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Line 30: return ame_util.booleanTrue;

26: l_proc_name varchar2(100);
27: begin
28: l_proc_name := 'isSeedUser';
29: if userId in (-1,1,120,121) then
30: return ame_util.booleanTrue;
31: else
32: return ame_util.booleanFalse;
33: end if;
34: end isSeedUser;

Line 32: return ame_util.booleanFalse;

28: l_proc_name := 'isSeedUser';
29: if userId in (-1,1,120,121) then
30: return ame_util.booleanTrue;
31: else
32: return ame_util.booleanFalse;
33: end if;
34: end isSeedUser;
35: --+
36: function getSeedUser return number is

Line 44: return ame_util.booleanFalse;

40: --+
41: function isEntDataModified(p_creationDateIn in date, p_lastUpdateDateIn in date) return varchar2 is
42: begin
43: if p_creationDateIn = p_lastUpdateDateIn then
44: return ame_util.booleanFalse;
45: else
46: return ame_util.booleanTrue;
47: end if;
48: end isEntDataModified;

Line 46: return ame_util.booleanTrue;

42: begin
43: if p_creationDateIn = p_lastUpdateDateIn then
44: return ame_util.booleanFalse;
45: else
46: return ame_util.booleanTrue;
47: end if;
48: end isEntDataModified;
49: --+
50: procedure logMessage(methodNameIn in varchar2, errMsgIn in varchar2) as

Line 54: ame_util.runtimeException(packageNameIn => g_package_name,

50: procedure logMessage(methodNameIn in varchar2, errMsgIn in varchar2) as
51: l_proc_name varchar2(100);
52: begin
53: l_proc_name := 'logMessage';
54: ame_util.runtimeException(packageNameIn => g_package_name,
55: routineNameIn => methodNameIn,
56: exceptionNumberIn => '12345',
57: exceptionStringIn => errMsgIn);
58: end logMessage;

Line 92: -- and isSeedUser(last_updated_by) = ame_util.booleanFalse;

88: cursor chkTxnCust(c_txn_type_id in varchar2) is
89: select count(*)
90: from ame_calling_apps
91: where transaction_type_id = c_txn_type_id
92: -- and isSeedUser(last_updated_by) = ame_util.booleanFalse;
93: and isEntDataModified(creation_date,last_update_date) = ame_util.booleanTrue;
94: --
95: cursor getTxnUpdDets(l_seed_apl_name in varchar2) is
96: select ent.object_version_number

Line 93: and isEntDataModified(creation_date,last_update_date) = ame_util.booleanTrue;

89: select count(*)
90: from ame_calling_apps
91: where transaction_type_id = c_txn_type_id
92: -- and isSeedUser(last_updated_by) = ame_util.booleanFalse;
93: and isEntDataModified(creation_date,last_update_date) = ame_util.booleanTrue;
94: --
95: cursor getTxnUpdDets(l_seed_apl_name in varchar2) is
96: select ent.object_version_number
97: from ame_calling_Apps ent

Line 102: -- and isSeedUser(ent.last_updated_by) = ame_util.booleanTrue

98: where ent.application_id = g_ent_appl_id
99: and (ent.fnd_application_id <> g_fnd_application_id
100: or ent.application_name <> l_seed_apl_name)
101: and sysdate between ent.start_date and nvl(ent.end_Date,sysdate)
102: -- and isSeedUser(ent.last_updated_by) = ame_util.booleanTrue
103: and isEntDataModified(ent.creation_date,ent.last_update_date) = ame_util.booleanFalse;
104: begin
105: l_proc_name := 'createTxnType';
106: l_seed_apl_name := g_seed_call_apps(1).application_name;

Line 103: and isEntDataModified(ent.creation_date,ent.last_update_date) = ame_util.booleanFalse;

99: and (ent.fnd_application_id <> g_fnd_application_id
100: or ent.application_name <> l_seed_apl_name)
101: and sysdate between ent.start_date and nvl(ent.end_Date,sysdate)
102: -- and isSeedUser(ent.last_updated_by) = ame_util.booleanTrue
103: and isEntDataModified(ent.creation_date,ent.last_update_date) = ame_util.booleanFalse;
104: begin
105: l_proc_name := 'createTxnType';
106: l_seed_apl_name := g_seed_call_apps(1).application_name;
107: open chkTxnType(cpTxnTypeIn);

