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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 38

                                               insert of new primary address record - bug 2485
        15 Jul 99        isen       115.15     Fixed bug arising out of above change
        20 Jul 99        isen       115.16     Added log_abs_chg for absence change events
        09 Aug 99        isen       115.17     Added new and old values
        29 Sep 99        isen       115.18     Added new change events
        05 Oct 99        thayden    115.19     Added Reinstate Benefit.
        12 Oct 99        thayden    115.20     Fixed person type usages bug.
        19 Oct 99        thayden    115.21     Fixed application bug.
        09 Nov 99        thayden    115.22     Fix BC date format bug. 1050311
        25 Jan 99        thayden    115.23     New arguments for TBBC and TBAC.
        26 Jan 99        thayden    115.24     Added log_dependent_chg.
        28 Jan 99        thayden    115.25     Old New values for COPR
        30 Jan 99        thayden    115.26     Added element entries.
        15 Mar 00        shdas      115.27     fixed bug 1187479. changed log_benefit_chg.
        15 Mar 00        thayden    115.28     COUN old and new values.
        20 Mar 00        shdas      115.29     CCFN,CCPA,CCMA,CCGE,CCDB,
                                               added log_cont_chg
        07 Nov 00        tilak      115.30     COCN- update primary country is added
        01 Dec 00        rchase     115.31     Bug 1518466. Make sure the payroll is
                                               a change and not an add.
        09 Jan 00        tmathers   115.32     Bug 1530471. Added nvl
                                               around p_new_rec.date_start.
                                               in log_cont_chg.
        24 jul 01        tilak      115.31     email can be more than 200 char ,change logh support
                                               200 only   so the value is substr to 200
        26 jul o1        tilak      115.32     COPOS cahnge of periods of service added
        27 oct 01        tjesumic   115.33     l_full_name lenght was 50 , changed to full name type
                                               bug : 2070576 fixed
        06 feb 02        tjesdumic  115.36     delete EE entry fixed by changing UPDATE to DELETE
        11 mar 02        tjesumic   115.37     UTF8 changes , variable size set dynomically
        14 Mar 02        rpillay    115.38     UTF Changes Bug 2254683
        23 May 02        tjesumic   115.39     change log for per_information1, per_informatiuon10
                                               uses_tobacco_flag added
        30 may 02        tjesumic   115.40     log_per_pay procedured added for base salary change
                                               log_school_chg procedure added
                                               log_prem_mo_chg proecude added
                                               Address are substring to 600  fro bug 2383576
       31 may 02         tjesumic   115.41     Curosr c_old_sal cahnged ,date param added

       13-Aug 02         glingapp   115.42     Bug 1554477 Modified code to trigger extract change event when
        				       home phone, fax, work phone, mobile is entered deleted or updated,
        				       date_to for phones is entered, when working hours of assignment is
       15-Jul-03         tjesumic   115.43    for COTR the effective date is passed instead of sysdate to
                                              change event effective date
       18-Jul-03         tjesumic   115.44    for COTR the actual termn date is passed instead of sysdate
                                              Since the changes effected from termination date, termn date
                                              became effective date for the changes
       09-Jan-04         rpgupta   115.45     Bug 3361237 Do not pass date to find business group.
                                              A person can only have one business group. Hence its ok
                                              if we get from the first record returned
       10-Jan-03         tjesumic  115.46     coen added for employee number
       09-Jan-04         rpgupta   115.47     Make change eff dt for delete phones as
                                              greatest(nvl(dt_to, dt_from), sysdate)
       26-Jan-04         vjhanak   115.48     Changes made to track the creation of secondary
                                              employeee assignment for NL.
       24-Feb-05         vborkar   115.49     In calls to ben_ext_chg_evt_api.create_ext_chg_evt,
                                              whenever person's full name was getting truncated
					                          to 200 characters, increased it to 240 characters.
       24-mar-05         tjesumic  115.50     position added in log
       11-Aug-05         rgajula   115.51     Bug 4539732  Changed the date type of l_chg_eff_dt to
                                              date table type in procedure log_pos_chg.
       30-Aug-05         tjesumic  115.52     log_per_chg overload procedure created,
                                              that will be called from SSHR api
       26-Sep-05         tjesumic  115.53     ethnick orign lookup values stored for old value and new values
                                              insted of the codes
       14-Oct-05         vjhanak   115.54     Changes made to track the change to ASG Softcoded KFF id
       28-Oct-05         rgajula   115.55     Bug 4699556 Made changes in the log_add_chg where previously when APA
                                              and AMA both were triggered at the same time only APA was logged .
                                              Chaged the code so as to log the events independent of each other.
       31-Oct-05         rbingi    115.55     4705814, passing person_type ( Initially passed NULLs )
                                              to Old, New Values for 'A%PTU' change event
       27-Dec-05         rtagarra  115.57     Function "HR_GENERAL.DECODE_LOOKUP" has been called for
                                              bug#4699913 so that meaning ll be
					      populated instead of lookup code for Assignment Category.
       01-Sep-06         tjesumic  115.59     new change event added to log changes of contact of any person type
       14-Sep-06         tjesumic  115.60     log_per_pay_chg's  cursor c_person is opend withing the changes
       14-Nov-06         tjesumic   115.62   per_pay_proposal trigger moved to api (pepyprhi.pkb 115.60)
                                             the global record changed to have all the column of the table
                                             for future requirements.
                                             Rqd: pepyprhi.pkb,115.60 benxchglg.pkb 115.28,benxbstg.sql 115.3
       14-Nov-06         tjesumic  115.63    approved status for old record is fixed
       09-Jan-07         tjesumic  115.64    the lookup code COPMPRM changed to CCOPMPRM
       09-Jan-07         tjesumic  115.65    the lookup code COPMPRM changed to CCOPMPRM
       08-Jul-08         pvelugul  115.66    Modified for 6517369.
       24-Nov-09         vkodedal  115.67    Overloaded log_asg_chg, called from core HR bug#9092938
       09-Feb-11         vkodedal  115.68    commented second cwh logging bug#11711776

