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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 606

      SELECT DISTINCT part.party_number Customer_Number
       WHERE cust.cust_account_id = aia.party_id
         AND cust.party_id = part.party_id
         AND aia.Invoice_Id = pn_invoice_id; --parameter: pn_invoice_id
Line: 669

      SELECT TO_CHAR(Gp.Period_Num)
        FROM Gl_Periods Gp, Gl_Ledgers Gl
       WHERE Gl.Ledger_Id = pn_ledger_id --parameter: pn_ledger_id
         AND Gl.period_set_name = Gp.period_set_name
         AND Gl.accounted_period_type = Gp.period_type
         AND Gp.Period_Name = lv_period_name; --variable: lv_period_name
Line: 677

      SELECT Period_Name
        FROM Ap_Invoices_v
       WHERE Invoice_Id = pn_invoice_id; --parameter: pn_invoice_id
Line: 740

      SELECT DISTINCT Jcc.account_segment Prepaid_Account_Num
        FROM Ap_Invoices_All          Aia,
             Xla_Transaction_Entities Ent,
             Ja_Cn_Code_Combination_v Jcc,
             Xla_Ae_Headers           Aeh,
             Xla_Ae_Lines             Ael
       WHERE Ent.Application_Id = 200
         AND Aia.Invoice_Id = Ent.Source_Id_Int_1
         AND Ent.Entity_Code = 'AP_INVOICES'
         AND Ent.Entity_Id = Aeh.Entity_Id
         AND Aeh.Ledger_Id = pn_ledger_id --parameter: pn_ledger_id
         AND Aia.Invoice_Id = pn_invoice_id --parameter: pn_invoice_id
         AND Aia.Invoice_Type_Lookup_Code = 'PREPAYMENT'
         AND Aeh.Ae_Header_Id = Ael.Ae_Header_Id
         AND Ael.Accounting_Class_Code = 'PREPAID_EXPENSE'
         AND Jcc.Code_Combination_Id = Ael.Code_Combination_Id
         AND Jcc.Ledger_id = Aeh.Ledger_id;
Line: 815

      SELECT DISTINCT voucher_number journal_number
        FROM ja_cn_voucher_number
       WHERE je_header_id = pn_je_header_id
         AND legal_entity_id = pn_legal_entity_id;
Line: 822

    /*SELECT DISTINCT jcjl.journal_number
     FROM ja_cn_journal_lines jcjl
    WHERE jcjl.je_header_id = pn_je_header_id;*/
Line: 885

      SELECT SUM(-1 * NVL(Ael.Accounted_Dr, 0) + NVL(Ael.Accounted_Cr, 0)) Functional_Amount,
             SUM(-1 * NVL(Ael.Entered_Dr, 0) + NVL(Ael.Entered_Cr, 0)) Entered_Amount
        FROM Xla_Ae_Lines Ael, Xla_Ae_Headers Aeh
       WHERE Ael.Ae_Header_Id = Aeh.Ae_Header_Id
         AND Ael.Accounting_Class_Code = 'LIABILITY'
         AND ((pn_invoice_id IS NULL AND Aeh.Ae_Header_Id = pn_ae_header_id) --parameter: pn_ae_header_id
             OR (pn_invoice_id IS NOT NULL AND
             Aeh.Ae_Header_Id =
             (DECODE((SELECT COUNT(*)
                            FROM Xla_Transaction_Entities Ent1,
                                 Xla_Ae_Headers           Aeh1
                           WHERE Ent1.Application_Id = 200
                             AND Ent1.Entity_Code = 'AP_INVOICES'
                             AND Ent1.Entity_Id = Aeh1.Entity_Id
                             AND Aeh1.Ae_Header_Id = pn_ae_header_id --parameter: pn_ae_header_id
                             AND Aeh1.Ledger_Id = pn_ledger_id), --parameter: pn_ledger_id
                          (SELECT MIN(Aeh1.Ae_Header_Id)
                             FROM Ap_Invoices_All          Aia1,
                                  Xla_Transaction_Entities Ent1,
                                  Xla_Ae_Headers           Aeh1
                            WHERE Ent1.Application_Id = 200
                              AND Aia1.Invoice_Id = Ent1.Source_Id_Int_1
                              AND Ent1.Entity_Code = 'AP_INVOICES'
                              AND Ent1.Entity_Id = Aeh1.Entity_Id
                              AND Aia1.Invoice_Id = pn_invoice_id --parameter: pn_invoice_id
                              AND Aeh1.Ledger_Id = pn_ledger_id), --parameter: pn_ledger_id
            --BSV condition, to handle one invoice having BSVs from different legal entity in distribution lines
         AND EXISTS
       (SELECT llbg.Bal_Seg_Value
                FROM ja_cn_ledger_le_bsv_gt llbg
               WHERE JA_CN_CFS_DATA_CLT_PKG.get_balancing_segment(Ael.CODE_COMBINATION_ID) =
                 AND llbg.Ledger_Id = pn_ledger_id --parameter: pn_ledger_id
                 AND llbg.Legal_Entity_Id = pn_legal_entity_id); --parameter: pn_legal_entity_id
Line: 981

      SELECT -1 * NVL(Aip.Amount, 0) Entered_Amount,
             -1 * NVL(Aip.Payment_Base_Amount, NVL(Aip.Amount, 0)) Functional_Amount
        FROM Ap_Invoice_Payments_All Aip
       WHERE Aip.Invoice_Payment_Id = pn_invoice_payment_id; -- parameter: pn_invoice_payment_id
Line: 1049

      SELECT SUM(NVL(Ael.Accounted_Dr, 0) + -1 * NVL(Ael.Accounted_Cr, 0)) Functional_Amount,
             SUM(NVL(Ael.Entered_Dr, 0) + -1 * NVL(Ael.Entered_Cr, 0)) Entered_Amount
        FROM Xla_Ae_Lines             Ael,
             Xla_Ae_Headers           Aeh,
             Ja_Cn_Code_Combination_v Jcc
       WHERE Ael.Ae_Header_Id = Aeh.Ae_Header_Id
         AND Ael.Accounting_Class_Code <> 'LIABILITY'
         AND Aeh.Ae_Header_Id = pn_ae_header_id --parameter: pn_ae_header_id
         AND Jcc.Code_Combination_Id = Ael.Code_Combination_Id
         AND Jcc.account_segment = pv_account_num --parameter: pv_account_num
         AND Jcc.Ledger_Id = pn_ledger_id --parameter: pn_ledger_id
            --BSV condition, to handle one invoice having BSVs from different legal entity in distribution lines
         AND EXISTS
       (SELECT llbg.Bal_Seg_Value
                FROM ja_cn_ledger_le_bsv_gt llbg
               WHERE JA_CN_CFS_DATA_CLT_PKG.get_balancing_segment(Ael.CODE_COMBINATION_ID) =
                 AND llbg.Ledger_Id = pn_ledger_id --parameter: pn_ledger_id
                 AND llbg.Legal_Entity_Id = pn_legal_entity_id); --parameter: pn_legal_entity_id
Line: 1138

      SELECT SUM(func_end_balance) Functional_Balance,
             SUM(orig_end_balance) Entered_Balance
        FROM ja_cn_account_balances_v jcab
       WHERE jcab.ledger_id = pn_ledger_id --parameter: pn_ledger_id
         AND jcab.legal_entity_id = pn_legal_entity_id --parameter: pn_legal_entity_id
         AND jcab.third_party_id = pn_supplier_id --parameter: pn_supplier_id
         AND jcab.account_segment = pv_account_number --parameter: pv_account_number
         AND jcab.currency_code = pv_currency_code --parameter: pv_currency_code
         AND jcab.period_name = pv_period_name; --parameter: pv_period_name
Line: 1216

      SELECT SUM(NVL(jcab.func_period_net_dr, 0) +
                 -1 * NVL(jcab.func_period_net_cr, 0)) Functional_Balance,
             SUM(NVL(jcab.orig_period_net_dr, 0) +
                 -1 * NVL(jcab.orig_period_net_cr, 0)) Entered_Balance
        FROM ja_cn_account_balances jcab
       WHERE jcab.ledger_id = pn_ledger_id --parameter: pn_ledger_id
         AND jcab.legal_entity_id = pn_legal_entity_id --parameter: pn_legal_entity_id
         AND jcab.third_party_id = pn_supplier_id --parameter: pn_supplier_id
         AND jcab.account_segment = pv_account_number --parameter: pv_account_number
         AND jcab.currency_code = pv_currency_code --parameter: pv_currency_code
         AND jcab.period_name = pv_period_name; --parameter: pv_period_name
Line: 1289

                    NULL) Balance_Side
       WHERE flex_value_set_id = ln_flex_value_set_id --variable: ln_flex_value_set_id
         AND flex_value = pv_account_number; --parameter:  pv_account_number
Line: 1401

