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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 18

  sqlstr := 'select distinct person_id '||
            'from per_people_f ppf, '||
            'pay_payroll_actions ppa '||
            'where ppa.payroll_action_id = :payroll_action_id '||
            'and ppa.business_group_id = ppf.business_group_id '||
            'order by ppf.person_id';
Line: 38

         select  distinct a.assignment_id,
                 pay_core_utils.get_parameter('ARCHIVE_ID', pa.legislative_parameters) archive_action_id,
                from   per_assignments_f a,
                       per_people_f p,
                       pay_payroll_actions pa,
                       pay_payroll_actions ppa,
                       pay_assignment_actions ppac
                where  pa.payroll_action_id   = c_payroll_action_id
                 and    p.person_id             between c_start_person_id and c_end_person_id
                 and    p.person_id           = a.person_id
                 and    p.business_group_id   = pa.business_group_id
                 and    ppa.payroll_action_id = ppac.payroll_action_id
                 and    a.assignment_id       = ppac.assignment_id
                 and    ppa.payroll_action_id = pay_core_utils.get_parameter('ARCHIVE_ID', pa.legislative_parameters)
                 And    ppa.action_type       = 'X'
                 and    ppa.action_status     = 'C'
		 and ppac.assignment_action_id in
			 (select max(ppac1.assignment_action_id)
			  from pay_assignment_actions ppac1,
			       pay_payroll_Actions    ppaa
			  where ppaa.action_type       ='X'
			   and  ppaa.action_status     ='C'
			   and  ppaa.report_type       ='KW_PIFSS_REPORT'
			   and  ppaa.payroll_Action_id = ppac1.payroll_action_id
			  group by ppac1.assignment_id)
                and  not exists
	                    (select locked_action_id
	                     FROM   pay_action_interlocks pail
                           WHERE pail.locked_action_id=ppac.assignment_action_id);
Line: 69

        select pay_assignment_actions_s.nextval
        from   dual;
Line: 91

        hr_utility.set_location('inserted assigment action assignment '|| process_rec.assignment_id ,15);