function change_exists_in_db
         (p_person_id     in    number
         ,p_chg_evt_cd    in    varchar2
         ,p_chg_eff_dt    in    date
         ) return boolean is
  cursor get_change is
  SELECT null
  FROM   ben_ext_chg_evt_log a
  WHERE  a.person_id = p_person_id
  AND    a.chg_evt_cd = p_chg_evt_cd
  AND    trunc(a.chg_eff_dt) = trunc(p_chg_eff_dt);
Line: 204

  SELECT null
  FROM   hr_lookups h
  WHERE  h.lookup_type = 'BEN_EXT_CHG_EVT'
  AND    h.lookup_code = p_chg_evt_cd
  AND    h.enabled_flag = 'Y'
  AND    p_effective_date between nvl(start_date_active,p_effective_date)
          and nvl(end_date_active,p_effective_date);
Line: 406

    l_new_rec.update_mode := 'CORRECTION';
Line: 407

    l_old_rec.update_mode := 'CORRECTION';
Line: 409

    l_new_rec.update_mode := 'UPDATE';
Line: 410

    l_old_rec.update_mode := 'UPDATE';
Line: 413

  l_event  := nvl(p_event ,'UPDATE') ;
Line: 463

  select meaning
  from hr_lookups hl
  where hl.lookup_type = p_lookup_type
  and hl.lookup_code = p_lookup_code;
Line: 470

  select name
  from ben_benfts_grp bbg
  where bbg.benfts_grp_id = p_benfts_grp_id;
Line: 475

  SELECT pcr.contact_relationship_id,pcr.person_id
  FROM   per_contact_relationships pcr,
         hr_lookups hl
  WHERE  pcr.contact_person_id = p_person_id
  AND    pcr.contact_type = hl.lookup_code
  AND    hl.lookup_type = 'CONTACT';
Line: 483

  select ppt.system_person_type
  from   per_person_types ppt
  where  ppt.person_type_id = p_person_type_id;
Line: 489

  SELECT pcr.contact_relationship_id, pcr.person_id,pcr.contact_type
  FROM   per_contact_relationships pcr
  WHERE  pcr.contact_person_id = p_person_id
  AND    pcr.personal_flag = 'Y'
  and    p_date between  pcr.date_start and nvl(pcr.date_end, p_date)
Line: 521

  if p_event = 'UPDATE' then
    if nvl(p_old_rec.national_identifier, '000-00-0000')
        <> nvl(p_new_rec.national_identifier, '000-00-0000') then
      l_tab_counter := l_tab_counter + 1;
Line: 1413

    ,p_prmtr_10                    => p_new_rec.update_mode
    ,p_person_id                   => p_new_rec.person_id
    ,p_business_group_id           => p_new_rec.business_group_id
    ,p_object_version_number       => l_object_version_number
    ,p_effective_date              => p_new_rec.effective_start_date
    ,p_old_val1                    => l_old_val1(l_count)
    ,p_old_val2                    => l_old_val2(l_count)
    ,p_old_val3                    => l_old_val3(l_count)
    ,p_old_val4                    => l_old_val4(l_count)
    ,p_old_val5                    => l_old_val5(l_count)
    ,p_old_val6                    => l_old_val6(l_count)
    ,p_new_val1                    => l_new_val1(l_count)
    ,p_new_val2                    => l_new_val2(l_count)
    ,p_new_val3                    => l_new_val3(l_count)
    ,p_new_val4                    => l_new_val4(l_count)
    ,p_new_val5                    => l_new_val5(l_count)
    ,p_new_val6                    => l_new_val6(l_count)
Line: 1597

