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1 package body wip_bomRouting_pvt as
2  /* $Header: wipbmrtb.pls 120.23.12020000.4 2013/01/02 10:38:22 pding ship $ */
4   g_pkgName constant varchar2(30) := 'wip_bomRouting_pvt';
6   -- This procedure is used to explode the bom and routing and schedule the job if needed.
7   -- p_schedulingMethod: if the value is routing based, then you must provide one of the p_startDate
8   --                     and p_endDate, you can not provide both, however.
9   --                     if it is not routing based, then you must provide both.
10   -- p_startDate: forward schedule the job if it is not null
11   -- p_endDate: backward schedule the job it it is not null
12   -- p_rtgRefID: only useful when p_jobType is nonstandard
13   -- p_bomRefID: only useful when p_jobType is nonstandard
14   -- p_unitNumber: To explode components properly based on unit number for unit effective assemblies.
15   procedure createJob(p_orgID       in number,
16                       p_wipEntityID in number,
17                       p_jobType     in number,
18                       p_itemID      in number,
19                       p_schedulingMethod in number,
20                       p_altRouting  in varchar2,
21                       p_routingRevDate in date,
22                       p_altBOM      in varchar2,
23                       p_bomRevDate  in date,
24                       p_qty         in number,
25                       p_startDate   in date,
26                       p_endDate     in date,
27                       p_projectID   in number,
28                       p_taskID      in number,
29                       p_rtgRefID    in number,
30                       p_bomRefID    in number,
31 		      p_unitNumber  in varchar2 DEFAULT '', /* added for bug 5332615 */
32                       x_serStartOp   out nocopy number,
33                       x_returnStatus out nocopy varchar2,
34                       x_errorMsg     out nocopy varchar2) is
35     l_params wip_logger.param_tbl_t;
36     l_procName varchar2(30) := 'createJob';
37     l_logLevel number := to_number(fnd_log.g_current_runtime_level);
38     l_retStatus varchar2(1);
39     l_msg varchar2(240);
41     l_startDate date;
42     l_endDate date;
43     l_rtgItemID number;
44     l_bomItemID number;
45   begin
46     x_returnStatus := fnd_api.g_ret_sts_success;
47     if (l_logLevel <= wip_constants.trace_logging) then
48       l_params(1).paramName := 'p_orgID';
49       l_params(1).paramValue := p_orgID;
50       l_params(2).paramName := 'p_wipEntityID';
51       l_params(2).paramValue := p_wipEntityID;
52       l_params(3).paramName := 'p_jobType';
53       l_params(3).paramValue := p_jobType;
54       l_params(4).paramName := 'p_itemID';
55       l_params(4).paramValue := p_itemID;
56       l_params(5).paramName := 'p_schedulingMethod';
57       l_params(5).paramValue := p_schedulingMethod;
58       l_params(6).paramName := 'p_altRouting';
59       l_params(6).paramValue := p_altRouting;
60       l_params(7).paramName := 'p_routingRevDate';
61       l_params(7).paramValue := p_routingRevDate;
62       l_params(8).paramName := 'p_altBOM';
63       l_params(8).paramValue := p_altBOM;
64       l_params(9).paramName := 'p_bomRevDate';
65       l_params(9).paramValue := p_bomRevDate;
66       l_params(10).paramName := 'p_qty';
67       l_params(10).paramValue := p_qty;
68       l_params(11).paramName := 'p_startDate';
69       l_params(11).paramValue := p_startDate;
70       l_params(12).paramName := 'p_endDate';
71       l_params(12).paramValue := p_endDate;
72       l_params(13).paramName := 'p_projectID';
73       l_params(13).paramValue := p_projectID;
74       l_params(14).paramName := 'p_taskID';
75       l_params(14).paramValue := p_taskID;
76       l_params(15).paramName := 'p_rtgRefID';
77       l_params(15).paramValue := p_rtgRefID;
78       l_params(16).paramName := 'p_bomRefID';
79       l_params(16).paramValue := p_bomRefID;
80       wip_logger.entryPoint(p_procName     => g_pkgName || '.' || l_procName,
81                             p_params       => l_params,
82                             x_returnStatus => x_returnStatus);
83       if(x_returnStatus <> fnd_api.g_ret_sts_success) then
84         raise fnd_api.g_exc_unexpected_error;
85       end if;
86     end if;
88     if ( p_schedulingMethod = wip_constants.routing ) then
89       if ( (p_startDate is null and p_endDate is null) or
90            ((p_startDate is not null and p_endDate is not null) and
91            /* Bug 4515999 Non standard jobs cannot have both dates not null */
92 	     p_jobType = wip_constants.standard) ) then
93         x_errorMsg := 'Must only provide one of the p_startDate and p_endDate for routing based scheduling';
94         raise fnd_api.g_exc_unexpected_error;
95       else
96         -- populate some value and then we will reschedule it later on.
