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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 102

      SELECT b.opp_open_status_flag
      FROM   as_leads_all      a,
             as_statuses_b     b
      WHERE  a.lead_id   = p_lead_id AND
             a.status    = b.status_code AND
             b.opp_flag  = 'Y';
Line: 111

      select meaning from pv_lookups
      where  lookup_type = 'PV_ASSIGNMENT_TYPE'
      and    lookup_code = pc_assignment_type;
Line: 116

   select pt.party_name
   from   hz_relationships    pr,
          hz_organization_profiles op,
          hz_parties          pt
   where pr.party_id            = pc_partner_id
   and   pr.subject_table_name  = 'HZ_PARTIES'
   and   pr.object_table_name   = 'HZ_PARTIES'
   and   pr.status             in ('A', 'I')
   and   pr.object_id           = op.party_id
   and   op.internal_flag       = 'Y'
   and   op.effective_end_date is null
   and   pr.subject_id          = pt.party_id
   and   pt.status             in ('A', 'I');
Line: 132

     select ld.customer_id,
            ld.total_amount||' '||ld.currency_code,
     from   as_leads_all ld,
            hz_parties   pt,
            as_lead_contacts lc
     where  ld.lead_id = pc_lead_id
     and    ld.customer_id = pt.party_id (+)
     and    ld.lead_id = lc.lead_id (+) for update of ld.lead_id;
Line: 147

   select extn.category,
   from   fnd_user fuser,
          jtf_rs_resource_extns extn
   where  fuser.user_name = pc_username
   and    fuser.user_id   = extn.user_id;
Line: 156

   select otl.name vendor_name
   from   hr_all_organization_units o,
          hr_all_organization_units_tl otl,
          per_all_people_f p
   where  o.organization_id = otl.organization_id
   and    otl.language = userenv('lang')
   and    o.organization_id = p.business_group_id
   and    p.person_id = pc_user_source_id;
Line: 166

   select emp.object_id  pt_org_id,
   from   hz_relationships emp,
          pv_partner_profiles prof,
          hz_parties       hp
   where  emp.party_id           = pc_user_source_id
   and    emp.subject_table_name = 'HZ_PARTIES'
   and    emp.object_table_name  = 'HZ_PARTIES'
   and    emp.directional_flag   = 'F'
   and    emp.relationship_code  = 'EMPLOYEE_OF'
   and    emp.relationship_type  = 'EMPLOYMENT'
   and    emp.status            in ('A', 'I')
   and    emp.object_id          = prof.partner_party_id
   and    emp.object_id          = hp.party_id
   and    hp.status             in ('A', 'I');
Line: 186

   select lead_workflow_id
   from   pv_lead_workflows
   where  wf_item_type = 'PVASGNMT'
   and    wf_item_key = pc_item_key;
Line: 194

   select partner_customer_id, prm_keep_flag
   from   as_accesses_all
   where  lead_id = pc_lead_id;
Line: 204

     select   1 num
      from    pv_partner_profiles pvpp
      where   pvpp.partner_id        = pc_partner_id
      and     nvl(pvpp.status,'I') <> 'A';
Line: 210

   select PT_ORG.party_name
          pv_partner_accesses      PT_ACCESS,
          pv_partner_profiles      PT_PROF,
          hz_parties               PT_ORG
          PT_ACCESS.partner_id         = pc_partner_id
   and    PT_ACCESS.partner_id         = PT_PROF.partner_id
   and    PT_PROF.status               = 'A'
   and    PT_PROF.partner_party_id     = PT_ORG.party_id
   and    PT_ORG.status                in ('A', 'I')
   and    PT_ACCESS.vad_partner_id     = pc_vad_id;
Line: 226

