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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 130

110.9   08-FEB-99 LTAYLOR               Changed and updated MLS and Date
                                        formats for release 11.5
110.10  09-FEB-99 LSIGRIST              Updated function get_element_name
                                        with MLS changes.
115.4   11-MAY-99 CCARTER     886635    Replaced chr() function calls with
                                        calls to fnd_global.local_chr();
Line: 201

    SELECT name
    INTO   l_budget_name
    FROM   per_budgets
    WHERE  budget_id = p_budget_id;
Line: 232

    SELECT version_number
    INTO   l_budget_version_number
    FROM   per_budget_versions
    WHERE  budget_id = p_budget_id
    AND    budget_version_id = p_budget_version_id;
Line: 263

      select orgtl.name,
      into   p_org_name,
      from   hr_all_organization_units_tl orgtl,
             hr_all_organization_units org,
	     hr_lookups hrl
      where  org.organization_id = p_organization_id
        and  org.organization_id = orgtl.organization_id
	and  hrl.lookup_type (+) = 'ORG_TYPE'
	and  hrl.lookup_code (+) = org.type
        and  orgtl.LANGUAGE = userenv('LANG');
Line: 296

    SELECT name
    INTO   l_job_name
    FROM   per_jobs_vl
    WHERE  job_id = p_job_id;
Line: 327

    SELECT name
    INTO   l_position_name
    FROM   hr_positions
    WHERE  position_id = p_position_id;
Line: 359

    SELECT name
    INTO   l_position_name
    FROM   hr_positions_f paf
    WHERE  paf.position_id = p_position_id
    AND    p_effective_date between paf.effective_start_date and paf.effective_end_date;
Line: 385

    SELECT name
    INTO   l_grade_name
    FROM   per_grades_vl
    WHERE  grade_id = p_grade_id;
Line: 416

    SELECT nvl(btl.user_status,atl.user_status)
    INTO   l_user_status
    from   per_assignment_status_types_tl atl
    ,      per_assignment_status_types a
    ,      per_ass_status_type_amends_tl btl
    ,      per_ass_status_type_amends b
    where  b.assignment_status_type_id(+) = a.assignment_status_type_id
    and    a.assignment_status_type_id = atl.assignment_status_type_id
    and    b.ass_status_type_amend_id = btl.ass_status_type_amend_id(+)
    and    a.assignment_status_type_id = P_ASSIGNMENT_STATUS_TYPE_ID
    and    b.business_group_id(+) + 0 = P_BUSINESS_GROUP_ID
    and    nvl(a.business_group_id,P_BUSINESS_GROUP_ID) =
    and    nvl(a.legislation_code, P_LEGISLATION_CODE) =
    and    nvl(b.active_flag,a.active_flag) = 'Y'
    and    nvl(b.default_flag,a.active_flag) = 'Y'
    and    decode(btl.ass_status_type_amend_id, NULL, '1', btl.language)
           = decode(btl.ass_status_type_amend_id, NULL, '1', userenv('LANG'))
    and    atl.language = userenv('LANG');
Line: 457

    SELECT name
    INTO   l_abs_name
    FROM   per_abs_attendance_types_vl
    WHERE  absence_attendance_type_id = p_abs_att_type_id;
Line: 488

    SELECT period_name
    ,      start_date
    ,      end_date
    INTO   p_period_name
    ,      p_start_date
    ,      p_end_date
    FROM   per_time_periods
    WHERE  time_period_id = p_time_period_id;
Line: 520

   select etl.element_name
   into v_element_name
   from pay_element_types_f_tl etl,
        pay_element_types_f e
   where e.element_type_id = p_element_type_id
   and p_session_date between
   e.effective_start_date and
   and e.element_type_id = etl.element_type_id
   and etl.LANGUAGE = userenv('LANG');
Line: 559

    select p.payroll_name
    into v_payroll_name
    from pay_payrolls_f p
    where payroll_id = p_payroll_id
    and p_session_date between
    p.effective_start_date and
Line: 594

      select org.name
      into   v_business_group_name
      from   hr_all_organization_units_tl org
    --  where  org.organization_id + 0 = p_business_group_id
    -- Changed for Performance Fix: Bug 4328224
       where  org.organization_id = p_business_group_id
        and  org.language(+) = userenv('LANG');
Line: 632