      SELECT attribute_column
        FROM ja_cn_dff_assignments
       WHERE chart_of_accounts_id = pn_coa_id --parameter: pn_coa_id
         AND dff_title_code = 'ACBS';
Line: 1415

      INTO lv_debit
       AND LOOKUP_CODE = 'D'
Line: 1422

      INTO lv_credit
       AND LOOKUP_CODE = 'C'
Line: 1429

    SELECT s.flex_value_set_id
      INTO ln_flex_value_set_id
      FROM fnd_id_flex_segments s
     WHERE s.application_id = 101
       AND s.id_flex_num = pn_coa_id
       AND s.id_flex_code = 'GL#'
       AND s.application_column_name =
           (SELECT application_column_name
              FROM fnd_segment_attribute_values
             WHERE application_id = 101
               AND segment_attribute_type = 'GL_ACCOUNT'
               AND attribute_value = 'Y'
               AND id_flex_num = pn_coa_id
               AND id_flex_code = 'GL#');
Line: 1501

                                      pn_check_id IN NUMBER) --Updated for fixing bug# 9793920
    lv_bill_num                  VARCHAR(50) := NULL;
Line: 1515

      SELECT attribute_column, context_code
        FROM ja_cn_dff_assignments
       WHERE chart_of_accounts_id = pn_coa_id --parameter: pn_coa_id
         AND dff_title_code = 'APIN';
Line: 1537

      lv_cursor_sql := 'SELECT ' || lv_attribute_column4bill_num ||
                       '  FROM Ap_Checks_All' || ' WHERE Check_Id =' ||
                       pn_check_id || ' AND Attribute_Category=''' ||
                       lv_context_code || ''''; --Updated for fixing bug# 9793920
Line: 1585

      SELECT TO_CHAR(apsa.Due_Date, 'YYYYMMDD') Due_Date
        FROM Ap_Payment_Schedules_All apsa
       WHERE apsa.Invoice_Id = pn_invoice_id --parameter: pn_invoice_id
         AND (pn_inovice_payment_id IS NULL
             --To handle schedule payment
             (pn_inovice_payment_id IS NOT NULL AND EXISTS
              (SELECT aipa.Payment_Num
                  FROM Ap_Invoice_Payments_All aipa
                 WHERE aipa.Invoice_Id = apsa.Invoice_Id
                   AND aipa.Payment_Num = apsa.Payment_Num
                   AND aipa.Invoice_Payment_id = pn_inovice_payment_id))) --parameter: pn_inovice_payment_id
       ORDER BY Due_Date;
Line: 1660

      SELECT SUM(-1 * NVL(Ael.Entered_Dr, 0) + NVL(Ael.Entered_Cr, 0)) Inv_Amount
        FROM Ap_Invoices_All          Aia,
             Xla_Transaction_Entities Ent,
             Xla_Ae_Headers           Aeh,
             Xla_Ae_Lines             Ael
       WHERE Aia.Invoice_Id = pn_invoice_id -- parameter: pn_invoice_id
            --SLA condition
         AND Ent.Application_Id = 200
         AND Aia.Invoice_Id = Ent.Source_Id_Int_1
         AND Ent.Entity_Code = 'AP_INVOICES'
         AND Ent.Entity_Id = Aeh.Entity_Id
         AND Aeh.Ledger_Id = pn_ledger_id --parameter: pn_ledger_id
         AND Ael.Accounting_Class_Code = 'LIABILITY'
         AND (Aia.Invoice_Type_Lookup_Code = 'PREPAYMENT' OR NOT EXISTS
              (SELECT Ael1.Ae_HEADER_ID --filter accounting line for prepayment application
                 FROM Xla_Ae_Lines Ael1
                WHERE Aeh.Ae_Header_Id = Ael1.Ae_Header_Id
                  AND Ael1.Accounting_Class_Code = 'PREPAID_EXPENSE'))
         AND Aeh.Ae_Header_Id = Ael.Ae_Header_Id
            --BSV condition, to handle one invoice having BSVs from different legal entity in distribution lines
         AND EXISTS
       (SELECT llbg.Bal_Seg_Value
                FROM ja_cn_ledger_le_bsv_gt llbg
               WHERE JA_CN_CFS_DATA_CLT_PKG.get_balancing_segment(Ael.CODE_COMBINATION_ID) =
                 AND llbg.Ledger_Id = pn_ledger_id --parameter: pn_ledger_id
                 AND llbg.Legal_Entity_Id = pn_legal_entity_id); --parameter: pn_legal_entity_id
Line: 1689

      SELECT SUM(NVL(Paid_Amount, 0)) Paid_Amount
        FROM (
              --collecting payment amount
              --Begin: Updated for fixing bug# 9747960
              /*SELECT  SUM(NVL(Ael.Entered_Dr,
                                0) + -1 * NVL(Ael.Entered_Cr,
                                         0)) Paid_Amount
              FROM Ap_Invoices_All           Aia,
                   Ap_Checks_All             Ach,
                   Ap_Invoice_Payments_All   Aip,
                   Xla_Transaction_Entities  Ent,
                   Xla_Ae_Headers            Aeh,
                   Xla_Ae_Lines              Ael,
                   Gl_Je_Headers             Jeh,
                   Gl_Import_References      Gir
              WHERE Aia.Invoice_Id = Aip.Invoice_Id
                AND Ach.Check_Id = Aip.Check_Id
                AND Aia.Invoice_Id = pn_invoice_id -- parameter: pn_invoice_id
                    AND Aip.Accounting_Date <= (SELECT DISTINCT Gp.End_Date
                                              FROM Gl_Ledgers Gl,
                                                   Gl_Periods Gp
                                             WHERE Gl.period_set_name = Gp.period_set_name
                                               AND Gl.accounted_period_type = Gp.period_type
                                               AND Gl.Ledger_Id = pn_ledger_id --parameter: pn_ledger_id
                                               AND Gp.period_name = pv_period_name)  --parameter: pv_period_name
                --SLA condition
                AND Ent.Application_Id = 200
                AND Ach.Check_Id = Ent.Source_Id_Int_1
                AND Ent.Entity_Code = 'AP_PAYMENTS'
                AND Ent.Entity_Id = Aeh.Entity_Id
                AND Aeh.Ledger_Id = pn_ledger_id --parameter: pn_ledger_id
                AND Ael.Accounting_Class_Code = 'LIABILITY'
                --GL condition
                AND Gir.Gl_Sl_Link_Id = Ael.Gl_Sl_Link_Id
                AND Gir.Gl_Sl_Link_Table = Ael.Gl_Sl_Link_Table
                AND Ael.Ae_Header_Id = Aeh.Ae_Header_Id
                AND Gir.Je_Header_Id = Jeh.Je_Header_Id
                AND Jeh.Status = 'P' --only collecting posted payment
               --BSV condition, to handle one invoice having BSVs from different legal entity in distribution lines
               AND EXISTS (SELECT llbg.Bal_Seg_Value
                                FROM ja_cn_ledger_le_bsv_gt llbg
                               WHERE JA_CN_CFS_DATA_CLT_PKG.get_balancing_segment(Ael.CODE_COMBINATION_ID) = llbg.Bal_Seg_Value
                                 AND llbg.Ledger_Id = pn_ledger_id --parameter: pn_ledger_id
                                 AND llbg.Legal_Entity_Id = pn_legal_entity_id) --parameter: pn_legal_entity_id*/
              SELECT SUM(NVL(Aip.Amount, 0)) Paid_Amount
                FROM Ap_Invoices_All Aia, Ap_Invoice_Payments_All Aip
               WHERE Aia.Invoice_Id = Aip.Invoice_Id
                 AND Aia.Invoice_Id = pn_invoice_id -- parameter: pn_invoice_id
                 AND EXISTS
               (SELECT Ach.Check_Id
                        FROM Ap_Checks_All            Ach,
                             Xla_Transaction_Entities Ent,
                             Xla_Ae_Headers           Aeh,
                             Xla_Ae_Lines             Ael,
                             Gl_Je_Headers            Jeh,
                             Gl_Import_References     Gir
                       WHERE Ach.Check_Id = Aip.Check_Id
                         AND Aip.Accounting_Date <=
                             (SELECT DISTINCT Gp.End_Date
                                FROM Gl_Ledgers Gl, Gl_Periods Gp
                               WHERE Gl.period_set_name = Gp.period_set_name
                                 AND Gl.accounted_period_type = Gp.period_type
                                 AND Gl.Ledger_Id = pn_ledger_id --parameter: pn_ledger_id
                                 AND Gp.period_name = pv_period_name) --parameter: pv_period_name
                            -- Choli       updated, fix bug 12635156
                         AND Ach.cleared_date <=
                             (SELECT DISTINCT Gp.End_Date
                                FROM Gl_Ledgers Gl, Gl_Periods Gp
                               WHERE Gl.period_set_name = Gp.period_set_name
                                 AND Gl.accounted_period_type = Gp.period_type
                                 AND Gl.Ledger_Id = pn_ledger_id --parameter: pn_ledger_id
                                 AND Gp.period_name = pv_period_name) --parameter: pv_period_name