   SELECT resource_id
   FROM   jtf_rs_resource_extns
   WHERE  source_id = pc_partner_id
   AND    category  = 'PARTNER';
Line: 452

                    fnd_message.Set_token('TEXT', 'Calling pv_assignment_pvt.update_routing_stage' );
Line: 456

            pv_assignment_pvt.update_routing_stage (
               p_api_version_number   => 1.0,
               p_init_msg_list        => FND_API.G_FALSE,
               p_commit               => FND_API.G_FALSE,
               p_validation_level     => FND_API.G_VALID_LEVEL_FULL,
               p_itemType             => l_itemtype,
               p_itemKey              => l_itemKey,
               p_routing_stage        => pv_assignment_pub.g_r_status_active,
               p_active_but_open_flag => 'N',
               x_return_status        => x_return_status,
               x_msg_count            => x_msg_count,
               x_msg_data             => x_msg_data);
Line: 567

                  'Highest ranked partner selected: ' || l_partner_id_tbl(l_highest_rank_pt_row));
Line: 610

               update as_accesses_all set prm_keep_flag = 'Y'
               where partner_customer_id = l_access_pt_id
               and lead_id = p_lead_id;
Line: 628

                    fnd_message.Set_token('TEXT', 'Navigating through partner id table and call pv_assign_util_pvt.updateaccess' );
Line: 649

                    fnd_message.Set_token('TEXT', 'CAlling pv_assign_util_pvt.updateaccess for resource_id:' || l_resource_id);
Line: 653

                  p_api_version_number  => 1.0,
                  p_init_msg_list       => FND_API.G_FALSE,
                  p_commit              => FND_API.G_FALSE,
                  p_validation_level    => FND_API.G_VALID_LEVEL_FULL,
                  p_itemtype            => l_itemtype,
                  p_itemkey             => l_itemKey,
                  p_current_username    => p_creating_username,
                  p_lead_id             => p_lead_id,
                  p_customer_id         => l_customer_id,
                  p_address_id          => l_address_id,
                  p_access_action       => pv_assignment_pub.G_ADD_ACCESS,
                  p_resource_id         => l_resource_id,
                  p_access_type         => pv_assignment_pub.G_PT_ORG_ACCESS,
                  x_access_id           => l_access_id,
                  x_return_status       => x_return_status,
                  x_msg_count           => x_msg_count,
                  x_msg_data            => x_msg_data);
Line: 681

                       UPDATE as_accesses_all
                       SET    prm_keep_flag = 'Y'
                       WHERE  partner_customer_id = l_access_pt_id
                       AND    lead_id = p_lead_id;
Line: 748

      l_lead_workflow_rec.last_updated_by     := l_user_id;
Line: 802

                    fnd_message.Set_token('TEXT', 'Update as_leads_all table with auto_assignment_type = PRM, prm_assignment_type  = p_assignment_type' );
Line: 806

      update as_leads_all
      set auto_assignment_type = 'PRM', prm_assignment_type  = p_assignment_type
      where  lead_id = p_lead_id;
Line: 852

            l_rs_details_tbl.delete;     -- since we are using NOCOPY, need to
Line: 944

               l_assignment_rec.related_party_access_code := g_assign_access_update;
Line: 956

               l_assignment_rec.partner_access_code := g_assign_access_update;
Line: 1072

                    fnd_message.Set_token('TEXT', 'Calling pv_assig_util_pvt.update access for CMs resource id:' || l_party_notify_rec_tbl.resource_id(i)  );
Line: 1076

            pv_assign_util_pvt.updateAccess (
               p_api_version_number  =>  l_api_version_number,
               p_init_msg_list       =>  FND_API.G_FALSE,
               p_commit              =>  FND_API.G_FALSE,
               p_validation_level    =>  FND_API.G_VALID_LEVEL_FULL,
               p_itemtype            =>  l_itemType,
               p_itemkey             =>  l_itemKey,
               p_current_username    =>  p_creating_username,
               p_lead_id             =>  p_lead_id,
               p_customer_id         =>  l_customer_id,
               p_address_id          =>  l_address_id,
               p_access_action       =>  pv_assignment_pub.G_ADD_ACCESS,
               p_resource_id         =>  l_party_notify_rec_tbl.resource_id(i),
               p_access_type         =>  pv_assignment_pub.G_CM_ACCESS,
               x_access_id           =>  l_temp_id,
               x_return_status       =>  x_return_status,
               x_msg_count           =>  x_msg_count,
               x_msg_data            =>  x_msg_data);
Line: 1288