      select nvl(count(*),0)
      into   v_subordinate_count
      from   per_org_structure_elements ose
      connect by ose.organization_id_parent = prior ose.organization_id_child
      and    ose.org_structure_version_id  = p_org_structure_version_id
      start with ose.organization_id_parent = p_parent_organization_id
      and    ose.org_structure_version_id  = p_org_structure_version_id;
Line: 669

      select nvl(count(*),0)
      into   v_subordinate_count
      from   per_pos_structure_elements pse
      connect by pse.parent_position_id = prior pse.subordinate_position_id
      and    pse.pos_structure_version_id  = p_pos_structure_version_id
      start with pse.parent_position_id = p_parent_position_id
      and    pse.pos_structure_version_id  = p_pos_structure_version_id;
Line: 706

      select ost.name
      into   p_org_structure_name
      from   per_organization_structures ost
      where  ost.organization_structure_id = p_organization_structure_id;
Line: 716

      select ost.name,
      into   p_org_structure_name,
      from   per_organization_structures ost,
	     per_org_structure_versions osv
      where  osv.org_structure_version_id = p_org_structure_version_id
	and  ost.organization_structure_id = osv.organization_structure_id;
Line: 756

      select pst.name
      into   p_pos_structure_name
      from   per_position_structures pst
      where  pst.position_structure_id = p_position_structure_id;
Line: 766

      select pst.name,
      into   p_pos_structure_name,
      from   per_position_structures pst,
	     per_pos_structure_versions psv
      where  psv.pos_structure_version_id = p_pos_structure_version_id
	and  pst.position_structure_id = psv.position_structure_id;
Line: 801

    select hrl.meaning
    into   v_meaning
    from   hr_lookups hrl
    where  hrl.lookup_type = p_lookup_type
      and  hrl.lookup_code = p_lookup_code;
Line: 843

     select sign(count(*))
     into   l_number_matching
     from   per_person_analyses p
     where  p.person_id = P_PERSON_ID
     and exists
	(select null
	 from   per_job_requirements j
	 ,      per_analysis_criteria ja
	 ,      per_analysis_criteria pa
	 where  ((P_JOB_POSITION_TYPE = 'J' and
		 j.job_id = P_JOB_POSITION_ID)
	     or (P_JOB_POSITION_TYPE = 'P' and
		 j.position_id = P_JOB_POSITION_ID))
	 and    j.essential = P_ESSENTIAL_FLAG
	 and    j.analysis_criteria_id = ja.analysis_criteria_id
	 and    p.analysis_criteria_id = pa.analysis_criteria_id
	 and    p.analysis_criteria_id = ja.analysis_criteria_id
	 and    ja.id_flex_num = pa.id_flex_num
	 and  ((ja.segment1 is null or
	       (ja.segment1 is not null and
		ja.segment1 = pa.segment1))
	 or    (ja.segment2 is null or
	       (ja.segment2 is not null and
		ja.segment2 = pa.segment2))
	 or    (ja.segment3 is null or
	       (ja.segment3 is not null and
		ja.segment3 = pa.segment3))
	 or    (ja.segment4 is null or
	       (ja.segment4 is not null and
		ja.segment4 = pa.segment4))
	 or    (ja.segment5 is null or
	       (ja.segment5 is not null and
		ja.segment5 = pa.segment5))
	 or    (ja.segment6 is null or
	       (ja.segment6 is not null and
		ja.segment6 = pa.segment6))
	 or    (ja.segment7 is null or
	       (ja.segment7 is not null and
		ja.segment7 = pa.segment7))
	 or    (ja.segment8 is null or
	       (ja.segment8 is not null and
		ja.segment8 = pa.segment8))
	 or    (ja.segment9 is null or
	       (ja.segment9 is not null and
		ja.segment9 = pa.segment9))
	 or    (ja.segment10 is null or
	       (ja.segment10 is not null and
		ja.segment10 = pa.segment10))
	 or    (ja.segment11 is null or
	       (ja.segment11 is not null and
		ja.segment11 = pa.segment11))
	 or    (ja.segment12 is null or
	       (ja.segment12 is not null and
		ja.segment12 = pa.segment12))
	 or    (ja.segment13 is null or
	       (ja.segment13 is not null and
		ja.segment13 = pa.segment13))
	 or    (ja.segment14 is null or
	       (ja.segment14 is not null and
		ja.segment14 = pa.segment14))
	 or    (ja.segment15 is null or
	       (ja.segment15 is not null and
		ja.segment15 = pa.segment15))
	 or    (ja.segment16 is null or
	       (ja.segment16 is not null and
		ja.segment16 = pa.segment16))
	 or    (ja.segment17 is null or
	       (ja.segment17 is not null and
		ja.segment17 = pa.segment17))
	 or    (ja.segment18 is null or
	       (ja.segment18 is not null and
		ja.segment18 = pa.segment18))
	 or    (ja.segment19 is null or
	       (ja.segment19 is not null and
		ja.segment19 = pa.segment19))
	 or    (ja.segment20 is null or
	       (ja.segment20 is not null and
		ja.segment20 = pa.segment20))
	 or    (ja.segment21 is null or
	       (ja.segment21 is not null and
		ja.segment21 = pa.segment21))
	 or    (ja.segment22 is null or
	       (ja.segment22 is not null and
		ja.segment22 = pa.segment22))
	 or    (ja.segment23 is null or
	       (ja.segment23 is not null and
		ja.segment23 = pa.segment23))
	 or    (ja.segment24 is null or
	       (ja.segment24 is not null and
		ja.segment24 = pa.segment24))
	 or    (ja.segment25 is null or
	       (ja.segment25 is not null and
		ja.segment25 = pa.segment25))
	 or    (ja.segment26 is null or
	       (ja.segment26 is not null and
		ja.segment26 = pa.segment26))
	 or    (ja.segment27 is null or
	       (ja.segment27 is not null and
		ja.segment27 = pa.segment27))
	 or    (ja.segment28 is null or
	       (ja.segment28 is not null and
		ja.segment28 = pa.segment28))
	 or    (ja.segment29 is null or
	       (ja.segment29 is not null and
		ja.segment29 = pa.segment29))
	 or    (ja.segment30 is null or
	       (ja.segment30 is not null and
		ja.segment30 = pa.segment30)))
     having count(*) >= P_NUMBER_REQUIRED;
Line: 1060

