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Line 401: -- This API processes all resources transactions in WIP_TRANSACTIONS for a

398: -- Process_ResCost
399: --
401: -- This API processes all resources transactions in WIP_TRANSACTIONS for a
402: -- specified group id. For each transaction, it identifies the correct
403: -- eAM cost element, department type, then populate eAM tables accordingly.
404: -- The calling program should ensure that all transactions for a
405: -- specific group id are costed successfully before calling this API.

Line 462: FROM wip_transactions wt

458: wt.operation_seq_num,
459: wt.resource_seq_num,
460: wt.charge_department_id,
461: to_char(wt.transaction_date,'YYYY/MM/DD HH24:MI:SS') txn_date
462: FROM wip_transactions wt
463: WHERE wt.group_id = p_group_id
465: (SELECT 'eam jobs'
466: FROM wip_entities we

Line 7888: -- insert a transaction record into wip_transactions --

7884: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
7885: -- PROCEDURE --
7886: -- insert_direct_item_txn --
7887: -- DESCRIPTION --
7888: -- insert a transaction record into wip_transactions --
7889: -- * new transaction type called Direct Shopfloor Delivery --
7890: -- * called by cost_direct_item_txn --
7891: -- PURPOSE: --
7892: -- procedure that inserts a transaction into wip_transactions and --

Line 7892: -- procedure that inserts a transaction into wip_transactions and --

7888: -- insert a transaction record into wip_transactions --
7889: -- * new transaction type called Direct Shopfloor Delivery --
7890: -- * called by cost_direct_item_txn --
7891: -- PURPOSE: --
7892: -- procedure that inserts a transaction into wip_transactions and --
7893: -- deletes the record from wip_cost_txn_interface --
7894: -- HISTORY: --
7895: -- 05/01/01 Anitha Dixit Created --
7896: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

Line 7951: -- Insert into Wip_transactions

7947: -- Initialize API return status to success
7948: x_return_status := FND_API.G_RET_STS_SUCCESS;
7951: -- Insert into Wip_transactions
7952: l_stmt_num := 20;
7953: if (l_debug = 'Y') then
7954: fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.log,'Insert into WT');
7955: end if;

Line 7959: insert into wip_transactions (

7955: end if;
7957: /* Insert Currency_Actual_Resource_Rate also - Bug 2719622 */
7959: insert into wip_transactions (
7960: transaction_id,
7961: last_update_date,
7962: last_updated_by,
7963: creation_date,

Line 9240: from wip_transactions wt

9236: l_po_line_id,
9237: l_rcv_txn_id,
9238: l_po_dist_id,
9239: l_source_code
9240: from wip_transactions wt
9241: where wt.transaction_id = p_txn_id;
9242: exception
9243: when no_data_found then
9244: l_api_message := 'Transaction ID does not exist in WIP_TRANSACTIONS table. ';

Line 9244: l_api_message := 'Transaction ID does not exist in WIP_TRANSACTIONS table. ';

9240: from wip_transactions wt
9241: where wt.transaction_id = p_txn_id;
9242: exception
9243: when no_data_found then
9244: l_api_message := 'Transaction ID does not exist in WIP_TRANSACTIONS table. ';
9245: FND_MESSAGE.set_name('BOM','CST_API_MESSAGE');
9246: FND_MESSAGE.set_token('TEXT', l_api_message);
9247: FND_MSG_PUB.add;
9248: RAISE fnd_api.g_exc_error;

Line 9490: wip_transactions to don't hurt the performance and at

9486: l_expenditure_type VARCHAR2(30);
9487: /*+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
9488: Added this two parameters for bug 7328006 to retrieve
9489: project_id and o rganization_id in the same access to
9490: wip_transactions to don't hurt the performance and at
9491: the same time be able to access Pjm_project_parameters
9492: and pjm_org_parameters to check if the expenditure type
9493: is defined in there
9494: ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++*/

Line 9548: -- project_id and organization_id from wip_transactions

9544: end if;
9546: -----------------------------------------------------------------------
9547: -- Verify if transaction ID exists and Obtain po_header_id, po_line_id
9548: -- project_id and organization_id from wip_transactions
9549: -----------------------------------------------------------------------
9550: l_statement := 50;
9551: begin
9552: select nvl(wt.po_header_id, -1),

Line 9560: from wip_transactions wt

9556: into l_po_header_id,
9557: l_po_line_id,
9558: l_project_id,
9559: l_organization_id
9560: from wip_transactions wt
9561: where wt.transaction_id = p_txn_id;
9562: exception
9563: when no_data_found then
9564: l_api_message := 'Transaction ID does not exist in WIP_TRANSACTIONS table.';

Line 9564: l_api_message := 'Transaction ID does not exist in WIP_TRANSACTIONS table.';

9560: from wip_transactions wt
9561: where wt.transaction_id = p_txn_id;
9562: exception
9563: when no_data_found then
9564: l_api_message := 'Transaction ID does not exist in WIP_TRANSACTIONS table.';
9565: FND_MESSAGE.set_name('BOM','CST_API_MESSAGE');
9566: FND_MESSAGE.set_token('TEXT', l_api_message);
9567: FND_MSG_PUB.add;
9568: RAISE fnd_api.g_exc_error;

Line 9582: l_api_message := l_api_message || ' wip_transactions ';

9578: from po_headers_all pha
9579: where pha.po_header_id = l_po_header_id;
9580: else
9581: l_api_message := 'No po_header_id exist for transaction ID: ' || TO_CHAR(p_txn_id);
9582: l_api_message := l_api_message || ' wip_transactions ';
9583: FND_MESSAGE.set_name('BOM','CST_API_MESSAGE');
9584: FND_MESSAGE.set_token('TEXT', l_api_message);
9585: FND_MSG_pub.add;
9586: RAISE FND_API.g_exc_error;

Line 9600: l_api_message := l_api_message || ' wip_transactions ';

9596: from po_lines_all pla
9597: where pla.po_line_id = l_po_line_id;
9598: else
9599: l_api_message := 'No po_line_id exist for transaction ID: ' || TO_CHAR(p_txn_id);
9600: l_api_message := l_api_message || ' wip_transactions ';
9601: FND_MESSAGE.set_name('BOM','CST_API_MESSAGE');
9602: FND_MESSAGE.set_token('TEXT', l_api_message);
9603: FND_MSG_pub.add;
9604: RAISE FND_API.g_exc_error;