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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 30

                                         to update_shadow_element procedure
 07-JUN-99   R. Murthy   115.4           Created exclusion rule for start
                                         rule - if it is 'Earnings Threshold',
                                         the template engine creates the input
                                         value 'Threshold Amount', and the
                                         element uses the skip rule
                                         Update shadow structure also updates
                                         the user-entered element reporting
                                         name and benefit classification.
                                         Added a check to see if the element
                                         being created has the same name as
                                         that of an existing balance (seeded or
                                         otherwise).  If yes, an error is
                                         raised.  This prevents users from
                                         creating elements with reserved
                                         words as names.
 05-APR-00   RThirlby   115.6            Added call to new procedure
                                         _on_balance. This updates jurisdiction_
                                         level on pay_balance_types for all
                                         balances. Call added to create user-
                                         _init_deduction. NB. THIS WILL NEED TO
                                         BE ADDED TO CREATE_USER_INIT_GARNISH-
                                         MENT WHEN GARNISHMENTS ARE ADDED TO
 11-APR-00   ACai       115.7            Replaced the code with Ver. 110.14 to                                           include garnishment process for R11i.

 11-APR-00   mmukherj   115.8            Added update and insert of footnote
                                         and registration no for Year end info
 11-APR-02   ssattini   115.9            Fixed the bug#2304888 and also
                                         also added dbdrv.
 11-APR-2002 SSattini   115.10           Corrected GSCC complaint.
 18-FEB-2003 vpandya    115.11 ,12       Creating element type usages for
                                         deduction elements which has tax proc
                                         type is 'Regular'.
 05-AUG-2003 ssouresr   115.13           Saving run balances for _GRE_RUN
                                         _GRE_JD_RUN, _ASG_GRE_RUN  and
                                         _ASG_JD_GRE_RUN on pay_defined_balances
 05-AUG-2003 ssouresr  115.14            Removed _GRE_RUN and _GRE_JD_RUN from
                                         previous change as these dimensions are
                                         not required for saving nonseeded
 26-SEP-2003 ssattini  115.15            Added update to set the
                                         post_termination_rule to 'Last
                                         Standard Process Date' for all
                                         recurring elements.  Fix for
 18-MAY-2009 sapalani  115.16  5676728   Removed the skip formula
                                         FREQ_RULE_SKIP_FORMULA from
                                         deduction elements.

----------------- create_element_type_usages -----------------

PROCEDURE create_element_type_usages (
                 p_element_name      in varchar2,
                 p_bg_id             in number,
                 p_ele_proc_run_type in varchar2 ) IS
cursor c_ele_tp_usg is
  select pet.element_type_id
         ,'N' inclusion_flag
         ,NULL usage_type
  from pay_element_types_f pet
      ,pay_run_types_f     prt
  where pet.element_name      = p_element_name
  and   pet.business_group_id = p_bg_id
  and   prt.legislation_code = 'CA'
  and ( prt.shortname like 'REG%' or
        prt.shortname like 'NP%' or
        prt.shortname like 'LS%' )
  and   prt.shortname <> 'REG_T4_RL1'
  and   prt.run_method = 'C'
  and   nvl(prt.srs_flag,'N') <> 'Y';
Line: 170

  SELECT balance_dimension_id
  FROM pay_balance_dimensions
  WHERE dimension_name = 'Assignment within Government Reporting Entity Run'
  AND   legislation_code = 'CA';
Line: 176

  SELECT balance_dimension_id
  FROM pay_balance_dimensions
  WHERE dimension_name = 'Assignment in JD within GRE Run'
  AND   legislation_code = 'CA';
Line: 209

l_base_element_type_id	NUMBER(9); -- Populated by insertion of element type.
Line: 253

select template_id
into   l_template_id
from   pay_element_templates
where  template_name = l_template_name
and    legislation_code = p_legislation_code
and    business_group_id is NULL
and    template_type = 'T';
Line: 281

select 'Y'
into l_installed
from pay_balance_types
where upper(balance_name) = 'FED SUBJECT'
and legislation_code = 'CA';
Line: 323

select 'Y'
into l_reserved
from pay_balance_types
where upper(p_ele_name) = upper(balance_name)
and nvl(legislation_code, 'CA') = 'CA'
and nvl(business_group_id, p_bg_id) = p_bg_id;
Line: 405

select element_type_id, object_version_number
into   l_element_type_id, l_ele_obj_ver_number
from   pay_shadow_element_types
where  template_id = l_template_id
and    element_name = p_ele_name;
Line: 411