97         l_startDate := nvl(p_startDate, p_endDate);
98         l_endDate := l_startDate;
99       end if;
100     else
101       if ( p_startDate is null or p_endDate is null ) then
102         x_errorMsg := 'Must provide both of the dates if it is not routing based scheduling';
103         raise fnd_api.g_exc_unexpected_error;
104       else
105         l_startDate := p_startDate;
106         l_endDate := p_endDate;
107       end if;
108     end if;
110     if ( p_jobType = wip_constants.standard ) then
111       l_rtgItemID := p_itemID;
112       l_bomItemID := p_itemID;
113     else
114       l_rtgItemID := p_rtgRefID;
115       l_bomItemID := p_bomRefID;
116     end if;
118     wip_bomRoutingUtil_pvt.explodeRouting(p_orgID => p_orgID,
119                                       p_wipEntityID => p_wipEntityID,
120                                       p_repSchedID => null,
121                                       p_itemID => l_rtgItemID,
122                                       p_altRouting => p_altRouting,
123                                       p_routingRevDate => p_routingRevDate,
124                                       p_qty => p_qty,
125                                       p_startDate => l_startDate,
126                                       p_endDate => l_endDate,
127                                       x_serStartOp => x_serStartOp,
128                                       x_returnStatus => x_returnStatus,
129                                       x_errorMsg => x_errorMsg);
130     if ( x_returnStatus <> fnd_api.g_ret_sts_success ) then
131       raise fnd_api.g_exc_unexpected_error;
132     end if;
134     /* -- Bug 11893957. Call Infinite Scheduler after BOM Explosion to consider resources from Phantom Routings.
135     if ( p_schedulingMethod = wip_constants.routing ) then
136       wip_infinite_scheduler_pvt.schedule(
137           p_orgID => p_orgID,
138           p_wipEntityID => p_wipEntityID,
139           p_startDate => p_startDate,
140           p_endDate => p_endDate,
141           x_returnStatus => x_returnStatus,
142           x_errorMsg => x_errorMsg);
143       if ( x_returnStatus <> fnd_api.g_ret_sts_success ) then
144         raise fnd_api.g_exc_unexpected_error;
145       end if;
146     end if;
148     -- explode the bom
149     select wdj.scheduled_start_date,
150            wdj.scheduled_completion_date
151       into l_startDate, l_endDate
152       from wip_discrete_jobs wdj
153      where wdj.organization_id = p_orgID
154        and wdj.wip_entity_id = p_wipEntityID;
155     */
157     wip_bomRoutingUtil_pvt.explodeBOM(p_orgID => p_orgID,
158                                   p_wipEntityID => p_wipEntityID,
159                                   p_jobType => p_jobType,
160                                   p_repSchedID => null,
161                                   p_itemID => l_bomItemID,
162                                   p_altBOM => p_altBOM,
163                                   p_bomRevDate => p_bomRevDate,
164                                   p_altRouting => p_altRouting,
165                                   p_routingRevDate => p_routingRevDate,
166                                   p_qty => p_qty,
167                                   p_jobStartDate => l_startDate,
168                                   p_projectID => p_projectID,
169                                   p_taskID => p_taskID,
170 				                              p_unitNumber => p_unitNumber, /* added for bug 5332615 */
171                                   x_returnStatus => x_returnStatus,
172                                   x_errorMsg => x_errorMsg);
173     if ( x_returnStatus <> fnd_api.g_ret_sts_success ) then
174       raise fnd_api.g_exc_unexpected_error;
175     end if;
177     -- Bug 11893957. Call Infinite Scheduler after BOM Explosion to consider resources from Phantom Routings.