                 ,p_prmtr_10                    => p_new_rec.update_mode
                 ,p_person_id                   => l_relationship
                 ,p_business_group_id           => p_new_rec.business_group_id
                 ,p_object_version_number       => l_object_version_number
                 ,p_effective_date              => p_new_rec.effective_start_date
                 ,p_old_val1                    => l_old_val1(l_count)
                 ,p_old_val2                    => l_old_val2(l_count)
                 ,p_old_val3                    => l_old_val3(l_count)
                 ,p_old_val4                    => l_old_val4(l_count)
                 ,p_old_val5                    => l_old_val5(l_count)
                 ,p_old_val6                    => l_old_val6(l_count)
                 ,p_new_val1                    => l_new_val1(l_count)
                 ,p_new_val2                    => l_new_val2(l_count)
                 ,p_new_val3                    => l_new_val3(l_count)
                 ,p_new_val4                    => l_new_val4(l_count)
                 ,p_new_val5                    => l_new_val5(l_count)
                 ,p_new_val6                    => l_new_val6(l_count)
Line: 1632

       l_cont_chg_evt_tab.delete   ;
Line: 1781

                 ,p_prmtr_10                    => p_new_rec.update_mode
                 ,p_person_id                   => l_relationship
                 ,p_business_group_id           => p_new_rec.business_group_id
                 ,p_object_version_number       => l_object_version_number
                 ,p_effective_date              => p_new_rec.effective_start_date
                 ,p_old_val1                    => l_old_val1(l_count)
                 ,p_old_val2                    => l_old_val2(l_count)
                 ,p_old_val3                    => l_old_val3(l_count)
                 ,p_old_val4                    => l_old_val4(l_count)
                 ,p_old_val5                    => l_old_val5(l_count)
                 ,p_old_val6                    => l_old_val6(l_count)
                 ,p_new_val1                    => l_new_val1(l_count)
                 ,p_new_val2                    => l_new_val2(l_count)
                 ,p_new_val3                    => l_new_val3(l_count)
                 ,p_new_val4                    => l_new_val4(l_count)
                 ,p_new_val5                    => l_new_val5(l_count)
                 ,p_new_val6                    => l_new_val6(l_count)
Line: 1850

  select ppt.system_person_type,ppf.full_name
  from   per_person_types ppt,per_all_people_f ppf
  where  ppf.person_type_id = ppt.person_type_id
  and    ppf.person_id = p_person_id;
Line: 1859

  select meaning
  from hr_lookups hl
  where hl.lookup_type = 'CONTACT'
  and hl.lookup_code = p_lookup_code;
Line: 2025

  SELECT pcr.contact_relationship_id,pcr.person_id,ppf.full_name
  FROM   per_contact_relationships pcr,
         per_all_people_f ppf,
         per_person_types ppt,
         hr_lookups hl
  WHERE  pcr.contact_person_id = p_person_id
  AND    ppf.person_id = p_person_id
  AND    ppf.person_type_id = ppt.person_type_id
  AND    ppt.system_person_type = 'OTHER'
  AND    pcr.contact_type = hl.lookup_code
  AND    hl.lookup_type = 'CONTACT';
Line: 2038

  SELECT pcr.contact_relationship_id,pcr.person_id,ppf.full_name
  FROM   per_contact_relationships pcr,
         per_all_people_f ppf,
         hr_lookups hl
  WHERE  pcr.contact_person_id = p_person_id
  AND    ppf.person_id = p_person_id
  AND    pcr.contact_type = hl.lookup_code
  AND    hl.lookup_type = 'CONTACT'
  AND    pcr.personal_flag = 'Y'
  and    p_effective_date between  pcr.date_start and nvl(pcr.date_end, p_effective_date)

Line: 2055

  if p_event = 'INSERT' then
    l_person_id         := p_new_rec.person_id;
Line: 2307

  elsif p_event = 'DELETE' then
    l_person_id := p_old_rec.person_id;
Line: 2342

  elsif p_event = 'UPDATE' then
  -- cache this data for later use.
  hr_utility.set_location(' in address changes ' , 673);
Line: 3136

    l_new_rec.update_mode := 'CORRECTION';
Line: 3137

    l_old_rec.update_mode := 'CORRECTION';
Line: 3139

    l_new_rec.update_mode := 'UPDATE';
Line: 3140

    l_old_rec.update_mode := 'UPDATE';
Line: 3143

  l_event  := nvl(p_event ,'UPDATE') ;
Line: 3193

  select name
  from HR_ALL_POSITIONS_F   pos
  where pos.position_id = p_position_id
   and  p_effective_date between nvl(pos.effective_start_date, sysdate)
                       and nvl(pos.effective_end_date, sysdate)
Line: 3203

  select location_code
  from hr_locations_all hl
  where hl.location_id = p_location_id;
Line: 3210

  select ast.user_status
  from per_assignment_status_types ast
  where ast.assignment_status_type_id = p_assignment_status_type_id;
Line: 3218

  select ppf.payroll_name
  from pay_all_payrolls_f ppf
  where payroll_id = p_payroll_id
  and p_effective_date between nvl(ppf.effective_start_date, sysdate)
                       and nvl(ppf.effective_end_date, sysdate);
Line: 3226

    select g.name
    from per_grades g
    where g.grade_id = p_grade_id
      and g.date_from <= p_effective_date
      and ((g.date_to is null) or (g.date_to >= p_effective_date )) ;
Line: 3250

  if p_event = 'UPDATE' then
    if nvl(p_old_rec.assignment_status_type_id, 1)
        <> nvl(p_new_rec.assignment_status_type_id, 1) then

