings for Year End Preprocess. */

     hr_utility.trace('in getting selection information ');
Line: 522

     hr_utility.trace('in error of getting selection information ');
Line: 528

 end get_selection_information;
Line: 546

     select SR.jurisdiction_code
     from   pay_state_rules SR
     where  SR.state_code = p_state;
Line: 581

    select user_entity_id
    into l_user_entity_id
    from ff_database_items
    where user_name = p_dbi_name;
Line: 613

         select user_entity_id
         into l_user_entity_id
         from ff_database_items
         where user_name = p_dbi_name;
Line: 676

  select action_information4,
  from pay_action_information
  where action_context_id = cp_asg_act_id
  and   action_information_category = 'CA FOOTNOTES'
  and   action_context_type = 'AAP'
  and   action_information6 = 'RL1'
  order by action_information4;
Line: 687

  SELECT fai1.context1,
  FROM ff_archive_items fai1,
       ff_database_items fdi1,
       ff_archive_item_contexts faic,
       ff_contexts fc
  WHERE fai1.user_entity_id = fdi1.user_entity_id
  AND fai1.archive_item_id  = faic.archive_item_id
  AND fc.context_id         = faic.context_id
  AND fc.context_name       = 'JURISDICTION_CODE'
  AND faic.context          = 'QC'
  AND fai1.CONTEXT1         = cp_asg_act_id
  AND fdi1.user_name       NOT IN ('CAEOY_RL1_AMENDMENT_FLAG','CAEOY_RL1_PDF_SEQ_NUMBER')  --For Bug 9215185
  ORDER BY fdi1.user_name;
Line: 706

  SELECT fai.context1,fai.user_entity_id,fai.value
  FROM   ff_archive_items   fai
  WHERE  fai.user_entity_id = cp_dbi_ue_id
  AND    fai.context1       = cp_asg_act_id;
Line: 722

Line: 726

Line: 730

Line: 734

Line: 738

Line: 742

Line: 746

Line: 1023

   /* Variables used to hold the select columns from the SQL statement.*/

   l_person_id              number;
Line: 1113

     SELECT ASG.person_id               person_id,
            ASG.assignment_id           assignment_id,
            ASG.effective_end_date      effective_end_date
     FROM   per_all_assignments_f      ASG,
            pay_all_payrolls_f         PPY,
            hr_soft_coding_keyflex SCL
     WHERE  ASG.business_group_id + 0  = l_bus_group_id
       AND  ASG.person_id between stperson and endperson
       AND  ASG.assignment_type        = 'E'
       AND  ASG.effective_start_date  <= l_period_end
       AND  ASG.effective_end_date    >= l_period_start
       AND  SCL.soft_coding_keyflex_id = ASG.soft_coding_keyflex_id
       AND  (
        (rtrim(ltrim(SCL.segment1))  in
       (select to_char(hoi.organization_id)
        from hr_organization_information hoi
        where hoi.org_information_context =  'Canada Employer Identification'
        and hoi.org_information2  = l_pre_organization_id))
        (rtrim(ltrim(SCL.segment11))  in
       (select to_char(hoi.organization_id)
        from hr_organization_information hoi
        where hoi.org_information_context =  'Canada Employer Identification'
        and hoi.org_information2  = l_pre_organization_id))
       AND  PPY.payroll_id             = ASG.payroll_id
      and exists ( select 'X' from pay_action_contexts pac, ff_contexts fc
                    where pac.assignment_id = asg.assignment_id
                    and   pac.context_id = fc.context_id
		    and   fc.context_name = 'JURISDICTION_CODE'
                     and pac.context_value = 'QC' )
     ORDER  BY 1, 3 DESC, 2; */
Line: 1151

   SELECT   asg.person_id          person_id,
            asg.assignment_id      assignment_id,
            asg.effective_end_date effective_end_date
     FROM  per_all_assignments_f  asg,
           pay_assignment_actions paa,
           pay_payroll_actions    ppa
     WHERE ppa.effective_date between l_period_start
                                  and l_period_end
     AND  ppa.action_type in ('R','Q','V','B','I')
     AND  ppa.business_group_id  +0 = l_bus_group_id
     AND  ppa.payroll_action_id = paa.payroll_action_id
     AND  paa.tax_unit_id in (select hoi.organization_id
                              from hr_organization_information hoi
                              where hoi.org_information_context ||''=  'Canada Employer Identification'
                              and hoi.org_information2  = l_pre_organization_id
                              and hoi.org_information5 in ('T4/RL1','T4A/RL1'))
     AND  paa.assignment_id = asg.assignment_id
     AND  ppa.business_group_id = asg.business_group_id +0
     AND  asg.person_id between stperson and endperson
     AND  asg.assignment_type  = 'E'
     AND  ppa.effective_date between asg.effective_start_date
                                 and asg.effective_end_date
     AND EXISTS (select 1
                 from pay_action_contexts pac,
                      ff_contexts         fc
                 where pac.assignment_id = paa.assignment_id
                 and   pac.assignment_action_id = paa.assignment_action_id
                 and   pac.context_id = fc.context_id
                 and   fc.context_name ||'' = 'JURISDICTION_CODE'
                 and   pac.context_value ||'' = 'QC')
  ORDER  BY 1, 3 DESC, 2;
Line: 1187

