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1 PACKAGE BODY pay_group_event_pkg
2 /* $Header: pygrpevn.pkb 120.0.12000000.1 2007/04/10 09:57:07 ckesanap noship $ */
3 /*
4    ******************************************************************
5    *                                                                *
6    *  Copyright (C) 1993 Oracle Corporation.                        *
7    *  All rights reserved.                                          *
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10    *  containing restrictions on its use.  The material is also     *
11    *  protected by copyright law.  No part of this material may     *
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17    *                                                                *
18    ******************************************************************
20     Name        : pay_group_event_pkg
22     Description : Delivery of event qulaifier for group level events
23 		          criteria , for retro notification.
24                   This package must be customized by the customer to
25                   enable the event qualifier for FF_GLOBALS_F and
26                   PAY_USER_COLUMN_INSTANCES_F.
27                   There are few examples given for the customer to
28                   base their code on.
29     Uses        :
31     Change List
32     -----------
33     Date        Name     Vers    Bug No  Description
34     ----        ----     ----    ------  -----------
35     09-APR-2007 SuSivasu 120.0   5562866 Created.
37   *******************************************************************/
38 AS
39 --
40 -- *******************************************************************
41 -- Function to check the global is attached ot the given assignment.
42 --
43 -- Parameters:
44 --    p_assignment_id : Assignment Id in question.
45 --    p_surrogate_key : Global_id in question.
46 -- *******************************************************************
47 function ff_global_check(p_assignment_id in number,
48                          p_surrogate_key in number)  return  varchar2
49 is
50 --
51 --
52 begin
53 --
54   --
55   -- Place your code here to check whether the given global impacts
56   -- the given assignment. If so then return 'Y'.
57   --
58   return 'N';
59 --
60 end;
61 --
62 -- *******************************************************************
63 -- Function to check whether the event is attached to the given entry.
64 -- *******************************************************************
65 function ff_global_qualifier  return  varchar2
66 is
67 --
68 begin
69 --
70   --
71   -- Place your code here to check whether the given global (i.e.
72   -- pay_interpreter_pkg.g_object_key) impacts the given element entry
73   -- (i.e. pay_interpreter_pkg.g_ee_id). If so then return 'Y'.
74   --
75   return 'N';
76 --
77 end;
78 --
79 -- *******************************************************************
80 -- Function to check the global is attached ot the given assignment.
81 --
82 -- Parameters:
83 --    p_assignment_id : Assignment Id in question.
84 --    p_surrogate_key : Global_id in question.
85 -- *******************************************************************
86 function pay_user_table_check(p_assignment_id in number,
87                               p_surrogate_key in number)  return  varchar2
88 is
89 --
90 begin
91 --
92   --
93   -- Place your code here to check whether the given user column
94   -- instance impacts the given assignment. If so then return 'Y'.
95   --
96   return 'N';
97 --
98 end;
99 --
100 -- *******************************************************************
101 -- Function to check whether the event is attached to the given entry.
102 -- *******************************************************************
103 function pay_user_table_qualifier  return  varchar2
104 is
105 --
106 begin
107 --
108   --
109   -- Place your code here to check whether the given user column instance (i.e.
110   -- pay_interpreter_pkg.g_object_key) impacts the given element entry
111   -- (i.e. pay_interpreter_pkg.g_ee_id). If so then return 'Y'.
112   --
113   return 'N';
114 --
115 end;
116 --
117 /*
118 --
119 --
120 -- *******************************************************************
122 -- This takes the following path, which can casue performance issue:
123 --
124 --   Global > Formula > Formula Processing Rule > Formula Result Rule
125 --   > Element > Entry > Assignment
126 --
127 -- *******************************************************************
128 --
129 -- Function to check whether the event is in fact tied to the
130 -- assignment in question.
131 --
132 function ff_global_check(p_assignment_id in number,
133                          p_surrogate_key in number)  return  varchar2
134 is
135 --
136 cursor validate_event(p_assignment_id in number,
137                       p_surrogate_key in number)
138 is
139   select '' chk
140   from dual
141   where exists (
142   select pee.assignment_id
143   from  ff_fdi_usages_f fdi
144   ,     ff_globals_f glb
145   ,     ff_formulas_f ff
148   ,     pay_element_entries_f pee
149   where glb.global_id = p_surrogate_key
150   and   pee.assignment_id = p_assignment_id
151   and   fdi.item_name = glb.global_name
152   and   ff.formula_id = fdi.formula_id
153   and   ((glb.legislation_code is null and glb.business_group_id is null) or
154         (glb.legislation_code = ff.legislation_code) or
155         (glb.business_group_id = ff.business_group_id) or
156         (glb.legislation_code =
157          (select bg.legislation_code
158           from   per_business_groups_perf bg
159           where bg.business_group_id = ff.business_group_id))
160        )
161   and   psp.formula_id = ff.formula_id
163   );
164 --
165   l_valid_event VARCHAR2(1);
166 --
167 begin
168       l_valid_event := 'N';
169 --
170       for grrec in validate_event(p_assignment_id,p_surrogate_key) loop
171          l_valid_event := 'Y';
172       end loop;
173 --
174       return l_valid_event;
175 --
176 end;
177 --
178 --
179 -- Function used by the qualifier.