Line 176: where name = ame_util.headerItemClassName

172: where application_id = g_ent_appl_id
173: and item_class_id =
174: (select item_class_id
175: from ame_item_classes
176: where name = ame_util.headerItemClassName
177: and sysdate between start_date and nvl(end_date,sysdate))
178: and sysdate between start_date and nvl(end_Date,sysdate);
179: --
180: update ame_attribute_usages

Line 218: and isEntDataModified(ent.creation_date,ent.last_update_date) = ame_util.booleanFalse;

214: where ent.application_id = g_ent_appl_id
215: and ent.variable_name = c_var_name
216: and ent.variable_value <> c_var_value
217: and sysdate between ent.start_Date and nvl(ent.end_Date,sysdate)
218: and isEntDataModified(ent.creation_date,ent.last_update_date) = ame_util.booleanFalse;
219: --
220: begin
221: l_proc_name := 'updateConfigVars';
222: Fnd_file.put_line(FND_FILE.LOG,'Updating the configuration variable usage for the transaction type');

Line 253: if isSeedUser(g_seed_config_usg(i).last_updated_by) = ame_util.booleanTrue then

249: else
250: logMessage(l_proc_name,'The Config Var is found');
251: for upd_rec in getEnterpriseConfigRow(c_var_name => g_seed_config_usg(i).variable_name
252: ,c_var_value =>g_seed_config_usg(i).variable_value) loop
253: if isSeedUser(g_seed_config_usg(i).last_updated_by) = ame_util.booleanTrue then
254: l_ovn := upd_rec.object_version_number;
255: logMessage(l_proc_name,'The Config Var is updated');
256: Fnd_file.put_line(FND_FILE.LOG,'Updating the configuration variable usage:'||
257: g_seed_config_usg(i).variable_name);

Line 317: and isEntDataModified(ent.creation_date,ent.last_update_date) = ame_util.booleanFalse;

313: ent.item_class_par_mode <> seed.item_class_par_mode or
314: ent.item_class_sublist_mode <> seed.item_class_sublist_mode)
315: and sysdate between ent.start_date and nvl(ent.end_Date,sysdate)
316: and sysdate between seed.start_date and nvl(seed.end_date,sysdate)
317: and isEntDataModified(ent.creation_date,ent.last_update_date) = ame_util.booleanFalse;
318: --
319: begin
320: l_proc_name := 'updateItemClassUsage';
321: Fnd_file.put_line(FND_FILE.LOG,'Updating the Item class usage for the transaction type');

Line 331: if isSeedUser(g_seed_ic_usg(i).last_updated_by) = ame_util.booleanTrue then

327: close chkExists;
328: --
329: if l_count > 0 then
330: for upd_rec in getUpdDetails(l_item_class_id) loop
331: if isSeedUser(g_seed_ic_usg(i).last_updated_by) = ame_util.booleanTrue then
332: l_ovn := upd_rec.object_version_number;
333: logMessage(l_proc_name,'Updating the item class usage for : ' || l_item_class_id);
334: Fnd_file.put_line(FND_FILE.LOG,'Updating the Item class id: '||l_item_class_id||' :usage');
335: ame_item_class_api.update_ame_item_class_usage

Line 399: and isEntDataModified(creation_date,last_update_date) = ame_util.booleanFalse;

395: and (is_static <> c_is_static or nvl(query_string,'PRASAD') <> nvl(c_query_string,'PRASAD') or
396: nvl(value_set_id,-1) <> NVL(c_value_set_id,-1))
397: and application_id = g_ent_appl_id
398: and sysdate between start_date and nvl(end_Date,sysdate)
399: and isEntDataModified(creation_date,last_update_date) = ame_util.booleanFalse;
400: --
401: begin
402: l_proc_name := 'updateMandAtrUsages';
403: logMessage(l_proc_name,'Updating the manadatory attribute usage for transaction type');

Line 464: and isEntDataModified(ent.creation_date,ent.last_update_date) = ame_util.booleanFalse;

460: where ent.attribute_id = c_atr_id
461: and ent.application_id = g_ent_appl_id
462: and (ent.is_static <> c_is_static or nvl(ent.query_string,'PRASAD') <> nvl(c_query_string,'PRASAD'))
463: and sysdate between ent.start_date and nvl(ent.end_Date,sysdate)
464: and isEntDataModified(ent.creation_date,ent.last_update_date) = ame_util.booleanFalse;
465: --
466: begin
467: l_proc_name := 'createAttrUsage';
468: updateMandAtrUsages;