   SELECT   asg.person_id          person_id,
            asg.assignment_id      assignment_id,
            asg.effective_end_date effective_end_date
     FROM  per_all_assignments_f  asg,
           pay_assignment_actions paa,
           pay_payroll_actions    ppa,
           pay_population_ranges   ppr
     WHERE ppa.effective_date between l_period_start
                                  and l_period_end
     AND  ppa.action_type in ('R','Q','V','B','I')
     AND  ppa.business_group_id  +0 = l_bus_group_id
     AND  ppa.payroll_action_id = paa.payroll_action_id
     AND  paa.tax_unit_id in (select hoi.organization_id
                              from hr_organization_information hoi
                              where hoi.org_information_context ||''=  'Canada Employer Identification'
                              and hoi.org_information2  = l_pre_organization_id
                              and hoi.org_information5 in ('T4/RL1','T4A/RL1'))
     AND  paa.assignment_id = asg.assignment_id
     AND  ppa.business_group_id = asg.business_group_id +0
--   AND  asg.person_id between stperson and endperson
     AND  ppr.payroll_action_id = pactid
     AND  ppr.chunk_number = chunk
     AND  ppr.person_id = ASG.person_id
     AND  asg.assignment_type  = 'E'
     AND  ppa.effective_date between asg.effective_start_date
                                 and asg.effective_end_date
     AND EXISTS (select 1
                 from pay_action_contexts pac,
                      ff_contexts         fc
                 where pac.assignment_id = paa.assignment_id
                 and   pac.assignment_action_id = paa.assignment_action_id
                 and   pac.context_id = fc.context_id
                 and   fc.context_name ||'' = 'JURISDICTION_CODE'
                 and   pac.context_value ||'' = 'QC')
  ORDER  BY 1, 3 DESC, 2;
Line: 1224

       select hoi.organization_id
        from hr_organization_information hoi
        where hoi.org_information_context =  'Canada Employer Identification'
        and hoi.org_information2  = l_pre_organization_id;
Line: 1232

     SELECT assignment_id
     from per_all_assignments_f paf
     where person_id = p_person_id
     and   primary_flag = 'Y'
     and   assignment_type = 'E'
     and   paf.effective_start_date  <= l_period_end
     and   paf.effective_end_date    >= l_period_start
     ORDER BY assignment_id desc;
Line: 1247

    select paa.assignment_action_id
    from pay_assignment_actions     paa,
         per_all_assignments_f      paf,
         per_all_people_f ppf,
         pay_payroll_actions        ppa,
         pay_action_classifications pac
    where ppf.person_id = cp_person_id
    and paf.person_id = ppf.person_id
    and paa.assignment_id = paf.assignment_id
    and paa.tax_unit_id   = cp_tax_unit_id
    and ppa.payroll_action_id = paa.payroll_action_id
    and ppa.effective_date between cp_period_start and cp_period_end
    and ppa.effective_date between ppf.effective_start_date
        and ppf.effective_end_date
    and ppa.effective_date between paf.effective_start_date
        and paf.effective_end_date
    and ppa.action_type = pac.action_type
    and pac.classification_name = 'SEQUENCED'
    order by paa.action_sequence desc;
Line: 1274

     select effective_date,
						-- Added for bug 10399514
						-- Added for bug 10399514
     into   l_effective_date,
						-- Added for bug 10399514
						-- Added for bug 10399514
     from pay_payroll_actions
     where payroll_action_id = pactid;
Line: 1304

     hr_utility.trace('getting selection information');
Line: 1313

Line: 1327

     hr_utility.trace('Out of get selection information');
Line: 1334

	        select report_format
	        into   l_report_format
	        from   pay_report_format_mappings_f
	        where  report_type = l_report_type
	        and    report_qualifier = l_state
	        and    report_category = l_report_cat ;
Line: 1416

            /* select the maximum assignment action id, removed the select stmt
               and replaced it with cursor c_get_max_asg_act_id 11510 Changes
               Bug#3356533. Passing person_id to fix bug#3638928 */
             open c_get_max_asg_act_id(l_person_id,
Line: 1513

          select pay_assignment_actions_s.nextval
          into   lockingactid
          from   dual;
Line: 1517