      select routing_type from pv_lead_workflows
      where lead_id = pc_lead_id and entity = pc_entity and latest_routing_flag = 'Y';
Line: 1293

   select a.wf_item_type
        , a.wf_item_key
        , a.routing_status
        , a.entity
        , b.lead_assignment_id
        , b.assign_sequence
        , b.partner_id
        , b.status
        , c.rowid
        , c.resource_id
        , c.decision_maker_flag
        , c.notification_type
        , c.user_id
   from   pv_lead_workflows a, pv_lead_assignments b, pv_party_notifications c, fnd_user usr
   where  a.lead_id            = pc_lead_id
   and    a.wf_status          = g_wf_status_open
   and    a.wf_item_type       = b.wf_item_type
   and    a.wf_item_key        = b.wf_item_key
   and    b.lead_assignment_id = c.lead_assignment_id
   and    c.user_id            = usr.user_id
   and    usr.user_name        = pc_username;
Line: 1317

      select status
      from pv_lead_assignments
      where wf_item_type = pc_itemtype
      and   wf_item_key = pc_itemkey
      and   status <> g_la_status_pt_created;
Line: 1466

		      fnd_message.Set_Token('TEXT', 'pv_Assignment_pvt.update_party_response' );
Line: 1470

                  pv_assignment_pvt.update_party_response (
                      p_api_version_number  => 1.0
                     ,p_init_msg_list      => FND_API.G_FALSE
                     ,p_commit             => FND_API.G_FALSE
                     ,p_validation_level   => FND_API.G_VALID_LEVEL_FULL
                     ,P_rowid              => l_notify_rowid
                     ,p_lead_assignment_id => l_assignment_id
                     ,p_party_resource_id  => l_cm_rs_id
                     ,p_response           => p_statusTbl(i)
                     ,p_reason_code        => NULL
                     ,p_rank               => p_rank_Tbl(i)
                     ,x_msg_count          => x_msg_count
                     ,x_msg_data           => x_msg_data
                     ,x_return_status      => x_return_status);
Line: 1533

		      fnd_message.Set_Token('TEXT', 'Calling pv_assignment_pvt.UpdateAssignment' );
Line: 1538

                  pv_assignment_pvt.UpdateAssignment (
                     p_api_version_number  => 1.0
                     ,p_init_msg_list      => FND_API.G_FALSE
                     ,p_commit             => FND_API.G_FALSE
                     ,p_validation_level   => FND_API.G_VALID_LEVEL_FULL
                     ,p_action             => pv_assignment_pub.g_asgn_action_status_update
                     ,p_lead_assignment_id => l_assignment_id
                     ,p_status_date        => sysdate
                     ,p_status             => l_response
                     ,p_reason_code        => NULL
                     ,p_rank               => p_rank_Tbl(i)
                     ,x_msg_count          => x_msg_count
                     ,x_msg_data           => x_msg_data
                     ,x_return_status      => x_return_status);
Line: 1597

Line: 1631

            l_assignment_rec.related_party_access_code := g_assign_access_update;
Line: 1672

Line: 1673

Line: 1674

Line: 1675

Line: 1676

Line: 1677

Line: 1678

Line: 1679

Line: 1680

Line: 1681

Line: 1913

   select lookup_code from   pv_lookups
   where  lookup_type = pc_lookup_type
   and    lookup_code = pc_reason_code;
Line: 1918

   select pt.party_name
   from   hz_relationships    pr,
          hz_organization_profiles op,
          hz_parties          pt
   where pr.party_id            = pc_partner_id
   and   pr.subject_table_name  = 'HZ_PARTIES'
   and   pr.object_table_name   = 'HZ_PARTIES'
   and   pr.status             in ('A', 'I')
   and   pr.object_id           = op.party_id
   and   op.internal_flag       = 'Y'
   and   op.effective_end_date is null
   and   pr.subject_id          = pt.party_id
   and   pt.status             in ('A', 'I');
Line: 1938

