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Line 421: csf_tasks_pub.update_task_longer_than_shift(

418: -- update the Parent Task so that it is having the correct Scheduled Dates.
419: IF l_task_info.task_split_flag = 'D' THEN
420: -- Sync up the Parent and all the other Siblings
421: csf_tasks_pub.update_task_longer_than_shift(
422: p_api_version => 1.0
423: , p_init_msg_list => fnd_api.g_false
424: , p_commit => fnd_api.g_false
425: , x_return_status => x_return_status

Line 430: , p_action => csf_tasks_pub.g_action_normal_to_parent

426: , x_msg_count => x_msg_count
427: , x_msg_data => x_msg_data
428: , p_task_id => l_task_info.parent_task_id
429: , p_object_version_number => l_task_info.parent_task_ovn
430: , p_action => csf_tasks_pub.g_action_normal_to_parent
431: );
432: IF x_return_status = fnd_api.g_ret_sts_error THEN
433: RAISE fnd_api.g_exc_error;
434: ELSIF x_return_status = fnd_api.g_ret_sts_unexp_error THEN

Line 601: csf_tasks_pub.validate_status_change(NULL, p_assignment_status_id);

597: l_trip_id := p_object_capacity_id;
599: IF (p_validation_level IS NULL OR p_validation_level = fnd_api.g_valid_level_full) THEN
600: -- Validate Field Service status flow
601: csf_tasks_pub.validate_status_change(NULL, p_assignment_status_id);
603: -- Validate Trip ID passed. Trip ID has to a valid Trip given the Dates
604: -- and Resource Critieria.
605: -- If FND_API.G_MISS_NUM, then the caller wants to make Trip ID as NULL in the DB.

Line 1030: csf_tasks_pub.validate_status_change(l_old_assignment_status_id, p_assignment_status_id);

1026: -- Validate Field Service status flow
1027: IF p_assignment_status_id <> fnd_api.g_miss_num
1028: AND NVL(l_old_assignment_status_id, -1) <> NVL(p_assignment_status_id, -1)
1029: THEN
1030: csf_tasks_pub.validate_status_change(l_old_assignment_status_id, p_assignment_status_id);
1031: END IF;

Line 1195: * CSF_TASKS_PUB.VALIDATE_STATE_TRANSITION. Transition validation is done only

1191: * Task also if required.
1192: *
1193: * Task Assignment is updated with the new Status if the Transition from the current
1194: * status to the new status is allowed as determined by
1195: * CSF_TASKS_PUB.VALIDATE_STATE_TRANSITION. Transition validation is done only
1196: * when Validation Level is passed as FULL.
1197: *
1198: * In addition to updating the Task Assignment Status, the following operations are also
1199: * done

Line 1360: csf_tasks_pub.validate_status_change(l_old_assignment_status_id, p_assignment_status_id);

1356: END IF;
1358: IF (p_validation_level IS NULL OR p_validation_level = fnd_api.g_valid_level_full) THEN
1359: -- Validate Field Service status flow
1360: csf_tasks_pub.validate_status_change(l_old_assignment_status_id, p_assignment_status_id);
1361: END IF;
1363: OPEN c_task_status_info;
1364: FETCH c_task_status_info INTO l_new_sts_cancelled_flag;

Line 1541: AND l.location_id = csf_tasks_pub.get_task_location_id(t.task_id, t.address_id, t.location_id);

1537: CURSOR c_task_geometry(p_task_id number) IS
1538: SELECT l.geometry
1539: FROM jtf_tasks_b t, hz_locations l
1540: WHERE t.task_id = p_task_id
1541: AND l.location_id = csf_tasks_pub.get_task_location_id(t.task_id, t.address_id, t.location_id);
1544: c_trip_rec c_trip_info%rowtype;
1545: l_task_id number;