178     if ( p_schedulingMethod = wip_constants.routing ) then
179       wip_infinite_scheduler_pvt.schedule(
180           p_orgID => p_orgID,
181           p_wipEntityID => p_wipEntityID,
182           p_startDate => p_startDate,
183           p_endDate => p_endDate,
184           x_returnStatus => x_returnStatus,
185           x_errorMsg => x_errorMsg);
186       if ( x_returnStatus <> fnd_api.g_ret_sts_success ) then
187         raise fnd_api.g_exc_unexpected_error;
188       end if;
190       -- need to adjust the data required field
191       update wip_requirement_operations wro
192          set wro.date_required = (select nvl(max(wo.first_unit_start_date),l_startDate)
193                                   from wip_operations wo
194                                   where wo.organization_id = wro.organization_id
195                                   and wo.wip_entity_id = wro.wip_entity_id
196                                   and wo.operation_seq_num = abs(wro.operation_seq_num))
197       where wro.wip_entity_id = p_wipEntityID
198         and wro.organization_id = p_orgID;
200     end if;
202     -- for bug 3041013
203     delete wip_operation_resource_usage
204     where wip_entity_id = p_wipEntityID;
206     -- for bug 3041018
207     wip_op_resources_utilities.update_resource_instances(
208         p_wip_entity_id => p_wipEntityID,
209         p_org_id => p_orgID);
211     if (l_logLevel <= wip_constants.trace_logging) then
212       wip_logger.exitPoint(p_procName         => g_pkgName || '.' || l_procName,
213                            p_procReturnStatus => x_returnStatus,
214                            p_msg              => 'success',
215                            x_returnStatus     => l_retStatus);
216     end if;
217   exception
218   when others then
219     x_returnStatus := fnd_api.g_ret_sts_unexp_error;
220     -- Fixed for bug 5255226
221     -- Don't need to add the x_errormsg again to stack by calling fnd_msg_pub.add_exc_msg
222     -- Removed this API call. Instead adding this error message to debug log using
223     if (l_logLevel <= wip_constants.trace_logging) then
224        wip_logger.log(x_errorMsg,l_retstatus);
225     End if;
226     -- End of Fix for bug 5255226
228     if(l_logLevel <= wip_constants.trace_logging) then
229         wip_logger.exitPoint(p_procName         => g_pkgName || '.' || l_procName,
230                              p_procReturnStatus => x_returnStatus,
231                              p_msg              => x_errorMsg,
232                              x_returnStatus     => l_retStatus);
233     end if;
234   end;
236   -- This procedure is used to reexplode the bom/routing if applicable and reschedule the job.
237   -- p_schedulingMethod: if the value is routing based, then you must provide one of the p_startDate
238   --                     and p_endDate, you can not provide both, however.
239   --                     if it is not routing based, then you must provide both.
240   -- p_startDate: forward schedule the job if it is not null
241   -- p_endDate: backward schedule the job it it is not null
242   -- p_rtgRefID: only useful when p_jobType is nonstandard
243   -- p_bomRefID: only useful when p_jobType is nonstandard
244   -- p_unitNumber: To explode components properly based on unit number for unit effective assemblies.
245   -- for anything related to do not want to change, for instance, bom_reference_id, you must pass the original
246   -- value queried up from the job. If you pass null, this API will consider that you want to change the
247   -- value to null instead of not touching it at all.