Line 481: if isSeedUser(g_seed_attr_usg(i).last_updated_by) = ame_util.booleanTrue then

477: if l_count > 0 then
478: for upd_rec in getEnterpriseAtteUsageRow(l_attribute_id,g_seed_attr_usg(i).is_static
479: ,g_seed_attr_usg(i).query_string
480: ,g_seed_attr_usg(i).value_set_id) loop
481: if isSeedUser(g_seed_attr_usg(i).last_updated_by) = ame_util.booleanTrue then
482: logMessage(l_proc_name,'Updating the attribute usage for : ' || l_attribute_id);
483: Fnd_file.put_line(FND_FILE.LOG,'Updating the usage for the attribute:'||l_attribute_id);
484: l_ovn := upd_rec.object_version_number;
485: ame_attribute_api.update_ame_attribute_usage

Line 561: and isEntDataModified(ent.creation_date,ent.last_update_date) = ame_util.booleanFalse ;

557: and (nvl(ent.voting_regime,'AA') <> nvl(c_voting_regime,'AA')
558: or nvl(ent.chain_ordering_mode,'AA') <> nvl(c_chain_ordering_mode,'AA')
559: or nvl(ent.order_number,-1) <> nvl(c_order_number,-1))
560: and sysdate between ent.start_Date and nvl(ent.end_Date,sysdate)
561: and isEntDataModified(ent.creation_date,ent.last_update_date) = ame_util.booleanFalse ;
562: begin
563: l_proc_name := 'updateActionTypeConfig';
564: Fnd_file.put_line(FND_FILE.LOG,'Updating the action type configuration for the transaction type');
565: for i in 1..g_seed_act_config.count loop

Line 577: if isSeedUser(g_seed_act_config(i).last_updated_by) = ame_util.booleanTrue then

573: ,g_seed_act_config(i).voting_regime
574: ,g_seed_act_config(i).chain_ordering_mode
575: ,g_seed_act_config(i).order_number) loop
576: --call update methods
577: if isSeedUser(g_seed_act_config(i).last_updated_by) = ame_util.booleanTrue then
578: Fnd_file.put_line(FND_FILE.LOG,'Updating the action type configuration for:'||l_action_type_id);
579: logMessage(l_proc_name,'Updating up the action type config: ' || l_action_type_id);
580: l_ovn := upd_rec.object_version_number;
581: ame_action_api.update_ame_action_type_conf

Line 649: and isEntDataModified(ent.creation_date,ent.last_update_date) = ame_util.booleanFalse;

645: and ent.approval_Group_id = c_ent_grp_id
646: and (c_voting_regime <> ent.voting_regime
647: or c_order_number <> ent.order_number)
648: and sysdate between ent.start_date and nvl(ent.end_Date,sysdate)
649: and isEntDataModified(ent.creation_date,ent.last_update_date) = ame_util.booleanFalse;
650: begin
651: l_proc_name := 'createAprGrpConfig';
652: logMessage(l_proc_name,'Setting up the Group Config for : ' ||g_seed_group_data(i).approval_group_id );
653: Fnd_file.put_line(FND_FILE.LOG,'Updating group configuration for:'||g_seed_group_data(i).name);

Line 660: if isSeedUser(g_seed_group_data(i).config_last_updated_by) = ame_util.booleanTrue then

656: close chkGrpConfig;
657: if l_count > 0 then
658: for upd_Rec in getConfigUpd(g_seed_group_data(i).approval_group_id,g_seed_group_data(i).voting_regime,
659: g_seed_group_data(i).order_number) loop
660: if isSeedUser(g_seed_group_data(i).config_last_updated_by) = ame_util.booleanTrue then
661: l_ovn := upd_Rec.object_version_number;
662: logMessage(l_proc_name,'Updating the approval group config : ' || g_seed_group_data(i).name);
663: Fnd_file.put_line(FND_FILE.LOG,'Updating existing group configuration for:'||g_seed_group_data(i).name);
664: ame_approver_group_api.update_approver_group_config

Line 729: and isEntDataModified(ent.creation_date,ent.last_update_date) = ame_util.booleanFalse;