select element_type_id, object_version_number
into   l_sf_element_type_id, l_sf_ele_obj_ver_number
from   pay_shadow_element_types
where  template_id = l_template_id
and    element_name = p_ele_name||' Special Features';
Line: 418

   select element_type_id, object_version_number
   into   l_si_element_type_id, l_si_ele_obj_ver_number
   from   pay_shadow_element_types
   where  template_id = l_template_id
   and    element_name = p_ele_name||' Special Inputs';
Line: 430

   select benefit_classification_name
   into   l_ben_class_name
   from   ben_benefit_classifications
   where  benefit_classification_id = p_ben_class_id;
Line: 438

  (p_validate                =>  false
  ,p_effective_date          =>  p_ele_eff_start_date
  ,p_element_type_id         =>  l_element_type_id
  ,p_classification_name     =>  nvl(p_ele_classification, hr_api.g_varchar2)
  ,p_processing_type         =>  nvl(p_ele_processing_type, hr_api.g_varchar2)
  ,p_standard_link_flag      =>  nvl(p_ele_standard_link, hr_api.g_varchar2)
  ,p_description             =>  p_ele_description
  ,p_reporting_name	     =>  p_ele_reporting_name
  ,p_benefit_classification_name => l_ben_class_name
  ,p_element_information_category    =>   nvl(upper(g_template_leg_code||'_'||p_ele_classification), hr_api.g_varchar2)
  ,p_element_information1    =>  nvl(p_ele_category, hr_api.g_varchar2)
  ,p_element_information2    =>  nvl(p_ele_insuff_funds_code, hr_api.g_varchar2)
  ,p_element_information3    =>  nvl(p_ele_proc_runtype, hr_api.g_varchar2)
--  ,p_element_information18   =>  nvl(p_ele_t4a_footnote, hr_api.g_varchar2)
--  ,p_element_information19   =>  nvl(p_ele_rl1_footnote, hr_api.g_varchar2)
--  ,p_element_information20   =>  nvl(p_ele_registration_number, hr_api.g_varchar2)
--  ,p_element_information10   =>  l_pri_bal_id
--  ,p_element_information11   =>  l_accr_bal_id
--  ,p_element_information12   =>  l_arr_bal_id
--  ,p_element_information13   =>  l_not_taken_bal_id
  ,p_skip_formula            =>  l_skip_formula
  ,p_object_version_number   =>  l_ele_obj_ver_number);
Line: 467

  (p_validate                =>   false
  ,p_effective_date          =>   p_ele_eff_start_date
  ,p_element_type_id         =>   l_sf_element_type_id
  ,p_classification_name     =>   nvl(p_ele_classification, hr_api.g_varchar2)
  ,p_reporting_name          =>   p_ele_reporting_name||' SF'
  ,p_object_version_number   =>   l_sf_ele_obj_ver_number);
Line: 481

     (p_validate                => false
     ,p_effective_date          => p_ele_eff_start_date
     ,p_element_type_id         => l_si_element_type_id
     ,p_classification_name     => nvl(p_ele_classification, hr_api.g_varchar2)
     ,p_reporting_name          =>   p_ele_reporting_name||' SI'
     ,p_object_version_number   => l_si_ele_obj_ver_number);
Line: 522

select element_type_id
into   l_base_element_type_id
from   pay_element_types_f
where  element_name = p_ele_name
and    business_group_id + 0 = p_bg_id;
Line: 532

select ptco.core_object_id
into   l_pri_bal_id
from   pay_shadow_balance_types psbt,
       pay_template_core_objects ptco
where  psbt.template_id = l_template_id
and    psbt.balance_name = p_ele_name
and    ptco.template_id = psbt.template_id
and    ptco.shadow_object_id = psbt.balance_type_id;
Line: 544

   select ptco.core_object_id
   into   l_arr_bal_id
   from   pay_shadow_balance_types psbt,
          pay_template_core_objects ptco
   where  psbt.template_id = l_template_id
   and    psbt.balance_name = p_ele_name||' Arrears'
   and    ptco.template_id = psbt.template_id
   and    ptco.shadow_object_id = psbt.balance_type_id;
Line: 554

