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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 122

   select md.sr_instance_id,
   from msc_demands md
   where md.demand_id = x_demand_id
     and md.plan_id = x_plan_id
     and md.origination_type in (6,7,8,9,11,15,22,29,30);
Line: 133

   select md.sr_instance_id,
     md.using_assembly_demand_date start_date
   from msc_demands md,
     msc_full_pegging mfp1
   where mfp1.plan_id = x_plan_id
     and mfp1.transaction_id = x_supply_id
     and mfp1.sr_instance_id = x_instance_id
     and mfp1.plan_id = md.plan_id
     and mfp1.demand_id = md.demand_id
     and mfp1.sr_instance_id = md.sr_instance_id
     and md.origination_type in (6,7,8,9,11,15,22,29,30)
   order by md.using_assembly_demand_date;
Line: 150

   select distinct ms.sr_instance_id,
     msc_gantt_utils.isCriticalSupply(x_plan_id, g_end_demand_id,
       ms.transaction_id, ms.sr_instance_id) critical_supply
   from  msc_full_pegging mfp,
     msc_supplies ms
   where mfp.demand_id = x_demand_id
     and mfp.plan_id = x_plan_id
     and ms.plan_id = mfp.plan_id
     and ms.transaction_id = mfp.transaction_id
     and ms.sr_instance_id = mfp.sr_instance_id;
Line: 166

   select distinct
     from msc_form_query
     where query_id = x_op_seq_query_id
       and number1 = x_supply_id
     and number2 not in
       (select mon.to_op_seq_num
        from msc_operation_networks mon,
          msc_resource_requirements mrr
        where mrr.plan_id = x_plan_id
          and mrr.sr_instance_id = x_inst_id
          and mrr.supply_id = x_supply_id
          and mrr.end_date is not null
          and mrr.department_id <> -1
          and nvl(mrr.parent_id,2) = 2
          and mrr.plan_id = mon.plan_id
          and mrr.sr_instance_id = mon.sr_instance_id
          and mrr.routing_sequence_id = mon.routing_sequence_id
          and mrr.operation_seq_num = mon.from_op_seq_num
          and mon.transition_type = 1 --primary
          and mon.to_op_seq_num is not null
     order by number2;
Line: 199

      mgq1.row_index from_index,
      mgq2.row_index to_index,
   from msc_operation_networks mon,
     msc_resource_requirements mrr,
     msc_gantt_query mgq1,
     msc_gantt_query mgq2
   where mrr.plan_id = x_plan_id
     and mrr.sr_instance_id = x_inst_id
     and mrr.supply_id = x_supply_id
     and mrr.end_date is not null
     and mrr.department_id <> -1
     and nvl(mrr.parent_id,2) = 2
     and mrr.plan_id = mon.plan_id
     and mrr.sr_instance_id = mon.sr_instance_id
     --and mrr.organization_id = mon.organization_id  --org in mon is null
     and mrr.routing_sequence_id = mon.routing_sequence_id
     and mon.transition_type = 1 --primary
     and mon.from_op_seq_num = mrr.operation_seq_num
     and mgq1.query_id = g_order_query_id
     and mgq1.sr_instance_id = mon.sr_instance_id
     and mgq1.transaction_id = mrr.supply_id
     and mgq1.op_seq_num = mon.from_op_seq_num
     and mgq2.query_id = g_order_query_id
     and mgq2.sr_instance_id = mon.sr_instance_id
     and mgq2.transaction_id = mrr.supply_id
     and mgq2.op_seq_num = mon.to_op_seq_num
   order by
Line: 236

     nvl(mrr.department_id, 0) department_id,
     nvl(mrr.resource_id, 0) resource_id,
     decode(g_end_demand_id, null, 0,
       ms.transaction_id, ms.sr_instance_id,
       mrr.operation_seq_num, mrr.routing_sequence_id)) critical_flag,
   from msc_resource_requirements mrr,
     msc_supplies ms
   where mrr.plan_id = x_plan_id
     and mrr.sr_instance_id = x_instance_id
     and mrr.organization_id = x_org_id
     and mrr.supply_id = x_supply_id
     and mrr.operation_seq_num = x_op_seq
     and mrr.end_date is not null
     and mrr.parent_id =2
     and mrr.department_id <> -1
     and ms.plan_id = mrr.plan_id
     and ms.transaction_id = mrr.supply_id
     and ms.sr_instance_id = mrr.sr_instance_id
   order by
Line: 267

   select distinct
     decode(g_end_demand_id, null, 0,
       msc_gantt_utils.isCriticalSupply(ms.plan_id, g_end_demand_id,
       ms.transaction_id, ms.sr_instance_id)) critical_supply,
     msc_gantt_utils.getActualStartDate(ms.order_type, msi.planning_make_buy_code,
       ms.organization_id, ms.source_organization_id, ms.new_dock_date,
       ms.new_wip_start_date, ms.new_ship_date,ms.new_schedule_date,
       ms.source_supplier_id) start_date,
   from msc_form_query mfq,
     msc_supplies ms,
     msc_system_items msi
   where mfq.query_id = x_dem_op_query_id
     and mfq.number1 = x_supply_id
     and ms.plan_id = x_plan_id
     and ms.sr_instance_id = x_inst_id
     and ms.transaction_id = mfq.number3
     and ms.plan_id = msi.plan_id
     and ms.organization_id = msi.organization_id
     and ms.sr_instance_id = msi.sr_instance_id
     and ms.inventory_item_id = msi.inventory_item_id
   order by msc_gantt_utils.getActualStartDate(ms.order_type, msi.planning_make_buy_code,
       ms.organization_id, ms.source_organization_id, ms.new_dock_date,
       ms.new_wip_start_date, ms.new_ship_date,ms.new_schedule_date,
       ms.source_supplier_id) desc;
Line: 300