          /* Insert into pay_assignment_actions. */

          hr_utility.trace('creating assignment action');
Line: 1526

          /* Update the serial number column with the person id
             so that the mag routine and the RL1 view will not have
             to do an additional checking against the assignment
             table */

          hr_utility.trace('updating assignment action' || to_char(lockingactid));
Line: 1533

          update pay_assignment_actions aa
          set    aa.serial_number = to_char(l_person_id)
          where  aa.assignment_action_id = lockingactid;
Line: 1599

 select frpv.value
 into l_jursd_value
 from ff_route_parameter_values frpv,
      ff_route_parameters frp
 where   frpv.route_parameter_id = frp.route_parameter_id
 and   frpv.user_entity_id = p_user_entity_id
 and   frp.route_id = p_route_id
 and   frp.parameter_name = 'Jursd. Level';
Line: 1692

  select target1.organization_id,
         target1.ORG_INFORMATION2 Prov_Identi_Number,
         target1.ORG_INFORMATION7 Type_of_Transmitter,
         target1.ORG_INFORMATION5 Transmitter_Number,
         target1.ORG_INFORMATION4 Type_of_Data,
         target1.ORG_INFORMATION6 Type_of_Package,
         target1.ORG_INFORMATION8 Source_of_RL_slips_used,
         target1.ORG_INFORMATION9 Tech_Res_Person_Name,
         target1.ORG_INFORMATION11 Tech_Res_Phone,
         target1.ORG_INFORMATION10 Tech_Res_Area_Code,
         target1.ORG_INFORMATION12 Tech_Res_Extension,
                       target1.ORG_INFORMATION13) Tech_Res_Language,
         target1.ORG_INFORMATION14 Acct_Res_Person_Name,
         target1.ORG_INFORMATION16 Acct_Res_Phone,
         target1.ORG_INFORMATION15 Acct_Res_Area_Code,
         target1.ORG_INFORMATION17 Acct_Res_Extension,
                        target1.ORG_INFORMATION19) Acct_Res_Language,
         substr(target1.ORG_INFORMATION18,1,8) RL1_Slip_Number,
  from   hr_organization_information target1 ,
         hr_all_organization_units target2
  where  target1.organization_id   = to_number(p_pre_organization_id)
  and    target2.business_group_id = l_business_group_id
  and    target2.organization_id   = target1.organization_id
  and    target1.org_information_context = 'Prov Reporting Est';
Line: 1730

    select to_char(effective_date,'YYYY'),business_group_id
    into   l_taxation_year,l_business_group_id
    from   pay_payroll_actions
    where  payroll_action_id = p_payroll_action_id;
Line: 1766

           , L.ADDRESS_LINE_2
           , L.ADDRESS_LINE_3
           , L.TOWN_OR_CITY
           , DECODE(L.STYLE,'US',L.REGION_2,'CA',L.REGION_1,'CA_GLB',L.REGION_1,' ')
           , replace(L.POSTAL_CODE,' ')
           , L.COUNTRY
          , l_address_line_2
          , l_address_line_3
          , l_town_or_city
          , l_province_code
          , l_postal_code
          , l_country_code
         from  hr_all_organization_units O,
               hr_locations_all L
         where L.LOCATION_ID = O.LOCATION_ID
         AND O.ORGANIZATION_ID = l_organization_id_of_qin;
Line: 1814

         select name
         into   l_transmitter_name
         from   hr_all_organization_units
         where  organization_id = l_transmitter_org_id;
Line: 2093

     select 'Y'
     from dual
     where exists (select null
               from ff_archive_items fai
               where fai.context1 = p_payroll_action_id);
Line: 2146

 select min(paa.chunk_number)
 from pay_assignment_actions paa
 where paa.payroll_action_id = p_payroll_action_id;
Line: 2172

     Purpose   : Calculates and inserts check digit to PDF sequence number

FUNCTION getnext_seq_num (p_curr_seq IN NUMBER)
    l_seq_number   number;
Line: 2201

  SELECT fai1.value, fai1.archive_item_id, fai1.object_version_number
     ff_database_items fdi1,
     ff_archive_item_contexts faic,
     ff_contexts fc
  WHERE FAI1.USER_ENTITY_ID = fdi1.user_entity_id
    and fdi1.user_name = 'CAEOY_RL1_PDF_SEQ_NUMBER'
    and fai1.archive_item_id = faic.archive_item_id
    and fc.context_id = faic.context_id
    and fc.context_name = 'JURISDICTION_CODE'
    and faic.context = cp_jurisdiction
    and fai1.context1 = cp_aaid;
Line: 2215

	select ROW_LOW_RANGE_OR_NAME range_start,
		     ROW_HIGH_RANGE range_end
	from 	pay_user_tables put,
		    pay_user_rows_f pur
		and put.USER_TABLE_NAME = 'RL1 PDF Sequence Range'
		and fnd_date.string_to_date('31/12/'||cp_run_year,'DD/MM/YYYY')
Line: 2225