                            --SLA condition
                         AND Ent.Application_Id = 200
                         AND Ach.Check_Id = Ent.Source_Id_Int_1
                         AND Ent.Entity_Code = 'AP_PAYMENTS'
                         AND Ent.Entity_Id = Aeh.Entity_Id
                         AND Aeh.Ledger_Id = pn_ledger_id --parameter: pn_ledger_id
                         AND Ael.Accounting_Class_Code = 'LIABILITY'
                            --GL condition
                         AND Gir.Gl_Sl_Link_Id = Ael.Gl_Sl_Link_Id
                         AND Gir.Gl_Sl_Link_Table = Ael.Gl_Sl_Link_Table
                         AND Ael.Ae_Header_Id = Aeh.Ae_Header_Id
                         AND Gir.Je_Header_Id = Jeh.Je_Header_Id
                         AND Jeh.Status = 'P') --only collecting posted payment
              --End: Updated for fixing bug# 9747960
              --collecting prepaid amount
              SELECT SUM(-1 * NVL(Ael.Entered_Dr, 0) + NVL(Ael.Entered_Cr, 0)) Paid_Amount
                FROM Ap_Invoices_All          Aia,
                     Xla_Transaction_Entities Ent,
                     Xla_Ae_Headers           Aeh,
                     Xla_Ae_Lines             Ael,
                     Gl_Je_Headers            Jeh,
                     Gl_Import_References     Gir
               WHERE Aia.Invoice_Id = pn_invoice_id -- parameter: pn_invoice_id
                 AND Aia.Invoice_Type_Lookup_Code <> 'PREPAYMENT'
                    --SLA condition
                 AND Ent.Application_Id = 200
                 AND Aia.Invoice_Id = Ent.Source_Id_Int_1
                 AND Ent.Entity_Code = 'AP_INVOICES'
                 AND Ent.Entity_Id = Aeh.Entity_Id
                 AND Aeh.Ledger_Id = pn_ledger_id --parameter: pn_ledger_id
                 AND Ael.Accounting_Class_Code = 'PREPAID_EXPENSE'
                 AND Aeh.Ae_Header_Id = Ael.Ae_Header_Id
                    --GL condition
                 AND Gir.Gl_Sl_Link_Id = Ael.Gl_Sl_Link_Id
                 AND Gir.Gl_Sl_Link_Table = Ael.Gl_Sl_Link_Table
                 AND Ael.Ae_Header_Id = Aeh.Ae_Header_Id
                 AND Gir.Je_Header_Id = Jeh.Je_Header_Id
                 AND Jeh.Status = 'P' --only collecting posted prepayment application
                    --Period condition
                 AND Jeh.Default_Effective_Date <=
                     (SELECT DISTINCT Gp.End_Date
                        FROM Gl_Ledgers Gl, Gl_Periods Gp
                       WHERE Gl.period_set_name = Gp.period_set_name
                         AND Gl.accounted_period_type = Gp.period_type
                         AND Gl.Ledger_Id = pn_ledger_id --parameter: pn_ledger_id
                         AND Gp.period_name = pv_period_name) --parameter: pv_period_name
                    --BSV condition, to handle one invoice having BSVs from different legal entity in distribution lines
                 AND EXISTS
               (SELECT llbg.Bal_Seg_Value
                        FROM ja_cn_ledger_le_bsv_gt llbg
                       WHERE JA_CN_CFS_DATA_CLT_PKG.get_balancing_segment(Ael.CODE_COMBINATION_ID) =
                         AND llbg.Ledger_Id = pn_ledger_id --parameter: pn_ledger_id
                         AND llbg.Legal_Entity_Id = pn_legal_entity_id) --parameter: pn_legal_entity_id
Line: 1892

      SELECT SUM(NVL(Ael.Entered_Dr, 0) + -1 * NVL(Ael.Entered_Cr, 0)) Prepaid_Amount
        FROM Ap_Invoices_All          Aia,
             Xla_Transaction_Entities Ent,
             Xla_Ae_Headers           Aeh,
             Xla_Ae_Lines             Ael,
             Ja_Cn_Code_Combination_v Jcc
       WHERE Aia.Invoice_Id = pn_invoice_id -- parameter: pn_invoice_id
         AND Aia.Invoice_Type_Lookup_Code = 'PREPAYMENT'
            --SLA condition
         AND Ent.Application_Id = 200
         AND Aia.Invoice_Id = Ent.Source_Id_Int_1
         AND Ent.Entity_Code = 'AP_INVOICES'
         AND Ent.Entity_Id = Aeh.Entity_Id
         AND Aeh.Ledger_Id = pn_ledger_id --parameter: pn_ledger_id
            --AND Ael.Accounting_Class_Code = 'PREPAID_EXPENSE'
         AND Ael.Accounting_Class_Code <> 'LIABILITY'
         AND Jcc.Code_Combination_Id = Ael.Code_Combination_Id
         AND Jcc.account_segment = pv_account_num --parameter: pv_account_num
         AND Jcc.Ledger_Id = pn_ledger_id --parameter: pn_ledger_id
         AND Aeh.Ae_Header_Id = Ael.Ae_Header_Id
            --BSV condition, to handle one invoice having BSVs from different legal entity in distribution lines
         AND EXISTS
       (SELECT llbg.Bal_Seg_Value
                FROM ja_cn_ledger_le_bsv_gt llbg
               WHERE JA_CN_CFS_DATA_CLT_PKG.get_balancing_segment(Ael.CODE_COMBINATION_ID) =
                 AND llbg.Ledger_Id = pn_ledger_id --parameter: pn_ledger_id
                 AND llbg.Legal_Entity_Id = pn_legal_entity_id); --parameter: pn_legal_entity_id
Line: 1923

      SELECT SUM(-1 * NVL(Ael.Entered_Dr, 0) + NVL(Ael.Entered_Cr, 0)) Applied_Amount
        FROM Ap_Prepay_History_All    Aph,
             Xla_Ae_Headers           Aeh,
             Xla_Ae_Lines             Ael,
             Ja_Cn_Code_Combination_v Jcc,
             Gl_Je_Headers            Jeh,
             Gl_Import_References     Gir
       WHERE Aph.Prepay_Invoice_Id = pn_invoice_id --parameter: pn_invoice_id
         AND Aph.Accounting_Event_Id = Aeh.Event_Id
            --SLA condition
         AND Aeh.Ae_Header_Id = Ael.Ae_Header_Id
         AND Aeh.Ledger_Id = pn_ledger_id --parameter: pn_ledger_id
         AND Ael.Accounting_Class_Code = 'PREPAID_EXPENSE'
         AND Jcc.Code_Combination_Id = Ael.Code_Combination_Id
         AND Jcc.account_segment = pv_account_num --parameter: pv_account_num
         AND Jcc.Ledger_Id = pn_ledger_id --parameter: pn_ledger_id
            --GL condition
         AND Gir.Gl_Sl_Link_Id = Ael.Gl_Sl_Link_Id
         AND Gir.Gl_Sl_Link_Table = Ael.Gl_Sl_Link_Table
         AND Ael.Ae_Header_Id = Aeh.Ae_Header_Id
         AND Gir.Je_Header_Id = Jeh.Je_Header_Id
         AND Jeh.Status = 'P' --only collecting posted prepayment application
            --Period condition
         AND Jeh.Default_Effective_Date <=
             (SELECT DISTINCT Gp.End_Date
                FROM Gl_Ledgers Gl, Gl_Periods Gp
               WHERE Gl.period_set_name = Gp.period_set_name
                 AND Gl.accounted_period_type = Gp.period_type
                 AND Gl.Ledger_Id = pn_ledger_id --parameter: pn_ledger_id
                 AND Gp.period_name = pv_period_name) --parameter: pv_period_name
            --BSV condition, to handle one invoice having BSVs from different legal entity in distribution lines
         AND EXISTS
       (SELECT llbg.Bal_Seg_Value
                FROM ja_cn_ledger_le_bsv_gt llbg
               WHERE JA_CN_CFS_DATA_CLT_PKG.get_balancing_segment(Ael.CODE_COMBINATION_ID) =
                 AND llbg.Ledger_Id = pn_ledger_id --parameter: pn_ledger_id
                 AND llbg.Legal_Entity_Id = pn_legal_entity_id); --parameter: pn_legal_entity_id
Line: 2033