   select distinct ms.sr_instance_id,
     decode(g_end_demand_id, null, 0,
       msc_gantt_utils.isCriticalSupply(ms.plan_id, g_end_demand_id,
       ms.transaction_id, ms.sr_instance_id)) critical_supply,
     msc_gantt_utils.getActualStartDate(ms.order_type, msi.planning_make_buy_code,
       ms.organization_id, ms.source_organization_id, ms.new_dock_date,
       ms.new_wip_start_date, ms.new_ship_date,ms.new_schedule_date,
       ms.source_supplier_id) start_date,
   from msc_full_pegging mfp1,
     msc_full_pegging mfp2,
     msc_form_query mfq,
     msc_supplies ms,
     msc_system_items msi
   where mfp1.plan_id = x_plan_id
     and mfp1.sr_instance_id = x_instance_id
     and mfp1.transaction_id = x_supply_id
     and mfq.query_id = x_end_peg_query_id
     and mfq.number1 = mfp1.end_pegging_id
     and mfp2.plan_id = mfp1.plan_id
     and mfp2.prev_pegging_id = mfp1.pegging_id
     and ms.plan_id = mfp2.plan_id
     and ms.sr_instance_id = mfp2.sr_instance_id
     and ms.transaction_id = mfp2.transaction_id
     and ms.transaction_id not in (
       select mfq.number3
       from msc_form_query mfq
       where mfq.query_id = x_dem_op_query_id
         and mfq.number1 = x_supply_id
         and mfq.number2 is not null
    and ms.plan_id = msi.plan_id
    and ms.organization_id = msi.organization_id
    and ms.sr_instance_id = msi.sr_instance_id
    and ms.inventory_item_id = msi.inventory_item_id
   order by msc_gantt_utils.getActualStartDate(ms.order_type, msi.planning_make_buy_code,
       ms.organization_id, ms.source_organization_id, ms.new_dock_date,
       ms.new_wip_start_date, ms.new_ship_date,ms.new_schedule_date,
       ms.source_supplier_id) desc;
Line: 346

   select distinct ms.sr_instance_id,
     decode(g_end_demand_id, null, 0,
       msc_gantt_utils.isCriticalSupply(ms.plan_id, g_end_demand_id,
       ms.transaction_id, ms.sr_instance_id)) critical_supply,
     msc_gantt_utils.getActualStartDate(ms.order_type, msi.planning_make_buy_code,
       ms.organization_id, ms.source_organization_id, ms.new_dock_date,
       ms.new_wip_start_date, ms.new_ship_date,ms.new_schedule_date,
       ms.source_supplier_id) start_date,
   from msc_full_pegging mfp1,
     msc_full_pegging mfp2,
     msc_supplies ms,
     msc_system_items msi
   where mfp1.plan_id = x_plan_id
     and mfp1.sr_instance_id = x_instance_id
     and mfp1.transaction_id = x_supply_id
     and mfp2.plan_id = mfp1.plan_id
     and mfp2.pegging_id = mfp1.prev_pegging_id
     and ms.plan_id = mfp2.plan_id
     and ms.sr_instance_id = mfp2.sr_instance_id
     and ms.transaction_id = mfp2.transaction_id
     and ms.plan_id = msi.plan_id
     and ms.organization_id = msi.organization_id
     and ms.sr_instance_id = msi.sr_instance_id
     and ms.inventory_item_id = msi.inventory_item_id
   order by msc_gantt_utils.getActualStartDate(ms.order_type, msi.planning_make_buy_code,
       ms.organization_id, ms.source_organization_id, ms.new_dock_date,
       ms.new_wip_start_date, ms.new_ship_date,ms.new_schedule_date,
       ms.source_supplier_id) desc;
Line: 382

   select distinct ms.sr_instance_id,
     decode(g_end_demand_id, null, 0,
       msc_gantt_utils.isCriticalSupply(ms.plan_id, g_end_demand_id,
       ms.transaction_id, ms.sr_instance_id)) critical_supply,
     msc_gantt_utils.getActualStartDate(ms.order_type, msi.planning_make_buy_code,
       ms.organization_id, ms.source_organization_id, ms.new_dock_date,
       ms.new_wip_start_date, ms.new_ship_date,ms.new_schedule_date,
       ms.source_supplier_id) start_date,
   from msc_full_pegging mfp1,
     msc_full_pegging mfp2,
     msc_supplies ms,
     msc_system_items msi
   where mfp1.plan_id = x_plan_id
     and mfp1.sr_instance_id = x_instance_id
     and mfp1.transaction_id = x_supply_id
     and mfp2.plan_id = mfp1.plan_id
     and mfp2.prev_pegging_id = mfp1.pegging_id
     and ms.plan_id = mfp2.plan_id
     and ms.sr_instance_id = mfp2.sr_instance_id
     and ms.transaction_id = mfp2.transaction_id
     and ms.transaction_id not in (
       select mfq.number3
       from msc_form_query mfq
       where mfq.query_id = x_dem_op_query_id
         and mfq.number1 = x_supply_id
         and mfq.number2 is not null
     and ms.plan_id = msi.plan_id
     and ms.organization_id = msi.organization_id
     and ms.sr_instance_id = msi.sr_instance_id
     and ms.inventory_item_id = msi.inventory_item_id
   order by msc_gantt_utils.getActualStartDate(ms.order_type, msi.planning_make_buy_code,
       ms.organization_id, ms.source_organization_id, ms.new_dock_date,
       ms.new_wip_start_date, ms.new_ship_date,ms.new_schedule_date,
       ms.source_supplier_id) desc;
Line: 424