248   --
249   procedure reexplodeJob(p_orgID       in number,
250                          p_wipEntityID in number,
251                          p_schedulingMethod in number,
252                          p_altRouting  in varchar2,
253                          p_routingRev  in varchar2, /*add for bug 15963294*/
254                          p_routingRevDate in date,
255                          p_altBOM      in varchar2,
256                          p_bomRev      in varchar2, /*add for bug 15963294*/
257                          p_bomRevDate  in date,
258                          p_qty         in number,
259                          p_startDate   in date,
260                          p_endDate     in date,
261 			                      p_projectID   in number,
262                      			 p_taskID   in number,
263                          p_rtgRefID    in number,
264                          p_bomRefID    in number,
265                          p_allowExplosion in boolean,
266                      			 p_unitNumber  in varchar2 DEFAULT '', /* added for bug 5332615 */
267                          x_returnStatus out nocopy varchar2,
268                          x_errorMsg     out nocopy varchar2) is
269     l_params wip_logger.param_tbl_t;
270     l_procName varchar2(30) := 'reexplodeJob';
271     l_logLevel number := to_number(fnd_log.g_current_runtime_level);
272     l_retStatus varchar2(1);
273     l_msg varchar2(240);
274     l_serStartOp number;
276     l_jobType number;
277     l_jobStatus number;
278     l_bomRefID number;
279     l_rtgRefID number;
280     l_bomRev varchar2(3);/*add for bug 15963294*/
281     l_rtgRev varchar2(3);/*add for bug 15963294*/
282     l_bomRevDate date;
283     l_rtgRevDate date;
284     l_jobstartDate date; /*Bug 12580949*/
285     l_jobCompDate date; /*Bug 12580949*/
286     l_altBom varchar2(10);
287     l_altRtg varchar2(10);
288     l_bill_present Number;
289     l_expRtgRequired boolean := false;
290     l_expBomRequired boolean := false;
291     l_rtgItemID number;
292     l_bomItemID number;
293     l_assemblyID number;
294     l_startDate date;
295     l_endDate date;
296     l_inf_sch_flag Number := 0;
297     l_usePhantomRouting number;
298     cursor c_phantoms is
299       select inventory_item_id,
300              -1*operation_seq_num operation_seq_num
301         from wip_requirement_operations
302        where organization_id = p_orgID
303          and wip_entity_id = p_wipEntityID
304          and operation_seq_num < 0
305          and wip_supply_type = wip_constants.phantom;
306   begin
308     x_returnStatus := fnd_api.g_ret_sts_success;
309     if (l_logLevel <= wip_constants.trace_logging) then
310       l_params(1).paramName := 'p_orgID';
311       l_params(1).paramValue := p_orgID;
312       l_params(2).paramName := 'p_wipEntityID';
313       l_params(2).paramValue := p_wipEntityID;
314       wip_logger.entryPoint(p_procName     => g_pkgName || '.' || l_procName,
315                             p_params       => l_params,
316                             x_returnStatus => x_returnStatus);
317       if(x_returnStatus <> fnd_api.g_ret_sts_success) then
318         raise fnd_api.g_exc_unexpected_error;
319       end if;
320     end if;
321     l_inf_sch_flag := 0;
322     select job_type,
323            status_type,
324            primary_item_id,
325            bom_reference_id,
326            routing_reference_id,
327            bom_revision,/*add for bug 15963294*/
328            routing_revision,/*add for bug 15963294*/
329            bom_revision_date,
330            routing_revision_date,
331            alternate_bom_designator,
332            alternate_routing_designator,
333            scheduled_start_date, /*Bug 12580949*/
334            scheduled_completion_date /*Bug 12580949*/
335       into l_jobType,
336            l_jobStatus,
337            l_assemblyID,
338            l_bomRefID,
339            l_rtgRefID,
340            l_bomRev, /*add for bug 15963294*/
341            l_rtgRev, /*add for bug 15963294*/
342            l_bomRevDate,
343            l_rtgRevDate,
344            l_altBom,
345            l_altRtg,
346            l_jobstartDate, /*Bug 12580949*/
347            l_jobCompDate /*Bug 12580949*/
348       from wip_discrete_jobs
349      where organization_id = p_orgID
350        and wip_entity_id = p_wipEntityID;
352     -- Bug 9834677. modified logic since forms will pass '@@@' for primary routings.
