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Line 575: -- ams_event_offers_v takes care of that and returns delivery_method_code though

571: -- AMS_ACT_DELIVERY_METHODS table and returns delivery_method_id which is then
572: -- inserted into ams_event_offers table.
573: -- Caution is advised that while retrieving records from event offers table,
574: -- delivery_method_id is retrieved and not delivery_method_code..
575: -- ams_event_offers_v takes care of that and returns delivery_method_code though
576: -- sugupta 3/27/00 change of plans... delivery method will always be passed to update procedure, not create..
577: -- adding call to Create_Act_DelvMethod in update_event_offer procedure now
578: -- dlv method code will neevr be passed for event agenda... so no need to put an if loop for event level

Line 3256: 'ams_event_offers_vl',

3252: AND p_evo_rec.source_code IS NOT NULL
3253: THEN
3254: /*
3255: IF AMS_Utility_PVT.check_uniqueness(
3256: 'ams_event_offers_vl',
3257: 'source_code = ''' || p_evo_rec.source_code || ''''
3258: ) = FND_API.g_false
3259: */
3260: open c_src_code(p_evo_rec.source_code);

Line 4408: FROM ams_event_offers_vl

4404: )
4405: IS
4406: CURSOR c_evo IS
4407: SELECT *
4408: FROM ams_event_offers_vl
4409: WHERE event_offer_id = p_evo_rec.event_offer_id;
4411: CURSOR c_source_code IS
4412: SELECT 1

Line 5117: FROM ams_event_offers_vl

5113: IS
5115: CURSOR c_evo IS
5116: SELECT *
5117: FROM ams_event_offers_vl
5118: WHERE event_offer_id = p_evo_rec.event_offer_id;
5120: CURSOR c_location(loc_id IN NUMBER) IS
5121: SELECT city, state, country

Line 7010: -- SELECT event_start_date, event_end_date FROM ams_event_offers_v

7006: FROM ams_event_headers_all_b
7007: WHERE event_header_id = p_evo_rec.event_header_id;
7009: CURSOR c_event_schedule IS
7010: -- SELECT event_start_date, event_end_date FROM ams_event_offers_v
7011: SELECT event_start_date, event_end_date
7012: FROM ams_event_offers_all_b
7013: WHERE event_offer_id = p_evo_rec.parent_event_offer_id and system_status_code<> 'CANCELLED';--implemented ER2381975 by anchaudh.

Line 7194: SELECT parent_id from ams_event_offers_v

7190: l_api_version CONSTANT NUMBER := 1.0;
7193: CURSOR c_program IS
7194: SELECT parent_id from ams_event_offers_v
7195: WHERE event_offer_id = p_evo_rec.event_offer_id;
7196: BEGIN
7198: OPEN c_program;