   select distinct ms.sr_instance_id,
     decode(g_end_demand_id, null, 0,
       ms.transaction_id, ms.sr_instance_id)) critical_supply,
     ms.new_wip_start_date start_date,
   from msc_supplies ms
   where ms.plan_id = x_plan_id
     and ms.sr_instance_id = x_instance_id
     and ms.disposition_id = x_supply_id
     -- and ms.order_type in (14,15,16,17,28)
     and ms.transaction_id not in (select mgq.transaction_id
       from msc_gantt_query mgq
       where mgq.query_id = g_order_query_id
	  and mgq.transaction_id = ms.transaction_id)
  order by ms.new_wip_start_date;
Line: 447

   select distinct
     decode(md.op_seq_num, 1, x_first_op, md.op_seq_num),
     msc_gantt_utils.isCriticalSupply(ms.plan_id, g_end_demand_id,
       ms.transaction_id, ms.sr_instance_id) critical_supply
   from msc_full_pegging mfp1,
     msc_full_pegging mfp2,
     msc_supplies ms,
     msc_demands md,
     msc_form_query mfq
   where mfp1.plan_id = x_plan_id
     and mfp1.transaction_id = x_supply_id
     and mfp1.sr_instance_id = x_instance_id
     and mfq.query_id = x_end_peg_query_id
     and mfp1.end_pegging_id = mfq.number1
     and md.plan_id = mfp1.plan_id
     and md.disposition_id = mfp1.transaction_id
     and md.sr_instance_id = mfp1.sr_instance_id
     and nvl(md.op_seq_num,0) <> 0
     and mfp2.plan_id = mfp1.plan_id
     and mfp2.prev_pegging_id = mfp1.pegging_id
     and mfp2.demand_id = md.demand_id
     and ms.plan_id = mfp2.plan_id
     and ms.transaction_id = mfp2.transaction_id
     and ms.sr_instance_id = mfp2.sr_instance_id;
Line: 479

   select distinct
     decode(md.op_seq_num, 1, x_first_op, md.op_seq_num),
     msc_gantt_utils.isCriticalSupply(ms.plan_id, g_end_demand_id,
       ms.transaction_id, ms.sr_instance_id) critical_supply
   from msc_full_pegging mfp1,
     msc_full_pegging mfp2,
     msc_supplies ms,
     msc_demands md
   where mfp1.plan_id = x_plan_id
     and mfp1.transaction_id = x_supply_id
     and mfp1.sr_instance_id = x_instance_id
     and md.plan_id = mfp1.plan_id
     and md.disposition_id = mfp1.transaction_id
     and md.sr_instance_id = mfp1.sr_instance_id
     and nvl(md.op_seq_num,0) <> 0
     and mfp2.plan_id = mfp1.plan_id
     and mfp2.prev_pegging_id = mfp1.pegging_id
     and mfp2.demand_id = md.demand_id
     and ms.plan_id = mfp2.plan_id
     and ms.transaction_id = mfp2.transaction_id
     and ms.sr_instance_id = mfp2.sr_instance_id;
Line: 507

  select number2 --op_seq_num
  from msc_form_query mfq
  where mfq.query_id = p_dem_op_query_id
  and mfq.number1 = p_supply_id
  and mfq.number3 = p_trans_id;
Line: 515

  select mgq.row_index
  from msc_gantt_query mgq
  where mgq.query_id = p_qid
    and mgq.transaction_id = p_supply_id
    and mgq.op_seq_num = p_op_seq_num;
Line: 523

    select count(*)
    from msc_gantt_query mgq
    where mgq.query_id = p_query
      --and mgq.plan_id = p_plan
      and mgq.sr_instance_id = p_inst
      and mgq.transaction_id = p_trx
    and rownum = 1;
Line: 532

   select row_index
   from msc_gantt_query mgq
   where mgq.query_id = p_query
      and mgq.sr_instance_id = p_inst
      and mgq.transaction_id = p_trx;
Line: 541

    select count(*)
    from msc_gantt_query mgq
    where mgq.query_id = p_query
      and mgq.plan_id = p_plan
      and mgq.sr_instance_id = p_inst
      and mgq.organization_id = p_org
      and mgq.inventory_item_id = p_item
      and mgq.supplier_id = p_supp
      and nvl(mgq.supplier_site_id, mbp_null_value) = nvl(p_supp_site, mbp_null_value)
    and rownum = 1;
Line: 553

  select node_type
  from msc_gantt_query
  where query_id = p_query
    and row_index = p_index;
Line: 559

  select parent_link
  from msc_gantt_query
  where query_id = p_query
    and row_index = p_index;
Line: 594

  update msc_gantt_query
  set child_query_id = p_child_query_id
  where query_id = p_parent_query_id
    and transaction_id = l_trx_id ;
Line: 601

procedure updateParentLinkforCoprod(p_query_id number, p_row_index number,
  p_parent_link varchar2, p_dependency_type number default null) is
  if ( p_parent_link is null ) then -- {
Line: 608

  put_line(' updateParentLinkforCoprod '
    ||' p_row_index '|| p_row_index
    ||' p_parent_link '|| p_parent_link);
Line: 612