   select ptco.core_object_id
   into   l_not_taken_bal_id
   from   pay_shadow_balance_types psbt,
          pay_template_core_objects ptco
   where  psbt.template_id = l_template_id
   and    psbt.balance_name = p_ele_name||' Not Taken'
   and    ptco.template_id = psbt.template_id
   and    ptco.shadow_object_id = psbt.balance_type_id;
Line: 570

   select ptco.core_object_id
   into   l_accr_bal_id
   from   pay_shadow_balance_types psbt,
          pay_template_core_objects ptco
   where  psbt.template_id = l_template_id
   and    psbt.balance_name = p_ele_name||' Accrued'
   and    ptco.template_id = psbt.template_id
   and    ptco.shadow_object_id = psbt.balance_type_id;
Line: 584

update pay_element_types_f
set    element_information10 = l_pri_bal_id,
       element_information11 = l_accr_bal_id,
       element_information12 = l_arr_bal_id,
       element_information13 = l_not_taken_bal_id,
       element_information18 = p_ele_t4a_footnote,
       element_information19 = p_ele_rl1_footnote,
       element_information20 = p_ele_registration_number
where  element_type_id = l_base_element_type_id
and    business_group_id + 0 = p_bg_id;
Line: 601

   update pay_element_types_f
   set post_termination_rule = 'L'
   where element_type_id = l_base_element_type_id
   and business_group_id + 0 = p_bg_id;
Line: 617

UPDATE pay_defined_balances
SET save_run_balance    = 'Y'
WHERE balance_type_id   = l_pri_bal_id
AND   balance_dimension_id IN
AND   business_group_id = p_bg_id;
Line: 647

Line: 688

  SELECT balance_dimension_id
  FROM pay_balance_dimensions
  WHERE dimension_name = 'Assignment within Government Reporting Entity Run'
  AND   legislation_code = 'CA';
Line: 694

  SELECT balance_dimension_id
  FROM pay_balance_dimensions
  WHERE dimension_name = 'Assignment in JD within GRE Run'
  AND   legislation_code = 'CA';
Line: 730

l_base_element_type_id    NUMBER(9); -- Populated by insertion of element type.
Line: 766

select template_id
into   l_template_id
from   pay_element_templates
where  template_name = l_template_name
and    legislation_code = p_legislation_code
and    business_group_id is NULL
and    template_type = 'T';
Line: 794

select 'Y'
into l_installed
from pay_balance_types
where upper(balance_name) = 'FED SUBJECT'
and legislation_code = 'CA';
Line: 836

select 'Y'
into l_reserved
from pay_balance_types
where upper(p_ele_name) = upper(balance_name)
and nvl(legislation_code, 'CA') = 'CA'
and nvl(business_group_id, p_bg_id) = p_bg_id;
Line: 880

select element_type_id, object_version_number
into   l_element_type_id, l_ele_obj_ver_number
from   pay_shadow_element_types
where  template_id = l_template_id
and    element_name = p_ele_name;
Line: 886

select element_type_id, object_version_number
into   l_sf_element_type_id, l_sf_ele_obj_ver_number
from   pay_shadow_element_types
where  template_id = l_template_id
and    element_name = p_ele_name||' Special Features';
Line: 892

select element_type_id, object_version_number
into   l_sf2_element_type_id, l_sf2_ele_obj_ver_number
from   pay_shadow_element_types
where  template_id = l_template_id
and    element_name = p_ele_name||' Special Features 2';
Line: 898

select element_type_id, object_version_number
into   l_fee_element_type_id, l_fee_ele_obj_ver_number
from   pay_shadow_element_types
where  template_id = l_template_id
and    element_name = p_ele_name||' Fees';
Line: 904

select element_type_id, object_version_number
into   l_ver_element_type_id, l_ver_ele_obj_ver_number
from   pay_shadow_element_types
where  template_id = l_template_id
and    element_name = p_ele_name||' Verifier';
Line: 910

select element_type_id, object_version_number
into   l_si_element_type_id, l_si_ele_obj_ver_number
from   pay_shadow_element_types
where  template_id = l_template_id
and    element_name = p_ele_name||' Special Inputs';
Line: 922

