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Line 61: from bom_resources

57: and nvl(operation_type, g_event) = g_event
58: and nvl(reference_flag, g_no) = g_no;
59: cursor l_NonOpResource_csr(P_Code varchar2, P_OrgId number) is
60: select resource_id
61: from bom_resources
62: where resource_code = P_Code
63: and organization_id = P_OrgId;
64: cursor l_Activity_csr(P_Code varchar2, P_OrgId number) is
65: select activity_id

Line 80: from bom_resources br,

76: 4, 2,
78: nvl(br.AUTOCHARGE_TYPE, 2)) default_autocharge,
79: br.standard_rate_flag
80: from bom_resources br,
81: bom_departments bd,
82: bom_operation_sequences bos
83: where br.resource_id = P_ResourceId
84: and bos.operation_sequence_id = P_OpSeqId

Line 345: from bom_resources br,

341: select 'x' dummy
342: from dual
343: where not exists (
344: select null
345: from bom_resources br,
346: bom_department_resources bdr,
347: bom_operation_sequences bos
348: where br.resource_id = P_ResourceId
349: and bos.operation_sequence_id = P_OpSeqId

Line 397: From bom_resources

393: l_ResUomCode VARCHAR2(3);
394: l_ResUomClass VARCHAR2(10);
395: cursor l_uom_csr(P_ResourceId number) is
396: Select unit_of_measure
397: From bom_resources
398: Where resource_id = P_ResourceId;
399: cursor l_class_csr(P_Code varchar2) is
400: Select uom_class
401: From mtl_units_of_measure