  update msc_gantt_query
  set parent_link = decode(parent_link, null,p_parent_link,
	parent_link|| COMMA_SEPARATOR ||p_parent_link),
	dependency_type = p_dependency_type
  where query_id = p_query_id
    and row_index = p_row_index;
Line: 619

end updateParentLinkforCoprod;
Line: 621

procedure updateOpParentLink(p_query_id number, p_row_index number,
  p_parent_link varchar2, p_dependency_type number default null) is
  if ( p_parent_link is null ) then -- {
Line: 627

  put_line(' updateOpParentLink '
    ||' p_row_index '|| p_row_index
    ||' p_parent_link '|| p_parent_link);
Line: 631

  update msc_gantt_query
  set parent_link = decode(parent_link,
    null, p_parent_link || FIELD_SEPERATOR || nvl(to_char(p_dependency_type), null_space),
	parent_link || FIELD_SEPERATOR || p_parent_link  || FIELD_SEPERATOR || nvl(to_char(p_dependency_type), null_space)),
	dependency_type = nvl(dependency_type,0)+1
  where query_id = p_query_id
    and row_index = p_row_index;
Line: 639

end updateOpParentLink;
Line: 641

procedure updateParentLink(p_query_id number, p_row_index number,
  p_parent_link varchar2, p_dependency_type number default null) is

  l_parent_row_type number;
Line: 651

  put_line(' updateParentLink '
    ||' p_row_index '|| p_row_index
    ||' p_parent_link '|| p_parent_link);
Line: 675

  update msc_gantt_query
  set parent_link = decode(parent_link, null,p_parent_link,
	parent_link|| COMMA_SEPARATOR ||p_parent_link),
	dependency_type = p_dependency_type
  where query_id = p_query_id
    and row_index = p_row_index;
Line: 682

end updateParentLink;
Line: 718

    updateParentLink(g_order_query_id, p_parent_index, g_node_index, null);
Line: 721

    updateParentLink(g_order_query_id, p_parent_index, l_row_index, null);
Line: 860

      updateOpParentLink(g_order_query_id, l_ops_intra_routing_cur.from_index,
        l_ops_intra_routing_cur.to_index, l_ops_intra_routing_cur.dependency_type);
Line: 868

procedure insertOpIntoMFQ(p_instance_id number, p_org_id number, p_supply_id number) is

    insert into msc_form_query
      last_update_date, last_updated_by, creation_date, created_by, last_update_login,
      number1, number2, number3, char9, date1)
    select distinct
      trunc(sysdate), -1, trunc(sysdate), -1, -1,
      p_supply_id, mrr.operation_seq_num,
      msc_gantt_utils.isCriticalRes(g_plan_id, g_end_demand_id,
        mrr.supply_id, mrr.sr_instance_id,
	mrr.operation_seq_num, mrr.routing_sequence_id) critical_flag,
        mro.operation_description op_desc,
    from msc_resource_requirements mrr,
      msc_routing_operations mro
    where mrr.plan_id = g_plan_id
      and mrr.sr_instance_id = p_instance_id
      and mrr.organization_id = p_org_id
      and mrr.supply_id = p_supply_id
      and mrr.end_date is not null
      and mrr.department_id <> -1
      and nvl(mrr.parent_id,2) = 2
      and mrr.plan_id = mro.plan_id (+)
      and mrr.sr_instance_id = mro.sr_instance_id (+)
      and mrr.routing_sequence_id = mro.routing_sequence_id (+)
      and mrr.operation_sequence_id = mro.operation_sequence_id (+);
Line: 898

end insertOpIntoMFQ;
Line: 900

procedure insertOpJobFromMDIntoMFQ (p_first_op number,
  p_instance_id number, p_org_id number, p_supply_id number) is

   l_inst_id msc_gantt_utils.number_arr;
Line: 926

    insert into msc_form_query
      last_update_date, last_updated_by, creation_date, created_by, last_update_login,
      number1, number2, number3, number4,  number5, number6)
      trunc(sysdate), -1, trunc(sysdate), -1, -1,
      p_supply_id, l_op_seq_num(i), l_trans_id(i),
      l_inst_id(i), l_org_id(i), l_critical_flag(i));
Line: 936

end insertOpJobFromMDIntoMFQ;
Line: 947

  select distinct mfq.number2, mfq.number2
    bulk collect into v_op, v_new_op
  from msc_form_query mfq
  where mfq.query_id = g_dem_op_query_id
    and mfq.number1 = p_supply_id
    and mfq.number2 not in (
      select mfq_mrr.number2
      from msc_form_query mfq_mrr
      where mfq_mrr.query_id = g_op_query_id
      and mfq_mrr.number1 = p_supply_id);
Line: 960

    select min(number2)
      into v_dummy
    from msc_form_query
    where query_id = g_op_query_id
      and   number1 = p_supply_id
      and   number2 > v_op(a);
Line: 969

      select max(number2)
        into v_dummy
      from msc_form_query
      where query_id = g_op_query_id
        and number1 = p_supply_id
        and number2 < v_op(a);
Line: 985

    update msc_form_query
      set number2= v_new_op(a)
      where query_id = g_dem_op_query_id
        and number1 = p_supply_id
        and number2 = v_op(a);
Line: 1032

  select ms.order_type, ms.disposition_id
  from msc_supplies ms
  where ms.plan_id = p_plan
    and ms.sr_instance_id = p_inst
    and ms.transaction_id = p_trx;
Line: 1142

     updateParentLink(g_order_query_id, p_parent_index, nvl(l_parent_link, g_node_index) );
Line: 1144

