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Line 7759: from hr_api_modules

7755: -- DP interface tables
7756: cursor csr_get_dp_mode (c_batch_id in number
7757: ,c_link_value in number) is
7758: select 'CREATE'
7759: from hr_api_modules
7760: where module_name = 'CREATE_EMPLOYEE'
7761: and module_package = 'HR_EMPLOYEE_API'
7762: and api_module_id in (select api_module_id
7763: from hr_pump_batch_lines

Line 7772: ,hr_api_modules ham

7768: cursor csr_get_api_names (c_batch_id in number
7769: ,c_link_value in number) is
7770: select module_name
7771: from hr_pump_batch_lines hpbl
7772: ,hr_api_modules ham
7773: where batch_id = c_batch_id
7774: and link_value = c_link_value
7775: and line_status in ('U', 'E')
7776: and hpbl.api_module_id = ham.api_module_id;

Line 7872: l_api_name hr_api_modules.module_name%type;

7868: l_proc_name constant varchar2(150):= g_pkg ||'HR_DataPumpErr';
7870: l_dp_mode varchar2(40);
7871: l_if_end_dated varchar2(20);
7872: l_api_name hr_api_modules.module_name%type;
7873: l_user_person_type per_person_types.user_person_type%type;
7874: l_pay_basis_name per_pay_bases.name%type;
7875: l_organization_name hr_all_organization_units.name%type;
7876: l_location_code hr_locations_all.location_code%type;