  into   l_seg_sep
  from   fnd_id_flex_structures_vl
  and    ID_FLEX_CODE=NVL(p_id_flex_code,ID_FLEX_CODE)
  and    APPLICATION_ID = nvl(p_application_id,APPLICATION_ID);
Line: 1130

select application_column_name
from   fnd_id_flex_segments_vl
where  id_flex_num = p_id_flex_num
and    id_flex_code = nvl(p_id_flex_code,id_flex_code)
and    enabled_flag = 'Y'
order by segment_num;
Line: 1383

  into   l_seg_sep
Line: 1515

  select 1 order_col,
	 dfcu.column_seq_num order_col2,
	 dfcu.application_column_name column_name,
	 replace(dfcu.form_left_prompt,'''','''''') label
  from   fnd_descr_flex_contexts dfc,
	 fnd_descr_flex_col_usage_vl dfcu
  where  dfc.descriptive_flexfield_name = p_desc_flex_name
    and  dfc.application_id = p_application_id
    and  dfc.global_flag  = 'Y'
    and  dfc.enabled_flag = 'Y'
    and  dfcu.descriptive_flex_context_code = dfc.descriptive_flex_context_code
    and  dfcu.descriptive_flexfield_name = p_desc_flex_name
    and  dfcu.application_id = p_application_id
    and  dfcu.enabled_flag = 'Y'
  select distinct
	 2 order_col,
	 1 order_col2,
	 dfcu.application_column_name column_name,
	 replace(dfcu.form_left_prompt,'''','''''') label
  from   fnd_descr_flex_contexts dfc,
	 fnd_descr_flex_col_usage_vl dfcu
  where  dfc.descriptive_flexfield_name = p_desc_flex_name
    and  dfc.application_id = p_application_id
    and  dfc.global_flag  = 'N'
    and  dfc.enabled_flag = 'Y'
    and  dfcu.descriptive_flex_context_code = dfc.descriptive_flex_context_code
    and  dfcu.descriptive_flexfield_name = p_desc_flex_name
    and  dfcu.application_id = p_application_id
    and  dfcu.enabled_flag = 'Y'
  order by 1,2,3;
Line: 1555

  select app.application_id
  into   v_application_id
  from   fnd_application app
  where  upper(app.application_short_name) = upper(p_appl_short_name);
Line: 1560

  select df.concatenated_segment_delimiter,
  into   v_delimiter,
  from   fnd_descriptive_flexs_vl df
  where  df.descriptive_flexfield_name = p_desc_flex_name
    and  df.application_id = v_application_id;
Line: 1634