      SELECT DISTINCT Account_Number
        FROM (SELECT Jab.Account_Segment Account_Number
                FROM Xla_Ae_Headers           Aeh,
                     Xla_Ae_Lines             Ael,
                     Ja_Cn_Code_Combination_v Jcc,
                     Ja_Cn_Account_Balances   Jab
               WHERE Jab.Ledger_Id = pn_ledger_id --parameter: pn_ledger_id
                 AND Jab.Legal_Entity_Id = pn_legal_entity_id --parameter: pn_legal_entity_id
                 AND Jab.Period_Name = pv_first_period --parameter: pv_first_period
                 AND Jab.Account_Segment = Jcc.Account_Segment
                 AND Jab.Ledger_Id = Jcc.Ledger_id
                 AND Jab.Third_Party_Id IS NOT NULL
                    --SLA condition
                 AND Aeh.Ae_Header_Id = Ael.Ae_Header_Id
                 AND Ael.Accounting_Class_Code = lv_accouting_class_code --variable: lv_accouting_class_code
                 AND Aeh.Ledger_id = pn_ledger_id --parameter: pn_ledger_id
                 AND Jcc.Ledger_id = Aeh.Ledger_id
                 AND Jcc.Code_Combination_Id = Ael.Code_Combination_Id
                    --BSV condition, to handle one invoice having BSVs from different legal entity in distribution lines
                 AND EXISTS
               (SELECT llbg.Bal_Seg_Value
                        FROM ja_cn_ledger_le_bsv_gt llbg
                       WHERE JA_CN_CFS_DATA_CLT_PKG.get_balancing_segment(Ael.CODE_COMBINATION_ID) =
                         AND llbg.Ledger_Id = pn_ledger_id --parameter: pn_ledger_id
                         AND llbg.Legal_Entity_Id = pn_legal_entity_id) --parameter: pn_legal_entity_id
       ORDER BY Account_Number;
Line: 2122

      SELECT part.party_number Supplier_Number
        FROM HZ_PARTIES part
       WHERE part.party_id = pn_supplier_id --parameter: pn_supplier_id
      SELECT Sup.Segment1 Supplier_Number
        FROM ap_suppliers Sup
       WHERE Sup.vendor_id = pn_supplier_id; --parameter: pn_supplier_id
Line: 2200

      SELECT Fcv.NAME Entered_Currency,
        FROM (SELECT currency_code,
                            SUM(NVL(Orig_Begin_Balance_Cr, 0) -
                                NVL(Orig_Begin_Balance_Dr, 0)),
                            SUM(NVL(Orig_Begin_Balance_Dr, 0) -
                                NVL(Orig_Begin_Balance_Cr, 0))) Entered_Amount,
                            SUM(NVL(Func_Begin_Balance_Cr, 0) -
                                NVL(Func_Begin_Balance_Dr, 0)),
                            SUM(NVL(Func_Begin_Balance_Dr, 0) -
                                NVL(Func_Begin_Balance_Cr, 0))) Functional_Amount
                FROM ja_cn_account_balances
               WHERE ledger_id = pn_ledger_id --parameter: pn_ledger_id
                 AND legal_entity_id = pn_legal_entity_id --parameter: pn_legal_entity_id
                 AND third_party_id = ln_supplier_id --variable: ln_supplier_id
                 AND account_segment = lv_account_number --variable: lv_account_number
                 AND period_name = pv_first_period --parameter: pv_first_period
               GROUP BY third_party_id, currency_code) bal,
             Fnd_Currencies_Vl Fcv
       WHERE bal.Functional_Amount <> 0
         AND Fcv.currency_code = bal.currency_code
       ORDER BY bal.currency_code;
Line: 2232

      SELECT DISTINCT Third_Party_Id Supplier_Id
        FROM ja_cn_account_balances
       WHERE ledger_id = pn_ledger_id --parameter: pn_ledger_id
         AND legal_entity_id = pn_legal_entity_id --parameter: pn_legal_entity_id
         AND period_name = pv_first_period --parameter: pv_first_period
         AND Third_Party_Id IS NOT NULL
       ORDER BY Third_Party_Id;
Line: 2242

      SELECT DECODE(COUNT(*), 0, 'Y', 'N') no_trans_flag
        FROM Gl_Je_Lines              Jel,
             Gl_Je_Headers            Jeh,
             Gl_Import_References     Gir,
             Ja_Cn_Code_Combination_v Jcc,
             Gl_Ledgers               Gl,
             Gl_Periods               Gp,
             Xla_Ae_Lines             Ael,
             Xla_Ae_Headers           Aeh,
             Ap_Suppliers             Sup
       WHERE Jel.Je_Header_Id = Jeh.Je_Header_Id
         AND Gir.Je_Header_Id = Jeh.Je_Header_Id
         AND Gir.Je_Line_Num = Jel.Je_Line_Num
         AND Jcc.Code_Combination_Id = Jel.Code_Combination_Id
         AND Jcc.Ledger_id = Jeh.Ledger_id
         AND Gl.Ledger_Id = Jcc.ledger_id
         AND Jeh.Status = 'P' --only collecting posted payable
            --Period condition
         AND Gl.period_set_name = Gp.period_set_name
         AND Jeh.Period_Name = Gp.Period_Name
         AND Gl.accounted_period_type = Gp.period_type
         AND Gp.period_year = to_number(pv_accounting_year) --parameter: pv_accounting_year
         AND Gp.start_date BETWEEN
             (SELECT Gp1.Start_Date
                FROM Gl_Periods Gp1
               WHERE Gl.period_set_name = Gp1.period_set_name
                 AND Gl.accounted_period_type = Gp1.period_type
                 AND Gp1.period_name = pv_first_period) --parameter: pv_first_period
         AND (SELECT Gp2.Start_Date
                FROM Gl_Periods Gp2
               WHERE Gl.period_set_name = Gp2.period_set_name
                 AND Gl.accounted_period_type = Gp2.period_type
                 AND Gp2.period_name = pv_first_period) --parameter: pv_first_period
            --SLA condition
         AND Gir.Gl_Sl_Link_Id = Ael.Gl_Sl_Link_Id
         AND Gir.Gl_Sl_Link_Table = Ael.Gl_Sl_Link_Table
         AND Ael.Ae_Header_Id = Aeh.Ae_Header_Id
         AND Jcc.Ledger_Id = pn_ledger_id --parameter: pn_ledger_id
         AND Ael.Party_Id = Sup.Vendor_Id(+)
         AND Ael.Party_Id = ln_supplier_id --variable: ln_supplier_id
         AND Ael.Accounting_Class_Code = 'LIABILITY' --only collecting 'Liability' account
         AND NVL(Sup.Vendor_Type_Lookup_Code, 'CUSTOMER') <> 'EMPLOYEE' --not considering employee supplier
            --BSV condition
         AND EXISTS
       (SELECT llbg.Bal_Seg_Value
                FROM ja_cn_ledger_le_bsv_gt llbg
               WHERE JA_CN_CFS_DATA_CLT_PKG.get_balancing_segment(Jcc.CODE_COMBINATION_ID) =
                 AND llbg.Ledger_Id = pn_ledger_id --parameter: pn_ledger_id
                 AND llbg.Legal_Entity_Id = pn_legal_entity_id); --parameter: pn_legal_entity_id
Line: 2303

      SELECT Fcv.NAME Functional_Currency
        INTO lv_fun_currency
        FROM Gl_Ledgers Gl, Fnd_Currencies_Vl Fcv
       WHERE Gl.Ledger_Id = pn_ledger_id --parameter: pn_ledger_id
         AND Fcv.CURRENCY_CODE = Gl.Currency_Code;
Line: 2444

     select trunc(accounting_date, 'mm') accounting_date
      where aip.check_id = p_check_id;
Line: 2467

         select AP_INVOICES_PKG.GET_APPROVAL_STATUS(ai.invoice_id,
                                                    ai.invoice_type_lookup_code) into l_invoice_status
           from ap_invoices_all ai
          where invoice_id = p_invioce_id;
Line: 2474

          select EVENT_TYPE_CODE
            into l_enent_type_code
            from Xla_Ae_Headers
           where Ae_Header_Id = p_ae_header_id;
Line: 2523

       select trunc(accounting_date, 'mm') accounting_date
         from Xla_Ae_Headers aip
        where aip.ae_header_id = p_ae_header_id ;
Line: 2544

        select AP_INVOICES_PKG.GET_APPROVAL_STATUS(ai.invoice_id,
          into l_invoice_status
          from ap_invoices_all ai
         where invoice_id = p_invioce_id;
Line: 2640

