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1 PACKAGE xla_cmp_description_pkg AUTHID CURRENT_USER AS
2 /* $Header: xlacpdes.pkh 120.11 2005/03/29 14:32:48 kboussem ship $   */
3 /*===========================================================================+
4 |             Copyright (c) 2001-2002 Oracle Corporation                     |
5 |                       Redwood Shores, CA, USA                              |
6 |                         All rights reserved.                               |
7 +============================================================================+
8 | PACKAGE NAME                                                               |
9 |     xla_cmp_description_pkg                                                |
10 |                                                                            |
11 | DESCRIPTION                                                                |
12 |     This is a XLA private package, which contains all the logic required   |
13 |     to generate description procedures from AMB specifcations              |
14 |                                                                            |
15 |                                                                            |
16 | HISTORY                                                                    |
17 |     25-JUN-2002 K.Boussema    Created                                      |
18 |     25-FEB-2003 K.Boussema    Added 'dbdrv' command                        |
19 |     13-MAR-2003 K.Boussema    Made changes for the new bulk approach of the|
20 |                               accounting engine                            |
21 |     19-MAR-2003 K.Boussema    Added amb_context_code column                |
22 |     22-APR-2003 K.Boussema    Included Error messages                      |
23 |     17-JUL-2003 K.Boussema    Reviewd the code                             |
24 |     24-JUL-2003 K.Boussema    Updated the error messages                   |
25 |     18-DEC-2003 K.Boussema    Changed to fix bug 3042840,3307761,3268940   |
26 |                               3310291 and 3320689                          |
27 |     07-Mar-2005 K.Boussema    Changed for ADR-enhancements.                |
28 +===========================================================================*/
30 /*---------------------------------------------------------------------------+
31 | Public function                                                            |
32 |                                                                            |
33 |       GenerateDescriptions                                                 |
34 |                                                                            |
35 | Translates the AMB descriptions assigned to an AAD into PL/SQL functions   |
36 | Description_XXX(). It returns True if the generation succeeds, False       |
37 | otherwise.                                                                 |
38 |                                                                            |
39 +---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
41 FUNCTION GenerateDescriptions(
42   p_product_rule_code            IN VARCHAR2
43 , p_product_rule_type_code       IN VARCHAR2
44 , p_application_id               IN NUMBER
45 , p_amb_context_code             IN VARCHAR2
46 , p_package_name                 IN VARCHAR2
47 , p_rec_aad_objects              IN OUT NOCOPY xla_cmp_source_pkg.t_rec_aad_objects
48 , p_rec_sources                  IN OUT NOCOPY xla_cmp_source_pkg.t_rec_sources
49 , p_package_body                 OUT NOCOPY DBMS_SQL.VARCHAR2S
50 )
52 ;
54 END xla_cmp_description_pkg; -- end of package spec