353     if ( nvl(p_altRouting, nvl(l_altRtg,'@@@')) <> nvl(l_altRtg, '@@@') or
354          nvl(p_routingRevDate, nvl(l_rtgRevDate, fnd_api.g_miss_date)) <> nvl(l_rtgRevDate, fnd_api.g_miss_date) OR
355          /*bug 15963294: when revision changes with no change of revision date due to bom_high_date being in the future, we still reexplode*/
356          nvl(p_routingRev, nvl(l_rtgRev, fnd_api.g_miss_char)) <> nvl(l_rtgRev, fnd_api.g_miss_char) OR
357          (p_allowExplosion) or  (l_jobType = wip_constants.nonstandard and nvl(p_rtgRefID, -1) <> nvl(l_rtgRefID, -1)) ) then
358         l_expRtgRequired := true;
359         if (p_altRouting = '@@@' or p_altRouting = fnd_api.g_miss_char ) then
360           l_altRtg := null;
361         else
362           l_altRtg := p_altRouting;
363         end if;
364     else
365         l_expRtgRequired := false;
366     end if;
368     -- Bug 9834677. modified logic since forms will pass '@@@' for primary bills.
369     if ( nvl(p_altBom, nvl(l_altBom, '@@@')) <> nvl(l_altBom, '@@@') or
370          nvl(p_bomRevDate, nvl(l_bomRevDate, fnd_api.g_miss_date)) <> nvl(l_bomRevDate, fnd_api.g_miss_date) or
371          /*bug 15963294: when revision changes with no change of revision date due to bom_high_date being in the future, we still reexplode*/
372          nvl(p_bomRev, nvl(l_bomRev, fnd_api.g_miss_char)) <> nvl(l_bomRev, fnd_api.g_miss_char) OR
373          (p_allowExplosion) or (l_jobType = wip_constants.nonstandard and nvl(p_bomRefID, -1) <> nvl(l_bomRefID, -1)) ) then
374         l_expBomRequired := true;
375         if (p_altBom = '@@@' or p_altBom = fnd_api.g_miss_char) then
376           l_altBom := null;
377         else
378           l_altBom := p_altBom;
379         end if;
380     else
381         l_expBomRequired := false;
382     end if;
384     -- Bug 9834677. Consider only job status. unless the job is unreleased, you can never explode again from bom
385     -- Bug 14292968 Consider PENDING_scheduled status for Constraint Based scheduler in Simulate Discrete Jobs.
386     if ( l_jobStatus NOT IN ( wip_constants.unreleased,wip_constants.pend_sched )) then
387       l_expRtgRequired := false;
388       l_expBomRequired := false;
389     end if;
391     if ( p_schedulingMethod = wip_constants.routing ) then
392       if ( (p_startDate is null and p_endDate is null) or
393            (p_startDate is not null and p_endDate is not null) ) then
394         x_errorMsg := 'Must only provide one of the p_startDate and p_endDate for routing based scheduling';
395         raise fnd_api.g_exc_unexpected_error;
396       else
397         -- populate some value and then we will reschedule it later on.
398         l_startDate := nvl(p_startDate, p_endDate);
399         l_endDate := l_startDate;
400       end if;
401     else
402       if (p_schedulingMethod = wip_constants.ml_manual and (p_startDate is null or p_endDate is null) ) then
403         x_errorMsg := 'Must provide both of the dates if it is not routing based scheduling';
404         raise fnd_api.g_exc_unexpected_error;
405       end if;
406       l_startDate := p_startDate;
407       l_endDate := p_endDate;
408     end if;
410     if ( l_expRtgRequired ) then
411       -- remove any setup resource for this job
412       /* Moved inside wip_bomRoutingUtil_pvt.explodeRouting after checking for existence of routing