      -- read old and new assignment status
      open c_assignment_status(p_old_rec.assignment_status_type_id);
Line: 3577

  elsif p_event = 'INSERT' then
    if p_new_rec.assignment_type = 'B' then
      --l_person_id          := p_new_rec.person_id;
Line: 3645

    ,p_prmtr_10                    => p_new_rec.update_mode
    ,p_person_id                   => p_new_rec.person_id
    ,p_business_group_id           => p_new_rec.business_group_id
    ,p_object_version_number       => l_object_version_number
    ,p_effective_date              => p_new_rec.effective_start_date
    ,p_new_val1                    => l_new_val1(l_count)
    ,p_old_val1                    => l_old_val1(l_count)
Line: 3705

  select aat.name
  from per_absence_attendance_types aat
  where aat.absence_attendance_type_id = p_absence_attendance_type_id;
Line: 3711

  select aar.name
  from per_abs_attendance_reasons aar
  where aar.abs_attendance_reason_id = p_abs_attendance_reason_id;
Line: 3719

  if p_event = 'UPDATE' then
    l_business_group_id := p_new_rec.business_group_id;
Line: 3796

  elsif p_event = 'INSERT' then
    open c_absence_type(p_new_rec.absence_attendance_type_id);
Line: 3826

  elsif p_event = 'DELETE' then
    open c_absence_type(p_old_rec.absence_attendance_type_id);
Line: 3873

    ,p_prmtr_10                    => p_new_rec.update_mode
    ,p_person_id                   => l_person_id
    ,p_business_group_id           => l_business_group_id
    ,p_object_version_number       => l_object_version_number
    ,p_effective_date              => l_chg_eff_dt
    ,p_new_val1                    => l_new_val1(l_count)
    ,p_new_val2                    => l_new_val2(l_count)
    ,p_new_val3                    => l_new_val3(l_count)
    ,p_new_val4                    => l_new_val4(l_count)
    ,p_old_val1                    => l_old_val1(l_count)
    ,p_old_val2                    => l_old_val2(l_count)
    ,p_old_val3                    => l_old_val3(l_count)
    ,p_old_val4                    => l_old_val4(l_count)
Line: 3896

        p_action                in varchar2, -- CREATE, REINSTATE, UPDATE, or DELETE
        p_pl_id                in number default null,
        p_old_pl_id            in number default null,
        p_oipl_id              in number default null,
        p_old_oipl_id          in number default null,
        p_enrt_cvg_strt_dt     in date default null,
        p_enrt_cvg_end_dt      in date default null,
        p_old_enrt_cvg_strt_dt in date default null,
        p_old_enrt_cvg_end_dt  in date default null,
        p_bnft_amt             in number default null,
        p_old_bnft_amt         in number default null,
        p_pen_attribute1       in varchar2 default null,
        p_pen_attribute2       in varchar2 default null,
        p_pen_attribute3       in varchar2 default null,
        p_pen_attribute4       in varchar2 default null,
        p_pen_attribute5       in varchar2 default null,
        p_pen_attribute6       in varchar2 default null,
        p_pen_attribute7       in varchar2 default null,
        p_pen_attribute8       in varchar2 default null,
        p_pen_attribute9       in varchar2 default null,
        p_pen_attribute10      in varchar2 default null,
        p_old_pen_attribute1   in varchar2 default null,
        p_old_pen_attribute2   in varchar2 default null,
        p_old_pen_attribute3   in varchar2 default null,
        p_old_pen_attribute4   in varchar2 default null,
        p_old_pen_attribute5   in varchar2 default null,
        p_old_pen_attribute6   in varchar2 default null,
        p_old_pen_attribute7   in varchar2 default null,
        p_old_pen_attribute8   in varchar2 default null,
        p_old_pen_attribute9   in varchar2 default null,
        p_old_pen_attribute10  in varchar2 default null,
        p_effective_start_date in date default null,
        p_effective_end_date   in date default null,
        p_prtt_enrt_rslt_id    in number default null,
        p_old_prtt_enrt_rslt_id in number default null,
        p_per_in_ler_id        in number default null,
        p_old_per_in_ler_id    in number default null,
        p_person_id            in number,
        p_business_group_id    in number,
        p_effective_date       in date ) is