      from pay_action_information
      where action_context_id = aaid
            and action_information_category='CAEOY RL2 EMPLOYEE INFO2';
Line: 2266

      select PAY_CA_RL1_PDF_SEQ_COUNT_S.nextval into l_seq_offset
      from dual;
Line: 2294

			else -- If DBI is archived but with null value then update it with new value
      hr_utility.trace('In pay_ca_eoy_rl1_archive.gen_rl1_pdf_seq     50');
Line: 2298

        ff_archive_api.update_archive_item( p_archive_item_id => l_archive_item_id
                                          ,p_effective_date => fnd_date.string_to_date('31/12/'||p_reporting_year,'DD/MM/YYYY')
                                          --,p_validate  in     boolean  default false
                                          ,p_archive_value => l_final_seq_num
                                          ,p_object_version_number => l_obj_ver
                                          ,p_some_warning => l_warning ); */
Line: 2305

        update ff_archive_items set VALUE= l_final_seq_num
			  where ARCHIVE_ITEM_ID= l_archive_item_id;
Line: 2333

      select decode(hoi.org_information3,'Y',hoi.organization_id,
      into   l_transmitter_name1
      from   pay_payroll_actions ppa,
             hr_organization_information hoi,
             hr_all_organization_units hou
      WHERE  hou.business_group_id = ppa.business_group_id
      and    hoi.organization_id = hou.organization_id
      and    hoi.org_information_context='Prov Reporting Est'
      and    hoi.organization_id =
                                            ppa.legislative_parameters )
      and    ppa.payroll_action_id =  p_payroll_action_id
      and    hoi.org_information4  = 'P01';
Line: 2354

     /*     select to_number(target.ORG_INFORMATION18)
          into   l_rl1_last_slip_number
          from   hr_organization_information target
          where  target.organization_id = l_transmitter_name1
          and    target.org_information_context = 'Prov Reporting Est'
          and    target.ORG_INFORMATION3        = 'Y';*/
Line: 2361

        select to_number(target.ORG_INFORMATION1),to_number(target.ORG_INFORMATION2)
        into   l_rl1_starting_slip_num,l_rl1_ending_slip_num
        from   hr_organization_information target
        where  target.organization_id = l_transmitter_name1
        and    target.org_information_context = 'Prov Reporting Est3'
        and exists (select 'X' from hr_organization_information target1
                    where target1.organization_id = l_transmitter_name1
                    and    target1.org_information_context = 'Prov Reporting Est'
                    and    target1.ORG_INFORMATION3        = 'Y');
Line: 2395

      /*select l_rl1_last_slip_number + pay_ca_eoy_rl1_s.nextval - 1
      into   l_rl1_curr_slip_number from dual;*/
Line: 2397

      select l_rl1_starting_slip_num + pay_ca_eoy_rl1_s.nextval - 1
      into   l_rl1_curr_slip_number from dual;
Line: 2410

      select mod(l_rl1_curr_slip_number,7)
      into   l_rl1_slip_number_last_digit
      from   dual;
Line: 2467

  select /*+ Ordered */ paa.assignment_action_id
  from          per_all_people_f ppf,
       per_all_assignments_f      paf,
       pay_assignment_actions     paa,
       pay_payroll_actions        ppa,
       pay_action_classifications pac,
       pay_action_contexts pac1,
       ff_contexts         fc
  where ppf.person_id = cp_person_id
   and paf.person_id = ppf.person_id
   and paf.assignment_id = paa.assignment_id
   and paa.tax_unit_id   = cp_tax_unit_id
   and ppa.payroll_action_id = paa.payroll_action_id
   and ppa.effective_date between cp_period_start and cp_period_end
   and ppa.effective_date between ppf.effective_start_date
                              and ppf.effective_end_date
   and ppa.effective_date between paf.effective_start_date
                              and paf.effective_end_date
   and ppa.action_type = pac.action_type
   and pac.classification_name = 'SEQUENCED'
   AND pac1.assignment_action_id = paa.assignment_action_id
   AND pac1.context_id     = fc.context_id
   AND fc.context_name    = 'JURISDICTION_CODE'
   AND pac1.context_value  = 'QC'
   order by paa.action_sequence desc;
Line: 2494

select hoi.organization_id
  from   pay_payroll_actions ppa,
         pay_assignment_actions paa,
         hr_organization_information hoi
  where  paa.assignment_action_id    = asgactid
  and    ppa.payroll_action_id       = paa.payroll_action_id
  and    hoi.org_information2        =
  and    hoi.org_information_context = 'Canada Employer Identification'
  and    hoi.org_information5 in ('T4/RL1','T4A/RL1')
  order by organization_id;
Line: 2515