      SELECT DISTINCT Jeh.Je_Header_Id Je_Header_Id,
                      Aeh.Ae_Header_Id Ae_Header_Id,
                      Ael.Party_Id Supplier_Id,
                      Gp.Period_Name Inv_Period_Name,
                      Sup.Segment1 Supplier_Number,
                      Jcc.Account_Segment Account_Number,
                      TO_CHAR(Jeh.Date_Created, 'YYYYMMDD') Journal_Created_Date,
                      TO_CHAR(Jeh.Default_Effective_Date, 'YYYYMMDD') Journal_Date,
                      pv_accounting_year Accounting_Year,
                      Gp.Period_Num Accounting_Period_Number,
                      Jeh.Je_Category Journal_Category_Number,
                      Fcv.Name Functional_Currency
        FROM Gl_Je_Lines              Jel,
             Gl_Je_Headers            Jeh,
             Gl_Import_References     Gir,
             Ja_Cn_Code_Combination_v Jcc,
             Gl_Ledgers               Gl,
             Gl_Periods               Gp,
             Xla_Ae_Lines             Ael,
             Xla_Ae_Headers           Aeh,
             Ap_Suppliers             Sup,
             Fnd_Currencies_Vl        Fcv
       WHERE Jel.Je_Header_Id = Jeh.Je_Header_Id
         AND Gir.Je_Header_Id = Jeh.Je_Header_Id
         AND Gir.Je_Line_Num = Jel.Je_Line_Num
         AND Jcc.Code_Combination_Id = Jel.Code_Combination_Id
         AND Jcc.Ledger_id = Jeh.Ledger_id
         AND Gl.Ledger_Id = Jcc.ledger_id
         AND Jeh.Status = 'P' --only collecting posted payable
            --Period condition
         AND Gl.period_set_name = Gp.period_set_name
         AND Jeh.Period_Name = Gp.Period_Name
         AND Gl.accounted_period_type = Gp.period_type
         AND Gp.period_year = to_number(pv_accounting_year) --parameter: pv_accounting_year
         AND Gp.start_date BETWEEN
             (SELECT Gp1.Start_Date
                FROM Gl_Periods Gp1
               WHERE Gl.period_set_name = Gp1.period_set_name
                 AND Gl.accounted_period_type = Gp1.period_type
                 AND Gp1.period_name = pv_period_from) --parameter: pv_period_from
         AND (SELECT Gp2.Start_Date
                FROM Gl_Periods Gp2
               WHERE Gl.period_set_name = Gp2.period_set_name
                 AND Gl.accounted_period_type = Gp2.period_type
                 AND Gp2.period_name = pv_period_to) --parameter: pv_period_to
            --SLA condition
         AND Gir.Gl_Sl_Link_Id = Ael.Gl_Sl_Link_Id
         AND Gir.Gl_Sl_Link_Table = Ael.Gl_Sl_Link_Table
         AND Ael.Ae_Header_Id = Aeh.Ae_Header_Id
         AND Jcc.Ledger_Id = pn_ledger_id --parameter: pn_ledger_id
         AND Ael.Party_Id = Sup.Vendor_Id(+)
         AND Ael.Accounting_Class_Code = 'LIABILITY' --only collecting 'Liability' account
         AND NVL(Sup.Vendor_Type_Lookup_Code, 'CUSTOMER') <> 'EMPLOYEE' --not considering employee supplier
            --BSV condition
         AND EXISTS (SELECT llbg.Bal_Seg_Value
                FROM ja_cn_ledger_le_bsv_gt llbg
               WHERE JA_CN_CFS_DATA_CLT_PKG.get_balancing_segment(Jcc.CODE_COMBINATION_ID) =
                 AND llbg.Ledger_Id = pn_ledger_id --parameter: pn_ledger_id
                 AND llbg.Legal_Entity_Id = pn_legal_entity_id) --parameter: pn_legal_entity_id
         AND Fcv.CURRENCY_CODE = Gl.Currency_Code
       ORDER BY Supplier_Id, Journal_Date, Je_Header_Id;
Line: 2705

      SELECT Aia.Invoice_Id Invoice_Id
        FROM Ap_Invoices_All          Aia,
             Xla_Transaction_Entities Ent,
             Xla_Ae_Headers           Aeh
       WHERE Ent.Application_Id = 200
         AND Aia.Invoice_Id = Ent.Source_Id_Int_1
         AND Ent.Entity_Code = 'AP_INVOICES'
         AND Ent.Entity_Id = Aeh.Entity_Id
         AND Aeh.Ae_Header_Id = ln_ae_header_id --variable: ln_ae_header_id
         AND Aeh.Ledger_Id = pn_ledger_id --parameter: pn_ledger_id
      SELECT Aia.Invoice_Id Invoice_Id
        FROM Ap_Invoices_All          Aia,
             Ap_Checks_All            Ach,
             Ap_Invoice_Payments_All  Aip,
             Xla_Transaction_Entities Ent,
             Xla_Ae_Headers           Aeh
       WHERE Ent.Application_Id = 200
         AND Aia.Invoice_Id = Aip.Invoice_Id
         AND Ach.Check_Id = Aip.Check_Id
         AND Ach.Check_Id = Ent.Source_Id_Int_1
         AND Ent.Entity_Code = 'AP_PAYMENTS'
         AND Ent.Entity_Id = Aeh.Entity_Id
         AND Aeh.Ae_Header_Id = ln_ae_header_id --variable: ln_ae_header_id
         AND Aeh.Ledger_Id = pn_ledger_id --parameter: pn_ledger_id
            --Period condition
         AND Aia.Gl_Date NOT BETWEEN
             (SELECT Gp1.Start_Date
                FROM Gl_Periods Gp1, Gl_Ledgers Gl
               WHERE Gl.period_set_name = Gp1.period_set_name
                 AND Gl.accounted_period_type = Gp1.period_type
                 AND Gl.Ledger_Id = pn_ledger_id --parameter: pn_ledger_id
                 AND Gp1.period_name = pv_period_from) --parameter: pv_period_from
         AND (SELECT Gp2.End_Date
                FROM Gl_Periods Gp2, Gl_Ledgers Gl
               WHERE Gl.period_set_name = Gp2.period_set_name
                 AND Gl.accounted_period_type = Gp2.period_type
                 AND Gl.Ledger_Id = pn_ledger_id --parameter: pn_ledger_id
                 AND Gp2.period_name = pv_period_to); --parameter: pv_period_to
Line: 2748

      SELECT DISTINCT Gp.Period_Name, Gp.Start_Date
        FROM (SELECT lv_inv_period_name Period_Name
                FROM dual
              SELECT DISTINCT Aip.Period_Name
                FROM Ap_Invoices_All Aia, Ap_Invoice_Payments_All Aip
               WHERE Aia.Invoice_Id = Aip.Invoice_Id
                 AND Aia.Invoice_Id = ln_invoice_id --variable: ln_invoice_id
              ) Ppn --period name for payables
             Gl_Ledgers Gl,
             Gl_Periods Gp
       WHERE Ppn.Period_Name = Gp.Period_Name
         AND Gl.Ledger_Id = pn_ledger_id --parameter: pn_ledger_id --Fix bug 10008055
         AND Gl.period_set_name = Gp.period_set_name
         AND Gl.accounted_period_type = Gp.period_type
         AND Gp.period_year = to_number(pv_accounting_year) --parameter: pv_accounting_year
         AND Gp.start_date BETWEEN
             (SELECT Gp1.Start_Date
                FROM Gl_Periods Gp1
               WHERE Gl.period_set_name = Gp1.period_set_name
                 AND Gl.accounted_period_type = Gp1.period_type
                 AND Gp1.period_name = lv_inv_period_name) --variable: lv_inv_period_name
         AND (SELECT Gp2.Start_Date
                FROM Gl_Periods Gp2
               WHERE Gl.period_set_name = Gp2.period_set_name
                 AND Gl.accounted_period_type = Gp2.period_type
                 AND Gp2.period_name = pv_period_to) --parameter: pv_period_to
       ORDER BY Gp.Start_Date;
Line: 2782

