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2 /* $Header: INVDECPS.pls 120.1 2005/06/09 17:55:36 appldev  $ */
5 /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------+
6  |Procedure validate_compare_quantities(..)
7  |Returns the quantity converted from the first UOM in the second UOM.
8  |If quantities in 2 UOMs are already available, then this procedure will
9  |compare and validate these quantities based on conversion rates
10  |and UOM and decimal qty controls. This procedure may be used to validate
11  |scenarios where quatities are entered in dual UOMs. We want to make sure
12  |quantities are valid based on conversion, and conversion
13  |rate tolerances.
14  |
15  |Procedure validate_and_compare(
16  |p_api_version_number		IN	NUMBER, -- version # of API
17  |p_init_msg_list		IN	VARCHAR2, -- whether to initialize list
18  |p_inventory_item_id		IN	NUMBER, -- inventory_item_id
19  |p_organization_id		IN	NUMBER, -- organization_id
20  |p_lot_control_code		IN	NUMBER, -- item's lot control code
21  |p_lot_number			IN	VARCHAR2, -- lot number
22  |p_sub_lot_control_code	IN	NUMBER, --sub lot control code
23  |p_sublot_number		IN	VARCHAR2, -- sublot number
24  |p_from_quantity		IN	NUMBER, -- qty in first UOM
25  |p_from_uom_code		IN	VARCHAR2, -- UOM of fisrt qty
26  |p_to_uom_code			IN	VARCHAR2, -- UOM of second qty
27  |p_to_quantity_to_check	IN	NUMBER, -- qty in second UOM
28  |x_resultant_to_quantity	OUT	NUMBER, -- calculated qty in second UOM
29  |x_comparison			OUT	NUMBER,--Possible values are 1,0,-1,-99
30  |x_msg_count			OUT	NUMBER, -- number of messages
31  |x_msg_data			OUT	VARCHAR2, -- populated,if msg count = 1
32  |x_return_status		OUT	VARCHAR2) -- return status
33  |
34  |Note: The comparisons are done in base UOM
35  | of the UOM class to which the first UOM belongs. x_comparison returns:
36  |-1		if from_quantity is less than to_quantity (A < B)
37  | 0		if from_quantity is equal to to_quantity (A = B)
38  | 1		if from_quantity is greater than to_quantity (A > B)
39  | -99	if the validations for the first/second quantity failed
40  | If the UOMs belong to different classes, then users can specify whether
41  | they want to use the effective interclass UOM conversion tolerance, say, T.
42  | CASE: p_use_interclass_tolerance = 1
43  | ------
44  | Q1 > Q2 if (Q1 - Q2) >= T
45  | Q1 = Q2 if ABS(Q1 - Q2) < T
46  | Q1 < Q2 if (Q1 - Q2 ) <= -T
47  |
48  |The output variable x_resultant_to_quantity will contain the converted
49  |quantity
50  |in the second UOM, using effective conversion rates.
51  |Usage: In a dual UOM scenario, this api will confirm whether quantities in
52  |the two UOMs are equal or not, based on x_comparison output variable.
53  +--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
55 Procedure validate_compare_quantities(
56 		p_api_version_number	IN	NUMBER,
57 		p_init_msg_list		IN	VARCHAR2 DEFAULT FND_API.G_FALSE,
58 		p_inventory_item_id	IN	NUMBER,
59 		p_organization_id	IN	NUMBER,
60 		p_lot_control_code	IN	NUMBER,
61 		p_lot_number		IN	VARCHAR2,
62  		p_sub_lot_control_code	IN	NUMBER,
63  		p_sublot_number		IN	VARCHAR2,
64 		p_from_quantity		IN	NUMBER,
65 		p_from_uom_code		IN	VARCHAR2,
66 		p_to_uom_code		IN	VARCHAR2,
67 		p_to_quantity_to_check	IN	NUMBER,
68 		x_resultant_to_quantity	OUT  NOCOPY	NUMBER,
69 		x_valid_conversion	OUT  NOCOPY	NUMBER,
70  		x_msg_count		OUT  NOCOPY	NUMBER,
71  		x_msg_data		OUT  NOCOPY	VARCHAR2,
72 		x_return_status		OUT  NOCOPY	VARCHAR2);
75 /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------+
76  |Function convert_UOM(..) return NUMBER ;
77  |Returns the quantity converted from the first unit into the second unit.
78  |If conversion is not possible, return status is failure.