    SELECT aa.assignment_id,
           pay_magtape_generic.date_earned (p_effective_date,aa.assignment_id),
      into l_asgid,
    FROM   pay_assignment_actions aa
    WHERE   aa.assignment_action_id = p_assactid;
Line: 2539

       select business_group_id
       into   l_business_group_id
       from   pay_payroll_actions
       where  payroll_action_id = l_payroll_action_id;
Line: 2725

       select target1.business_group_id
        into   l_business_group_id
       from   hr_all_organization_units target1
       where  target1.organization_id = l_tax_unit_id;
Line: 2954

  select hoi.organization_id ,
  from   pay_payroll_actions ppa,
         pay_assignment_actions paa,
         hr_organization_information hoi
  where  paa.assignment_action_id    = asgactid
  and    ppa.payroll_action_id       = paa.payroll_action_id
  and    hoi.org_information2        =
  and    hoi.org_information_context = 'Canada Employer Identification'
  and    hoi.org_information5 in ('T4/RL1','T4A/RL1')
  order by organization_id;
Line: 2969

  select hoi.organization_id ,
  from   pay_payroll_actions ppa,
         pay_assignment_actions paa,
         hr_organization_information hoi
  where  paa.assignment_action_id    = asgactid
  and    ppa.payroll_action_id       = paa.payroll_action_id
  and    hoi.org_information2        =
  and    hoi.org_information_context = 'Canada Employer Identification'
  and    hoi.org_information5 in ('T4/RL1','T4A/RL1')
  order by organization_id;
Line: 2983

  /* !!To calculate CPP withheld select all the GREs
     the person has worked in */

  /* 11510 changes for bug#3356533, replaced the old query for
     cursor c_all_gres_for_person with this to improve performance.
     Using assignment_id instead of assignment_action_id
  cursor c_all_gres_for_person(cp_asg_id number,cp_eff_date date) is
  select distinct paa.tax_unit_id
  from pay_assignment_actions paa,
       pay_payroll_actions    ppa,
       per_all_assignments_f paf
  where paa.assignment_id = cp_asg_id
  and   paf.assignment_id = cp_asg_id
  and   paf.assignment_id = paa.assignment_id
  and   paa.action_status = 'C'
  and   ppa.payroll_action_id = paa.payroll_action_id
  and   ppa.effective_date <= cp_eff_date
  and   ppa.action_type in ('R', 'Q')
  and   ppa.effective_date between paf.effective_start_date and paf.effective_end_date
  and exists ( select 1 from pay_run_types_f prt
               where prt.legislation_code = 'CA'
               and   prt.run_type_id = paa.run_type_id
               and   prt.run_method  <> 'C' );
Line: 3013

  select distinct context_value
  from   pay_action_contexts pac
  where  pac.assignment_id = l_asgid;
Line: 3018

  select distinct pet.element_information19,
  from   pay_balance_feeds_f pbf,
         pay_balance_types pbt,
         pay_balance_types pbt1,
         pay_input_values_f piv,
         pay_element_types_f pet,
         fnd_lookup_values   flv
  where  pbt.balance_name          = p_balance_name
  and    pbf.balance_type_id       = pbt.balance_type_id
  and    pbf.input_value_id        = piv.input_value_id
  and    piv.element_type_id       = pet.element_type_id
  and    pbt1.balance_type_id      = pet.element_information10
  and    pet.business_group_id     = l_business_group_id
  and    pet.element_information19 = flv.lookup_code
  and    flv.lookup_type           = 'PAY_CA_RL1_FOOTNOTES'
  --bug 5558604 starts
  and    flv.enabled_flag          = 'Y'
  and    l_date_earned between nvl(flv.start_Date_active,l_date_earned)
         and  nvl(flv.end_date_Active,l_date_earned)
  --bug 5558604 starts
  and    flv.language              = userenv('LANG')
  order by pet.element_information19;
Line: 3043

  select addr.address_line1,
         decode(addr.country,'CA', addr.region_1 , 'US' , addr.region_2 , ' '),
         replace(addr.postal_code,' '),
  from   per_addresses          addr,
         fnd_territories_vl     country
  where addr.person_id      = l_person_id
  and	addr.primary_flag   = 'Y'
  and   l_date_earned  between nvl(addr.date_from, l_date_earned)
                          and  nvl(addr.date_to, l_date_earned)
  and	country.territory_code    = addr.country
  order by date_from desc;
Line: 3065

