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Line 307: ' from per_people_extra_info where information_type = '''||l_context||'''

303: and :effective_date between effective_start_date and effective_end_date';
305: elsif g_teach_dff_name = 'Extra Person Info DDF' then
306: g_teacher_sql_str := 'select max('||l_column||')'||
307: ' from per_people_extra_info where information_type = '''||l_context||'''
308: and person_id = :person_id
309: and '||l_column ||' is not null ';
311: end if;

Line 825: per_people_extra_info pei,

821: select distinct asg.assignment_id,
822: asg.person_id
823: from per_all_assignments_f asg,
824: hr_location_extra_info hlei,
825: per_people_extra_info pei,
826: (select distinct min(asg1.effective_start_date) over( partition by assignment_id) effective_start_date,
827: max(asg1.effective_end_date) over( partition by assignment_id) effective_end_date,
828: first_value(location_id)over( partition by assignment_id order by asg1.effective_end_date desc ) location_id,
829: asg1.assignment_id

Line 911: per_people_extra_info pei,

907: select distinct asg.assignment_id,asg.person_id
908: from per_all_assignments_f asg,
909: pqp_assignment_attributes_f att,
910: hr_location_extra_info hlei,
911: per_people_extra_info pei,
912: (select min(att1.effective_start_date) effective_start_date,
913: max(att1.effective_end_date) effective_end_date,
914: att1.assignment_id
915: from pqp_assignment_attributes_f att1

Line 1240: from per_people_extra_info pei

1236: pei_information4 teacher_number,
1237: pei_information5 workforce_inc_typ,
1238: hr_general.decode_lookup('YES_NO',pei_information9) hlta_sts,
1239: pei_information10 origin
1240: from per_people_extra_info pei
1241: where pei.information_type = 'PQP_SCHOOL_WORKFORCE_CENSUS'
1242: and pei.person_id = p_person_id;
1243: --
1244: cursor csr_disablity(p_person_id number, csr_effective_date date) is

Line 2780: from per_people_extra_info pei

2776: and assignment_id = p_assignment_id;
2778: cursor get_work_inc_type(p_person_id in number) is --- Check what are the valid values
2779: select decode(pei_information5,'CENTRAL_STAFF','L','SCHOOL_STAFF','S',null) workforce_inc_typ --- which can be archived
2780: from per_people_extra_info pei
2781: where pei.information_type = 'PQP_SCHOOL_WORKFORCE_CENSUS'
2782: and pei.person_id = p_person_id;
2784: cursor get_pqp_contract_type_dcsf(p_pqp_cont_type in pqp_assignment_attributes_f.contract_type%type ) is