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Line 1864: l_is_delivery_empty := WSH_NEW_DELIVERY_ACTIONS.IS_DELIVERY_EMPTY(p_entity_id_tab(i));

1860: -- If delivery is Open and Include for planning, and the delivery is not empty
1861: -- set status to "CR"
1862: elsif (l_del_status_code = 'OP' and l_ignore_for_planning = 'N') then
1863: -- check if the delivery is empty or not. If it not empty, set the status to "CR"
1864: l_is_delivery_empty := WSH_NEW_DELIVERY_ACTIONS.IS_DELIVERY_EMPTY(p_entity_id_tab(i));
1865: IF (l_is_delivery_empty = WSH_UTIL_CORE.G_RET_STS_ERROR) THEN
1866: IF l_debug_on THEN
1867: WSH_DEBUG_SV.log(l_sub_module_name,'Error from wsh_new_delivery_actions.is_delivery_empty API for Delivery '||p_entity_id_tab(i));
1868: END IF;

Line 1867: WSH_DEBUG_SV.log(l_sub_module_name,'Error from wsh_new_delivery_actions.is_delivery_empty API for Delivery '||p_entity_id_tab(i));

1863: -- check if the delivery is empty or not. If it not empty, set the status to "CR"
1864: l_is_delivery_empty := WSH_NEW_DELIVERY_ACTIONS.IS_DELIVERY_EMPTY(p_entity_id_tab(i));
1865: IF (l_is_delivery_empty = WSH_UTIL_CORE.G_RET_STS_ERROR) THEN
1866: IF l_debug_on THEN
1867: WSH_DEBUG_SV.log(l_sub_module_name,'Error from wsh_new_delivery_actions.is_delivery_empty API for Delivery '||p_entity_id_tab(i));
1868: END IF;
1869: -- Setting this delivery to Error List since it is failed to process
1870: l_del_id_error_flag := 'Y';
1871: END IF;