   select a.wf_item_type, a.wf_item_key, a.routing_status, a.wf_status,
          b.lead_assignment_id, b.status, b.assign_sequence,
          c.rowid, c.resource_id, c.decision_maker_flag, c.user_id
   from   pv_lead_workflows a, pv_lead_assignments b, pv_party_notifications c, fnd_user usr
   where  a.lead_id            = pc_lead_id
   and    a.entity             = pc_entity
   and    a.wf_item_type       = b.wf_item_type
   and    a.wf_item_key        = b.wf_item_key
   and    a.latest_routing_flag = 'Y'
   and    b.partner_id         = pc_partner_id
   and    b.lead_assignment_id = c.lead_assignment_id
   and    c.user_id            = usr.user_id
   and    usr.user_name        = pc_username
   and    c.notification_type  = pc_notify_type;
Line: 1955

      select rowid
      from pv_lead_assignments
      where wf_item_type = pc_itemtype
      and   wf_item_key = pc_itemkey
      and   status in (g_la_status_cm_timeout,
Line: 1965

      select rowid
      from pv_lead_assignments
      where wf_item_type = pc_itemtype
      and   wf_item_key = pc_itemkey
      and   status in (g_la_status_pt_approved, g_la_status_cm_app_for_pt) and rownum < 2;
Line: 1975

   select usr.user_name, pn.resource_id
   from pv_lead_assignments la,
        pv_party_notifications pn,
	fnd_user usr
   where la.wf_item_type  = pc_itemtype
   and   la.wf_item_key   = pc_itemkey
   and   la.partner_id    = pc_partner_id
   and   la.lead_assignment_id = pn.lead_assignment_id
   and   pn.notification_type  = pc_notify_type
   and   pn.user_id            = usr.user_id;
Line: 1993

   select usr.user_name, pn.resource_id
   from pv_lead_assignments la,
        pv_party_notifications pn,
	fnd_user usr
   where la.wf_item_type  = pc_itemtype
   and   la.wf_item_key   = pc_itemkey
   and   la.partner_id    = pc_partner_id
   and   la.lead_assignment_id = pn.lead_assignment_id
   and   pn.notification_type  = pc_notify_type
   and   pn.user_id            = usr.user_id
   and   not exists
   (select 1
    from pv_lead_assignments la2,
         pv_party_notifications pn2
   where la2.wf_item_type  = pc_itemtype
   and   la2.wf_item_key   = pc_itemkey
   and   la2.partner_id   <> la.partner_id
   and   la2.status       in (g_la_status_cm_timeout,
   and   la2.lead_assignment_id = pn2.lead_assignment_id
   and   pn2.notification_type  = pc_notify_type
   and   pn2.user_id = pn.user_id );
Line: 2022

   select b.resource_id            partner_org_rs_id
   from   pv_lead_assignments la,
          jtf_rs_resource_extns b
          la.wf_item_type = pc_itemtype
   and    la.wf_item_key  = pc_itemkey
   and    la.status       = pv_assignment_pub.g_la_status_pt_rejected
   and    la.partner_id   = b.source_id
   and    b.category      = 'PARTNER'
   and    sysdate between b.start_date_active and nvl(b.end_date_active,sysdate);
Line: 2107