79  |Function convert(
80  |p_api_version_number		IN	NUMBER,
81  |p_init_msg_list		IN	VARCHAR2, -- whether to initialize list
82  |p_inventory_item_id		IN	NUMBER, -- inventory_item_id
83  |p_organization_id		IN	NUMBER, -- organization_id
84  |p_lot_control_code		IN	NUMBER, -- item's lot control code
85  |p_lot_number			IN	VARCHAR2, -- lot number
86  |p_sub_lot_control_code	IN	NUMBER,
87  |p_sublot_number		IN	VARCHAR2,
88  |p_from_quantity		IN	NUMBER, -- qty in first UOM
89  |p_from_uom_code		IN	VARCHAR2, -- UOM of fisrt qty
90  |p_to_uom_code			IN	VARCHAR2, -- UOM of second qty
91  |x_msg_count			OUT	NUMBER,
92  |x_msg_data			OUT	VARCHAR2,
93  |x_return_status		OUT	VARCHAR2)
94  |					  return NUMBER ;
95  |If there is an error, then -99 is returned.
96  |1) From_quantity must be an absolute value.
97  |2) From_quantity will then converted to base UOM in the class,
98  |3) Then converted to base UOM of the
99  |   to_UOM class,
100  |4) Then converted to the quantity in to_UOM,
101  |5) Then rounded to 9 decimals
102  +--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
104 Function convert_UOM(
105 		p_api_version_number	IN	NUMBER,
106 		p_init_msg_list		IN	VARCHAR2 DEFAULT FND_API.G_FALSE,
107 		p_inventory_item_id	IN	NUMBER,
108 		p_organization_id	IN	NUMBER,
109 		p_lot_control_code	IN	NUMBER,
110 		p_lot_number		IN	VARCHAR2,
111 		p_sub_lot_control_code	IN	NUMBER,
112  		p_sublot_number		IN	VARCHAR2,
113 		p_from_quantity		IN	NUMBER,
114 		p_from_uom_code		IN	VARCHAR2,
115 		p_to_uom_code		IN	VARCHAR2,
116  		x_msg_count		OUT	NOCOPY NUMBER,
117  		x_msg_data		OUT	NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
118 		x_return_status		OUT	NOCOPY VARCHAR2) return NUMBER ;
121 /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------+
122  | get_uom_properties(..)
123  | This procedure is used to interrogate the UOM.
124  | It returns:
125  | uom class, base uom.
126  | if the UOM is not found, the return status indicates this.
127  | Procedure get_uom_properties(
128  | p_api_version_number	IN	NUMBER,
129  | p_init_msg_list	IN	VARCHAR2,
130  | p_uom_code		IN	VARCHAR2,
131  | x_uom_class		OUT	VARCHAR2,
132  | x_base_uom		OUT	VARCHAR2,
133  | x_msg_count		OUT	NUMBER,
134  | x_msg_data		OUT	VARCHAR2,
135  | x_return_status	OUT	VARCHAR2);
136  +--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
139 Procedure get_uom_properties(
140   p_api_version_number	IN	NUMBER,
141   p_init_msg_list	IN	VARCHAR2 DEFAULT FND_API.G_FALSE,
142   p_uom_code		IN	VARCHAR2,
143   x_uom_class		OUT NOCOPY	VARCHAR2,
144   x_base_uom		OUT NOCOPY	VARCHAR2,
145   x_msg_count		OUT NOCOPY	NUMBER,
146   x_msg_data		OUT NOCOPY	VARCHAR2,
147   x_return_status	OUT NOCOPY	VARCHAR2);
150 /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------+
151  | Procedure compare_quantities(..)
152  | Procedure compare_quantities(
153  |	p_api_version_number		IN	NUMBER,
154  |	p_init_msg_list			IN	VARCHAR2,
155  | 	p_inventory_item_id		IN	NUMBER,
156  | 	p_organization_id		IN	NUMBER,
157  |	p_lot_control_code		IN	NUMBER,
158  | 	p_lot_number			IN	VARCHAR2,
159  |	p_sub_lot_control_code		IN	NUMBER,
160  |	p_sublot_number			IN	VARCHAR2,
161  | 	p_fisrt_qauantity		IN	NUMBER,
162  |	p_first_uom			IN	VARCHAR2,
163  |	p_second_quantity		IN	NUMBER,
164  | 	p_second_uom			IN	VARCHAR2,
165  |	p_use_interclass_tolerance	IN	VARCHAR2, -- Yes = 1, 2 = No
166  |	x_comaprison_result		OUT	NUMBER,
167  |	x_msg_count			OUT	NUMBER,
168  |	x_msg_data			OUT	VARCHAR2,
169  |	x_return_status			OUT	VARCHAR2);
170  |
171  | This procedure compares the quantities A and B and returns result in the
172  | output variable x_comparison_result. The comparisons are done in base UOM
173  | of the UOM class to which the first UOM belongs:
174  |-1		if quantity A is less than quantity B (A < B)
175  | 0		if quantity A is equal to quantity B (A = B)
176  | 1		if quantity A is greater than quantity B (A > B)
177  | If the UOMs belong to different classes, then users can specify whether
178  | they want to use interclass UOM conversion tolerance, say, T.