  (p_validate                     =>  false
  ,p_effective_date               =>  p_ele_eff_start_date
  ,p_element_type_id              =>  l_element_type_id
  ,p_classification_name          =>  nvl(p_ele_classification, hr_api.g_varchar2)
  ,p_processing_type              =>  nvl(p_ele_processing_type, hr_api.g_varchar2)
  ,p_standard_link_flag           =>  nvl(p_ele_standard_link, hr_api.g_varchar2)
  ,p_description                  =>  p_ele_description
  ,p_reporting_name               =>  p_ele_reporting_name
  ,p_benefit_classification_name  =>  l_ben_class_name
  ,p_element_information_category =>  nvl(upper(g_template_leg_code||'_'||p_ele_classification), hr_api.g_varchar2)
  ,p_element_information1         =>  nvl(p_ele_category, hr_api.g_varchar2)
--  ,p_element_information2         =>  nvl(p_ele_insuff_funds_code, hr_api.g_varchar2)
  ,p_element_information2         =>  'INV_DEDN'  /* Default Value as all insuff funds prcessing on entry_information */
  ,p_element_information3         =>  nvl(p_ele_proc_runtype, hr_api.g_varchar2)
  ,p_element_information6         =>  upper('P3') /* Creating all with a low priority default */
--  ,p_element_information18   =>  nvl(p_ele_t4a_footnote, hr_api.g_varchar2)
--  ,p_element_information19   =>  nvl(p_ele_rl1_footnote, hr_api.g_varchar2)
--  ,p_element_information20   =>  nvl(p_ele_registration_number, hr_api.g_varchar2)
--  ,p_element_information10      =>  l_pri_bal_id
--  ,p_element_information11      =>  l_accr_bal_id
--  ,p_element_information12      =>  l_arr_bal_id
--  ,p_element_information13      =>  l_not_taken_bal_id
  ,p_skip_formula                 =>  l_skip_formula
  ,p_object_version_number        =>  l_ele_obj_ver_number);
Line: 955

  (p_validate                =>   false
  ,p_effective_date          =>   p_ele_eff_start_date
  ,p_element_type_id         =>   l_sf_element_type_id
  ,p_classification_name     =>   nvl(p_ele_classification, hr_api.g_varchar2)
  ,p_reporting_name               =>  p_ele_reporting_name||' SF'
  ,p_object_version_number   =>   l_sf_ele_obj_ver_number
  ,p_element_information_category =>  nvl(upper(g_template_leg_code||'_'||p_ele_classification), hr_api.g_varchar2)
  ,p_element_information1         =>  nvl(p_ele_category, hr_api.g_varchar2)
--  ,p_element_information2         =>  nvl(p_ele_insuff_funds_code, hr_api.g_varchar2)
  ,p_element_information2         =>  'INV_DEDN'  /* Default Value as all insuff funds prcessing on entry_information */
  ,p_element_information3         =>  nvl(p_ele_proc_runtype, hr_api.g_varchar2)
  ,p_element_information6         =>  upper('P3') /* Creating all with a low priority default */
Line: 970

  (p_validate                =>   false
  ,p_effective_date          =>   p_ele_eff_start_date
  ,p_element_type_id         =>   l_sf2_element_type_id
  ,p_classification_name     =>   nvl(p_ele_classification, hr_api.g_varchar2)
  ,p_reporting_name               =>  p_ele_reporting_name||' SF 2'
  ,p_object_version_number   =>   l_sf2_ele_obj_ver_number
  ,p_element_information_category =>  nvl(upper(g_template_leg_code||'_'||p_ele_classification), hr_api.g_varchar2)
  ,p_element_information1         =>  nvl(p_ele_category, hr_api.g_varchar2)
--  ,p_element_information2         =>  nvl(p_ele_insuff_funds_code, hr_api.g_varchar2)
  ,p_element_information2         =>  'INV_DEDN'  /* Default Value as all insuff funds prcessing on entry_information */
  ,p_element_information3         =>  nvl(p_ele_proc_runtype, hr_api.g_varchar2)
  ,p_element_information6         =>  upper('P3') /* Creating all with a low priority default */
Line: 991

  (p_validate                => false
  ,p_effective_date          => p_ele_eff_start_date
  ,p_element_type_id         => l_si_element_type_id
  ,p_classification_name     => nvl(p_ele_classification, hr_api.g_varchar2)
  ,p_reporting_name               =>  p_ele_reporting_name||' SI'
  ,p_object_version_number   => l_si_ele_obj_ver_number
  ,p_element_information_category =>  nvl(upper(g_template_leg_code||'_'||p_ele_classification), hr_api.g_varchar2)
  ,p_element_information1         =>  nvl(p_ele_category, hr_api.g_varchar2)
--  ,p_element_information2         =>  nvl(p_ele_insuff_funds_code, hr_api.g_varchar2)
  ,p_element_information2         =>  'INV_DEDN'  /* Default Value as all insuff funds prcessing on entry_information */
  ,p_element_information3         =>  nvl(p_ele_proc_runtype, hr_api.g_varchar2)
  ,p_element_information6         =>  upper('P3') /* Creating all with a low priority default */
Line: 1012