             FROM   pv_lead_assignments
             WHERE  lead_assignment_id = l_assignment_id
             FOR UPDATE NOWAIT)
Line: 2296

      fnd_message.Set_Token('TEXT', 'Calling pv_assignment_pvt.UpdateAssignment');
Line: 2300

      pv_assignment_pvt.UpdateAssignment (
         p_api_version_number  => 1.0
         ,p_init_msg_list      => FND_API.G_FALSE
         ,p_commit             => FND_API.G_FALSE
         ,p_validation_level   => FND_API.G_VALID_LEVEL_FULL
         ,p_action             => g_asgn_action_status_update
         ,p_lead_assignment_id => l_assignment_id
         ,p_status_date        => sysdate
         ,p_status             => p_pt_response
         ,p_reason_code        => p_reason_code
         ,p_rank               => NULL
         ,x_msg_count          => x_msg_count
         ,x_msg_data           => x_msg_data
         ,x_return_status      => x_return_status);
Line: 2324

      fnd_message.Set_Token('TEXT', 'Calling pv_assignment_pvt.update_party_response');
Line: 2328

      pv_assignment_pvt.update_party_response (
         p_api_version_number  => 1.0
         ,p_init_msg_list      => FND_API.G_FALSE
         ,p_commit             => FND_API.G_FALSE
         ,p_validation_level   => FND_API.G_VALID_LEVEL_FULL
         ,P_rowid              => l_notify_rowid
         ,p_lead_assignment_id => l_assignment_id
         ,p_party_resource_id  => l_responder_rs_id
         ,p_response           => p_pt_response
         ,p_reason_code        => p_reason_code
         ,p_rank               => NULL
         ,x_msg_count          => x_msg_count
         ,x_msg_data           => x_msg_data
         ,x_return_status      => x_return_status);
Line: 2371

	      fnd_message.Set_Token('TEXT', 'Calling pv_assignment_pvt.update_routing_stage');
Line: 2375

            pv_assignment_pvt.update_routing_stage (
               p_api_version_number   => 1.0,
               p_init_msg_list        => FND_API.G_FALSE,
               p_commit               => FND_API.G_FALSE,
               p_validation_level     => FND_API.G_VALID_LEVEL_FULL,
               p_itemType             => l_itemtype,
               p_itemKey              => l_itemKey,
               p_routing_stage        => pv_assignment_pub.g_r_status_active,
               p_active_but_open_flag => 'Y',
               x_return_status        => x_return_status,
               x_msg_count            => x_msg_count,
               x_msg_data             => x_msg_data);
Line: 2478

         fnd_message.Set_Token('TEXT', ' calling pv_assign_util_pvt.updateAccess for user name:' || l_username_tab(i));
Line: 2482

            p_api_version_number  => 1.0,
            p_init_msg_list       => FND_API.G_FALSE,
            p_commit              => FND_API.G_FALSE,
            p_validation_level    => FND_API.G_VALID_LEVEL_FULL,
            p_itemtype            => l_itemType,
            p_itemkey             => l_itemKey,
            p_current_username    => l_username_tab(i),
            p_lead_id             => p_lead_id,
            p_customer_id         => null,
            p_address_id          => null,
            p_access_action       => G_REMOVE_ACCESS,
            p_resource_id         => l_resource_id_tab(i),
            p_access_type         => g_pt_access,
            x_access_id           => l_access_id,
            x_return_status       => x_return_status,
            x_msg_count           => x_msg_count,
            x_msg_data            => x_msg_data);
Line: 2522

            p_api_version_number  => 1.0,
            p_init_msg_list       => FND_API.G_FALSE,
            p_commit              => FND_API.G_FALSE,
            p_validation_level    => FND_API.G_VALID_LEVEL_FULL,
            p_itemtype            => l_itemType,
            p_itemkey             => l_itemKey,
            p_current_username    => NULL,
            p_lead_id             => p_lead_id,
            p_customer_id         => null,
            p_address_id          => null,
            p_access_action       => G_REMOVE_ACCESS,
            p_resource_id         => l_partner_org_rs_id,
            p_access_type         => G_PT_ORG_ACCESS,
            x_access_id           => l_access_id,
            x_return_status       => x_return_status,
            x_msg_count           => x_msg_count,
            x_msg_data            => x_msg_data);
Line: 2550