179  | CASE: p_use_interclass_tolerance = 1
180  | ------
181  | Q1 > Q2 if (Q1 - Q2) >= T
182  | Q1 = Q2 if ABS(Q1 - Q2) < T
183  | Q1 < Q2 if (Q1 - Q2 ) <= -T
184  +------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
186  Procedure compare_quantities(
187 	p_api_version_number		IN	NUMBER,
188 	p_init_msg_list			IN	VARCHAR2 DEFAULT FND_API.G_FALSE,
189  	p_inventory_item_id		IN	NUMBER,
190  	p_organization_id		IN	NUMBER,
191 	p_lot_control_code		IN	NUMBER,
192 	p_lot_number			IN	VARCHAR2,
193 	p_sub_lot_control_code		IN	NUMBER,
194  	p_sublot_number			IN	VARCHAR2,
195  	p_fisrt_qauantity		IN	NUMBER,
196 	p_first_uom			IN	VARCHAR2,
197 	p_second_quantity		IN	NUMBER,
198  	p_second_uom			IN	VARCHAR2,
199 	p_use_interclass_tolerance	IN	VARCHAR2,
200 	x_comaprison_result		OUT NOCOPY	NUMBER,
201  	x_msg_count			OUT NOCOPY	NUMBER,
202  	x_msg_data			OUT NOCOPY	VARCHAR2,
203 	x_return_status			OUT NOCOPY	VARCHAR2);
206 /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------+
207  | Procedure Validate_Quantity(
208  |	p_item_id			IN	NUMBER,
209  |	p_organization_id		IN	NUMBER,
210  |	p_input_quantity		IN	NUMBER,
211  |	p_UOM_code			IN	VARCHAR2,
212  |	x_output_quantity		OUT	NUMBER,
213  |	x_primary_quantity		OUT	NUMBER,
214  |	x_return_status			OUT	VARCHAR2);
215  |
216  | Validates and returns the quantity in this manner (the caller does not need
217  | to adjust the result):
218  | This routine checks to make sure that the input quantity precision does not exceed
219  | the decimal precision. Max Precision is: 10 digits before the decimal point and
220  | 9 digits after the decimal point.
221  | The routine also makes sure that if the item is serial number controlled, then
222  | the quantity in primary UOM is an integer number.
223  | The routine also makes sure that if the item's indivisible_flag is set to yes,
224  | then the item quantity is an integer in the primary UOM.
225  | The routine also checks if the profile, INV:DETECT TRUNCATION, is set to yes
226  | the item quantity in primary UOM also obeys max precision and that it is not zero
227  | if the input quantity was not zero.
228  | The procedure retruns a correct output quantity in the transaction UOM, returns the
229  | the primary quantity (in priamry UOM, of course), and returns a status of success,failure
230  | or warning.
231  +-------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
233 Procedure Validate_Quantity(
234 	p_item_id			IN	NUMBER,
235  	p_organization_id		IN	NUMBER,
236 	p_input_quantity		IN	NUMBER,
237 	p_UOM_code			IN	VARCHAR2,
238   	x_output_quantity		OUT NOCOPY	NUMBER,
239 	x_primary_quantity		OUT NOCOPY	NUMBER,
240 	x_return_status			OUT NOCOPY	VARCHAR2);
242 /*------------------------------------------------------------------------+
243  | Procedure Validate_Quantity(
244  |      p_item_id                       IN      NUMBER,
245  |      p_organization_id               IN      NUMBER,
246  |      p_input_quantity                IN      NUMBER,
247  |      p_UOM_code                      IN      VARCHAR2,
248  |      p_max_decimal_digits            IN      NUMBER DEFAULT NULL,
249  |      x_output_quantity               OUT     NUMBER,
250  |      x_primary_quantity              OUT     NUMBER,
251  |      x_return_status                 OUT     VARCHAR2);
252  |
253  | This procedure overloads validate_quantity with one more parameter p_max_decimal_digits
254  | to adjust max precision. If the value of p_max_decimal_digits is null, then default
255  | it to g_max_decimal_digits. Other works the same as the above Validate_Quantity procedure.
256  +-------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
258 Procedure Validate_Quantity(
259         p_item_id                       IN      NUMBER,
260         p_organization_id               IN      NUMBER,
261         p_input_quantity                IN      NUMBER,
262         p_UOM_code                      IN      VARCHAR2,
263         p_max_decimal_digits            IN      NUMBER,
264         p_primary_uom                   IN      VARCHAR2,
265         p_indivisible_flag              IN      VARCHAR2,
266         x_output_quantity               OUT NOCOPY   NUMBER,
267         x_primary_quantity              OUT NOCOPY   NUMBER,
268         x_return_status                 OUT NOCOPY   VARCHAR2);
271 function get_primary_quantity(
272 		p_organization_id	IN	NUMBER,
273 		p_inventory_item_id	IN	NUMBER,
274 		p_uom			IN	VARCHAR2,
275 		p_quantity		IN	NUMBER) return number;