     updateParentLinkforCoprod(g_order_query_id, p_parent_index, g_node_index);
Line: 1147

   insertOpIntoMFQ(l_inst_id(i), l_org_id(i), l_trans_id(i));
Line: 1149

   insertOpJobFromMDIntoMFQ(l_first_op, l_inst_id(i), l_org_id(i), l_trans_id(i));
Line: 1154

     updateParentLinkforCoprod(g_order_query_id, p_parent_index, l_row_index);
Line: 1164

  select row_index
  from msc_gantt_query
  where query_id = p_query
    and sr_instance_id = p_inst
    and transaction_id = p_trx;
Line: 1201

  select 1
  from msc_resource_requirements
  where plan_id = p_plan
  and supply_id = p_supply
  and nvl(parent_id,2) = 2;
Line: 1246

      updateParentLink(g_order_query_id, l_dup_row_index, l_parent_link);
Line: 1276

        updateParentLink(g_order_query_id, g_node_index, p_parent_index);
Line: 1303

  select transaction_id, organization_id, sr_instance_id, op_seq_id,
    node_type, node_path
  from msc_gantt_query
  where query_id = p_query_id
    and row_index = p_row_index;
Line: 1311

  select row_index, '1' dummy_sort
  from msc_gantt_query
  where query_id = p_query_id
    and (node_type = JOB_NODE
      or (node_type = COPROD_NODE and p_peg_dir = PEG_UP)
      or (node_type = COPROD_NODE and p_peg_dir = PEG_DOWN)
      or (node_type = COPROD_NODE and p_peg_dir = PEG_ORDERS))
    and ((p_peg_dir = PEG_DOWN and row_index > p_row_index)
      or (p_peg_dir = PEG_ORDERS  and row_index > p_row_index)
      or (p_peg_dir = PEG_UP and row_index < p_row_index ))
  order by
    decode(p_peg_dir, PEG_UP, row_index, dummy_sort) desc,
    row_index asc;
Line: 1327

  select decode(p_peg_dir,
    PEG_UP, node_level + PEG_UP,
    PEG_DOWN, node_level + PEG_DOWN,
    PEG_ORDERS, node_level + 1 )
  from msc_gantt_query
  where query_id = p_query_id
    and row_index = p_row_index;
Line: 1374

	  insertOpIntoMFQ(p_instance_id, p_org_id, p_supply_id);
Line: 1377

    	    insertOpJobFromMDIntoMFQ( l_first_op, p_instance_id, p_org_id, p_supply_id);
Line: 1387

  	    insertOpIntoMFQ(p_instance_id, p_org_id, p_supply_id);
Line: 1476

    updateParentLink(g_order_query_id, g_node_index, l_parent_index, null);
Line: 1490

procedure updateNodeLevels(p_query_id number) is
  l_min_node_level number;
Line: 1494

  select abs(min(node_level))
  from msc_gantt_query
  where query_id = p_query_id;
Line: 1503

  update msc_gantt_query
  set node_level = l_min_node_level + node_level + 1
  where query_id = p_query_id;
Line: 1506

end updateNodeLevels;
Line: 1510

  select node_type, count(*)
  from msc_gantt_query
  where query_id = p_query_id
  group by node_type;
Line: 1516

  select min(row_index)
  from msc_gantt_query
  where query_id = p_query_id;
Line: 1559

  select max(row_index)
  from msc_gantt_query
  where query_id = l_query ;
Line: 1677

  select res_instance_id,
    nvl(serial_number, MBP_NULL_VALUE_CHAR) serial_number
  from msc_dept_res_instances
  where plan_id = g_plan_id
    and sr_instance_id = l_inst_id
    and organization_id = l_org_id
    and department_id = l_dept_id
    and resource_id = l_res_id;
Line: 1688

  select nvl(max(row_index),0)
  into l_row_index
  from msc_gantt_query
  where query_id = p_query_id;
Line: 1728

  select node_type, node_path
  from msc_gantt_query
  where query_id = p_from_query_id
  and row_index = p_from_index;
Line: 1755

    select nvl(max(row_index),0)
    into l_row_index
    from msc_gantt_query
    where query_id = p_to_query_id;
Line: 1763

    select distinct sr_instance_id, organization_id, department_id, resource_id
    bulk collect into v_inst_id, v_org_id, v_dept_id, v_res_id
    from msc_gantt_query mgq
    where query_id = p_from_query_id
      and node_type = RES_NODE
      and ((p_from_index = 0) or ( (l_node_type in (JOB_NODE, OP_NODE) and node_path like l_node_path||':%')
            or (l_node_type = RES_NODE and row_index = p_from_index) ))
      and nvl(critical_flag, mbp_null_value)  > 0;
Line: 1772

    select distinct sr_instance_id, organization_id, department_id, resource_id
    bulk collect into v_inst_id, v_org_id, v_dept_id, v_res_id
    from msc_gantt_query mgq
    where query_id = p_from_query_id
      and node_type = RES_NODE
      and ((p_from_index = 0) or ( (l_node_type in (JOB_NODE, OP_NODE) and node_path like l_node_path||':%')
            or (l_node_type = RES_NODE and row_index = p_from_index) ));
Line: 1803

  select node_type, node_path
  from msc_gantt_query
  where query_id = p_from_query_id
    and row_index = p_from_index;
Line: 1834

    select nvl(max(row_index),0) + 1
    into l_row_index
    from msc_gantt_query
    where query_id = p_to_query_id;
Line: 1841