      SELECT DISTINCT Aia.Invoice_Id Invoice_Id,
                      Aia.Terms_Id Terms_Id,
                      Jeh.Je_Header_Id Je_Header_Id,
                      Aia.Invoice_Currency_Code Currency_Code,
                      Jeh.Period_Name Period_Name,
                      TO_CHAR(Jeh.Date_Created, 'YYYYMMDD') Journal_Created_Date,
                      TO_CHAR(Jeh.Default_Effective_Date, 'YYYYMMDD') Journal_Date,
                      Jeh.Je_Category Journal_Category_Number,
                      NVL(ROUND(Aia.Exchange_Rate, 4), 1) Exchange_Rate,
                      '' Balance_Side,
                      Fcv.Name Entered_Currency,
                      Aia.Description Description,
                      '' Due_Date,
                      NULL Applied_Date,
                      'PAYABLE' Document_Type_Number,
                      Aia.Invoice_Type_Lookup_Code Transaction_Type_Number,
                      Aia.Invoice_Num Transaction_Number,
                      '' Invoice_Number,
                      Pha.Segment1 Contract_Number,
                      Pap.Segment1 Project_Number,
                      Aia.Payment_Method_Code Settlement_Method_Number,
                      NULL Payment_Date,
                      '' Clear_Flag,
                      '' Remittance_Bill_Number
        FROM Ap_Invoices_All          Aia,
             Pa_Projects_All          Pap,
             Po_Headers_All           Pha,
             Fnd_Currencies_Vl        Fcv,
             Xla_Transaction_Entities Ent,
             Xla_Ae_Headers           Aeh,
             Xla_Ae_Lines             Ael,
             Gl_Je_Headers            Jeh,
             Gl_Import_References     Gir
       WHERE Aia.Invoice_Id = ln_invoice_id --variable: ln_invoice_id
            --PO, project, currency condition
         AND Aia.Project_Id = Pap.Project_Id(+)
         AND Aia.Quick_Po_Header_Id = Pha.Po_Header_Id(+)
         AND Fcv.Currency_Code = Aia.Invoice_Currency_Code
            --SLA condition
         AND Ent.Application_Id = 200
         AND Aia.Invoice_Id = Ent.Source_Id_Int_1
         AND Ent.Entity_Code = 'AP_INVOICES'
         AND Ent.Entity_Id = Aeh.Entity_Id
         AND Aeh.Ledger_Id = pn_ledger_id --parameter: pn_ledger_id
            --AND Aeh.Event_Type_Code <> 'PREPAYMENT APPLIED'
            --GL condition
         AND Gir.Gl_Sl_Link_Id = Ael.Gl_Sl_Link_Id
         AND Gir.Gl_Sl_Link_Table = Ael.Gl_Sl_Link_Table
         AND Ael.Ae_Header_Id = Aeh.Ae_Header_Id
         AND Gir.Je_Header_Id = Jeh.Je_Header_Id

         AND Jeh.Status = 'P' --only collecting posted invoice
            --Whether ae_header_id is derived from invoice or not
            --To handle case like prepayment application and one invoice with different period
            --If ae_header_id is derived from invoice,
            --it indicates that ae_header_id derived from invoice or prepayment application and it may be used as a condition
         AND ((EXISTS (SELECT Aid.Invoice_Id
                         FROM Ap_Invoice_Distributions_All Aid
                        WHERE Aid.Invoice_Id = ln_invoice_id --variable: ln_invoice_id
                          AND Aid.period_name = lv_period_name) --variable: lv_period_name
              AND Aeh.Ae_Header_Id = ln_ae_header_id) --variable: ln_ae_header_id
             OR (NOT EXISTS
              (SELECT Aid.Invoice_Id
                     FROM Ap_Invoice_Distributions_All Aid
                    WHERE Aid.Invoice_Id = ln_invoice_id --variable: ln_invoice_id
                      AND Aid.period_name = lv_period_name)) --variable: lv_period_name
Line: 2854

      SELECT  DISTINCT  --updated by jarwang for bug 16611717
                   Aia.Invoice_Id Invoice_Id,
                      Aip.Invoice_Payment_Id Invoice_Payment_Id,
                      Ach.Check_Id Check_Id,
                      Aeh.Ae_Header_Id Ae_Header_Id,
                      Jeh.Je_Header_Id Je_Header_Id,
                      Aia.Terms_Id Terms_Id,
                      Ach.Currency_Code Currency_Code,
                      Aip.Period_Name Period_Name,
                      TO_CHAR(Jeh.Date_Created, 'YYYYMMDD') Journal_Created_Date,
                      TO_CHAR(Jeh.Default_Effective_Date, 'YYYYMMDD') Journal_Date,
                      pv_accounting_year Accounting_Year,
                      '' Accounting_Period_Number,
                      Jeh.Je_Category Journal_Category_Number,
                      NVL(ROUND(Ach.Exchange_Rate, 4), 1) Exchange_Rate,
                      '' Balance_Side,
                      Fcv.Name Entered_Currency,
                      Ach.Description Description,
                      Aia.Terms_Date Due_Date,
                      --       ,'YYYYMMDD')            Applied_Date_Pay_Line,
                      --       ,'YYYYMMDD')            Applied_Date_Inv_Line,
                      'PAYMENT' Document_Type_Number,
                      Ach.Payment_Type_Flag Transaction_Type_Number,
                      TO_CHAR(Ach.Check_Number) Transaction_Number,
                      '' Invoice_Number,
                      Pha.Segment1 Contract_Number,
                      Pap.Segment1 Project_Number,
                      Ach.Payment_Method_Code Settlement_Method_Number,
                      TO_CHAR(Ach.CHECK_DATE, 'YYYYMMDD') Payment_Date,
                      '' Clear_Flag,
                      '' Remittance_Bill_Number
        FROM Ap_Invoices_All          Aia,
             Ap_Checks_All            Ach,
             Ap_Invoice_Payments_All  Aip,
             Xla_Transaction_Entities Ent,
             Xla_Ae_Headers           Aeh,
             Xla_Ae_Lines             Ael,
             Gl_Je_Headers            Jeh,
             Gl_Import_References     Gir,
             Pa_Projects_All          Pap,
             Po_Headers_All           Pha,
             Fnd_Currencies_Vl        Fcv
       WHERE Aia.Invoice_Id = Aip.Invoice_Id
         AND Ach.Check_Id = Aip.Check_Id
         AND Aia.Invoice_Id = ln_invoice_id -- variable: ln_invoice_id
         AND Aip.Period_Name = lv_period_name --variable: lv_period_name
            --SLA condition
         AND Ent.Application_Id = 200
         AND Ach.Check_Id = Ent.Source_Id_Int_1
         AND Ent.Entity_Code = 'AP_PAYMENTS'
         AND Ent.Entity_Id = Aeh.Entity_Id
         AND Aeh.Ledger_Id = pn_ledger_id --parameter: pn_ledger_id
         AND (Aia.Invoice_Type_Lookup_Code = 'PREPAYMENT' --collecting payment of prepayment invoice
             OR NOT EXISTS
              ( --to filter prepayment application
               SELECT Ael1.Ae_Header_Id
                 FROM Xla_Ae_Lines Ael1
                WHERE Ael1.Ae_Header_Id = ln_ae_header_id --variable: ln_ae_header_id
                  AND Ael1.Accounting_Class_Code = 'PREPAID_EXPENSE'))
            --Judge whether ae_header_id is from payment or not,
            --if Yes, indicating that invoice id was derived from payment journal
            --else, invoice id was derived from invoice journal itself
         AND ((EXISTS
              (SELECT Aeh1.Ae_Header_Id
                  FROM Xla_Transaction_Entities Ent1, Xla_Ae_Headers Aeh1
                 WHERE Ent1.Entity_Code = 'AP_PAYMENTS'
                   AND Ent1.Entity_Id = Aeh1.Entity_Id
                   AND Aeh1.Ledger_Id = pn_ledger_id --parameter: pn_ledger_id
                   AND Aeh1.Ae_Header_Id = ln_ae_header_id) --variable: ln_ae_header_id
              AND Aeh.Ae_Header_Id = ln_ae_header_id --variable: ln_ae_header_id
             ) OR NOT EXISTS
              (SELECT Aeh1.Ae_Header_Id
                 FROM Xla_Transaction_Entities Ent1, Xla_Ae_Headers Aeh1
                WHERE Ent1.Entity_Code = 'AP_PAYMENTS'
                  AND Ent1.Entity_Id = Aeh1.Entity_Id
                  AND Aeh1.Ledger_Id = pn_ledger_id --parameter: pn_ledger_id
                  AND Aeh1.Ae_Header_Id = ln_ae_header_id) --variable: ln_ae_header_id
            --GL condition
         AND Gir.Gl_Sl_Link_Id = Ael.Gl_Sl_Link_Id
         AND Gir.Gl_Sl_Link_Table = Ael.Gl_Sl_Link_Table
         AND Ael.Ae_Header_Id = Aeh.Ae_Header_Id
         AND Gir.Je_Header_Id = Jeh.Je_Header_Id
         AND Jeh.Status = 'P' --only collecting posted payment
            --PO, project condition
         AND Aia.Project_Id = Pap.Project_Id(+)
         AND Aia.Quick_Po_Header_Id = Pha.Po_Header_Id(+)
         AND   Ael.business_class_code='AP_LIAB' --added by jarwang for bug#16203205
         AND Fcv.Currency_Code = Ach.Currency_Code;
Line: 2948

