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1 PACKAGE wip_sched_relation_grp AUTHID CURRENT_USER AS
2 /* $Header: wipgwlks.pls 115.0 2003/09/16 11:09:20 amgarg noship $ */
3 /*==========================================================================+
4 |   Copyright (c) 1997 Oracle Corporation Redwood Shores, California, USA   |
5 |                          All rights reserved.                             |
6 +===========================================================================+
7 |                                                                           |
8 | File Name    : wipgwlks.pls                                               |
9 |                                                                           |
10 | DESCRIPTION  : This package, is a Group API, which contains functions     |
11 |              to Create and Delete relationships for Work Order Scheduling.|
12 |                                                                           |
13 | Coders       : Amit Garg                                                  |
14 +===========================================================================*/
17 --Global Constants
18 G_PKG_NAME                    CONSTANT VARCHAR2(30) := 'wip_sched_relation_grp';
21 /******************************************************************************
22 * PROCEDURE INSERTROW                                                         *
23 *  This procedure is used to validate AND create Relationships to be          *
24 *  inserted in WIP_SCHED_RELATIONSHIPS Table                                  *
25 *  The input parameters for this procedure are:                               *
26 *   p_parentObjectID       :  Parent Object Idetifier                         *
27 *   p_parentObjectTypeID   :  Parent Object type Idetifier                    *
28 *   p_childObjectID        :  Child Object Idetifier                          *
29 *   p_childObjectTypeID    :  Child Object type Idetifier                     *
30 *   p_relationshipType     :  Type of relationship between parent and child   *
31 *   p_relationshipStatus   :  Relationship status,                            *
32 *                                  pending     : 0                            *
33 *                                  processing  : 1                            *
34 *                                  valid       : 2                            *
35 *                                  invalid     : 3                            *
36 *   x_return_status        :  out parameter to indicate success, failure or   *
37 *                             error for this procedure                        *
38 *   x_msg_count            :  out parameter indicating number of messages in  *
39 *                             msg list                                        *
40 *   x_msg_data             :  message in encoded form is returned             *
41 *   p_api_version          :  parameter indicating api version, to check for  *
42 *                             valid API version                               *
43 *   p_init_msg_list        :  Parameter to indicate whether public msg list   *
44 *                             is required to be initialised                   *
45 *   p_commit               :  Parameter to indicate if commit is required     *
46 *                             by this proc                                    *
47 ******************************************************************************/
48 PROCEDURE insertRow(p_parentObjectID    IN NUMBER,
49                   p_parentObjectTypeID  IN NUMBER,
50                   p_childObjectID       IN NUMBER,
51                   p_childObjectTypeID   IN NUMBER,
52                   p_relationshipType    IN NUMBER,
53                   p_relationshipStatus  IN NUMBER,
54                   x_return_status       OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
55                   x_msg_count           OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
56                   x_msg_data            OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
57                   p_api_version         IN  NUMBER,
58                   p_init_msg_list       IN  VARCHAR2 DEFAULT FND_API.G_FALSE,
59                   p_commit              IN  VARCHAR2 DEFAULT FND_API.G_FALSE);
63 /************************************************************************
64 * PROCEDURE DELETEROW                                                   *
65 *  This procedure is used to validate AND DELETE Relationships FROM     *
66 *  WIP_SCHED_RELATIONSHIPS Table                                        *
67 *  The input parameters for this procedure are:                         *
68 *   p_relationshipID   :  Relationship idetifier to be deleted          *
69 *   x_return_status    :  To indicate procedure success, failure, error *
70 *   x_msg_count        :  To indicate number of msgs in msg list        *
71 *   x_msg_data         :  Return message in encoded form                *
72 *   p_api_version      :  To validate API version to be used            *
73 *   p_init_msg_list    :  Whether to intialize public msg list          *
74 *   p_commit           :  Whether to commit transaction                 *
75 ************************************************************************/
76 PROCEDURE deleteRow(p_relationshipID in number,
77                   x_return_status       OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
78                   x_msg_count           OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
79                   x_msg_data            OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
80                   p_api_version         IN  NUMBER,
81                   p_init_msg_list       IN  VARCHAR2 DEFAULT FND_API.G_FALSE,
82                   p_commit              IN  VARCHAR2 DEFAULT FND_API.G_FALSE);
85 END wip_sched_relation_grp;