  -- Local variable declarations
  l_proc         varchar2(72) := 'ben_ext_chlg.log_benefit_chg';
Line: 3952

  select name
  from ben_pl_f pl
  where pl.pl_id = p_pl_id
  and p_effective_date between pl.effective_start_date and pl.effective_end_date;
Line: 3959

  select opt.name
  from ben_oipl_f cop,
       ben_opt_f opt
  where cop.oipl_id = p_oipl_id
  and p_effective_date between cop.effective_start_date and cop.effective_end_date
  and cop.opt_id = opt.opt_id
  and p_effective_date between opt.effective_start_date and opt.effective_end_date;
Line: 3989

      a benefit amount update in which case we want the change log
      to show 'Update enrollment coverage amount'--shdas*/

      if p_old_pl_id is not null and p_pl_id = p_old_pl_id then
           if p_old_oipl_id is null or (p_old_oipl_id
           is not null and p_oipl_id = p_old_oipl_id) then
              if nvl(p_bnft_amt,0) <> nvl(p_old_bnft_amt,0) and
              change_event_is_enabled('COECA',p_effective_date) then
                 (p_validate                    => FALSE
                 ,p_ext_chg_evt_log_id          => l_ext_chg_evt_log_id
                 ,p_chg_evt_cd                  => 'COECA'  -- Change Coverage Amount
                 ,p_chg_eff_dt                  => p_effective_date
                 ,p_prmtr_01                    => to_char(p_pl_id)
                 ,p_prmtr_02                    => to_char(p_oipl_id)
                 ,p_prmtr_03                    => to_char(p_prtt_enrt_rslt_id)
                 ,p_prmtr_05                    => to_char(p_per_in_ler_id)
                 ,p_person_id                   => p_person_id
                 ,p_business_group_id           => p_business_group_id
                 ,p_object_version_number       => l_object_version_number
                 ,p_effective_date              => p_effective_date
                 ,p_old_val1                    => p_old_bnft_amt
                 ,p_new_val1                    => p_bnft_amt
Line: 4078

    if p_action = 'UPDATE' then

      if p_pl_id <> p_old_pl_id then
        -- For Extract purposes, we recognize an update to plan as 2 separate
        -- changes:  Terminate Benefit, and Add Benefit.
        if p_effective_date < p_old_enrt_cvg_strt_dt then
          open c_plan_name(p_old_pl_id);
Line: 4510

    end if;  -- UPDATE
Line: 4512

    if p_action = 'DELETE' then
      if nvl(p_enrt_cvg_end_dt,p_effective_date) < p_enrt_cvg_strt_dt then
        open c_plan_name(p_old_pl_id);
Line: 4584

    end if;  -- DELETE
Line: 4592

        p_action               in varchar2, -- CREATE, REINSTATE, or DELETE
        p_pl_id                in number default null,
        p_oipl_id              in number default null,
        p_cvg_strt_dt          in date default null,
        p_cvg_end_dt           in date default null,
        p_old_cvg_strt_dt      in date default null,
        p_old_cvg_end_dt       in date default null,
        p_effective_start_date in date default null,
        p_effective_end_date   in date default null,
        p_prtt_enrt_rslt_id    in number default null,
        p_per_in_ler_id        in number default null,
        p_elig_cvrd_dpnt_id    in number default null,
        p_person_id            in number,
        p_dpnt_person_id       in number,
        p_business_group_id    in number,
        p_effective_date       in date) is

  -- Local variable declarations
  l_proc         varchar2(72) := 'ben_ext_chlg.log_dependent_chg';
Line: 4623

  select pl.name
  from ben_pl_f pl
  where pl.pl_id = p_pl_id
  and p_effective_date between pl.effective_start_date and pl.effective_end_date;
Line: 4630

  select opt.name
  from ben_oipl_f cop,
       ben_opt_f opt
  where cop.oipl_id = p_oipl_id
  and p_effective_date between cop.effective_start_date and cop.effective_end_date
  and cop.opt_id = opt.opt_id
  and p_effective_date between opt.effective_start_date and opt.effective_end_date;
Line: 4639

  SELECT ppf.full_name
  FROM   per_all_people_f ppf
  WHERE  ppf.person_id = p_person_id
  AND    p_effective_date between ppf.effective_start_date
         and ppf.effective_end_date
  AND    ppf.business_group_id = p_business_group_id;
Line: 4648

  SELECT hl.meaning
  FROM   per_contact_relationships pcr,
         hr_lookups hl
  WHERE  pcr.person_id = p_person_id
  AND    pcr.contact_person_id = p_dpnt_person_id
  AND    pcr.contact_type = hl.lookup_code
  AND    hl.lookup_type = 'CONTACT';
Line: 4791

    elsif p_action = 'DELETE' then
      if p_cvg_end_dt < p_cvg_strt_dt then
       if change_event_is_enabled('TBBC',p_effective_date) then
        (p_validate                    => FALSE
        ,p_ext_chg_evt_log_id          => l_ext_chg_evt_log_id
        ,p_chg_evt_cd                  => 'TBBC'  -- Terminate Benefit before Coverage
        ,p_chg_eff_dt                  => p_effective_date
        ,p_prmtr_01                    => to_char(p_pl_id)
        ,p_prmtr_02                    => to_char(p_oipl_id)
        ,p_prmtr_03                    => to_char(p_prtt_enrt_rslt_id)
        ,p_prmtr_04                    => to_char(p_elig_cvrd_dpnt_id)
        ,p_prmtr_05                    => to_char(p_per_in_ler_id)
        ,p_prmtr_06                    => to_char(p_person_id)
        ,p_person_id                   => p_dpnt_person_id
        ,p_business_group_id           => p_business_group_id
        ,p_object_version_number       => l_object_version_number
        ,p_effective_date              => p_effective_date
        ,p_old_val1                    => l_plan_name
        ,p_old_val2                    => l_option_name
        ,p_old_val3                    => p_old_cvg_strt_dt
        ,p_old_val4                    => p_old_cvg_end_dt
        ,p_new_val1                    => l_plan_name
        ,p_new_val2                    => l_option_name
        ,p_new_val3                    => p_cvg_strt_dt
        ,p_new_val4                    => p_cvg_end_dt
Line: 4857