413          For Bug fix 12861546.
414       wip_update_setup_resources.delete_setup_resources_pub(
415              p_wip_entity_id => p_wipEntityID,
416              p_organization_id => p_orgID);
418       delete from wip_operations
419        where wip_entity_id = p_wipEntityID
420          and organization_id = p_orgID;
422       delete from wip_operation_resources
423        where wip_entity_id = p_wipEntityID
424          and organization_id = p_orgID;
426       delete from wip_sub_operation_resources
427        where wip_entity_id = p_wipEntityID
428          and organization_id = p_orgID;
430       fnd_attached_documents2_pkg.delete_attachments(
431         x_entity_name => 'WIP_DISCRETE_OPERATIONS',
432         x_pk1_value => to_char(p_wipEntityID),
433         x_pk3_value => to_char(p_orgID),
434         x_delete_document_flag => 'Y');
435       */
436       if ( l_jobType = wip_constants.standard ) then
437         l_rtgItemID := l_assemblyID;
438       else
439         l_rtgItemID := p_rtgRefID;
440         if p_rtgRefID is NULL then  --Bug#14301607: If the Routing reference is removed, the routing should be removed for NonStdJobs
441                  wip_update_setup_resources.delete_setup_resources_pub(
442                      p_wip_entity_id => p_wipEntityID,
443                      p_organization_id => p_orgID);
445               delete from wip_operations
446                where wip_entity_id = p_wipEntityID
447                  and organization_id = p_orgID;
449               delete from wip_operation_resources
450                where wip_entity_id = p_wipEntityID
451                  and organization_id = p_orgID;
453               delete from wip_sub_operation_resources
454                where wip_entity_id = p_wipEntityID
455                  and organization_id = p_orgID;
457               fnd_attached_documents2_pkg.delete_attachments(
458                 x_entity_name => 'WIP_DISCRETE_OPERATIONS',
459                 x_pk1_value => to_char(p_wipEntityID),
460                 x_pk3_value => to_char(p_orgID),
461                 x_delete_document_flag => 'Y');
462          end if;
463       end if;
465       wip_bomRoutingUtil_pvt.explodeRouting(
466                                p_orgID => p_orgID,
467                                p_wipEntityID => p_wipEntityID,
468                                p_repSchedID => null,
469                                p_itemID => l_rtgItemID,
470                                p_altRouting => l_altRtg,
471                                p_routingRevDate => p_routingRevDate,
472                                p_qty => p_qty,
473                                p_startDate => l_startDate,
474                                p_endDate => l_endDate,
475                                x_serStartOp => l_serStartOp,
476                                x_returnStatus => x_returnStatus,
477                                x_errorMsg => x_errorMsg);
478       if ( x_returnStatus <> fnd_api.g_ret_sts_success ) then
479         raise fnd_api.g_exc_unexpected_error;
480       end if;
481     end if;
483     /* fix bug 5238435. Move the scheduler call outside the if condition since job can be
484        rescheduled even without exploding the routing when user just changes the dates */
486     -- Bug 11893957. Call Infinite Scheduler after BOM Explosion to consider resources from Phantom Routings.
487     /*
488       if ( p_schedulingMethod = wip_constants.routing ) then
489         wip_infinite_scheduler_pvt.schedule(
490             p_orgID => p_orgID,
491             p_wipEntityID => p_wipEntityID,
492             p_startDate => p_startDate,
493             p_endDate => p_endDate,
494 	           p_quantity => p_qty, --- Added for bug 5440007
495             x_returnStatus => x_returnStatus,
496             x_errorMsg => x_errorMsg);
497         if ( x_returnStatus <> fnd_api.g_ret_sts_success ) then
498           raise fnd_api.g_exc_unexpected_error;
499         end if;
501         select wdj.scheduled_start_date,
502                wdj.scheduled_completion_date
503           into l_startDate, l_endDate
504           from wip_discrete_jobs wdj
505          where wdj.organization_id = p_orgID
506            and wdj.wip_entity_id = p_wipEntityID;
507       end if;
508     */
510     -- after reexplode the routing, some op reference in WRO might be invalid. We need to set those
511     -- properly. We only need to do it if bom reexplosion is not required.
512     -- we also need to add the phantom resource back since it was deleted before
514     if ( l_expRtgRequired and not l_expBomRequired ) then
515       if ( l_logLevel <= wip_constants.trace_logging ) then
516         wip_logger.log('Resetting the op reference in WRO.....', l_retStatus);
517       end if;
518       wip_fix_req_ops_pkg.fix(x_wip_entity_id => p_wipEntityID,
519                               x_organization_id => p_orgID,
520                               x_repetitive_schedule_id => null,
521                               x_entity_start_date => l_startDate);
522       l_usePhantomRouting := wip_globals.use_phantom_routings(p_orgID);
523       if ( l_usePhantomRouting = wip_constants.yes ) then
524         for phan in c_phantoms loop
525           wip_explode_phantom_rtgs.explode_resources(
526               p_wip_entity_id => p_wipEntityID,
527               p_sched_id => null,
528               p_org_id => p_orgID,
529               p_entity_type => wip_constants.discrete,
530               p_phantom_item_id => phan.inventory_item_id,
531               p_op_seq_num => phan.operation_seq_num,
532               p_rtg_rev_date => p_routingRevDate);
533         end loop;
534       end if;
535     end if;
538     if ( l_expBomRequired ) then
540       if ( l_jobType = wip_constants.standard ) then
541         l_bomItemID := l_assemblyID;
542       else
543         l_bomItemID := p_bomRefID;
544       end if;
545       -- For Bug fix 12861546. Delete from WRO only when Bill exists.