   select /*+ index (PET PAY_ELEMENT_TYPES_F_PK) */  distinct prrv1.result_value,
   from pay_run_result_values prrv1
     , pay_run_result_values prrv2
     , pay_run_results prr
     , pay_element_types_f pet
     , pay_input_values_f piv1
     , pay_input_values_f piv2
     , pay_assignment_actions run_paa
     , pay_payroll_actions run_ppa
     , pay_assignment_actions arch_paa
     , pay_payroll_actions arch_ppa
     , per_all_assignments_f arch_paf
     , per_all_assignments_f all_paf
     , hr_all_organization_units hou
     , hr_organization_information hoi
  where arch_paa.assignment_action_id = cp_asgactid
  and   arch_ppa.payroll_action_id    = arch_paa.payroll_action_id
  and   hou.business_group_id  + 0       = arch_ppa.business_group_id
  and   hou.organization_id           = hoi.organization_id
  and   hoi.org_information2          =  pycadar_pkg.get_parameter('PRE_ORGANIZATION_ID',
  and   hoi.org_information_context   = 'Canada Employer Identification'
  and   run_paa.assignment_id = arch_paa.assignment_id
  and   run_paa.tax_unit_id           = hou.organization_id
  and   run_ppa.payroll_action_id     =  run_paa.payroll_action_id
  and   run_ppa.action_type           in ( 'R', 'Q','B', 'V' )
								-- Added 'V' for bug 11065493
  and   run_ppa.effective_date between cp_start_date and cp_eff_date
  and   run_paa.action_status         = 'C'
  and   pet.element_name          = lv_footnote_element --'RL1 NonBox Footnotes'
  and   prr.assignment_action_id  = run_paa.assignment_action_id
  and   prr.element_type_id       = pet.element_type_id
  and   piv1.element_type_id      = pet.element_type_id
  and   piv1.name                 = 'Message'
  and   prrv1.run_result_id       = prr.run_result_id
  and   prrv1.input_value_id      = piv1.input_value_id
  and   piv2.element_type_id      = pet.element_type_id
  and   piv2.name                 = 'Amount'
  and   prrv2.run_result_id       = prrv1.run_result_id
  and   prrv2.input_value_id      = piv2.input_value_id
  and   arch_paf.assignment_id        = arch_paa.assignment_id
  and   cp_eff_date
               between arch_paf.effective_start_date
                   and arch_paf.effective_end_date
  and   all_paf.person_id     = arch_paf.person_id
  and   cp_eff_date
               between all_paf.effective_start_date
                   and all_paf.effective_end_date
  and   run_paa.assignment_id     = all_paf.assignment_id
  and exists (select 1
              from pay_action_contexts pac,ff_contexts ffc
              where ffc.context_name          = 'JURISDICTION_CODE'
              and   pac.context_id + 0        = ffc.context_id
              and   pac.assignment_id         = run_paa.assignment_id
              and   pac.context_value         = 'QC')
  order by 1;                                        --Bug 6853279
Line: 3125

 /* and exists (select 1                             --Bug 7555410
              from hr_lookups hrl
              where hrl.lookup_code=prrv1.result_value
              and lookup_type='PAY_CA_RL1_NONBOX_FOOTNOTES'
              and cp_eff_date
                   between nvl(hrl.start_date_active,to_date('1900/01/01','YYYY/MM/DD'))
                   and nvl(hrl.end_date_active,to_date('4712/12/31','YYYY/MM/DD'))) */

 /*For performance of non box footnote amounts - bug 8227027 */
 cursor c_non_box_lookup is
            select 1
              from hr_lookups hrl
              where hrl.lookup_code=l_messages
              and lookup_type='PAY_CA_RL1_NONBOX_FOOTNOTES'
              and p_effective_date
                   between nvl(hrl.start_date_active,to_date('1900/01/01','YYYY/MM/DD'))
                   and nvl(hrl.end_date_active,to_date('4712/12/31','YYYY/MM/DD'));
Line: 3147

  select fai.value
  from   ff_archive_items   fai,
         ff_database_items  fdi
  where  fdi.user_entity_id = fai.user_entity_id
  and    fai.context1  = cp_assignment_action_id
  and    fdi.user_name = 'CAEOY_RL1_PROVINCE_OF_EMPLOYMENT';
Line: 3155

  select ppa.report_type
  from pay_payroll_actions ppa,pay_assignment_actions paa
  where paa.assignment_action_id = cp_locked_actid
  and ppa.payroll_action_id = paa.payroll_action_id;
Line: 3161

  select locked_action_id
  from pay_action_interlocks
  where locking_action_id = cp_locking_act_id;
Line: 3167

  select pei_information5,
  from  per_people_extra_info
  where person_id        = cp_person_id
  and   pei_information6 = to_char(cp_pre_org_id)
  and   pei_information_category = 'PAY_CA_RL1_FORM_NO'
  order by pei_information7; /* Bug 13564765 sbachu*/
Line: 3183