        ,p_chg_evt_cd                  => 'DD'  -- Delete Dependent
        ,p_chg_eff_dt                  => p_effective_date
        ,p_prmtr_01                    => to_char(p_pl_id)
        ,p_prmtr_02                    => to_char(p_oipl_id)
        ,p_prmtr_03                    => to_char(p_prtt_enrt_rslt_id)
        ,p_prmtr_04                    => to_char(p_elig_cvrd_dpnt_id)
        ,p_prmtr_05                    => to_char(p_per_in_ler_id)
        ,p_prmtr_06                    => to_char(p_dpnt_person_id)
        ,p_person_id                   => p_person_id
        ,p_business_group_id           => p_business_group_id
        ,p_object_version_number       => l_object_version_number
        ,p_effective_date              => p_effective_date
        ,p_old_val1                    => l_plan_name
        ,p_old_val2                    => l_option_name
        ,p_old_val3                    => p_old_cvg_strt_dt
        ,p_old_val4                    => p_old_cvg_end_dt
        ,p_old_val5                    => l_dpnt_full_name
        ,p_old_val6                    => l_relationship
        ,p_new_val1                    => l_plan_name
        ,p_new_val2                    => l_option_name
        ,p_new_val3                    => p_cvg_strt_dt
        ,p_new_val4                    => p_cvg_end_dt
        ,p_new_val5                    => l_dpnt_full_name
        ,p_new_val6                    => l_relationship
Line: 4913

  SELECT pcr.contact_relationship_id,pcr.person_id,ppf.full_name
  FROM   per_contact_relationships pcr,
         per_all_people_f ppf,
         per_person_types ppt,
         hr_lookups hl
  WHERE  pcr.contact_person_id = p_person_id
  AND    ppf.person_id = p_person_id
  AND    ppf.person_type_id = ppt.person_type_id
  AND    ppt.system_person_type = 'OTHER'
  AND    pcr.contact_type = hl.lookup_code
  AND    hl.lookup_type = 'CONTACT';
Line: 4926

  SELECT pcr.contact_relationship_id,pcr.person_id,ppf.full_name
  FROM   per_contact_relationships pcr,
         per_all_people_f ppf,
         hr_lookups hl
  WHERE  pcr.contact_person_id = p_person_id
  AND    ppf.person_id = p_person_id
  AND    pcr.contact_type = hl.lookup_code
  AND    hl.lookup_type = 'CONTACT'
  AND    pcr.personal_flag = 'Y'
  and    p_effective_date between  pcr.date_start and nvl(pcr.date_end, p_effective_date)
Line: 4941

  select pen.person_id
  from ben_prtt_enrt_rslt_f pen
  where pen.prtt_enrt_rslt_id = p_prtt_enrt_rslt_id
  and pen.business_group_id  = p_business_group_id
  and p_effective_date between pen.effective_start_date and pen.effective_end_date;
Line: 4949

  select ecd.dpnt_person_id
  from ben_elig_cvrd_dpnt_f ecd
  where ecd.elig_cvrd_dpnt_id = p_elig_cvrd_dpnt_id
  and ecd.business_group_id = p_business_group_id
  and p_effective_date between ecd.effective_start_date and ecd.effective_end_date;
Line: 4957

  select hl.meaning
  from hr_lookups hl
  where hl.lookup_type = 'BEN_PRMRY_CARE_PRVDR_TYP'
  and hl.lookup_code = prmry_care_prvdr_typ_cd;
Line: 5018

  elsif p_action = 'UPDATE' then

   if p_prmry_care_prvdr_typ_cd <> p_old_prmry_care_prvdr_typ_cd then
    if change_event_is_enabled('COPT',p_effective_date) then
     l_pcp_chg := TRUE;
Line: 5096

  elsif p_action = 'DELETE' then
     if change_event_is_enabled('DPCP',p_effective_date) then
     l_pcp_chg := TRUE;
Line: 5145

      elsif p_action = 'UPDATE' then
        if p_prmry_care_prvdr_typ_cd is not null then
           v_prmry_care_prvdr_typ_cd := l_prmry_care_prvdr_typ_cd;
Line: 5170