    nvl(ms.supplier_id, mbp_null_value),
    nvl(ms.supplier_site_id, mbp_null_value)
  bulk collect into v_inst_id, v_org_id, v_item_id, v_supp_id, v_supp_site_id
  from msc_gantt_query mgq,
    msc_supplies ms
  where mgq.query_id = p_from_query_id
    and mgq.row_index = p_from_index
    and ms.plan_id = g_plan_id
    and ms.sr_instance_id = mgq.sr_instance_id
    and ms.transaction_id = mgq.transaction_id;
Line: 1893

  select mgq.res_instance_id
  from msc_gantt_query mgq
   where mgq.query_id = ll_query
      and mgq.row_index = ll_index;
Line: 1905

    select nvl(max(row_index),0) + 1
    into l_row_index
    from msc_gantt_query
    where query_id = p_to_query_id;
Line: 1918

    select distinct mrr.sr_instance_id, mrr.organization_id, mrr.supply_id
    bulk collect into v_inst_id, v_org_id, v_trx_id
    from msc_gantt_query mgq,
      msc_gantt_dtl_query mgdq,
      msc_resource_requirements mrr
    where mgq.query_id = p_from_query_id
      and mgq.row_index = p_from_index
      and mgq.query_id = mgdq.query_id
      and mgq.row_index = mgdq.row_index
      and mgdq.transaction_id = to_number(p_context_value)
      and mrr.plan_id = g_plan_id
      and mrr.sr_instance_id = mgq.sr_instance_id
      and mrr.organization_id = mgq.organization_id
      and mrr.department_id = mgq.department_id
      and mrr.resource_id = mgq.resource_id
      and mrr.transaction_id = mgdq.transaction_id
      and mrr.parent_id = 2;
Line: 1936

    select distinct mrir.sr_instance_id, mrir.organization_id, mrir.supply_id
    bulk collect into v_inst_id, v_org_id, v_trx_id
    from msc_gantt_query mgq,
      msc_gantt_dtl_query mgdq,
      msc_resource_instance_reqs mrir
    where mgq.query_id = p_from_query_id
      and mgq.row_index = p_from_index
      and mgq.query_id = mgdq.query_id
      and mgq.row_index = mgdq.row_index
      and mgdq.transaction_id = to_number(p_context_value)
      and mrir.plan_id = g_plan_id
      and mrir.sr_instance_id = mgq.sr_instance_id
      and mrir.organization_id = mgq.organization_id
      and mrir.department_id = mgq.department_id
      and mrir.resource_id = mgq.resource_id
      and mrir.res_instance_id = mgq.res_instance_id
      and mrir.serial_number = mgq.serial_number
      and mrir.res_inst_transaction_id = mgdq.transaction_id
      and mrir.parent_id = 2;
Line: 1959

    select distinct mrr.sr_instance_id, mrr.organization_id, mrr.supply_id
    bulk collect into v_inst_id, v_org_id, v_trx_id
    from msc_gantt_query mgq,
      msc_gantt_dtl_query mgdq,
      msc_resource_requirements mrr
    where mgq.query_id = p_from_query_id
      and mgq.row_index = p_from_index
      and mgq.query_id = mgdq.query_id
      and mgq.row_index = mgdq.row_index
      and mrr.plan_id = g_plan_id
      and mrr.sr_instance_id = mgq.sr_instance_id
      and mrr.organization_id = mgq.organization_id
      and mrr.department_id = mgq.department_id
      and mrr.resource_id = mgq.resource_id
      and ( msc_gantt_utils.getResReqStartDate(nvl(mrr.firm_flag,0), mrr.start_date,
              mrr.end_date, mrr.firm_start_date, mrr.firm_end_date, mrr.status, mrr.applied)
	      between to_date(p_context_value,FORMAT_MASK) and to_date(p_context_value2,FORMAT_MASK)
            or msc_gantt_utils.getResReqEndDate(nvl(mrr.firm_flag,0), mrr.start_date,
              mrr.end_date, mrr.firm_start_date, mrr.firm_end_date, mrr.status, mrr.applied)
	      between to_date(p_context_value,FORMAT_MASK) and to_date(p_context_value2,FORMAT_MASK))
      and mrr.parent_id = 2;
Line: 1984

    select distinct msr.sr_instance_id, msr.organization_id, msr.supply_id
    bulk collect into v_inst_id, v_org_id, v_trx_id
    from msc_gantt_query mgq,
      msc_supplier_requirements msr
    where mgq.query_id = p_from_query_id
      and mgq.row_index = p_from_index
      and msr.plan_id = g_plan_id
      --and msr.sr_instance_id = mgq.sr_instance_id
      --and msr.organization_id = mgq.organization_id
      and msr.inventory_item_id = mgq.inventory_item_id
      and msr.supplier_id = mgq.supplier_id
      and msr.supplier_site_id = mgq.supplier_site_id
      and trunc(msr.consumption_date) between to_date(p_context_value,FORMAT_MASK)
        and to_date(p_context_value2,FORMAT_MASK);
Line: 2037

  select count(*)
  from msc_gantt_query
  where query_id = p_query_id;
Line: 2074

    update msc_gantt_query
      set is_fetched = SYS_NO,
        row_flag = SYS_NO
    where query_id = p_query_id;
Line: 2079

    delete from msc_gantt_dtl_query
    where query_id = p_query_id;
Line: 2083

    update msc_gantt_query
      set is_fetched = SYS_NO,
        row_flag = SYS_NO
    where query_id = p_query_id;
Line: 2088