      SELECT DISTINCT Aia.Invoice_Id Invoice_Id,
                      Aeh.Ae_Header_Id Ae_Header_Id,
                      Jeh.Je_Header_Id Je_Header_Id,
                      Aia.Terms_Id Terms_Id,
                      Aia.Invoice_Currency_Code Currency_Code,
                      Jeh.Period_Name Period_Name,
                      TO_CHAR(Jeh.Date_Created, 'YYYYMMDD') Journal_Created_Date,
                      TO_CHAR(Jeh.Default_Effective_Date, 'YYYYMMDD') Journal_Date,
                      pv_accounting_year Accounting_Year,
                      '' Accounting_Period_Number,
                      Jeh.Je_Category Journal_Category_Number,
                      NVL(ROUND(Aia.Exchange_Rate, 4), 1) Exchange_Rate,
                      '' Balance_Side,
                      Fcv.Name Entered_Currency,
                      Aia.Description Description,
                      Aia.Terms_Date Due_Date,
                      TO_CHAR(Aia.Gl_Date, 'YYYYMMDD') Applied_Date_Prepaid_Line,
                      'PAYABLE' Document_Type_Number,
                      Aia.Invoice_Type_Lookup_Code Transaction_Type_Number,
                      TO_CHAR(Aia.Invoice_Num) Transaction_Number,
                      '' Invoice_Number,
                      Pha.Segment1 Contract_Number,
                      Pap.Segment1 Project_Number,
                      Aia.Payment_Method_Code Settlement_Method_Number,
                      '' Payment_Date,
                      DECODE(Aia.PAYMENT_STATUS_FLAG, 'Y', '1', '0') Clear_Flag,
                      '' Remittance_Bill_Number
        FROM Ap_Invoices_All          Aia,
             Xla_Transaction_Entities Ent,
             Xla_Ae_Headers           Aeh,
             Xla_Ae_Lines             Ael,
             Gl_Je_Headers            Jeh,
             Gl_Import_References     Gir,
             Pa_Projects_All          Pap,
             Po_Headers_All           Pha,
             Fnd_Currencies_Vl        Fcv
       WHERE Aia.Invoice_Id = ln_invoice_id -- variable: ln_invoice_id
            --SLA condition
         AND Ent.Application_Id = 200
         AND Aia.Invoice_Id = Ent.Source_Id_Int_1
         AND Ent.Entity_Code = 'AP_INVOICES'
         AND Ent.Entity_Id = Aeh.Entity_Id
         AND Aeh.Ledger_Id = pn_ledger_id --parameter: pn_ledger_id
         AND (Aia.Invoice_Type_Lookup_Code = 'PREPAYMENT' --collecting prepayment inforamtion
             OR NOT EXISTS
              ( --collecting invoice which is applied with prepayment
               SELECT Ael1.Ae_Header_Id
                 FROM Xla_Ae_Lines Ael1
                WHERE Ael1.Ae_Header_Id = Aeh.Ae_Header_Id
                  AND Ael1.Accounting_Class_Code = 'PREPAID_EXPENSE'))
            --GL condition
         AND Gir.Gl_Sl_Link_Id = Ael.Gl_Sl_Link_Id
         AND Gir.Gl_Sl_Link_Table = Ael.Gl_Sl_Link_Table
         AND Ael.Ae_Header_Id = Aeh.Ae_Header_Id
         AND Gir.Je_Header_Id = Jeh.Je_Header_Id
         AND Jeh.Status = 'P' --only collecting posted prepayment and its applied invoice
            --PO, project condition
         AND Aia.Project_Id = Pap.Project_Id(+)
         AND Aia.Quick_Po_Header_Id = Pha.Po_Header_Id(+)
         AND Fcv.Currency_Code = Aia.Invoice_Currency_Code;
Line: 3011

      SELECT Aph.Prepay_Invoice_Id
        FROM Ap_Prepay_History_All Aph, Xla_Ae_Headers Aeh
       WHERE Aph.Invoice_Id = ln_invoice_id --variable: ln_invoice_id
         AND Aph.Accounting_Event_Id = Aeh.Event_Id
         AND Aeh.Ae_Header_Id = ln_ae_header_id; --variable: ln_ae_header_id
Line: 3019

      SELECT DISTINCT Jcc.account_segment Prepaid_Account_Num
        FROM Ja_Cn_Code_Combination_v Jcc,
             Xla_Ae_Headers           Aeh,
             Xla_Ae_Lines             Ael
       WHERE Ael.Ae_Header_Id = ln_ae_header_id --variable: ln_ae_header_id
         AND Ael.Ae_Header_Id = Aeh.Ae_Header_Id
         AND Aeh.Ledger_Id = Jcc.Ledger_id
         AND ((Aeh.Event_Type_Code = 'PREPAYMENT APPLIED' AND
             Ael.Accounting_Class_Code = 'PREPAID_EXPENSE') OR
             (Aeh.Event_Type_Code <> 'PREPAYMENT APPLIED' AND
             Ael.Accounting_Class_Code <> 'LIABILITY'))
         AND Jcc.Code_Combination_Id = Ael.Code_Combination_Id
         AND Jcc.Ledger_id = pn_ledger_id; --parameter: pn_ledger_id
Line: 3052

    SELECT DECODE(COUNT(Gp.Period_Name),
                  'N', --Not first period, in this case, year begnning balance would not be exported
                  'Y') --It is first period and year beginning balance should be exported
      INTO lv_first_period_flag
      FROM Gl_Ledgers Gl, Gl_Periods Gp
     WHERE Gl.period_set_name = Gp.period_set_name
       AND Gl.accounted_period_type = Gp.period_type
       AND Gp.period_year = TO_NUMBER(pv_accounting_year) --parameter: pv_accounting_year
       AND Gl.Ledger_Id = pn_ledger_id --parameter: pn_ledger_id
       AND Gp.Period_Name = pv_period_from --parameter: pv_period_from
       AND Gp.Start_Date =
           (SELECT MIN(Gp1.START_DATE)
              FROM Gl_Periods Gp1
             WHERE Gl.period_set_name = Gp1.period_set_name
               AND Gl.accounted_period_type = Gp1.period_type
               AND Gp1.period_year = Gp.period_year);
Line: 3071

        SELECT Gp.Period_Name, Gp.Period_Num
          INTO lv_first_period_name, ln_first_period_num
          FROM Gl_Ledgers Gl, Gl_Periods Gp
         WHERE Gl.period_set_name = Gp.period_set_name
           AND Gl.accounted_period_type = Gp.period_type
           AND Gp.period_year = TO_NUMBER(pv_accounting_year) --parameter: pv_accounting_year
           AND Gl.Ledger_Id = pn_ledger_id --parameter: pn_ledger_id
           AND Gp.Start_Date =
               (SELECT MIN(Gp1.START_DATE)
                  FROM Gl_Periods Gp1
                 WHERE Gl.period_set_name = Gp1.period_set_name
                   AND Gl.accounted_period_type = Gp1.period_type
                   AND Gp1.period_year = Gp.period_year);
Line: 3103

    END IF; --if it is period from is selected as first period
Line: 3137

              SELECT DECODE(lv_prepay_export_flag,
                            'Y', --if prepaid line has not been exported
                                   'N', --it is not a prepayment invoice or current period is not the one prepayment created in
                                   'Y'), --it is a prepayment invoice and current period is the one prepayment created in
                            'N') --prepaid line has been exported
                INTO lv_prepay_export_flag
                FROM Ap_Invoices_v
               WHERE Invoice_Id = v_inv_id_row.Invoice_Id
                 AND Period_Name = v_period_name_row.period_name
                 AND Invoice_Type_Lookup_Code = 'PREPAYMENT';
Line: 3153

              SELECT DECODE(COUNT(*), 0, 'N', 'Y')
                INTO lv_inv_prepay_same_period_flag
                FROM Ap_Prepay_History_All Aph,
                     Gl_Ledgers            Gl,
                     Gl_Periods            Gp
               WHERE Prepay_Invoice_Id = v_inv_id_row.Invoice_Id --Updated for fixing bug# 9747676
                 AND Accounting_Date BETWEEN Gp.Start_Date AND Gp.End_Date
                 AND Gl.period_set_name = Gp.period_set_name
                 AND Gl.accounted_period_type = Gp.period_type
                 AND Gl.Ledger_Id = pn_ledger_id --parameter: pn_ledger_id
                 AND Gp.period_name = v_period_name_row.period_name;
Line: 3235