  select /*+ Ordered */ paa.assignment_action_id
  from          per_all_people_f ppf,
       per_all_assignments_f      paf,
       pay_assignment_actions     paa,
       pay_payroll_actions        ppa,
       pay_action_classifications pac,
       pay_action_contexts pac1,
       ff_contexts         fc
  where ppf.person_id = cp_person_id
   and paf.person_id = ppf.person_id
   and paf.assignment_id = paa.assignment_id
   and paa.tax_unit_id   = cp_tax_unit_id
   and ppa.payroll_action_id = paa.payroll_action_id
   and ppa.effective_date between cp_period_start and cp_period_end
   and ppa.effective_date between ppf.effective_start_date
                              and ppf.effective_end_date
   and ppa.effective_date between paf.effective_start_date
                              and paf.effective_end_date
   and ppa.action_type = pac.action_type
   and pac.classification_name = 'SEQUENCED'
   AND pac1.assignment_action_id = paa.assignment_action_id
   AND pac1.context_id     = fc.context_id
   AND fc.context_name    = 'JURISDICTION_CODE'
   AND pac1.context_value  = 'QC'
   order by paa.action_sequence desc;
Line: 3215

   select paa.assignment_action_id
   from pay_assignment_actions     paa,
        per_all_assignments_f      paf,
        per_all_people_f ppf,
        pay_payroll_actions        ppa,
        pay_action_classifications pac
   where ppf.person_id = cp_person_id
   and paf.person_id =  ppf.person_id
   and paf.assignment_id = paa.assignment_id
   and paa.tax_unit_id   = cp_tax_unit_id
   and ppa.payroll_action_id = paa.payroll_action_id
   and ppa.effective_date between cp_period_start and cp_period_end
   and ppa.effective_date between ppf.effective_start_date
       and ppf.effective_end_date
   and ppa.effective_date between paf.effective_start_date
       and paf.effective_end_date
   and ppa.action_type = pac.action_type
   and pac.classification_name = 'SEQUENCED'
   order by paa.action_sequence desc;
Line: 3245

    SELECT aa.assignment_id,
           pay_magtape_generic.date_earned (p_effective_date,aa.assignment_id),
      into l_asgid,
    FROM   pay_assignment_actions aa
    WHERE   aa.assignment_action_id = p_assactid;
Line: 3269

       select pycadar_pkg.get_parameter('PRE_ORGANIZATION_ID',
       into   l_pre_organization_id,l_business_group_id
       from   pay_payroll_actions
       where  payroll_action_id = l_payroll_action_id;
Line: 3318

    select context_id
    into   l_jursd_context_id
    from   ff_contexts
    where  context_name = 'JURISDICTION_CODE';
Line: 3323

    select context_id
    into   l_taxunit_context_id
    from   ff_contexts
    where  context_name = 'TAX_UNIT_ID';
Line: 3648

        /* Removed select stmt to get max asgact_id and replaced it with
           cursor c_get_max_asgactid_jd. 11510 Changes Bug#3356533.
           Changed the cursor to get max asgact_id based on person_id to
           fix bug#3638928 */
        open c_get_max_asgactid_jd(to_number(lv_serial_number),
Line: 3677

         select target1.business_group_id
         into   l_business_group_id
         from   hr_all_organization_units target1
         where  target1.organization_id = l_tax_unit_id;
Line: 3963

                         /* Removed select stmt to get max asgact_id and replaced
                            it with cursor c_get_max_asgactid_jd, reusing the same
                            cursor used above. 11510 Changes Bug#3356533. Changed
                            cursor to get max asg_act_id based on person_id to
                            fix bug#3638928. */
                          open c_get_max_asgactid_jd(to_number(lv_serial_number),
Line: 3980

                          select target1.business_group_id
                          into   l_business_group_id
                          from   hr_all_organization_units target1
                          where  target1.organization_id = l_ft_tax_unit_id;
Line: 4186

           /* Removed the select stmt to get max asgact_id and replaced it
              with cursor c_get_max_asgactid. 11510 changes for bug#3356533.
              Changed the cursor to get max asg_act_id based on person_id
              to fix bug#3638928. */
            open c_get_max_asgactid(to_number(lv_serial_number),
Line: 4294

	      select fnd_number.canonical_to_number(information_value)
	      into ln_max_cpp_earnings
	      from pay_ca_legislation_info
	      where information_type = 'MAX_CPP_EARNINGS'
	      and   l_year_end  between  start_date
	                        and      end_date;
Line: 4304

          select fnd_number.canonical_to_number(information_value)
		      into ln_qpp_rate
		      from pay_ca_legislation_info
		      where information_type = 'QPP_RATE'
		      and   l_year_end  between  start_date
		                        and      end_date;
Line: 4312

