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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 105

         SELECT (PAY_SE_ARCHIVE_CWCA.get_parameter
                ) person_id
               , (PAY_SE_ARCHIVE_CWCA.get_parameter
                 ) assignment_id
               , (PAY_SE_ARCHIVE_CWCA.get_parameter
                 ) still_employed
               , (PAY_SE_ARCHIVE_CWCA.get_parameter
                 ) report_year
		, (PAY_SE_ARCHIVE_CWCA.get_parameter
                 ) report_month
               ,effective_date effective_date
               ,business_group_id bg_id
           FROM pay_payroll_actions
          WHERE payroll_action_id = p_payroll_action_id;
Line: 264

	SELECT MAX (effective_end_date) effective_date
	FROM per_all_assignments_f paa
	WHERE assignment_id = p_asg_id
	AND paa.effective_start_date <= p_end_date
	AND paa.effective_end_date > = p_start_date
	AND assignment_status_type_id
		(SELECT assignment_status_type_id
		FROM per_assignment_status_types
		WHERE per_system_status = 'ACTIVE_ASSIGN'
		AND active_flag = 'Y'
		AND ((legislation_code is null and business_group_id is null)
		OR (business_group_id = p_business_group_id)
Line: 285

		SELECT  REPLACE(UPPER(pbt.balance_name),' ' ,'_') balance_name , pbt.balance_name bname
		FROM pay_balance_types pbt , pay_balance_categories_f pbc
		WHERE pbc.legislation_code='SE'
		AND pbt.business_group_id =p_business_group_id
		AND pbt.balance_category_id = pbc.balance_category_id
		AND pbc.category_name = p_balance_category_name ;
Line: 298

		SELECT   ue.creator_id
		FROM    ff_user_entities  ue,
		ff_database_items di
		WHERE   di.user_name = csr_v_Balance_Name
		AND     ue.user_entity_id = di.user_entity_id
		AND     ue.legislation_code is NULL
		AND     ue.business_group_id = p_business_group_id
		AND     ue.creator_type = 'B';
Line: 313

         SELECT hl.location_code
           FROM hr_organization_units hou
               ,hr_locations hl
               ,fnd_territories_vl ft
          WHERE hl.location_id = csr_v_location_id
            AND hl.country = ft.territory_code;
Line: 335

         SELECT o.NAME
               ,hoi3.org_information2 "ORG_NUMBER"
           FROM hr_all_organization_units o
               ,hr_organization_information hoi1
               ,hr_organization_information hoi2
               ,hr_organization_information hoi3
          WHERE o.business_group_id = g_business_group_id
            AND hoi1.organization_id = o.organization_id
            AND hoi1.org_information_context = 'CLASS'
            AND hoi1.org_information1 = 'HR_LEGAL_EMPLOYER'
            AND hoi2.organization_id = hoi1.organization_id
            AND hoi2.org_information_context = 'SE_LOCAL_UNITS'
            AND hoi2.org_information1 = csr_v_local_unit_id
            AND o.organization_id = hoi3.organization_id
            AND hoi3.org_information_context = 'SE_LEGAL_EMPLOYER_DETAILS';
Line: 359

         SELECT hoi4.org_information3
           FROM hr_organization_information hoi4
          WHERE hoi4.organization_id = csr_v_legal_employer_id
            AND hoi4.org_information_context = 'SE_ORG_CONTACT_DETAILS'
            AND hoi4.org_information_id =
                   (SELECT MIN (org_information_id)
                      FROM hr_organization_information
                     WHERE organization_id = csr_v_legal_employer_id
                       AND org_information_context = 'SE_ORG_CONTACT_DETAILS'
                       AND org_information1 = 'PHONE');
Line: 377

         SELECT *
           FROM per_all_people_f p
          WHERE p.business_group_id = g_business_group_id
            AND p.person_id = csr_v_person_id
            AND csr_v_effective_date BETWEEN p.effective_start_date
                                         AND p.effective_end_date;
Line: 392

         SELECT *
           FROM per_all_assignments_f p
          WHERE p.business_group_id = g_business_group_id
            AND p.assignment_id = csr_v_assignment_id
            AND p.person_id = csr_v_person_id
            AND csr_v_effective_date BETWEEN p.effective_start_date
                                         AND p.effective_end_date;
Line: 407

         SELECT *
           FROM hr_soft_coding_keyflex
          WHERE soft_coding_keyflex_id = csr_v_soft_coding_keyflex_id;
Line: 423

         SELECT *
           FROM per_assignment_extra_info
          WHERE assignment_id = csr_v_assignment_id
            AND information_type = csr_v_information_type;
Line: 437

         SELECT *
           FROM per_assignment_extra_info
          WHERE assignment_id = csr_v_assignment_id
            AND information_type = 'SE_WTC_TIME_WORKED_INFO'
            AND aei_information1 = csr_v_year
	    AND aei_information2 = csr_v_month;
Line: 475

            'SELECT DISTINCT person_id
         	FROM  per_people_f ppf
         	     ,pay_payroll_actions ppa
         	WHERE ppa.payroll_action_id = :payroll_action_id
         	AND   ppa.business_group_id = ppf.business_group_id
         	AND   ppf.person_id = '''
         || g_person_id
         || '''
         	ORDER BY ppf.person_id';
Line: 505

		SELECT LAST_DAY(l_asg_effective_end_date)
		INTO l_report_end_date
Line: 510

		SELECT LAST_DAY(g_effective_date)
		INTO l_report_end_date
Line: 541

		-- Insert the report Parameters
		(p_action_information_id            => l_action_info_id
		,p_action_context_id                => p_payroll_action_id
		,p_action_context_type              => 'PA'
		,p_object_version_number            => l_ovn
		,p_effective_date                   => g_effective_date
		,p_source_id                        => NULL
		,p_source_text                      => NULL
		,p_action_information_category      => 'EMEA REPORT DETAILS'
		,p_action_information1              => 'PYSECWCA'
		,p_action_information2              => g_person_id
		,p_action_information3              => g_assignment_id
		,p_action_information4              => g_still_employed
		,p_action_information5              => g_business_group_id
		,p_action_information6              => g_report_start_year
		,p_action_information7              => g_report_start_month
		,p_action_information8              => NULL
		,p_action_information9              => NULL
		,p_action_information10             => NULL
Line: 700

			--SELECT last_day(l_report_start_date), LPAD(TO_CHAR(l_report_start_date,'MM'), 2,'0'),TO_CHAR(l_report_start_date,'YYYY')
			--INTO l_reporting_date, l_month, l_year
Line: 704

			SELECT last_day(l_report_end_date), LPAD(TO_CHAR(l_report_end_date,'MM'), 2,'0'),TO_CHAR(l_report_end_date,'YYYY')
			INTO l_reporting_date, l_month, l_year
Line: 1233

               'select 1 from dual where to_char(:payroll_action_id) = dummy';
Line: 1335

  SELECT pdb.defined_balance_id
  FROM   pay_defined_balances  pdb
        ,pay_balance_types  pbt
        ,pay_balance_dimensions  pbd
  WHERE  pbt.legislation_code='SE'
  AND    pbt.balance_name = p_balance_name
  AND    pbd.legislation_code = 'SE'
  AND    pbd.database_item_suffix = p_balance_dim
  AND    pdb.balance_type_id = pbt.balance_type_id
  AND    pdb.balance_dimension_id = pbd.balance_dimension_id;