                                                                                                                              ,v_inv_row.Invoice_Id)*/ --Updated for fixing bug# 9793920
Line: 3293

                           pv_applied_date             => NULL --v_pay_row.Journal_Date --Update for fixing bug 10121399
                           pv_document_type_number     => v_inv_row.Document_Type_Number,
                           pv_transaction_type_number  => v_inv_row.Transaction_Type_Number,
                           pv_transaction_number       => v_inv_row.Transaction_Number,
                           pv_invoice_number           => v_inv_row.Invoice_Number,
                           pv_contract_number          => v_inv_row.Contract_Number,
                           pv_project_number           => v_inv_row.Project_Number,
                           pv_settlement_method_number => v_inv_row.Settlement_Method_Number,
                           pv_payment_date             => v_inv_row.Payment_Date,
                           pv_clear_flag               => Get_Liability_Clear_Flag(v_inv_row.Invoice_Id,
                           pv_remittance_bill_number   => '' /*Get_Remittance_Bill_Number(pn_coa_id
                                                                                                                  ,v_inv_row.Invoice_Id)*/ --Updated for fixing bug# 9793920
Line: 3349

                           pn_functional_amount        => --Updated for fixing bug# 9747960
                                                                                                            ,'F')*/ Get_Payment_Liability_Amount(v_pay_row.invoice_payment_id,
                           pv_entered_currency         => v_pay_row.Entered_Currency,
                           pn_entered_amount           => --Updated for fixing bug# 9747960
                                                                                                            ,'E')*/ Get_Payment_Liability_Amount(v_pay_row.invoice_payment_id,
                           pv_description              => v_pay_row.Description,
                           pv_due_date                 => NULL /*Get_Due_Date(v_inv_row.Invoice_Id     --Updated for fixing bug 10121399
                           pv_applied_journal_number   => Get_Journal_Number(v_inv_row.je_header_id,
                                                                             pn_legal_entity_id) --Add a parameter:legal entity, by Jianchao Chi for V2 Upgrade 06-Jan-2011
                           pv_applied_date             => --v_inv_row.Journal_Date
                            v_pay_row.Journal_Date --Updated for fixing bug 9962326
                           pv_document_type_number     => v_pay_row.Document_Type_Number,
                           pv_transaction_type_number  => v_pay_row.Transaction_Type_Number,
                           pv_transaction_number       => v_pay_row.Transaction_Number,
                           pv_invoice_number           => v_pay_row.Invoice_Number,
                           pv_contract_number          => v_inv_row.Contract_Number,
                           pv_project_number           => v_pay_row.Project_Number,
                           pv_settlement_method_number => v_pay_row.Settlement_Method_Number,
                           pv_payment_date             => v_pay_row.Payment_Date,
                           pv_clear_flag               => Get_Liability_Clear_Flag(v_inv_row.Invoice_Id,
                           pv_remittance_bill_number   => Get_Remittance_Bill_Number(pn_coa_id,
                                                                                     v_pay_row.Check_Id) --Updated for fixing bug# 9793920
Line: 3466

                                 pv_applied_date             => NULL --v_gl_sla_row.Journal_Date  --Update for fixing bug 10121399
                                 pv_document_type_number     => v_prepaid_line_row.Document_Type_Number,
                                 pv_transaction_type_number  => v_prepaid_line_row.Transaction_Type_Number,
                                 pv_transaction_number       => v_prepaid_line_row.Transaction_Number,
                                 pv_invoice_number           => v_prepaid_line_row.Invoice_Number,
                                 pv_contract_number          => v_prepaid_line_row.Contract_Number,
                                 pv_project_number           => v_prepaid_line_row.Project_Number,
                                 pv_settlement_method_number => v_prepaid_line_row.Settlement_Method_Number,
                                 pv_payment_date             => v_prepaid_line_row.Payment_Date,
                                 pv_clear_flag               => Get_Prepaid_Clear_Flag(v_prepay_inv_id_row.Prepay_Invoice_Id,
                                 pv_remittance_bill_number   => '' /*Get_Remittance_Bill_Number(pn_coa_id
                                                                                                                                  ,v_prepaid_line_row.Invoice_Id)*/ --Updated for fixing bug# 9793920
Line: 3538

                               pv_applied_date             => NULL --v_gl_sla_row.Journal_Date  --Update for fixing bug 10121399
                               pv_document_type_number     => v_inv_line_row.Document_Type_Number,
                               pv_transaction_type_number  => v_inv_line_row.Transaction_Type_Number,
                               pv_transaction_number       => v_inv_line_row.Transaction_Number,
                               pv_invoice_number           => v_inv_line_row.Invoice_Number,
                               pv_contract_number          => v_inv_line_row.Contract_Number,
                               pv_project_number           => v_inv_line_row.Project_Number,
                               pv_settlement_method_number => v_inv_line_row.Settlement_Method_Number,
                               pv_payment_date             => v_inv_line_row.Payment_Date,
                               pv_clear_flag               => Get_Liability_Clear_Flag(v_inv_Id_row.Invoice_Id,
                               pv_remittance_bill_number   => '' /*Get_Remittance_Bill_Number(pn_coa_id
                                                                                                                            ,v_inv_line_row.Invoice_Id)*/ --Updated for fixing bug# 9793920
Line: 3601

                                 pv_due_date                 => NULL /*Get_Due_Date(v_inv_row.Invoice_Id --Updated for fixing bug 10121399
                                 pv_applied_journal_number   => Get_Journal_Number(ln_prepaid_je_header_id,
                                                                                   pn_legal_entity_id) --Add a parameter:legal entity, by Jianchao Chi for V2 Upgrade 06-Jan-2011
                                 pv_applied_date             => --ln_prepaid_journal_date
                                  v_gl_sla_row.Journal_Date --Update for fixing bug 9962326
                                 pv_document_type_number     => '',
                                 pv_transaction_type_number  => '',
                                 pv_transaction_number       => '',
                                 pv_invoice_number           => v_inv_row.Invoice_Number,
                                 pv_contract_number          => v_inv_row.Contract_Number,
                                 pv_project_number           => v_inv_row.Project_Number,
                                 pv_settlement_method_number => v_inv_row.Settlement_Method_Number,
                                 pv_payment_date             => v_inv_row.Payment_Date,
                                 pv_clear_flag               => Get_Prepaid_Clear_Flag(v_prepay_inv_id_row.Prepay_Invoice_Id,
                                 pv_remittance_bill_number   => '' /*Get_Remittance_Bill_Number(pn_coa_id
                                                                                                                              ,v_inv_row.Invoice_Id)*/ --Updated for fixing bug# 9793920
Line: 3669

                               pv_due_date                 => NULL /*Get_Due_Date(v_inv_row.Invoice_Id  --Updated for fixing bug 10121399
                               pv_applied_journal_number   => Get_Journal_Number(v_inv_line_row.je_header_id,
                                                                                 pn_legal_entity_id) --Add a parameter:legal entity, by Jianchao Chi for V2 Upgrade 06-Jan-2011
                               pv_applied_date             => --v_inv_line_row.journal_date
                                v_gl_sla_row.Journal_Date --Update for fixing bug 9962326
                               pv_document_type_number     => '',
                               pv_transaction_type_number  => '',
                               pv_transaction_number       => '',
                               pv_invoice_number           => v_inv_row.Invoice_Number,
                               pv_contract_number          => v_inv_row.Contract_Number,
                               pv_project_number           => v_inv_row.Project_Number,
                               pv_settlement_method_number => v_inv_row.Settlement_Method_Number,
                               pv_payment_date             => v_inv_row.Payment_Date,
                               pv_clear_flag               => Get_Liability_Clear_Flag(v_inv_Id_row.Invoice_Id,
                               pv_remittance_bill_number   => '' /*Get_Remittance_Bill_Number(pn_coa_id
                                                                                                                        ,v_inv_row.Invoice_Id)*/ --Updated for fixing bug# 9793920
Line: 3698

              SELECT DECODE(COUNT(*), 0, 'N', 'Y')
                INTO lv_inv_prepay_same_period_flag
                FROM Ap_Prepay_History_All Aph,
                     Gl_Ledgers            Gl,
                     Gl_Periods            Gp
               WHERE Invoice_Id = v_inv_id_row.Invoice_Id
                 AND Accounting_Date BETWEEN Gp.Start_Date AND Gp.End_Date
                 AND Gl.period_set_name = Gp.period_set_name
                 AND Gl.accounted_period_type = Gp.period_type
                 AND Gl.Ledger_Id = pn_ledger_id --parameter: pn_ledger_id
                 AND Gp.period_name = v_period_name_row.period_name;
Line: 3780

                                                                                                                                    ,v_inv_row.Invoice_Id)*/ --Updated for fixing bug# 9793920
Line: 3843

                                                                                                                        ,v_inv_row.Invoice_Id)*/ --Updated for fixing bug# 9793920
Line: 3857

    IF ln_row_count = 0 AND lv_beginning_bal_exported_flag = 'N' --Update for fixing bug 10041443