Line: 2551

Line: 2572

            p_api_version_number  => 1.0,
            p_init_msg_list       => FND_API.G_FALSE,
            p_commit              => FND_API.G_FALSE,
            p_validation_level    => FND_API.G_VALID_LEVEL_FULL,
            p_itemtype            => l_itemType,
            p_itemkey             => l_itemKey,
            p_current_username    => l_username_tab(i),
            p_lead_id             => p_lead_id,
            p_customer_id         => null,
            p_address_id          => null,
            p_access_action       => G_REMOVE_ACCESS,
            p_resource_id         => l_resource_id_tab(i),
            p_access_type         => g_cm_access,
            x_access_id           => l_access_id,
            x_return_status       => x_return_status,
            x_msg_count           => x_msg_count,
            x_msg_data            => x_msg_data);
Line: 2810

   select a.wf_item_type,
          b.total_amount||' '||b.currency_code,
   from   pv_lead_workflows a
      ,   as_leads_all b
       ,  hz_parties c
   where  a.lead_id = pc_lead_id
     and  b.customer_id = c.party_id
     and  a.latest_routing_flag = 'Y'
     and  a.lead_id = b.lead_id
     and  c.status     in ('A', 'I')
     and  a.entity = pc_entity;
Line: 2831

   select b.lead_assignment_id, b.assign_sequence, b.status
   from   pv_lead_workflows a, pv_lead_assignments b
   where  a.lead_id = pc_lead_id and a.latest_routing_flag = 'Y' and a.entity = pc_entity
   and    a.wf_item_type = b.wf_item_type
   and    a.wf_item_key  = b.wf_item_key;
Line: 2841

   SELECT la.lead_assignment_id
   from   pv_lead_assignments      la
   where  la.wf_item_type        = pc_itemtype
   and    la.wf_item_key         = pc_itemkey
   and    la.status not in (g_la_status_cm_rejected,
Line: 2855

   SELECT meaning
   FROM   pv_lookups
   WHERE  lookup_type = 'PV_ASSIGNMENT_TYPE'
   AND    lookup_code = pc_assignment_type;
Line: 2862

   SELECT extn.category
        , extn.source_id
        , pwf.created_by
   FROM   pv_lead_workflows pwf
        , jtf_rs_resource_extns extn
   WHERE  pwf.created_by   = extn.user_id
   AND    pwf.entity = 'OPPORTUNITY'
   AND    pwf.latest_routing_flag = 'Y'
   AND    pwf.lead_id = pc_lead_id;
Line: 2875

   select otl.name vendor_name
   from   hr_all_organization_units o,
          hr_all_organization_units_tl otl,
          per_all_people_f p
   where  o.organization_id = otl.organization_id
   and    otl.language = userenv('lang')
   and    o.organization_id = p.business_group_id
   and    p.person_id = pc_source_id;
Line: 2886

   select hp.party_name
   from   hz_relationships emp,hz_parties hp
   where  emp.party_id           = pc_source_id
   and    emp.subject_table_name = 'HZ_PARTIES'
   and    emp.object_table_name  = 'HZ_PARTIES'
   and    emp.directional_flag   = 'F'
   and    emp.relationship_code  = 'EMPLOYEE_OF'
   and    emp.relationship_type  = 'EMPLOYMENT'
   and    emp.status            in ('A', 'I')
   and    emp.object_id          = hp.party_id
   and    hp.status             in ('A', 'I');
Line: 3004

               fnd_message.Set_Token('TEXT', 'For Joint Selling and Broadcast the status will not be updated to withdrawn ' ||
                                             'for the partners who are not interested in the opp');
Line: 3079

               fnd_message.Set_Token('TEXT','Calling pv_assignment_pvt.UpdateAssignment for assignment id:' || l_assignment_id_tbl(i));
Line: 3083

         pv_assignment_pvt.UpdateAssignment (
            p_api_version_number  => 1.0
            ,p_init_msg_list      => FND_API.G_FALSE
            ,p_commit             => FND_API.G_FALSE
            ,p_validation_level   => FND_API.G_VALID_LEVEL_FULL
            ,p_action             => g_asgn_action_status_update
            ,p_lead_assignment_id => l_assignment_id_tbl(i)
            ,p_status_date        => sysdate
            ,p_status             => l_assignment_status
            ,p_reason_code        => NULL
            ,p_rank               => NULL
            ,x_msg_count          => x_msg_count
            ,x_msg_data           => x_msg_data
            ,x_return_status      => x_return_status);
Line: 3167