						UPDATE  ff_archive_items
						SET     value = lv_qpp_to_be_rprted
						WHERE   archive_item_id = ln_qpp_txble_arch_item_id;
Line: 4325

	      select fnd_number.canonical_to_number(information_value)
	      into lv_max_pensionable_earnings
	      from pay_ca_legislation_info
	      where information_type = 'MAX_CPP_EARNINGS'
	      and   l_year_end  between  start_date
	                        and      end_date;
Line: 4415

      select fnd_number.canonical_to_number(information_value)
      into lv_max_pensionable_earnings
      from pay_ca_legislation_info
      where information_type = 'MAX_CPP_EARNINGS'
      and   l_year_end  between  start_date
                        and      end_date;
Line: 4706

         select PEOPLE.person_id,
                replace(PEOPLE.national_identifier,' '),
          into l_person_id,
          from per_all_assignments_f  ASSIGN
              ,per_all_people_f       PEOPLE
              ,per_person_types       PTYPE
              ,per_phones             PHONE
              ,fnd_sessions           SES
         where   l_date_earned BETWEEN ASSIGN.effective_start_date
                                           AND ASSIGN.effective_end_date
         and     ASSIGN.assignment_id = l_asgid
         and	PEOPLE.person_id     = ASSIGN.person_id
         and     l_date_earned BETWEEN PEOPLE.effective_start_date
                                           AND PEOPLE.effective_end_date
         and	PTYPE.person_type_id = PEOPLE.person_type_id
         and     PHONE.parent_id (+) = PEOPLE.person_id
         and     PHONE.parent_table (+)= 'PER_ALL_PEOPLE_F'
         and     PHONE.phone_type (+)= 'W1'
         and     l_date_earned
                 BETWEEN NVL(PHONE.date_from,l_date_earned)
                  AND     NVL(PHONE.date_to,l_date_earned)
         and     SES.session_id       = USERENV('SESSIONID');
Line: 4745

         select PEOPLE.person_id,
                replace(PEOPLE.national_identifier,' '),
          into l_person_id,
         from   per_all_assignments_f  ASSIGN
                ,per_all_people_f       PEOPLE
         where   ASSIGN.assignment_id =l_asgid
         and     PEOPLE.person_id     = ASSIGN.person_id
         -- code fix started for 6440125
         and      l_date_earned BETWEEN ASSIGN.effective_start_date
                                           AND ASSIGN.effective_end_date
         and     l_date_earned BETWEEN PEOPLE.effective_start_date
                                          AND PEOPLE.effective_end_date;
Line: 4788

         select max(date_start)
         into   l_hire_date
         from   per_periods_of_service
         where  person_id = l_person_id;
Line: 4949

      select to_char(effective_date,'YYYY'),
      into lv_fapp_effective_date,
      from pay_payroll_actions
      where payroll_action_id = l_payroll_action_id;
Line: 5091

     Purpose   : This returns the select statement that is used to created the
                 range rows for the Year End Pre-Process.
     Arguments :
     Notes     :

  procedure eoy_range_cursor (pactid in number, sqlstr out nocopy varchar2) is

  l_pre_organization_id  varchar2(50);
Line: 5107

     select pycadar_pkg.get_parameter('PRE_ORGANIZATION_ID',
     into   l_pre_organization_id,
     from pay_payroll_actions
     where payroll_action_id = pactid;
Line: 5119

     sqlstr :=  'select distinct asg.person_id
                from pay_all_payrolls_f ppy,
                     pay_payroll_actions ppa,
                     pay_assignment_actions paa,
                     per_all_assignments_f asg,
                     pay_payroll_actions ppa1
                where ppa1.payroll_action_id = :payroll_action_id
                and   ppa.effective_date between
                                          fnd_date.date_to_canonical(l_year_start)||''') and
                and ppa.action_type in (''R'',''Q'',''V'',''B'',''I'')
                and ppa.action_status = ''C''
                and ppa.business_group_id + 0 = '||to_char(l_business_group)||'
                and ppa.payroll_action_id = paa.payroll_action_id
                and paa.tax_unit_id in
                    (select hoi.organization_id
                     from hr_organization_information hoi
                     where hoi.org_information_context =  ''Canada Employer Identification''
                     and hoi.org_information2  = '''|| l_pre_organization_id ||''''||'
                     and hoi.org_information5 in (''T4/RL1'',''T4A/RL1''))
                and paa.action_status = ''C''
                and paa.assignment_id = asg.assignment_id
                and ppa.business_group_id = asg.business_group_id + 0
                and ppa.effective_date between asg.effective_start_date
                                           and asg.effective_end_date
                and asg.assignment_type = ''E''
                and ppa.payroll_id = ppy.payroll_id
                and ppy.business_group_id = '||to_char(l_business_group)||'
                and exists (select 1
                            from pay_action_contexts pac,
                                 ff_contexts fc
                            where pac.assignment_id = paa.assignment_id
                            and   pac.assignment_action_id = paa.assignment_action_id
                            and   pac.context_id = fc.context_id
                            and   fc.context_name = ''JURISDICTION_CODE''
                            and   pac.context_value = ''QC'' )
                order by asg.person_id';