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APPS.PER_PEOPLE3_PKG dependencies on DUAL

Line 101: from sys.dual

97: procedure get_ddf_exists(p_legislation_code VARCHAR2
98: ,p_ddf_exists IN OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2) is
99: cursor ddf is
100: select 'Y'
101: from sys.dual
102: where exists( select 1 from FND_DESCR_FLEX_CONTEXTS fdfc
103: where fdfc.APPLICATION_ID = 800
104: and fdfc.DESCRIPTIVE_FLEXFIELD_NAME = 'Person Developer DF'
105: and fdfc.enabled_flag = 'Y'

Line 122: from sys.dual

118: procedure get_people_ddf_exists(p_legislation_code VARCHAR2
119: ,p_people_ddf_exists IN OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2) is
120: cursor ddf is
121: select 'Y'
122: from sys.dual
123: where exists( select 1 from fnd_descr_flex_column_usages fdfc
124: where fdfc.APPLICATION_ID = 800
126: and fdfc.enabled_flag = 'Y');

Line 262: from sys.dual

258: --
259: l_dummy VARCHAR2(1);
260: --
261: cursor fut_apl is select 'Y'
262: from sys.dual
263: where exists (select 'future assignment exists'
264: from per_assignments_f paf
265: where paf.person_id = p_person_id
266: and paf.assignment_type = 'A'

Line 292: from sys.dual

288: l_assignment_id per_all_assignments_f.assignment_id%type;
289: --
290: --
291: cursor fut_apl(l_assignment_id number) is select 'Y'
292: from sys.dual
293: where exists (select 'future assignment exists'
294: from per_assignments_f paf
295: where paf.assignment_id = l_assignment_id
296: and paf.assignment_type = 'A'

Line 379: from sys.dual

375: l_index number;
376: l_max_ele number;
377: l_assignment_id per_all_assignments_f.assignment_id%type;
378: cursor fut_apl(l_assignment_id number) is select 'Y'
379: from sys.dual
380: where exists (select 'future assignment exists'
381: from per_assignments_f paf
382: where paf.assignment_id = l_assignment_id
383: and paf.assignment_type = 'A'

Line 1053: from sys.dual

1049: --
1050: begin
1051: select 'X'
1052: into l_temp
1053: from sys.dual
1054: where exists ( select 'Events rows exist'
1055: from per_events pe
1056: , per_assignments_f a
1057: where pe.business_group_id +0 = p_business_group_id