               fnd_message.Set_Token('TEXT','Calling pv_assignment_pvt.UpdateAssignment for assignment id:' || l_assignment_id_tbl(i));
Line: 3171

	     pv_assignment_pvt.UpdateAssignment (
	       p_api_version_number  => 1.0
	      ,p_init_msg_list      => FND_API.G_FALSE
	      ,p_commit             => FND_API.G_FALSE
	      ,p_validation_level   => FND_API.G_VALID_LEVEL_FULL
	      ,p_action             => g_asgn_action_status_update
	      ,p_lead_assignment_id => l_assignment_id_tbl(i) -- l_lead_assignment_id
	      ,p_status_date        => sysdate
	      ,p_status             => g_la_status_active_withdrawn
	      ,p_reason_code        => NULL
	      ,p_rank               => NULL
	      ,x_msg_count          => x_msg_count
	      ,x_msg_data           => x_msg_data
	      ,x_return_status      => x_return_status);
Line: 3240

               fnd_message.Set_Token('TEXT','Update the routing stage by Calling pv_assignment_pvt.update_routing_stage' );
Line: 3244

     pv_assignment_pvt.update_routing_stage (
         p_api_version_number   => 1.0,
         p_init_msg_list        => FND_API.G_FALSE,
         p_commit               => FND_API.G_FALSE,
         p_validation_level     => FND_API.G_VALID_LEVEL_FULL,
         p_itemType             => l_itemtype,
         p_itemKey              => l_itemKey,
         p_routing_stage        => pv_assignment_pub.g_r_status_withdrawn,
         p_active_but_open_flag => 'N',
         x_return_status        => x_return_status,
         x_msg_count            => x_msg_count,
         x_msg_data             => x_msg_data);
Line: 3435

   select 1
   from   pv_lead_assignments
   where  wf_item_type = pc_itemtype
   and    wf_item_key  = pc_itemkey
   and    status      in (g_la_status_pt_approved, g_la_status_cm_app_for_pt);
Line: 3444

   select la.partner_id,
   from   fnd_user                 fu,
          jtf_rs_resource_extns    re,
          hz_relationships         emp,
          pv_partner_profiles      pt,
          pv_lead_assignments      la
   where  fu.user_name           = pc_user_name
   and    fu.user_id             = re.user_id
   and    re.category            = 'PARTY'
   and    re.source_id           = emp.party_id
   and    emp.subject_table_name = 'HZ_PARTIES'
   and    emp.object_table_name  = 'HZ_PARTIES'
   and    emp.directional_flag   = 'F'
   and    emp.relationship_code  = 'EMPLOYEE_OF'
   and    emp.relationship_type  = 'EMPLOYMENT'
   and    emp.status            in ('A', 'I')
   and    emp.object_id          = pt.partner_party_id
   and    pt.partner_id          = la.partner_id
   and    la.wf_item_type        = pc_itemtype
   and    la.wf_item_key         = pc_itemkey
   and    la.status in (g_la_status_pt_approved, g_la_status_cm_app_for_pt);
Line: 3470

   select pt.party_name
   from   hz_relationships    pr,
          hz_organization_profiles op,
          hz_parties          pt
   where pr.party_id            = pc_partner_id
   and   pr.subject_table_name  = 'HZ_PARTIES'
   and   pr.object_table_name   = 'HZ_PARTIES'
   and   pr.status             in ('A', 'I')
   and   pr.object_id           = op.party_id
   and   op.internal_flag       = 'Y'
   and   op.effective_end_date is null
   and   pr.subject_id          = pt.party_id
   and   pt.status             in ('A', 'I');
Line: 3486

