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Line 2524: fnd_currencies fndc

2520: ,sb.currency_code
2521: ,fndc.precision
2522: FROM lns_system_options so,
2523: gl_ledgers sb,
2524: fnd_currencies fndc
2525: WHERE sb.ledger_id = so.set_of_books_id
2526: and sb.currency_code = fndc.currency_code;
2528: l_ledger_details lns_distributions_pub.gl_ledger_details;

Line 2609: ,fnd_currencies curr

2605: cursor c_get_distribution(p_distribution_id number) is
2606: select round(lnh.funded_amount * lnd.distribution_percent / 100, curr.precision)
2607: from lns_distributions lnd
2608: ,lns_loan_headers lnh
2609: ,fnd_currencies curr
2610: where lnh.loan_id = lnd.loan_id
2611: and curr.currency_code = lnh.loan_currency
2612: and lnd.distribution_id = p_distribution_id;

Line 2641: ,fnd_currencies curr

2637: and account_type = p_account_type
2638: and loan_id = p_loan_id), curr.precision))
2639: from lns_distributions lnd
2640: ,lns_loan_headers lnh
2641: ,fnd_currencies curr
2642: where lnh.loan_id = lnd.loan_id
2643: and lnh.loan_id = p_loan_id
2644: and curr.currency_code = lnh.loan_currency;

Line 2760: ,fnd_currencies curr

2756: cursor c_get_distribution(p_distribution_id number) is
2757: select round(lnh.funded_amount * lnd.distribution_percent / 100, curr.precision)
2758: from lns_distributions lnd
2759: ,lns_loan_headers lnh
2760: ,fnd_currencies curr
2761: where lnh.loan_id = lnd.loan_id
2762: and curr.currency_code = lnh.loan_currency
2763: and lnd.distribution_id = p_distribution_id;

Line 2780: ,fnd_currencies curr

2776: and account_type = p_account_type
2777: and loan_id = p_loan_id), curr.precision))
2778: from lns_distributions lnd
2779: ,lns_loan_headers lnh
2780: ,fnd_currencies curr
2781: where lnh.loan_id = lnd.loan_id
2782: and lnh.loan_id = p_loan_id
2783: and curr.currency_code = lnh.loan_currency;

Line 9091: fnd_currencies fndc

9087: SELECT sb.chart_of_accounts_id
9088: FROM lns_loan_headers lhdr,
9089: lns_system_options so,
9090: gl_ledgers sb,
9091: fnd_currencies fndc
9092: WHERE lhdr.loan_id = c_loan_id
9093: AND lhdr.org_id = so.org_id
9094: AND sb.ledger_id = so.set_of_books_id
9095: AND sb.currency_code = fndc.currency_code;