    delete from msc_gantt_dtl_query
    where query_id = p_query_id;
Line: 2128

  update msc_gantt_query
    set is_fetched = SYS_YES
  where query_id = p_query_id
    and row_flag = SYS_YES ;
Line: 2158

    update msc_gantt_query
      set is_fetched = SYS_NO,
        row_flag = SYS_NO
    where query_id = p_query_id;
Line: 2163

    delete from msc_gantt_dtl_query
    where query_id = p_query_id;
Line: 2166

    update msc_gantt_query
      set is_fetched = SYS_NO,
        row_flag = SYS_NO
    where query_id = p_query_id;
Line: 2171

    delete from msc_gantt_dtl_query
    where query_id = p_query_id;
Line: 2183

  update msc_gantt_query
    set is_fetched = SYS_YES
  where query_id = p_query_id
    and row_flag = SYS_YES ;
Line: 2443

procedure updateResUnitsDirectly(p_query_id number,
  p_node_type number, p_inst_id number, p_trx_id number,
  p_assigned_units_hours number,
  p_return_status OUT NOCOPY varchar2,
  p_out OUT NOCOPY varchar2) is

  l_res_hours number;
Line: 2453

    select count(*)
      into l_child_count
    from msc_resource_requirements mrr,
      msc_resource_instance_reqs mrir
    where mrr.plan_id = g_plan_id
      and mrr.sr_instance_id = p_inst_id
      and mrr.transaction_id = p_trx_id
      and mrr.plan_id = mrir.plan_id
      and mrr.sr_instance_id = mrir.sr_instance_id
      and mrr.organization_id = mrir.organization_id
      and mrr.department_id = mrir.department_id
      and mrr.resource_id = mrir.resource_id
      and nvl(mrr.parent_id,2) = 2;
Line: 2473

    select mrr.resource_hours
    into l_res_hours
    from msc_resource_requirements mrr
    where mrr.plan_id = g_plan_id
      and mrr.sr_instance_id = p_inst_id
      and mrr.transaction_id = p_trx_id
    for update of mrr.resource_hours nowait;
Line: 2481

    update msc_resource_requirements
    set status =0,
      assigned_units = p_assigned_units_hours
    where plan_id = g_plan_id
      and transaction_id = p_trx_id
      and sr_instance_id = p_inst_id;
Line: 2492

end updateResUnitsDirectly;
Line: 2494

procedure updateResHoursDirectly(p_query_id number,
  p_node_type number, p_inst_id number, p_trx_id number,
  p_resource_hours number, p_return_status OUT NOCOPY varchar2,
  p_out OUT NOCOPY varchar2) is

  l_res_hours number;
Line: 2504

    select mrr.resource_hours
    into l_res_hours
    from msc_resource_requirements mrr
    where mrr.plan_id = g_plan_id
      and mrr.sr_instance_id = p_inst_id
      and mrr.transaction_id = p_trx_id
    for update of mrr.resource_hours nowait;
Line: 2512

    update msc_resource_requirements
    set status =0,
      resource_hours = p_resource_hours
    where plan_id = g_plan_id
      and transaction_id = p_trx_id
      and sr_instance_id = p_inst_id;
Line: 2522

    select mrir.resource_instance_hours
    into l_res_hours
    from msc_resource_instance_reqs mrir
    where mrir.plan_id = g_plan_id
      and mrir.sr_instance_id = p_inst_id
      and mrir.res_inst_transaction_id = p_trx_id
    for update of mrir.resource_instance_hours nowait;
Line: 2530

    update msc_resource_instance_reqs
    set status =0,
      resource_instance_hours = p_resource_hours
    where plan_id = g_plan_id
      and res_inst_transaction_id = p_trx_id
      and sr_instance_id = p_inst_id;
Line: 2540

end updateResHoursDirectly;
Line: 2585

  select daily_resource_constraints,
    period_resource_constraints, plan_type
  from msc_plans
  where plan_id = p_plan_id;
Line: 2609

  select nvl(nvl(curr_ds_enabled_flag,ds_enabled_flag), sys_no) ds_enabled_flag
  from msc_plan_organizations
  where plan_id = p_plan_id;
Line: 2665

      insert into msc_form_query
        (query_id, last_update_date, last_updated_by, creation_date, created_by,
        last_update_login, number1, number2)
      select distinct v_mfq_to_query_id, sysdate, -1, sysdate, -1, -1,
        mfp2.demand_id, mfp2.sr_instance_id
      from msc_full_pegging mfp2,
        msc_full_pegging mfp,
        msc_resource_requirements mrr,
        msc_form_query mfq
      where mfq.query_id = v_mfq_from_query_id
        and mrr.plan_id = p_plan_id
        and mrr.sr_instance_id =  mfq.number2
        and mrr.transaction_id = mfq.number1
        and mfp.plan_id = mrr.plan_id
        and mfp.transaction_id = mrr.supply_id
        and mfp2.plan_id = mfp.plan_id
        and mfp2.pegging_id = mfp.end_pegging_id;
Line: 2685

      insert into msc_form_query
        (query_id, last_update_date, last_updated_by, creation_date, created_by,
        last_update_login, number1, number2)
      select distinct v_mfq_to_query_id, sysdate, -1, sysdate, -1, -1,
        mfp2.demand_id, mfp2.sr_instance_id
      from msc_full_pegging mfp2,
        msc_full_pegging mfp,
        msc_resource_instance_reqs mrir,
        msc_form_query mfq
      where mfq.query_id = v_mfq_from_query_id
        and mrir.plan_id = p_plan_id
        and mrir.sr_instance_id =  mfq.number2
        and mrir.res_inst_transaction_id = mfq.number1
        and mfp.plan_id = mrir.plan_id
        and mfp.transaction_id = mrir.supply_id
        and mfp2.plan_id = mfp.plan_id
        and mfp2.pegging_id = mfp.end_pegging_id;
Line: 2715