  (p_validate                =>   false
  ,p_effective_date          =>   p_ele_eff_start_date
  ,p_element_type_id         =>   l_fee_element_type_id
  ,p_classification_name     =>   nvl(p_ele_classification, hr_api.g_varchar2)
  ,p_reporting_name               =>  p_ele_reporting_name||' Fees'
  ,p_object_version_number   =>   l_fee_ele_obj_ver_number
  ,p_element_information_category =>  nvl(upper(g_template_leg_code||'_'||p_ele_classification), hr_api.g_varchar2)
  ,p_element_information1         =>  nvl(p_ele_category, hr_api.g_varchar2)
--  ,p_element_information2         =>  nvl(p_ele_insuff_funds_code, hr_api.g_varchar2)
  ,p_element_information2         =>  'INV_DEDN'  /* Default Value as all insuff funds prcessing on entry_information */
  ,p_element_information3         =>  nvl(p_ele_proc_runtype, hr_api.g_varchar2)
  ,p_element_information6         =>  upper('P3') /* Creating all with a low priority default */
Line: 1033

  (p_validate                =>   false
  ,p_effective_date          =>   p_ele_eff_start_date
  ,p_element_type_id         =>   l_ver_element_type_id
  ,p_classification_name     =>   nvl(p_ele_classification, hr_api.g_varchar2)
  ,p_reporting_name               =>  p_ele_reporting_name||' Verifier'
  ,p_object_version_number   =>   l_ver_ele_obj_ver_number
  ,p_element_information_category =>  nvl(upper(g_template_leg_code||'_'||p_ele_classification), hr_api.g_varchar2)
  ,p_element_information1         =>  nvl(p_ele_category, hr_api.g_varchar2)
--  ,p_element_information2         =>  nvl(p_ele_insuff_funds_code, hr_api.g_varchar2)
  ,p_element_information2         =>  'INV_DEDN'  /* Default Value as all insuff funds prcessing on entry_information */
  ,p_element_information3         =>  nvl(p_ele_proc_runtype, hr_api.g_varchar2)
  ,p_element_information6         =>  upper('P3') /* Creating all with a low priority default */
Line: 1085

select element_type_id
into   l_base_element_type_id
from   pay_element_types_f
where  element_name = p_ele_name
and    business_group_id + 0 = p_bg_id;
Line: 1091

select element_type_id
into   l_fee_element_type_id
from   pay_element_types_f
where  element_name = p_ele_name||' Fees'
and    business_group_id + 0 = p_bg_id;
Line: 1102

select ptco.core_object_id
into   l_pri_bal_id
from   pay_shadow_balance_types psbt,
       pay_template_core_objects ptco
where  psbt.template_id = l_template_id
and    psbt.balance_name = p_ele_name
and    ptco.template_id = psbt.template_id
and    ptco.shadow_object_id = psbt.balance_type_id;
Line: 1111

select ptco.core_object_id
into   l_repl_bal_id
from   pay_shadow_balance_types psbt,
       pay_template_core_objects ptco
where  psbt.template_id = l_template_id
and    psbt.balance_name = p_ele_name||' Replacement'
and    ptco.template_id = psbt.template_id
and    ptco.shadow_object_id = psbt.balance_type_id;
Line: 1120

select ptco.core_object_id
into   l_addl_bal_id
from   pay_shadow_balance_types psbt,
       pay_template_core_objects ptco
where  psbt.template_id = l_template_id
and    psbt.balance_name = p_ele_name||' Additional'
and    ptco.template_id = psbt.template_id
and    ptco.shadow_object_id = psbt.balance_type_id;
Line: 1129

select ptco.core_object_id
into   l_not_taken_bal_id
from   pay_shadow_balance_types psbt,
       pay_template_core_objects ptco
where  psbt.template_id = l_template_id
and    psbt.balance_name = p_ele_name||' Not Taken'
and    ptco.template_id = psbt.template_id
and    ptco.shadow_object_id = psbt.balance_type_id;
Line: 1138