725: from ame_approval_groups ent
726: where ent.approval_group_id = c_current_grp_id
727: and c_query_string <> ent.query_string
728: and sysdate between ent.start_date and nvl(ent.end_Date,sysdate)
729: and isEntDataModified(ent.creation_date,ent.last_update_date) = ame_util.booleanFalse;
730: begin
731: l_proc_name := 'createAprGrp';
732: logMessage(l_proc_name,'Setting up the approval group : ' || g_seed_group_data(groupIndex).name);
733: Fnd_file.put_line(FND_FILE.LOG,'Creating the transaction type group usage:'||g_seed_group_data(groupIndex).name);

Line 767: if isSeedUser(g_seed_group_data(groupIndex).group_last_updated_by) = ame_util.booleanTrue then

763: else
764: createAprGrpConfig(groupIndex,l_current_grp_id);
765: for upd_rec in getGrpUpdate(c_current_grp_id => l_current_grp_id
766: ,c_query_string => g_seed_group_data(groupIndex).query_string) loop
767: if isSeedUser(g_seed_group_data(groupIndex).group_last_updated_by) = ame_util.booleanTrue then
768: l_ovn := upd_rec.object_version_number;
769: logMessage(l_proc_name,'Updating the approval group : ' || g_seed_group_data(groupIndex).name);
770: Fnd_file.put_line(FND_FILE.LOG,'Updating the existing approval group:'||g_seed_group_data(groupIndex).name);
771: ame_approver_group_api.update_ame_approver_group

Line 843: (ame_util.preApprovalTypeName,

839: and ac.action_id = c_action_id
840: and sysdate between ac.start_date and nvl(ac.end_Date,sysdate)
841: and sysdate between act.start_date and nvl(act.end_Date,sysdate)
842: and act.name in
843: (ame_util.preApprovalTypeName,
844: ame_util.groupChainApprovalTypeName,
845: ame_util.postApprovalTypeName );
846: --
847: cursor getEntAction(c_name in varchar2,c_action_type_id number) is

Line 844: ame_util.groupChainApprovalTypeName,

840: and sysdate between ac.start_date and nvl(ac.end_Date,sysdate)
841: and sysdate between act.start_date and nvl(act.end_Date,sysdate)
842: and act.name in
843: (ame_util.preApprovalTypeName,
844: ame_util.groupChainApprovalTypeName,
845: ame_util.postApprovalTypeName );
846: --
847: cursor getEntAction(c_name in varchar2,c_action_type_id number) is
848: select action_id

Line 845: ame_util.postApprovalTypeName );

841: and sysdate between act.start_date and nvl(act.end_Date,sysdate)
842: and act.name in
843: (ame_util.preApprovalTypeName,
844: ame_util.groupChainApprovalTypeName,
845: ame_util.postApprovalTypeName );
846: --
847: cursor getEntAction(c_name in varchar2,c_action_type_id number) is
848: select action_id
849: from ame_actions

Line 882: l_cond_list ame_util.idList;

878: --+
879: procedure crtRule(p_rule_index number
880: ,p_rule_idOut out nocopy number) is
881: l_rule_key varchar2(100);
882: l_cond_list ame_util.idList;
883: l_ation_list ame_util.idList;
884: l_conditionid number;
885: l_action_id number;
886: l_action_type_id number;

Line 883: l_ation_list ame_util.idList;

879: procedure crtRule(p_rule_index number
880: ,p_rule_idOut out nocopy number) is
881: l_rule_key varchar2(100);
882: l_cond_list ame_util.idList;
883: l_ation_list ame_util.idList;
884: l_conditionid number;
885: l_action_id number;
886: l_action_type_id number;
887: l_temp_action number;

Line 1236: where variable_name = ame_util.allowAllApproverTypesConfigVar

1232: l_end_Date date;
1233: cursor getAllowApprTypeConfig(c_appl_id in number) is
1234: select variable_value,object_version_number
1235: from ame_config_vars
1236: where variable_name = ame_util.allowAllApproverTypesConfigVar
1237: and application_id = c_appl_id
1238: and sysdate between start_date and nvl(end_date,sysdate);
1239: begin
1240: l_proc_name := 'fetchSeedDataFromTables';