      insert into msc_form_query
        (query_id, last_update_date, last_updated_by, creation_date, created_by,
        last_update_login, number1, number2)
      select distinct v_mfq_to_query_id, sysdate, -1, sysdate, -1, -1,
        mfp2.demand_id, mfp2.sr_instance_id
      from msc_full_pegging mfp2,
        msc_full_pegging mfp,
        msc_resource_requirements mrr
      where mrr.plan_id = p_plan_id
        and mrr.sr_instance_id =  l_inst_id
        and mrr.organization_id = l_org_id
        and mrr.department_id = l_dept_id
        and mrr.resource_id = l_res_id
	and ( nvl(mrr.firm_start_date, mrr.start_date) between p_date1 and p_date2
	      or nvl(mrr.firm_end_date, mrr.end_date) between p_date1 and p_date2
              or ( nvl(mrr.firm_start_date, mrr.start_date) <= p_date1
                    and nvl(mrr.firm_end_date, mrr.end_date) >= p_date2) ) --5456033 bugfix
        and mfp.plan_id = mrr.plan_id
        and mfp.transaction_id = mrr.supply_id
        and mfp2.plan_id = mfp.plan_id
        and mfp2.pegging_id = mfp.end_pegging_id;
Line: 2738

      insert into msc_form_query
        (query_id, last_update_date, last_updated_by, creation_date, created_by,
        last_update_login, number1, number2)
      select distinct v_mfq_to_query_id, sysdate, -1, sysdate, -1, -1,
        mfp2.demand_id, mfp2.sr_instance_id
      from msc_full_pegging mfp2,
        msc_full_pegging mfp,
        msc_resource_instance_reqs mrir
      where mrir.plan_id = p_plan_id
        and mrir.sr_instance_id =  l_inst_id
        and mrir.organization_id = l_org_id
        and mrir.department_id = l_dept_id
        and mrir.resource_id = l_res_id
        and mrir.res_instance_id = l_res_instance_id
        and mrir.serial_number = l_serial_number
	and ( nvl(mrir.start_date, mrir.start_date) between p_date1 and p_date2
	      or nvl(mrir.end_date, mrir.end_date) between p_date1 and p_date2
              or ( nvl(mrir.start_date, mrir.start_date) <= p_date1
                   and nvl(mrir.end_date, mrir.end_date) >= p_date2) )
        and mfp.plan_id = mrir.plan_id
        and mfp.transaction_id = mrir.supply_id
        and mfp2.plan_id = mfp.plan_id
        and mfp2.pegging_id = mfp.end_pegging_id;
Line: 2768

      insert into msc_form_query
        (query_id, last_update_date, last_updated_by, creation_date, created_by,
        last_update_login, number1, number2)
      select distinct v_mfq_to_query_id, sysdate, -1, sysdate, -1, -1,
        mfp2.demand_id, mfp2.sr_instance_id
      from msc_full_pegging mfp2,
        msc_full_pegging mfp,
        msc_resource_requirements mrr,
        msc_form_query mfq
      where mfq.query_id = v_mfq_from_query_id
        and mrr.plan_id = p_plan_id
        and mrr.sr_instance_id =  mfq.number2
        and mrr.transaction_id = mfq.number1
        and mfp.plan_id = mrr.plan_id
        and mfp.transaction_id = mrr.supply_id
        and mfp2.plan_id = mfp.plan_id
        and mfp2.pegging_id = mfp.end_pegging_id;
Line: 2788

      insert into msc_form_query
        (query_id, last_update_date, last_updated_by, creation_date, created_by,
        last_update_login, number1, number2)
      select distinct v_mfq_to_query_id, sysdate, -1, sysdate, -1, -1,
        mfp2.demand_id, mfp2.sr_instance_id
      from msc_full_pegging mfp2,
        msc_full_pegging mfp,
        msc_form_query mfq
      where mfq.query_id = v_mfq_from_query_id
        and mfp.plan_id = p_plan_id
        and mfp.sr_instance_id =  mfq.number2
        and mfp.transaction_id = mfq.number1
        and mfp2.plan_id = mfp.plan_id
        and mfp2.pegging_id = mfp.end_pegging_id;
Line: 2813

  select min(msr.consumption_date) start_date
  from msc_supplier_requirements msr
  where msr.plan_id = g_plan_id
    and msr.supply_id = p_trx_id;
Line: 2819

  select min(msr.consumption_date) start_date
  from msc_supplier_requirements msr,
    msc_resource_requirements mrr
  where mrr.plan_id = g_plan_id
    and mrr.transaction_id = p_trx_id
    and msr.plan_id = mrr.plan_id
    and msr.sr_instance_id = mrr.sr_instance_id
    and msr.supply_id = mrr.supply_id;
Line: 2829

  select min(nvl(mrr.firm_start_date,mrr.start_date)) start_date
  from msc_resource_requirements mrr
  where mrr.plan_id = g_plan_id
    and mrr.supply_id = p_trx_id;
Line: 2835

  select min(nvl(mrr.firm_start_date,mrr.start_date)) start_date
  from msc_resource_requirements mrr
  where mrr.plan_id = g_plan_id
    and mrr.transaction_id = p_trx_id;