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Line 253: DELETE FROM pa_rbs_plans_out_tmp;

249: l_stage := 'Start of populate_rbsmap_tmp';
250: print_msg(g_debug_flag,l_stage);
251: /* Initialize the IN and OUT tmp tables */
252: DELETE FROM pa_rbs_plans_in_tmp ;
253: DELETE FROM pa_rbs_plans_out_tmp;
254: If p_calling_mode = 'BUDGET_VERSION' Then
255: l_stage := 'Inserting recrods into pa_rbs_plans_in_tmp for the budget version';
256: print_msg(g_debug_flag,l_stage);
257: INSERT INTO pa_rbs_plans_in_tmp

Line 1504: FROM pa_rbs_plans_out_tmp rsmap;

1500: ,null
1501: ,null
1502: ,null
1503: ,null
1504: FROM pa_rbs_plans_out_tmp rsmap;
1506: CURSOR cur_resrbsmapRejections IS
1507: SELECT resmap.txn_source_id
1508: ,resmap.resource_list_member_id

Line 1520: ,pa_rbs_plans_out_tmp rbsmap

1516: ,rbsmap.rbs_element_id
1517: ,rbsmap.txn_accum_header_id
1518: ,null -- rbsmap.rbs_map_rejection_code
1519: FROM pa_res_list_map_tmp4 resmap
1520: ,pa_rbs_plans_out_tmp rbsmap
1521: WHERE resmap.txn_source_id = rbsmap.source_id ;
1523: l_stage varchar2(1000);

Line 1575: from pa_rbs_plans_out_tmp;

1571: Elsif p_process_code = 'RBS_MAP' Then
1572: If NVL(g_debug_flag,'N') = 'Y' Then /* Bug No. 4419245 */
1573: select count(*)
1574: into l_count
1575: from pa_rbs_plans_out_tmp;
1576: print_msg(g_debug_flag,'For Debug purpose counting Number of records from mapping temp table is ['||l_count||']');
1577: /* just for debug purpose priting the values of all the reocrds*/
1578: FOR i IN ( select * from pa_rbs_plans_out_tmp ) LOOP
1579: print_msg(g_debug_flag,'Value from rbs outtmp SourceId['||i.source_id||']RbsEleId['||i.rbs_element_id||']TxnAccum['||i.txn_accum_header_id||']');

Line 1578: FOR i IN ( select * from pa_rbs_plans_out_tmp ) LOOP

1574: into l_count
1575: from pa_rbs_plans_out_tmp;
1576: print_msg(g_debug_flag,'For Debug purpose counting Number of records from mapping temp table is ['||l_count||']');
1577: /* just for debug purpose priting the values of all the reocrds*/
1578: FOR i IN ( select * from pa_rbs_plans_out_tmp ) LOOP
1579: print_msg(g_debug_flag,'Value from rbs outtmp SourceId['||i.source_id||']RbsEleId['||i.rbs_element_id||']TxnAccum['||i.txn_accum_header_id||']');
1580: END LOOP;
1581: End if; /* Bug No. 4419245 */
1582: l_stage := 'Opening RBS map rejections cursor';

Line 1609: from pa_rbs_plans_out_tmp;

1605: from pa_res_list_map_tmp4;
1606: print_msg(g_debug_flag,'For Debug purpose counting Number of records from RESmapping temp table is ['||l_count||']');
1607: select count(*)
1608: into l_count
1609: from pa_rbs_plans_out_tmp;
1610: print_msg(g_debug_flag,'For Debug purpose counting Number of records from RBSmapping temp table is ['||l_count||']');
1611: End if; /* Bug No. 4419245 */
1612: l_stage := 'Opening ResRBS map rejections cursor';
1613: print_msg(g_debug_flag,l_stage);