       elsif p_action = 'DELETE' then
         (p_validate               => FALSE
          ,p_ext_chg_evt_log_id    => l_ext_chg_evt_log_id
          ,p_chg_evt_cd            => 'CCPC'
          ,p_chg_eff_dt            => p_effective_date
          ,p_prmtr_01              => l_relationship
          ,p_prmtr_03              => p_prtt_enrt_rslt_id
          ,p_prmtr_04              => p_elig_cvrd_dpnt_id
          ,p_prmtr_08              => p_prmry_care_prvdr_id
          ,p_person_id             => l_person_id
          ,p_business_group_id     => p_business_group_id
          ,p_object_version_number => l_object_version_number
          ,p_effective_date        => p_effective_date
          ,p_old_val1              => substr(l_name,1,240)
          ,p_old_val2              => p_old_name
          ,p_old_val3              => l_old_prmry_care_prvdr_typ_cd);
Line: 5214

      elsif p_action = 'UPDATE' then
         if p_prmry_care_prvdr_typ_cd is not null then
            v_prmry_care_prvdr_typ_cd := l_prmry_care_prvdr_typ_cd;
Line: 5239

      elsif p_action = 'DELETE' then
            (p_validate               => FALSE
            ,p_ext_chg_evt_log_id    => l_ext_chg_evt_log_id
            ,p_chg_evt_cd            => 'CCNPC'
            ,p_chg_eff_dt            => p_effective_date
            ,p_prmtr_01              => l_relationship
            ,p_prmtr_03              => p_prtt_enrt_rslt_id
            ,p_prmtr_04              => p_elig_cvrd_dpnt_id
            ,p_prmtr_08              => p_prmry_care_prvdr_id
            ,p_person_id             => l_person_id
            ,p_business_group_id     => p_business_group_id
            ,p_object_version_number => l_object_version_number
            ,p_effective_date        => p_effective_date
            ,p_old_val1              => substr(l_name,1,240)
            ,p_old_val2              => p_old_name
            ,p_old_val3              => l_old_prmry_care_prvdr_typ_cd);
Line: 5308

  if p_event = 'UPDATE' then
    if p_old_rec.actual_termination_date is null and p_new_rec.actual_termination_date is not null then
      l_tab_counter := l_tab_counter + 1;
Line: 5396

  elsif p_event = 'INSERT' then
      l_tab_counter := l_tab_counter + 1;
Line: 5428

    ,p_prmtr_10                    => p_new_rec.update_mode
    ,p_person_id                   => p_new_rec.person_id
    ,p_business_group_id           => p_new_rec.business_group_id
    ,p_object_version_number       => l_object_version_number
    ,p_effective_date              => l_chg_eff_dt(l_count)
    ,p_new_val1                    => l_new_val1(l_count)
    ,p_old_val1                    => l_old_val1(l_count)
Line: 5480

  select hl.meaning
  from   hr_lookups hl
  where  hl.lookup_type = 'TERM_APL_REASON'
  and    hl.lookup_code = p_termination_reason
  and    hl.enabled_flag = 'Y';
Line: 5513

  select person_id
   from ben_per_in_ler  pil,
        ben_prtt_prem_f ppe
  where ppe.prtt_prem_id = p_prtt_prem_id
    and ppe.per_in_ler_id = pil.per_in_ler_id ;
Line: 5578

  select name from PER_ESTABLISHMENTS
  where establishment_id = p_establishment_id ;
Line: 5637

  select person_id ,business_group_id
  from   per_all_Assignments_f  asg
  where  asg.assignment_id  = p_assignment_id ;
Line: 5642

     proposed_salary_n, approved
     from per_pay_proposals b
          b.assignment_id = p_assignment_id
          and b.change_date =
          (select max(d.change_date)
             from  per_pay_proposals d
             where  d.assignment_id = b.assignment_id
             and approved = 'Y'
             and change_date < p_change_date  )
Line: 5677

    if p_event = 'INSERT' then
       hr_utility.set_location('change_date' || p_new_rec.change_date,10);
Line: 5756

  select meaning
  from   hr_lookups hl
  where  hl.lookup_type = 'TERM_APL_REASON'
  and    hl.lookup_code = p_termination_reason
  and    hl.enabled_flag = 'Y';
Line: 5766

  select ppf.business_group_id
  from   per_all_people_f ppf
  where  ppf.person_id = p_person_id;
Line: 5778

  l_update_mode             varchar2(15); --Bug 1554477
Line: 5784

  if p_event = 'UPDATE' and p_new_rec.parent_table = 'PER_ALL_PEOPLE_F'
    and p_new_rec.phone_type in ('H1', 'W1', 'HF','M') then
    --Start Bug 1554477
      if p_old_rec.date_to is null and
            p_new_rec.date_to is not null then

        if p_new_rec.phone_type = 'H1' then
          l_chg_evt_code := 'AHPDT';
Line: 5813

        l_update_mode := p_new_rec.update_mode;
Line: 5842

        l_update_mode := p_new_rec.update_mode;
Line: 5847

   elsif p_event = 'INSERT' and p_new_rec.parent_table = 'PER_ALL_PEOPLE_F'
    and p_new_rec.phone_type in ('H1', 'W1', 'HF', 'M') then
        if p_old_rec.date_to is null and
            p_new_rec.date_to is not null then
        if p_new_rec.phone_type = 'H1' then
          l_chg_evt_code := 'AHPDT';
Line: 5874

