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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 54

	 SELECT start_date_active, end_date_active, name
	   FROM cn_comp_groups
	   WHERE comp_group_id = p_group_id;
Line: 60

	 SELECT cscg.salesrep_id,
	        greatest(cscg.start_date_active, intel.start_date) start_date,
	        decode(cscg.end_date_active, null, intel.end_date,
		       Least(cscg.end_date_active, intel.end_date)) end_date
	   FROM cn_srp_comp_groups_v cscg,
	        cn_srp_intel_periods intel
	  WHERE cscg.comp_group_id = p_group_id
	    and intel.salesrep_id = cscg.salesrep_id
	    and cscg.start_date_active <= intel.end_date
	    and (cscg.end_date_active is null or cscg.end_date_active >= intel.start_date);
Line: 75

	 SELECT p.period_id,
	        greatest(p_start_date, p.start_date) start_date,
	        Decode(p_end_date, NULL, p.end_date, Least(p_end_date, p.end_date)) end_date
	   FROM cn_srp_intel_periods p
	  WHERE p.salesrep_id = p_salesrep_id
	    AND (p_end_date IS NULL OR p.start_date <= p_end_date)
	    AND (p.end_date >= p_start_date);
Line: 85

         select ct.name name,
                ct.comp_team_id team_id,
                greatest(cg.start_date_active, ct.start_date_active) start_date,
                 Least(nvl(ct.end_date_active, l_max_date), nvl(cg.end_date_active, l_max_date)) end_date
                from cn_srp_comp_teams_v srt, cn_comp_teams ct, cn_comp_groups cg
                where srt.salesrep_id = p_salesrep_id
                and srt.comp_team_id = ct.comp_team_id
                and cg.comp_group_id = p_group_id
                and (cg.start_date_active <= ct.start_date_active
                  or cg.start_date_active between ct.start_date_active and nvl (ct.end_date_active, cg.start_date_active))
                and nvl(cg.end_date_active, ct.start_date_active) >= ct.start_date_active;
Line: 98

	 SELECT org_id FROM cn_repositories_all WHERE status = 'A';
Line: 248

Line: 272

  /* Vertcal Industry Procedure for pre processing in case of delete resource group usage */
  PROCEDURE  delete_group_usage_pre
  (P_GROUP_ID             IN   NUMBER,
   P_USAGE                IN   VARCHAR2,
   ) IS

      l_event_log_id      NUMBER;
Line: 290

      l_api_name          VARCHAR2(30) := 'delete_group_usage_pre';
Line: 299

	 SELECT start_date_active, end_date_active, name
	   FROM cn_comp_groups
	   WHERE comp_group_id = p_group_id;
Line: 305

	 SELECT cscg.salesrep_id,
	        greatest(cscg.start_date_active, intel.start_date) start_date,
	        decode(cscg.end_date_active, null, intel.end_date,
		       Least(cscg.end_date_active, intel.end_date)) end_date
	   FROM cn_srp_comp_groups_v cscg,
	        cn_srp_intel_periods intel
	  WHERE cscg.comp_group_id = p_group_id
	    and intel.salesrep_id = cscg.salesrep_id
	    and cscg.start_date_active <= intel.end_date
	    and (cscg.end_date_active is null or cscg.end_date_active >= intel.start_date);
Line: 320

	 SELECT p.period_id,
	        greatest(p_start_date, p.start_date) start_date,
	        Decode(p_end_date, NULL, p.end_date, Least(p_end_date, p.end_date)) end_date
	   FROM cn_srp_intel_periods p
	  WHERE p.salesrep_id = p_salesrep_id
	    AND (p_end_date IS NULL OR p.start_date <= p_end_date)
	    AND (p.end_date >= p_start_date);
Line: 330

         select ct.name name,
                ct.comp_team_id team_id,
                greatest(cg.start_date_active, ct.start_date_active) start_date,
                Least(nvl(ct.end_date_active, l_max_date), nvl(cg.end_date_active, l_max_date)) end_date
                from cn_srp_comp_teams_v srt, cn_comp_teams ct, cn_comp_groups cg
                where srt.salesrep_id = p_salesrep_id
                and srt.comp_team_id = ct.comp_team_id
                and cg.comp_group_id = p_group_id
                and (cg.start_date_active <= ct.start_date_active
                  or cg.start_date_active between ct.start_date_active and nvl (ct.end_date_active, cg.start_date_active))
                and nvl(cg.end_date_active, ct.start_date_active) >= ct.start_date_active;
Line: 343

	 SELECT org_id FROM cn_repositories_all WHERE status = 'A';
Line: 372

		( p_event_name      => 'CHANGE_CP_HIER_DELETE',
		  p_object_name     => l_group_name,
		  p_object_id       => p_group_id,
		  p_start_date      => l_start_date,
		  p_start_date_old  => NULL,
		  p_end_date        => l_end_date,
		  p_end_date_old    => NULL,
		  x_event_log_id    => l_event_log_id,
		  p_org_id          => o.org_id);
Line: 400

		     p_action             => 'DELETE_DEST_XROLL',
		     p_action_link_id     => NULL,
		     p_base_salesrep_id   => NULL,
		     p_base_comp_group_id => NULL,
		     p_event_log_id       => l_event_log_id,
		     x_action_link_id     => l_action_link_id,
		     p_org_id             => o.org_id);
Line: 453

			   p_action             => 'DELETE_SOURCE',
			   p_action_link_id     => NULL,
			   p_base_salesrep_id   => NULL,
			   p_base_comp_group_id => p_group_id,
			   p_event_log_id       => l_event_log_id,
			   x_action_link_id     => l_action_link_id,
			   p_org_id             => o.org_id);
Line: 481

Line: 503

  END delete_group_usage_pre;
Line: 506

  /* Vertcal Industry Procedure for post processing in case of delete resource group usage */
  PROCEDURE  delete_group_usage_post
  (P_GROUP_ID             IN   NUMBER,
   P_USAGE                IN   VARCHAR2,
   ) IS
     x_return_status := fnd_api.g_ret_sts_success;
Line: 514

  END delete_group_usage_post;