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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 91

      l_doc_owner                     ego_uccnet_events.last_updated_by%TYPE;
Line: 138

      SELECT  m4u_wlqid_s.NEXTVAL
      INTO    l_xml_event_key
      FROM    dual;
Line: 150

       SELECT   count(*), event_type
       INTO     l_gtin_count, l_event_type
       FROM     ego_uccnet_events
       WHERE    batch_id        = l_ego_batch_id
           AND  subbatch_id     = l_ego_subbatch_id
           AND  gtin            = top_gtin
       group by event_type;
Line: 159

            cln_debug_pub.Add('Returned from SELECT query ..>>> ', 1);
Line: 194

             SELECT  e.event_action, e.gtin, e.top_gtin,
                     e.last_updated_by,e.target_market, e.tp_gln,
                     e.organization_id, f.user_name, mtlkfv.concatenated_segments
             INTO    l_event_action, l_gtin, l_top_gtin,
                     l_doc_owner, l_target_market, l_tp_gln,
                     l_org_id, l_owner_role, l_item_number
             FROM    ego_uccnet_events e,
                     fnd_user f,
                     mtl_system_items_kfv mtlkfv
             WHERE   e.batch_id          = l_ego_batch_id
               AND   e.subbatch_id       = l_ego_subbatch_id
               AND   e.gtin              = e.top_gtin
               AND   e.event_type        = l_event_type
               AND   e.INVENTORY_ITEM_ID = mtlkfv.INVENTORY_ITEM_ID
               AND   e.ORGANIZATION_ID   = mtlkfv.ORGANIZATION_ID
               AND   e.last_updated_by   = f.user_id(+);
Line: 212

                   cln_debug_pub.Add('Returned from SELECT query ..>>> ', 1);