546       Begin
547         select 1 into l_bill_present
548         from dual
549         where exists (select 1 from bom_structures_b
550                       where pk1_value = l_bomItemID
551                       and pk2_value = p_orgID
552                       and nvl(ALTERNATE_BOM_DESIGNATOR, '$$$$') = nvl(l_altBom,'$$$$')
553                       and obj_name is null
554                       and rownum =1);
555       Exception
556         when others then
557           l_bill_present := 0;
558       End;
560       if l_bill_present =1 OR l_bomItemID is null then --Bug#14172844: Deleting from WRO for Non-std jobs, when the bom_reference_id is null
561         delete from wip_requirement_operations
562         where wip_entity_id = p_wipEntityID
563         and organization_id = p_orgID;
564       end if;
566       -- Added for bug 8463132.
567       if l_startDate is null then
568         select wdj.scheduled_start_date
569         into l_startDate
570         from wip_discrete_jobs wdj
571         where wdj.organization_id = p_orgID
572         and wdj.wip_entity_id = p_wipEntityID;
573       end if;
575       -- Should delete the Phantom Resources since it will be re-exploded again during BOM explosion.
576       delete from WIP_OPERATION_RESOURCES
577       where wip_entity_id = p_wipEntityID
578       and organization_id = p_orgID
579       and phantom_flag = 1;
581       wip_bomRoutingUtil_pvt.explodeBOM(
582                                   p_orgID => p_orgID,
583                                   p_wipEntityID => p_wipEntityID,
584                                   p_jobType => l_jobType,
585                                   p_repSchedID => null,
586                                   p_itemID => l_bomItemID,
587                                   p_altBOM => l_altBom,
588                                   p_bomRevDate => p_bomRevDate,
589                                   p_altRouting => p_altRouting,
590                                   p_routingRevDate => p_routingRevDate,
591                                   p_qty => p_qty,
592                                   p_jobStartDate => l_startDate,
593                                   p_projectID => p_projectID,
594                                   p_taskID => p_taskID,
595 				                              p_unitNumber => p_unitNumber, /* added for bug 5332615 */
596                                   x_returnStatus => x_returnStatus,
597                                   x_errorMsg => x_errorMsg);
598       if ( x_returnStatus <> fnd_api.g_ret_sts_success ) then
599         raise fnd_api.g_exc_unexpected_error;
600       end if;
601     end if;
603     -- if it is only date changes or qty changes, then the flow should be here
604     if ( not l_expBomRequired and not l_expRtgRequired ) then
605      --Bug 5464449: Quantity should be adjusted only when explode is yes at header level.
606      --Bug 13593413  : Fixing the regression caused by bug 5464449 , quantity in bill should be updated eventhough allow_explosion populated as 'N'
607 	 -- Other wise user not able to update the quantity of the components by preserving the additional components to the job that are not part of the bill.
608 	-- if  p_allowExplosion  then
609       wip_bomRoutingUtil_pvt.adjustQtyChange(
610                                   p_orgID => p_orgID,
611                                   p_wipEntityID => p_wipEntityID,
612                                   p_qty => p_qty,
613                                   x_returnStatus => x_returnStatus,
614                                   x_errorMsg => x_errorMsg);
615       if ( x_returnStatus <> fnd_api.g_ret_sts_success ) then
616         raise fnd_api.g_exc_unexpected_error;
617       end if;
618     -- end if; --End of check on p_allowExplosion.