select ptco.core_object_id
into   l_accr_bal_id
from   pay_shadow_balance_types psbt,
       pay_template_core_objects ptco
where  psbt.template_id = l_template_id
and    psbt.balance_name = p_ele_name||' Accrued'
and    ptco.template_id = psbt.template_id
and    ptco.shadow_object_id = psbt.balance_type_id;
Line: 1147

select ptco.core_object_id
into   l_fees_bal_id
from   pay_shadow_balance_types psbt,
       pay_template_core_objects ptco
where  psbt.template_id = l_template_id
and    psbt.balance_name = p_ele_name||' Fees'
and    ptco.template_id = psbt.template_id
and    ptco.shadow_object_id = psbt.balance_type_id;
Line: 1156

select ptco.core_object_id
into   l_arr_bal_id
from   pay_shadow_balance_types psbt,
       pay_template_core_objects ptco
where  psbt.template_id = l_template_id
and    psbt.balance_name = p_ele_name||' Arrears'
and    ptco.template_id = psbt.template_id
and    ptco.shadow_object_id = psbt.balance_type_id;
Line: 1168

update pay_element_types_f
set    element_information10 = l_pri_bal_id,
       element_information11 = l_accr_bal_id,
       element_information12 = l_arr_bal_id,
       element_information13 = l_not_taken_bal_id,
       element_information17 = l_repl_bal_id,
       element_information16 = l_addl_bal_id,
       element_information15 = l_fees_bal_id,
       element_information18 = p_ele_t4a_footnote,
       element_information19 = p_ele_rl1_footnote,
       element_information20 = p_ele_registration_number
where  element_type_id = l_base_element_type_id
and    business_group_id + 0 = p_bg_id;
Line: 1182

update pay_element_types_f
set    element_information10 = l_fees_bal_id
where  element_type_id = l_fee_element_type_id
and    business_group_id + 0 = p_bg_id;
Line: 1196

UPDATE pay_defined_balances
SET save_run_balance    = 'Y'
WHERE balance_type_id IN
AND   balance_dimension_id IN
AND   business_group_id = p_bg_id;
Line: 1227

Line: 1241

PROCEDURE delete_user_init_deduction (
			p_business_group_id	in number,
			p_ele_type_id		in number,
			p_ele_name		in varchar2,
			p_ele_priority		in number,
			p_ele_info_10		in varchar2	default null,
			p_ele_info_12		in varchar2	default null,
			p_del_sess_date		in date,
			p_del_val_start_date	in date,
			p_del_val_end_date	in date) IS
-- local constants
c_end_of_time  CONSTANT DATE := TO_DATE('4712/12/31','YYYY/MM/DD');
Line: 1267

Line: 1269

select template_id
into   l_template_id
from   pay_element_templates
where  base_name = p_ele_name
and    business_group_id = p_business_group_id
and    template_type = 'U';
Line: 1276

Line: 1279

    delete from pay_element_type_usages_f
    where element_type_id in ( select element_type_id
                               from   pay_element_types_f
                               where  element_name = p_ele_name
                               and    business_group_id = p_business_group_id );
Line: 1285

Line: 1291

  (p_validate                      =>     false
  ,p_drop_formula_packages         =>     true
  ,p_template_id                   =>     l_template_id);
Line: 1296

Line: 1298

END delete_user_init_deduction;
Line: 1303

PROCEDURE delete_user_init_garnishment (
                        p_business_group_id       in number,
                        p_ele_type_id             in number,
                        p_ele_name                in varchar2,
                        p_ele_priority            in number,
                        p_ele_info_10             in varchar2        default null,

                        p_ele_info_12             in varchar2        default null,

                        p_del_sess_date           in date,
                        p_del_val_start_date      in date,
                        p_del_val_end_date        in date) IS
-- local constants
c_end_of_time  CONSTANT DATE := TO_DATE('4712/12/31','YYYY/MM/DD');
Line: 1331

Line: 1333

select template_id
into   l_template_id
from   pay_element_templates
where  base_name = p_ele_name
and    business_group_id = p_business_group_id
and    template_type = 'U';
Line: 1340

Line: 1343

    delete from pay_element_type_usages_f
    where element_type_id in ( select element_type_id
                               from   pay_element_types_f
                               where  element_name = p_ele_name
                               and    business_group_id = p_business_group_id );
Line: 1349

Line: 1357

  (p_validate                      =>     false
  ,p_drop_formula_packages         =>     true
  ,p_template_id                   =>     l_template_id);
Line: 1362

Line: 1364

END delete_user_init_garnishment;