  select 1 order_col,
	 dfcu.column_seq_num order_col2,
	 dfcu.application_column_name column_name,
	 replace(dfcu.form_left_prompt,'''','''''') label,
         'Y' global_flag,
         dfc.descriptive_flex_context_code context
  from   fnd_descr_flex_contexts dfc,
	 fnd_descr_flex_col_usage_vl dfcu
  where  dfc.descriptive_flexfield_name = p_desc_flex_name
    and  dfc.application_id = p_application_id
    and  dfc.global_flag  = 'Y'
    and  dfc.enabled_flag = 'Y'
    and  dfcu.descriptive_flex_context_code = dfc.descriptive_flex_context_code
    and  dfcu.descriptive_flexfield_name = p_desc_flex_name
    and  dfcu.application_id = p_application_id
    and  dfcu.enabled_flag = 'Y'
    and  dfcu.display_flag = NVL(p_display,dfcu.display_flag)
  select distinct
	 2 order_col,
	 1 order_col2,
	 dfcu.application_column_name column_name,
	 replace(dfcu.form_left_prompt,'''','''''') label,
         'N' global_flag,
         dfc.descriptive_flex_context_code context
  from   fnd_descr_flex_contexts dfc,
	 fnd_descr_flex_col_usage_vl dfcu
  where  dfc.descriptive_flexfield_name = p_desc_flex_name
    and  dfc.application_id = p_application_id
    and  dfc.global_flag  = 'N'
    and  dfc.enabled_flag = 'Y'
    and  dfcu.descriptive_flex_context_code = dfc.descriptive_flex_context_code
    and  dfcu.descriptive_flexfield_name = p_desc_flex_name
    and  dfcu.application_id = p_application_id
    and  dfcu.enabled_flag = 'Y'
    and  dfcu.display_flag = NVL(p_display,dfcu.display_flag)
  order by 1,6,2;
Line: 1686

  select app.application_id
  into   v_application_id
  from   fnd_application app
  where  upper(app.application_short_name) = upper(p_appl_short_name);
Line: 1691

  select df.concatenated_segment_delimiter,
  into   v_delimiter,
  from   fnd_descriptive_flexs_vl df
  where  df.descriptive_flexfield_name = p_desc_flex_name
    and  df.application_id = v_application_id;
Line: 1828

  select 1 order_col,
	 dfcu.column_seq_num order_col2,
	 dfcu.application_column_name column_name,
	 replace(dfcu.form_left_prompt,'''','''''') label
  from   fnd_descr_flex_contexts dfc,
	 fnd_descr_flex_col_usage_vl dfcu
  where  dfc.descriptive_flexfield_name = p_desc_flex_name
    and  dfc.application_id = p_application_id
    and  dfc.global_flag  = 'Y'
    and  dfc.enabled_flag = 'Y'
    and  dfcu.descriptive_flex_context_code = dfc.descriptive_flex_context_code
    and  dfcu.descriptive_flexfield_name = p_desc_flex_name
    and  dfcu.application_id = p_application_id
    and  dfcu.enabled_flag = 'Y'
  select distinct
	 2 order_col,
	 dfcu.column_seq_num order_col2,
	 dfcu.application_column_name column_name,
	 replace(dfcu.form_left_prompt,'''','''''') label
  from   fnd_descr_flex_contexts dfc,
	 fnd_descr_flex_col_usage_vl dfcu
  where  dfc.descriptive_flexfield_name = p_desc_flex_name
    and  dfc.application_id = p_application_id
    and  dfc.descriptive_flex_context_code = p_desc_flex_context
    and  dfc.global_flag  = 'N'
    and  dfc.enabled_flag = 'Y'
    and  dfcu.descriptive_flex_context_code = dfc.descriptive_flex_context_code

    and  dfcu.descriptive_flexfield_name = p_desc_flex_name
    and  dfcu.application_id = p_application_id
    and  dfcu.enabled_flag = 'Y'
  order by 1,2;
Line: 1870

  select app.application_id
  into   v_application_id
  from   fnd_application app
  where  upper(app.application_short_name) = upper(p_appl_short_name);
Line: 1875

  select df.concatenated_segment_delimiter,
  into   v_delimiter,
  from   fnd_descriptive_flexs_vl df
  where  df.descriptive_flexfield_name = p_desc_flex_name
    and  df.application_id = v_application_id;
Line: 1932

      select p.full_name
      into   v_person_name
      from   per_all_people_f p
      where  p.person_id = p_person_id
	and  p_session_date between p.effective_start_date
				and p.effective_end_date;
Line: 1960

     select party_number
     into l_party_number
     from hz_parties
     where party_id = p_party_id;