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Line 1397: from ben_benefit_actions bft

1393: (c_bft_id number
1394: )
1395: is
1396: select bft.last_update_date
1397: from ben_benefit_actions bft
1398: where bft.benefit_action_id = c_bft_id;
1399: --
1400: l_bftdets c_bftdets%rowtype;
1401: --

Line 1465: from ben_benefit_actions bft

1462: bft.AUDIT_LOG_FLAG,
1463: bft.VALIDATE_FLAG,
1464: bft.LF_EVT_OCRD_DT
1465: from ben_benefit_actions bft
1466: where bft.last_update_date > c_bft_credt-c_duration
1467: and bft.last_update_date < c_bft_credt
1468: and bft.mode_cd = c_mode_cd
1469: and bft.process_date = c_process_date

Line 1556: from ben_benefit_actions bft

1553: where adf.file_id = adv.file_id
1554: and adf.LAST_UPDATE_DATE >
1555: (select bft.last_update_date
1556: from ben_benefit_actions bft
1557: where bft.benefit_action_id = c_basebft_id)
1558: and adf.LAST_UPDATE_DATE <
1559: (select bft.last_update_date
1560: from ben_benefit_actions bft

Line 1560: from ben_benefit_actions bft

1556: from ben_benefit_actions bft
1557: where bft.benefit_action_id = c_basebft_id)
1558: and adf.LAST_UPDATE_DATE <
1559: (select bft.last_update_date
1560: from ben_benefit_actions bft
1561: where bft.benefit_action_id = c_bft_id)
1562: and adf.APP_SHORT_NAME = 'BEN'
1563: and adf.SUBDIR = 'patch/115/sql'
1564: order by adv.last_update_date desc;

Line 1578: from ben_benefit_actions bft

1574: adb.last_update_date
1575: from ad_bugs adb
1576: where adb.LAST_UPDATE_DATE >
1577: (select bft.last_update_date
1578: from ben_benefit_actions bft
1579: where bft.benefit_action_id = c_basebft_id)
1580: and adb.LAST_UPDATE_DATE <
1581: (select bft.last_update_date
1582: from ben_benefit_actions bft

Line 1582: from ben_benefit_actions bft

1578: from ben_benefit_actions bft
1579: where bft.benefit_action_id = c_basebft_id)
1580: and adb.LAST_UPDATE_DATE <
1581: (select bft.last_update_date
1582: from ben_benefit_actions bft
1583: where bft.benefit_action_id = c_bft_id)
1585: order by adb.last_update_date desc;
1586: --

Line 1713: ben_benefit_actions bft

1709: count(*) cnt,
1710: round((max(bbr.last_update_date)-bft.creation_date)*(24*3600),2) tot_secs,
1711: round(((max(bbr.last_update_date)-bft.creation_date)*(24*3600))/count(*),2) avg_secs
1712: from ben_batch_ranges bbr,
1713: ben_benefit_actions bft
1714: where bbr.benefit_action_id = c_bft_id
1715: and bbr.benefit_action_id = bft.benefit_action_id
1716: group by bbr.last_update_login,
1717: bft.creation_date

Line 1828: ben_benefit_actions bft,

1824: substr(replace(replace(ccr.completion_text,fnd_global.local_chr(10),' ')
1825: ,fnd_global.local_chr(13),' '),1,1000),
1826: count(*)
1827: from fnd_concurrent_requests ccr,
1828: ben_benefit_actions bft,
1829: ben_batch_ranges bbr
1830: where ccr.parent_request_id = bft.request_id
1831: and bbr.last_update_login = ccr.last_update_login
1832: and bft.benefit_action_id = bbr.benefit_action_id

Line 1857: ben_benefit_actions bft

1853: substr(replace(replace(ccr.completion_text,fnd_global.local_chr(10),' ')
1854: ,fnd_global.local_chr(13),' '),1,1000),
1855: count(*)
1856: from fnd_concurrent_requests ccr,
1857: ben_benefit_actions bft
1858: where ccr.request_id = bft.request_id
1859: and bft.benefit_action_id = c_bft_id
1860: group by ccr.request_id,

Line 2246: l_from_str := ' from ben_benefit_actions bft ';

2242: ||' bft.business_group_id, '
2243: ||' bft.person_id, '
2244: ||' bft.ler_id, '
2245: ||' bft.process_date ';
2246: l_from_str := ' from ben_benefit_actions bft ';
2247: l_ordby_str := ' order by bft.benefit_action_id desc ';
2248: --
2249: l_sql_str := l_sel_str
2250: ||' '||l_from_str

Line 2342: ||' from ben_benefit_actions bft, '

2338: ||' bft.ler_id, '
2339: ||' bft.opt_id, '
2340: ||' max(bft.creation_date) max_credt, '
2341: ||' max(bft.request_id) '
2342: ||' from ben_benefit_actions bft, '
2343: ||' ben_batch_actions pba '
2344: ||' '||l_where_str
2345: ||' group by bft.process_date, '
2346: ||' bft.mode_cd, '

Line 2450: ben_benefit_actions_api.create_perf_benefit_actions

2446: --
2447: if l_newbft_id_va.count > 0
2448: then
2449: --
2450: ben_benefit_actions_api.create_perf_benefit_actions
2451: (p_validate => false
2452: ,p_process_date => trunc(sysdate)
2453: ,p_mode_cd => 'Q'
2454: ,p_derivable_factors_flag => 'N'