Line 1269: ,p_variable_name => ame_util.allowAllApproverTypesConfigVar

1265: if l_app_config_val = 'no' then
1266: Fnd_file.put_line(FND_FILE.LOG,'changing the SSHR transaction configuration variable to yes');
1267: ame_config_var_api.update_ame_config_variable
1268: (p_application_id => g_seed_appl_id
1269: ,p_variable_name => ame_util.allowAllApproverTypesConfigVar
1270: ,p_variable_value => 'yes'
1271: ,p_object_version_number => l_ovn
1272: ,p_start_date => l_start_date
1273: ,p_end_date => l_end_Date

Line 1278: and variable_name = ame_util.allowAllApproverTypesConfigVar

1274: );
1275: update ame_config_vars
1276: set last_updated_by = getSeedUser
1277: where application_id = g_seed_appl_id
1278: and variable_name = ame_util.allowAllApproverTypesConfigVar
1279: and sysdate between start_date and nvl(end_date,sysdate);
1280: Fnd_file.put_line(FND_FILE.LOG,'Updated the SSHR default configuration variable to yes');
1281: end if;
1282: end if;

Line 1308: and isSeedUser(seed.last_updated_by) = ame_util.booleanTrue;

1304: and sysdate between start_date and nvl(end_Date,sysdate))
1305: and seed.application_id = g_seed_appl_id
1306: and sysdate between seed.start_Date and nvl(seed.end_Date,sysdate)
1307: and sysdate between atr.start_date and nvl(atr.end_Date,sysdate)
1308: and isSeedUser(seed.last_updated_by) = ame_util.booleanTrue;
1309: fetch seed_row bulk collect into g_seed_mand_attr_usg;
1310: close seed_row;
1311: --+
1312: logMessage(l_proc_name,'Reading Transaction Type Attribute Usage data');

Line 1512: if is_multi_tenant_system = ame_util.booleanFalse then

1508: FND_FILE.PUT_LINE(FND_FILE.OUTPUT,'enterpriseIdIn:'||enterpriseIdIn);
1509: Fnd_file.put_line(FND_FILE.LOG,'Start Copying the transaction type');
1510: logMessage('copyTxnType','param:applicationIdIn:'||applicationIdIn);
1511: logMessage('copyTxnType','param:enterpriseIdIn:'||enterpriseIdIn);
1512: if is_multi_tenant_system = ame_util.booleanFalse then
1513: Fnd_file.put_line(FND_FILE.LOG,'Current instance is not a multitenant instance, aborting the copy');
1514: logMessage('copyTxnType','not a multitenancy instance');
1515: return;
1516: end if;

Line 1546: return ame_util.booleanTrue;

1542: l_profile_value varchar2 (255);
1543: begin
1544: l_profile_value := fnd_profile.value('HR_ENABLE_MULTI_TENANCY');
1545: if l_profile_value = 'B' then
1546: return ame_util.booleanTrue;
1547: end if;
1548: return ame_util.booleanFalse;
1549: end is_multi_tenant_system;

Line 1548: return ame_util.booleanFalse;

1544: l_profile_value := fnd_profile.value('HR_ENABLE_MULTI_TENANCY');
1545: if l_profile_value = 'B' then
1546: return ame_util.booleanTrue;
1547: end if;
1548: return ame_util.booleanFalse;
1549: end is_multi_tenant_system;
1551: function disableConditionUpd(conditionIdIn in number) return varchar2 is
1552: l_session_label varchar2(100);

Line 1563: if is_multi_tenant_system = ame_util.booleanFalse then

1559: session_label_query varchar2(1000) :=
1560: 'SELECT sa_session.row_label(''HR_ENTERPRISE_POLICY'') ' ||
1561: ' FROM dual ';
1562: begin
1563: if is_multi_tenant_system = ame_util.booleanFalse then
1564: return 'Y1';
1565: else
1566: execute immediate session_label_query
1567: into l_session_label;

Line 1586: if is_multi_tenant_system = ame_util.booleanFalse then

1582: session_label_query varchar2(1000) :=
1583: 'SELECT sa_session.row_label(''HR_ENTERPRISE_POLICY'') ' ||
1584: ' FROM dual ';
1585: begin
1586: if is_multi_tenant_system = ame_util.booleanFalse then
1587: return 'Y';
1588: else
1589: execute immediate session_label_query
1590: into l_session_label;