180 --
181 function ff_global_qualifier  return  varchar2
182 is
183 --
184 cursor global_affected is
185 select '' chk
186 from dual
187 where exists (
188 select pee.assignment_id
189 from  ff_fdi_usages_f fdi
190 ,     ff_globals_f glb
191 ,     ff_formulas_f ff
194 ,     pay_element_entries_f pee
195 where glb.global_id = pay_interpreter_pkg.g_object_key
196 and   pee.element_entry_id = pay_interpreter_pkg.g_ee_id
197 and   pee.effective_end_date >= fdi.effective_start_date
198 and   pee.effective_start_date <= fdi.effective_end_date
199 and   fdi.item_name = glb.global_name
200 and   ff.formula_id = fdi.formula_id
201 and   ff.effective_start_date = fdi.effective_start_date
202 and   ff.effective_end_date = fdi.effective_end_date
203 and   ((glb.legislation_code is null and glb.business_group_id is null) or
204       (glb.legislation_code = ff.legislation_code) or
205       (glb.business_group_id = ff.business_group_id) or
206       (glb.legislation_code =
207        (select bg.legislation_code
208         from   per_business_groups_perf bg
209         where bg.business_group_id = ff.business_group_id))
210      )
211 and   psp.formula_id = ff.formula_id
212 and   pee.effective_end_date >= psp.effective_start_date
213 and   pee.effective_start_date <= psp.effective_end_date
215 and   pee.effective_end_date >= pfr.effective_start_date
216 and   pee.effective_start_date <= pfr.effective_end_date
217 );
218 --
219 l_exists varchar2(1);
220 --
221 begin
222 --
223   open global_effected;
224   fetch global_effected into l_exists;
225 --
226   if global_effected%notfound then
227    close global_effected;
228    return 'N';
229   else
230    close global_effected;
231    return 'Y';
232   end if;
233 --
234 end;
235 --
236 --
237 -- *******************************************************************
239 -- *******************************************************************
240 --
241 -- *******************************************************************
243 --
244 -- This assumes the global which the customer wants to track are
245 -- "STANDARD_RATE" and "OVERTIME_RATE", where by these will be used by
246 -- elements "Time Card" and "Overtime".
247 --
248 -- *******************************************************************
249 --
250 -- Function to check whether the event is in fact tied to the
251 -- assignment in question.
252 --
253 function ff_global_check(p_assignment_id in number,
254                          p_surrogate_key in number)  return  varchar2
255 is
256 --
257 cursor validate_event(p_assignment_id in number,
258                       p_surrogate_key in number)
259 is
260   select '' chk
261   from dual
262   where exists (
263   select pee.assignment_id
264   from  ff_globals_f glb
265   ,     pay_element_entries_f pee
266   ,     pay_element_types_f pet
267   where glb.global_id = p_surrogate_key
268   and   pee.assignment_id = p_assignment_id
269   and   glb.global_name in ('STANDARD_RATE','OVERTIME_RATE')
270   and   pee.element_type_id = pet.element_type_id
271   and   pet.element_name in ('Time Card','Overtime')
272   );
273 --
274   l_valid_event VARCHAR2(1);
275 --
276 begin
277       l_valid_event := 'N';
278 --
279       for grrec in validate_event(p_assignment_id,p_surrogate_key) loop
280          l_valid_event := 'Y';
281       end loop;
282 --
283       return l_valid_event;
284 --
285 end;
286 --
287 --
288 -- Function used by the qualifier.
289 --
290 function ff_global_qualifier  return  varchar2
291 is
292 --
293 cursor global_affected is
294 select '' chk
295 from dual
296 where exists (
297   select pee.assignment_id
298   from  ff_globals_f glb
299   ,     pay_element_entries_f pee
300   ,     pay_element_types_f pet
301   where glb.global_id = p_surrogate_key
302   and   pee.assignment_id = p_assignment_id
303   and   glb.global_name in ('STANDARD_RATE','OVERTIME_RATE')
304   and   pee.element_type_id = pet.element_type_id
305   and   pet.element_name in ('Time Card','Overtime')
306   and   pee.effective_end_date >= pet.effective_start_date
307   and   pee.effective_start_date <= pet.effective_end_date
308 );
309 --
310 l_exists varchar2(1);
311 --
312 begin
313 --
314   open global_effected;
315   fetch global_effected into l_exists;
316 --
317   if global_effected%notfound then
318    close global_effected;
319    return 'N';
320   else
321    close global_effected;
322    return 'Y';
323   end if;
324 --
325 end;
326 --
327 -- *******************************************************************
329 -- *******************************************************************
330 */
332 end pay_group_event_pkg;