619     end if;
620      if ( p_schedulingMethod = wip_constants.routing ) then
621         wip_infinite_scheduler_pvt.schedule(
622             p_orgID => p_orgID,
623             p_wipEntityID => p_wipEntityID,
624             p_startDate => p_startDate,
625             p_endDate => p_endDate,
626 	           p_quantity => p_qty,
627             x_returnStatus => x_returnStatus,
628             x_errorMsg => x_errorMsg);
629         if ( x_returnStatus <> fnd_api.g_ret_sts_success ) then
630           raise fnd_api.g_exc_unexpected_error;
631         end if;
633         update wip_requirement_operations wro
634           set wro.date_required = (select nvl(max(wo.first_unit_start_date),l_startDate)
635                                    from wip_operations wo
636                                    where wo.organization_id = wro.organization_id
637                                    and wo.wip_entity_id = wro.wip_entity_id
638                                    and wo.operation_seq_num = abs(wro.operation_seq_num))
639         where wro.wip_entity_id = p_wipEntityID
640           and wro.organization_id = p_orgID;
642 /*Bug 12580949 when scheduling method is manual, and start date and end date populated in WJSI is exactly the same as job start date and completion date, we should not update any date
643   at operation and resource level*/
644      elsif(p_schedulingMethod <> wip_constants.ml_manual or l_jobstartDate <> NVL(p_startDate, l_jobstartDate + 1) or l_jobCompDate <> NVL(p_endDate, l_jobCompDate + 1)) then
645         -- Added for Bug 8463132.
646         if ( p_schedulingMethod = wip_constants.leadtime ) then
647           select wdj.scheduled_start_date
648           into l_startDate
649           from wip_discrete_jobs wdj
650           where wdj.organization_id = p_orgID
651             and wdj.wip_entity_id = p_wipEntityID;
652         end if;
655         update wip_operations
656            set first_unit_start_date = p_startDate,
657                first_unit_completion_date = p_startDate,
658                last_unit_start_date = p_startDate,
659                last_unit_completion_date = p_startDate
660          where organization_id = p_orgID
661            and wip_entity_id = p_wipEntityID;
663         update wip_operation_resources
664            set start_date = p_startDate,
665                completion_date = p_startDate
666          where organization_id = p_orgID
667            and wip_entity_id = p_wipEntityID;
669         update wip_sub_operation_resources
670            set start_date = p_startDate,
671                completion_date = p_startDate
672          where organization_id = p_orgID
673            and wip_entity_id = p_wipEntityID;
675         -- need to adjust the data required field
676         update wip_requirement_operations wro
677            set wro.date_required = (select nvl(max(wo.first_unit_start_date),l_startDate)
678                                    from wip_operations wo
679                                   where wo.organization_id = wro.organization_id
680                                     and wo.wip_entity_id = wro.wip_entity_id
681                                     and wo.operation_seq_num = abs(wro.operation_seq_num))
682         where wro.wip_entity_id = p_wipEntityID
683           and wro.organization_id = p_orgID;
684      end if;
686     -- for bug 3041013
687     delete wip_operation_resource_usage
688      where wip_entity_id = p_wipEntityID;
690     -- for bug 3041018
691     wip_op_resources_utilities.update_resource_instances(
692         p_wip_entity_id => p_wipEntityID,
693         p_org_id => p_orgID);
696     if (l_logLevel <= wip_constants.trace_logging) then
697       wip_logger.exitPoint(p_procName         => g_pkgName || '.' || l_procName,
698                            p_procReturnStatus => x_returnStatus,
699                            p_msg              => 'success',
700                            x_returnStatus     => l_retStatus);
701     end if;
702   exception
703   when others then
704     x_returnStatus := fnd_api.g_ret_sts_unexp_error;
705     fnd_msg_pub.add_exc_msg(p_pkg_name => g_pkgName,
706                             p_procedure_name => l_procName,
707                             p_error_text => SUBSTRB(x_errorMsg, 1,240));--bug 13608871
708     if(l_logLevel <= wip_constants.trace_logging) then
709         wip_logger.exitPoint(p_procName         => g_pkgName || '.' || l_procName,
710                              p_procReturnStatus => x_returnStatus,
711                              p_msg              => x_errorMsg,
712                              x_returnStatus     => l_retStatus);
713     end if;
714   end reexplodeJob;
716 end wip_bomRouting_pvt;