   SELECT  a.prm_assignment_type
         , a.lead_number
         , a.description
         , a.total_amount||' '||a.currency_code
         , b.party_name
   FROM    as_leads_all a, hz_parties b
   WHERE   a.lead_id     = pc_lead_id
   AND     a.customer_id = b.party_id
   and     b.status     in ('A', 'I');
Line: 3498

   SELECT meaning
   FROM   pv_lookups
   WHERE  lookup_type = 'PV_ASSIGNMENT_TYPE'
   AND    lookup_code = pc_assignment_type;
Line: 3505

   SELECT extn.category
        , extn.source_id
        , pwf.created_by
   FROM   pv_lead_workflows pwf
        , jtf_rs_resource_extns extn
   WHERE  pwf.created_by   = extn.user_id
   AND    pwf.entity = 'OPPORTUNITY'
   AND    pwf.latest_routing_flag = 'Y'
   AND    pwf.lead_id = pc_lead_id;
Line: 3518

   select bg.name
   from   per_people_x px,  per_business_groups bg
   where  px.person_id = pc_source_id
   and    px.business_group_id = bg.business_group_id; */
Line: 3525

   select otl.name vendor_name
   from   hr_all_organization_units o,
        hr_all_organization_units_tl otl,
     per_all_people_f p
   where  o.organization_id = otl.organization_id
   and    otl.language = userenv('lang')
   and      o.organization_id = p.business_group_id
   and      p.person_id = pc_source_id;
Line: 3536

   select hp.party_name
   from   hz_relationships emp,hz_parties hp
   where  emp.party_id           = pc_source_id
   and    emp.subject_table_name = 'HZ_PARTIES'
   and    emp.object_table_name  = 'HZ_PARTIES'
   and    emp.directional_flag   = 'F'
   and    emp.relationship_code  = 'EMPLOYEE_OF'
   and    emp.relationship_type  = 'EMPLOYMENT'
   and    emp.status            in ('A', 'I')
   and    emp.object_id          = hp.party_id
   and    hp.status             in ('A', 'I');
Line: 3650

      fnd_message.Set_Token('TEXT', 'Updating assignment by calling pv_assignment_pvt.UpdateAssignment  for assignment id:' || l_lead_assignment_id);
Line: 3654

   pv_assignment_pvt.UpdateAssignment (
      p_api_version_number  => 1.0
      ,p_init_msg_list      => FND_API.G_FALSE
      ,p_commit             => FND_API.G_FALSE
      ,p_validation_level   => FND_API.G_VALID_LEVEL_FULL
      ,p_action             => g_asgn_action_status_update
      ,p_lead_assignment_id => l_lead_assignment_id
      ,p_status_date        => sysdate
      ,p_status             => g_la_status_pt_abandoned
      ,p_reason_code        => p_reason_code
      ,p_rank               => NULL
      ,x_msg_count          => x_msg_count
      ,x_msg_data           => x_msg_data
      ,x_return_status      => x_return_status);
Line: 3736

         fnd_message.Set_Token('TEXT', 'All partners have abandoned.  Update pv_lead_workflow routing to ABANDONED');
Line: 3741

      fnd_message.Set_Token('TEXT', 'Updating the routing stage by calling pv_assignment_pvt.update_routing_stage  ');
Line: 3745

      pv_assignment_pvt.update_routing_stage (
         p_api_version_number   => 1.0,
         p_init_msg_list        => FND_API.G_FALSE,
         p_commit               => FND_API.G_FALSE,
         p_validation_level     => FND_API.G_VALID_LEVEL_FULL,
         p_itemType             => l_itemtype,
         p_itemKey              => l_itemKey,
         p_routing_stage        => pv_assignment_pub.g_r_status_abandoned,
         p_active_but_open_flag => 'N',
         x_return_status        => x_return_status,
         x_msg_count            => x_msg_count,
         x_msg_data             => x_msg_data);
Line: 3780

        SELECT meaning
        INTO   l_action_reason
        FROM   pv_lookups
       WHERE  lookup_type = 'PV_REASON_CODES'
       AND    lookup_code = p_reason_code;