        l_update_mode := p_new_rec.update_mode;
Line: 5901

        l_update_mode := p_new_rec.update_mode;
Line: 5904

    elsif p_event = 'DELETE' and p_old_rec.parent_table = 'PER_ALL_PEOPLE_F'
    and p_old_rec.phone_type in ('H1', 'W1', 'HF', 'M') then

        if p_old_rec.phone_type = 'H1' then
          l_chg_evt_code := 'DHP';
Line: 5932

        l_update_mode := p_old_rec.update_mode;
Line: 5960

    ,p_prmtr_10                    => l_update_mode       --Bug 1554477
    ,p_person_id                   => l_person_id         --Bug 1554477
    ,p_business_group_id           => l_business_group_id
    ,p_object_version_number       => l_object_version_number
    ,p_effective_date              => l_chg_eff_dt
    ,p_new_val1                    => l_new_val1(l_count)
    ,p_old_val1                    => l_old_val1(l_count)
Line: 6016

  select ppt.system_person_type, ppt.user_person_type, ppt.business_group_id
  from   per_person_types ppt
  where  ppt.person_type_id = p_person_type_id;
Line: 6028

  if p_event = 'INSERT' then
    open c_person_type(p_new_rec.person_type_id);
Line: 6083

    ,p_prmtr_10                    => p_new_rec.update_mode
    ,p_person_id                   => p_new_rec.person_id
    ,p_business_group_id           => l_business_group_id
    ,p_object_version_number       => l_object_version_number
    ,p_effective_date              => l_chg_eff_dt
    ,p_new_val1                    => l_new_val1(l_count)
    ,p_old_val1                    => l_old_val1(l_count)
Line: 6116

 select iv.name, et.element_name
 from pay_input_values_f iv,
      pay_element_types_f et
 where iv.input_value_id = p_input_value_id
 and   iv.element_type_id = et.element_type_id
 and   p_effective_date between iv.effective_start_date and iv.effective_end_date
 and   p_effective_date between et.effective_start_date and et.effective_end_date;
Line: 6153

  elsif p_action = 'UPDATE' then
    if change_event_is_enabled('UEE',p_effective_date) then
     (p_validate              => FALSE
     ,p_ext_chg_evt_log_id    => l_ext_chg_evt_log_id
     ,p_chg_evt_cd            => 'UEE'
     ,p_chg_eff_dt            => p_effective_date
     ,p_prmtr_01              => p_element_entry_id
     ,p_prmtr_02              => p_input_value_id
     ,p_person_id             => p_person_id
     ,p_business_group_id     => p_business_group_id
     ,p_object_version_number => l_object_version_number
     ,p_effective_date        => p_effective_date
     ,p_old_val1              => l_element_info.element_name
     ,p_old_val2              => l_element_info.name
     ,p_old_val3              => p_old_amt
     ,p_new_val1              => l_element_info.element_name
     ,p_new_val2              => l_element_info.name
     ,p_new_val3              => p_amt);
Line: 6174

  elsif p_action = 'DELETE' then
    hr_utility.set_location('deleteing element entry ' , 195);
Line: 6237

  select meaning
  from hr_lookups hl
  where hl.lookup_type = p_lookup_type
  and hl.lookup_code = p_lookup_code;
Line: 6263

  if p_event = 'UPDATE' then

  if nvl(p_old_rec.incident_id,1) <> nvl(p_new_rec.incident_id,1) then

      select incident_reference into l_old_incident
      from per_work_incidents
      where incident_id = p_old_rec.incident_id ;
Line: 6271

      select incident_reference into l_new_incident
      from per_work_incidents
      where incident_id = l_new_incident ;
Line: 6300

      select name into l_old_organization
      from hr_all_organization_units
      where organization_id = p_old_rec.organization_id ;
Line: 6304

      select name into l_new_organization
      from hr_all_organization_units
      where organization_id = p_new_rec.organization_id ;
Line: 7111

    ,p_prmtr_10                    => p_new_rec.update_mode
    ,p_person_id                   => p_new_rec.person_id
    ,p_business_group_id           => p_new_rec.business_group_id
    ,p_object_version_number       => l_object_version_number
    ,p_effective_date              => p_new_rec.effective_start_date
    ,p_old_val1                    => l_old_val1(l_count)
    ,p_old_val2                    => l_old_val2(l_count)
    ,p_old_val3                    => l_old_val3(l_count)
    ,p_old_val4                    => l_old_val4(l_count)
    ,p_old_val5                    => l_old_val5(l_count)
    ,p_old_val6                    => l_old_val6(l_count)
    ,p_new_val1                    => l_new_val1(l_count)
    ,p_new_val2                    => l_new_val2(l_count)
    ,p_new_val3                    => l_new_val3(l_count)
    ,p_new_val4                    => l_new_val4(l_count)
    ,p_new_val5                    => l_new_val5(l_count)
    ,p_new_val6                    => l_new_val6(l_count)